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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17493824 No.17493824 [Reply] [Original]

>oversized sea roach whose only good part is the tail
How were we memed into considering this a delicacy?

>> No.17493830

>only good part is the tail

fucking casual lmao

>> No.17493840

Lobsters have very little in common. If you want to properly compare it to a land critter, call it a sea scorpion

>> No.17493878

Lobsters are jerks

>> No.17494152

Lobsters are overrated, they're only good in sandwiches

>> No.17494208

rarity. prior to mass transport and preservation most people could never even have the opportunity to eat it in their lives. its the same reason people pay more for some ethnic lays flavor only available in thailand than they would for a normal bag

>> No.17494387

what's up with these "i don't like something" threads? who gives a shit you stupid faggot? no one cares what you think about anything you really think it's interesting to complain? are these tranniess trying to post on 4chink?

>> No.17494405

It used to be poor people food if you lived near water.

>> No.17494425

>only poorfags ate ribeye steak
lobster was considered a delicacy before america was even discovered. does it make sense to you that it was "poor people food"?

>> No.17494430

Having eaten it bi-weekly for a few months I quickly learned why prisoners complained when receiving lobster
It’s alright but broiling one and serving it with some butter should not be considered fine dining. Lobster ravioli is great though

>> No.17494576

don't they live for a couple of weeks in water

>> No.17494590

You’re right. We need more threads discussing McDonalds and Burger King.

>> No.17494621

Apparently the common people are prohibited from eating them in Cuba even though it is a fucking island.

>> No.17494669

People could NEVER even have the opportunity to eat it in their lives. Can't you fucking read

>> No.17494706

you are posting at too high a level for me

>> No.17494831

well at mchicken threads arent full of faggots for some reason complaining about foods and flavors they don't like

>> No.17494837

I like going to the grocery store and watching them crawl around on top of each other in the tank

>> No.17494937

The trash

>> No.17494986

lobster was cobsidered low class in the early usa because of how common it was.

>> No.17495155

this is complete horseshit. lobster was a royal delicacy before the usa was even discovered.

>> No.17495221

Roman records mention these fuckers were 5ft long.

>> No.17495253

That’s because European lobster (Homarus gammarus) was much less plentiful than American lobster (Homarus americanus).
In the main catch areas (North-Eastern USA and Easten Canada) it was regarded a a poor people’s food until roughly mid-20th century.

>> No.17495277

they literally fed prisoners lobsters. they called them sea bugs. they were low class poor people food

>> No.17495293

They also feed prisoners, potatoes, bread, pork, beef, tofu, various vegetables, etc all around the world.

>> No.17495300

and which of those foods is now classed as a delicacy for which people pay a premium price? hmm? which one retard?

>> No.17495313

Getting real sick of this seabugs bullshit you pack of cunts.

>> No.17495321

why dont you just admit you are a stupid europoor faggot who thinks lobsters were always a super impressive delicacy because your gay little country has practically zero of them? you know there exists countries with an actual wealth of natural resources right?

>> No.17495331

No. They aren't bugs. Meat is muscle, bugs don't have muscle. They're all exoskeleton, guts, and legs. I've eaten both and they aren't comparable. A shrimp you pull the head and tail off, devein it, then you can eat the entire thing. Just getting the "meat" out of a scorpion.

>> No.17495333

>bugs don't have muscle
ok actual retardd

>> No.17495341

Have you ever in your short span of a lifetime seen any bug meat? No you haven't, it's always the entire bug. Because they're gutty little armour fucks.

>> No.17495344
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whatever you say retardo

>> No.17495346

Yeah and? They have no meat. So what if I can't into words properly. I've eaten both you little shit scrubber, one has meat, one is guts, exoskeleton and limbs.

>> No.17495347

That's not what he said, dummy.
Nobody's selling just the muscle tissue of locusts. It's the whole fucking thing either as-is or ground up. I wouldn't eat a pig that way and I won't do it with a bug either.

>> No.17495349

>That's not what he said, dummy
>bugs don't have muscle.

>> No.17495354

I don't know how to explain shit, but the little fuckers don't have meat.

>> No.17495356

Every single one of them can command a premium if prepared properly?

There are many michellin star restaurants that have vegetable courses as part of the meal.

Theres nothing inherent about any edible ingredient that makes it better.

>> No.17495360

Oh really?
>Meat is muscle
>The muscular system of insects ranges from a few hundred muscles to a few thousand

>> No.17495363

ok which raw vegetable costs as much as a raw lobster and is considered a delicacy the same way a lobster is?

>> No.17495366

Eat some bugs and get back to me

>> No.17495369

Saffron isn't technically a vegetable but is worth way more. A meal at Alinea without any lobster on the menu will command way more than a Boston lobster roll.

Also Kobe beef is worth way more than a Maine lobster.

>> No.17495371

>Saffron isn't technically a vegetable but is worth way more
so you didn't answer my question then. also post the prison menu that includes saffron.

>> No.17495929

>also post the prison menu that includes saffron.
Probably happens in Iran.

>> No.17495937

Durian fruit.

>> No.17495953
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>> No.17495962

That was because refrigeration was a rare thing back then.

>> No.17496173

Wasn’t this literally aussie prison food at first? Wonder why….

>> No.17496397

Wrong. Snails. Stupid.

>> No.17496508

post the prison menu that includes steamed lobster with drawn butter. you redditards keep repeating the same fucking stupid "lobsters were for prisoners and poors" story like npc robots.

>> No.17496513

I heard that insects and crustaceans are more closely related to each other than either is to arachnids.

>> No.17496521

Because they're actually really tasty. Sorry your taste buds have been ruined by processed foods. This is probably the best unflavored meat you can find. Slightly salty, wonderful texture, nutty, and swimming in delicious savory juices. Butter is just a bonus.

Also if we had giant land-bugs like this or we bred land-crustaceans into being this big and having meat of this quality, I'd absolutely give it a try.

>> No.17496528

it was prison food pretty much everywhere

>> No.17496969

What about the fucking giant claws
Are you blind

>> No.17496992

You lack context comprehension
He meant that raw shrimps have a slab of solid meat inside the shell while raw land bugs are just slime inside, not that insects literally don't have muscles

>> No.17497001

...have you not been eating the claws?

>> No.17497009

But ethnics are also better lays than normal bags.

>> No.17497191

>b-but he m-meant X when h-he s-said y-y-Y!

>> No.17497211

>not that insects literally don't have muscles
>bugs don't have muscle
It's not a question of comprehension, it's a question of Americans being stupid and unable to communicate effectively.

>> No.17497217

dios mio el gusano goblino

>> No.17497221

Have you seen what they were eating after WW2? It probably wasn't hard to meme everybody

>> No.17498100
File: 70 KB, 1420x800, Cunt mate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's not a question of comprehension, it's a question of Americans being stupid
I may be stupid, but I'm not a fuckin American. Even with a single digit IQ that was offensive.

>> No.17498943

Australians are even dumber than Americans because of the intense heat keeping them in a near constant state of dehydration which severely limits their brain function. This is compounded by limited brain development in adolescence for the same reason. It's why Australians are just as loud and obnoxious as Americans but nowhere near as successful.

>> No.17498978

imagine losing a war against birds and several decades later against cats

>> No.17498992

what's with the mean attitude mister?

>> No.17499124
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>> No.17499132

I'm not Australian either.

>> No.17499154

Explain the image then you have ten minutes max any more and you were busy pondering what lie to say.

>> No.17499211

Crocodile Dundee is a really good movie that I've been watching since the early 90s.

>> No.17499567
File: 82 KB, 700x463, spiny-lobster-florida-keys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only good part is the tail
depends on the type of lobster, i prefer spiny lobster which have no big claw but some people prefer the claw meat of American lobster

>> No.17499574

they would serve it to prisoners because it was one of the cheapest things to buy

>> No.17499587

The real connoisseurs know that you just order crab instead. Exactly the same flavour for a fraction of the price.

>> No.17499597

I imagine the few people who liked eating them back then got really bitchy on their version of cooking shitpost forums when their secret snack got more expensive when it got popular. Everyone here got all shitty when lamb shanks or beef cheek or some braising cut got all popular and expensive.

>> No.17499627

Do you think they were served fresh lobster? Considering how fast they spoil it's no surprise they were prison food at one point.

>> No.17499652

>when their secret snack got more expensive when it got popular.
i sure did when chicken wings became popular and expensive when they were previously one of the cheapest cuts.

>> No.17500172

If you're going to compare them to anything on land they are more closely related to isopods like woodlice than they are to either insects or arachnids. People who call them sea bugs are pretty ignorant of biology, just because they're both invertebrates doesn't mean they're particularly close on the evolutionary tree.

>> No.17500313

The lobster is as close to roach as I am to fish.
Go fuck yourself you slant eyed bug fetish retard and never make a thread again.

>> No.17500325

*notices your glassy eyes and thick lips*

>> No.17500344

Nobody has ever said this.

>> No.17500564

Damn, it's tragic how the older Cubans are visibly afraid to even talk about how some food is illegal.

>> No.17500648

t. inland tastlet
Good luck living in the rustbelt lmao

>> No.17500741

Not buying it, ausfuck.

>> No.17500745


>> No.17501153

Somebody told a rich dumbass "Hey this is a lavish food" and then it went from there. Something fed to prisoners as trash, to a rich person thing.

That's it.

>> No.17501289
File: 100 KB, 860x507, sapateira-860x507.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thing is far superior to lobster and pretty cheap too.

Anyway lobsters aside at oeast we can all agree that crawfish isn't an actual food, its a plague you feed to animals.