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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17498107 No.17498107 [Reply] [Original]

Biblically accurate onion rings

>> No.17498129

Onions weren't un the Bible. Idiot.

>> No.17498133

Onions are mentioned in the Bible, in Numbers 11:5, by the children of Israel during the Exodus lamenting the lack of sweets: "We remember the fish, which we did eat in Egypt freely, the cucumbers and the melons and the leeks and the onions and the garlic."

>> No.17498145

Great thread, actually laughed for the first time in a while on this shit board

>> No.17498157

Someone clean that scale

>> No.17498161

Heh, nice
Holy based

>> No.17498168

go suck on a bible

>> No.17498170

and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and

>> No.17498190

I don't get it

>> No.17498223

Biblically accurate angels

>> No.17498225


>> No.17498237
File: 30 KB, 250x250, 1449393-edd054096956ca9a630b3914564d57c2(1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw there's no reason to believe that the ancient Israelites couldn't have made onion rings

>> No.17498242

Why is the kiwifarms deviant rating on that guys mouth

>> No.17498243
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it's a /tv/ meme that angels look like pic related according to the bible

>> No.17498261

context for dummies

>> No.17498274

The Bible does say that is what one of the types is

>> No.17498336

I thought it was an /x/ meme

>> No.17498347
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>> No.17498349

he's literally made out of kiwifarms ratings

>> No.17498362

Based, the "Biblically accurate onion rings" is one of the oldest biblical jokes now

>> No.17498457

Kek didn't notice the horrifying one until now

>> No.17498468
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better watch out before the drones steal that shit

>> No.17498482
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holy fuck is that a heckin biblically accurate angel?!

>> No.17499160


>> No.17499167

>nooooooooooo where's muh periooooooooooods?.

>> No.17499171

this but unironically, fuck punctuation and grammar rules.

>> No.17499180

yeah let's all just have a world full of brain damage and gibberish

>> No.17499191

It's not a meme, that is what they're supposed to look like. It's just making fun of the whole TIL/"ACKSHUALLYYYY" people who like to parrot fun facts

>> No.17499206

Some yeah. Others had a bunch of wings. A couple were so beautiful a couple cities got... we don't know specifically what god did to them but people tried to rape the angels he sent as messengers. This is all in the bible but people are too lazy to read. On a /ck/ note, the food from the time even when they weren't going through misery sounds crushingly depressing. It's no wonder people want for promises of an abundance if your idea of desserts is milk, honey, and nuts.

>> No.17499326

epic reddit moment

>> No.17499379

fo sho mang!

>> No.17499677

haha tell them how Lot rebuilt the Earth go on do it

>> No.17499681

shouldn't have gotten vaxxed, toots

>> No.17499702

Based acceleracers poster

>> No.17500120

The wheels described in Ezekiel are literally just celestial chariot wheels. "Full of eyes" is a common ancient near eastern idiom that just means what you're looking at is made up of stars. The chariot throne of God is carried through time by the circular motions of the stars through the heavenly places.

And the Cherubim being the creatures pulling the throne chariot of God are symbolic of God's dominion over the spirits governing times and seasons, hence their having the four polar faces of the (then dominant) Babylonian zodiacal calendar.

As always, reddit is retarded, understanding nothing, and their memes are stupid.

If you want to know more, look up Doctor Michael Heiser's "Naked Bible Podcast" and find his series on the book of Ezekiel, chapter 1. Ancient people rarely wrote precisely and literally, they were always getting at a point.

>> No.17500127

how do you know

>> No.17500135

And speaking of biblically accurate food and Ezekiel:

The book of Ezekiel also contains something of a recipe for making bread that sucks (on purpose) to display the desperation of Jerusalem that God was punishing them with through the Babylonians for their wickedness and idolatry.

It was literally ordained by God for a time that the faithless, whoring jews should cook low quality bread over burning piles of their own shit.

Based God.

>> No.17500147

The exchange is kind of hilarious because Ezekiel bitches about human feces being unclean, so God then says he can use cow dung instead and doesn't give a fuck because God's gonna send Israel back into the stone age for its sinfulness.

>> No.17500185

>Doctor Michael Heiser
>they fell for the gnostic meme

>> No.17500227

Not sure who told you that, but it's garbage. Gnostics believe Jesus is the serpent in Eden. Heiser regularly preaches Jesus on his podcast and condemns so-called "gnostic gospels" and "secret knowledge."

The only thing separating Heiser's scholarship from others is that he actually believes and states with certainty that spirits exist (as the bible says). He's got over 400 hours of podcasts out, and you won't find a single minute of him doing apologetics for any nag hamadi le happy snake lion bullshit cult.

Post biblical food content or gtfo

>> No.17500377

OH MY HECKIN GOODNESS, IS THAT A HECKIN... dang, I don't even know what that's a heckin...

>> No.17500382

The heart of the ship

>> No.17500392

he denies trinity in the OT

>> No.17500743

The zeitgeist must be up to something yesterday I saw 3 YouTube thumbnails recommended to keep with the biblically accurate angels

>> No.17500748

The heat from where we're going cooks the soul.

>> No.17500767

this post didn't age well THOUGH

>> No.17500883

That says "the bibble"

>> No.17500915

i saw one of these in a dream
worship me plebians

>> No.17500920

that was because you had just watched Contact

>> No.17500977

never heard of it

>> No.17500989

Quit fucking around with the deep fry when you’re high, Ezekiel!

>> No.17501001

W...why? Does this actually help in the cooking process, or a case of fucking with people or cause you can?

>> No.17501098


>> No.17501103


>> No.17501213

because it's a street vendor and people come up and buy food and have to wait for it, so it looks cool to keep them occupied, doesn't significantly change the cooking time, and eliminates the need to flip the food allowing you to serve other customers or do other tasks

>> No.17501920
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>> No.17502132

No, he doesn't. I have listened to the man explain for hours how and where the entirety of the trinity appears in the Old Testament.

Who told you this stuff? It's simply not true.

>> No.17502225
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Be not afraid

>> No.17502316

>What is sweet onion

>> No.17502341

it's a play on "gyro"

>> No.17502468


>> No.17502683

Only a very specific type among a vast host

>> No.17503750

I (OP) am an epic reddit user

>> No.17503753

The bible and all the books within it have been translated and rewritten many times. You cannot take any name like that for granted.

>> No.17503940

Sounds good

>> No.17504824
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>> No.17504866

Only a very specific "species" of angel that appears in Ezekiel looks like that. Literally in the same passage there are angels that are anthropomorphic, and it's these latter angels that the onion rings are following around

>> No.17504892
File: 2.99 MB, 833x958, be not afraid.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's kinda a giveaway in that the first thing most angels say is "Be not afraid".

>> No.17504915
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>> No.17504923

Were the creatures in Bird Box angels?

>> No.17504924
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>> No.17505003

kys, tranny scum.

>> No.17505015

Gonna turn your other cheek so Father Joe can eat some of your sweet ass a little more?

>> No.17505120

Feels like the edges would get disproportionately cooked.

>> No.17505147

spbp (salvatory post best post)

>> No.17505183

i like you

>> No.17505188

;) Opposite day is an interesting way to watch media if you get tired of your favorites

>> No.17505290

They literally are.

>> No.17505338

they meant soy, there's a word filter in the bible

>> No.17505363

You're confusing the Bible with Paradiso?
How gauche.

>> No.17505375

no anon, you're opinion is the incorrect one, thus you are the tranny
you are already a woman

>> No.17505377

nigga they're mostly sugar