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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17496748 No.17496748 [Reply] [Original]

What are some foods that go bad wayyyy to fuckin quickly?

>> No.17496752

put the in a glas of water, or better dirt

>> No.17496759

this guy eats dirt lmao

>> No.17496761

I'd be hard pressed to find something that turns faster , but I'd say cauliflower ( not to be confused with collinflower ) . It always seems to develop little black spots after a day or two .

>> No.17496781

Mushrooms and raspberries and strawberies, and blueberries

>> No.17496804
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This is now a refrigerator soup thread.

>> No.17496814

lemons catches mold waaay too fucking quick
bananas ripen within a few hours in warm temps
some bits of broccoli may start turning brown, but still edible, unrelated, but ye

I think a lot of these foods are quick-produced, bastardised, like a lot of flowers, or even animals are.
But the majority, we just fucking forget about, we think of a week-long shelf life, but it has been there about 3 weeks at least and you never gave a fuck, so some of it started to go bad.

>> No.17496820

Jalapeños, I swear I'll buy a couple and they get all wrinkley in just a couple days

>> No.17496829
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>unusable 24h after buying

>> No.17496861

Really? I've found ones j bought a week ago in the back of my produce drawer and they'll be in better shape than a bell pepper would have been for sure

>> No.17496911
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What, I put them on the lowest fridge shelf, and they last 2 weeks.

>> No.17496921

Sigh. Listen you idiots, all that matters is how recently the whatever-the-fuck-produce you're buying has been harvested. If you get green onions a day after harvest, they can easily last over a week and still be good. The problem is if they were harvested a week ago and spent all that time getting shipped and sitting on the shelf then obviously they are going bad soon after you get them. Same for radishes, jalapenos, mushrooms, and literally everything else you stupid faggots are listing. The species doesn't matter, just the harvest time. This thread is fucking pointless.

>> No.17496927

Oh well I generally don't refrigerate them, they are room temp at the grocery store so i just assume they can sit out

>> No.17496966

Any kind of tomato or strawberry from Walmart, they last 2 days tops

>> No.17496976



>> No.17497020

I’ve never not eaten them raw maybe I’ll try this

>> No.17497021

This. All this thread has done is prove that people don't know how to pick out fresh produce.

>> No.17497030

>The species doesn't matter
A potato will definitely last longer than a head of cauliflower, no matter when it's picked. Your argument is stupid, yes of course fresh lasts longer but certain foods are more perishable than others

>> No.17497032

Nowadays it's more about being able to pick the least spoiled produce

>> No.17497070

Clearly they dunno how to do that either.

>> No.17497093
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>> No.17497347
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>> No.17497546

Bok choy

>> No.17497561

I just boil anything I'm unsure of and it's good to go

>> No.17497565

That's not how it works.

>> No.17497577

works fine on my machine

>> No.17497690

i dont buy these but this is so far the most correct post

prepared foods/deli meats/cheeses
anything that gets processed in house at a grocery store is generally made out of older or damaged produce and is allowed to be at room temperature for the duration of processing. Never buy store made pico, guacamole, juices or salads unless you plan on eating them that day and dont be surprised if they've already gone off by the time you've opened them.

>> No.17498036


>> No.17498044

Still can't believe hiro made pepe against the rules.

>> No.17498073

>lived pacific northwest most my life
>could buy metric fuck tons of produce and keep it unrefrigerated for a month
>move to the south, marry the missus
>learn the first time we go shopping this isnt the case anymore
>buy sack of potatoes
>keep atop freezer
>cook a couple here and there the first 2 days
>a week later notice flies
>find potatoes
>reduced to a bag of rancid rotting mush
I toss everything in the fridge now. I even started keeping bread in there once I discovered how quickly it molds.
The south is moldy.
From the Mississippi to Florida to South Carolina is moldy.

>> No.17498123

Get out of my Dixie you carpetbagger

>> No.17498163

bean sprouts and i even keep them in water to extend their lives

>> No.17498167


>> No.17498176

Sorry, I intend to. I miss the snow and pine forest covered mountains.

>> No.17498354




just freeze them



also this

>> No.17498367
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Doesn't go bad per se, but limp as a 90 year olds dick after one night in the fridge

>> No.17499175

Do none of you retards know how to store food properly?
If you dry a herb or a vegetable properly, and store it in an airtight container with paper towel on the bottom, it can last for weeks, doesn't matter what it is.
>t. worked as a chef on a remote island with very few fresh produce deliveries

>> No.17499190


I fucking love bean sprouts in my stir frys and soups but ffs they literally start smelling mildewy after 24hours and absolutey stanky by 48. It's gotten to the point I'll only go out to buy them if I'm actually in the process of making Pho or a stir fry because fucks sake these damn things just look at a crisper drawer and rot.

>> No.17499203

My celery has life everlasting with the way I store it. Wrap damp paper towels around it then wrap it in aluminum foil and stick it in the fridge.

>> No.17499215

does this work with bean sprouts

>> No.17499220

I live in America, so all produce now. An underripe tomato is covered in mold in 3 sometimes 2 days even if you throw it in the fridge. Potatoes don't last a month inside a dark, dry potato bin that my grandparents used to store potatoes in for almost a year.

What the fuck is going on right now?

>> No.17499224

You live in America.

>> No.17499237

Covid was designed to fuck with crops and reproduction.

>> No.17499243

Tomatoes don't belong in the fridge.

>> No.17499247

reading online that does appear to be one of the storage methods, some kind of airtight plastic container, generously lined with multiple paper towels.

Another method seems to be submerging them in a bowl/container of ice water with slices of lemon and changing the water every day. Supposedly that will extend their life up to 5 days assuming no other contamination.

>> No.17499249

shit supply chain, prolly. i heard some wagies say they'd have basically nothing then be overstocked with shit that was just rotting on trucks for too long. they probably pick stuff way too early to try and prevent this so its shit all the way down :^), just grow your own desu.

>> No.17499269

My mum chops it up and puts it in a sealed plastic container wrapped in paper towels

>> No.17499319

my dad cuts the stems off and stores them in a bowl of water in the fridge. they keep this way for multiple days.

>> No.17499797

Even worse when the store I decide to go to sells them in bags instead of bunches. I end up with and throw away twice as many. But if you ever remember you have them you can dry them out and blend them into a powder for seasoning.

>> No.17499805

Really? Using a dessicator, or just letting them dry natchy?

>> No.17499814
File: 68 KB, 850x781, Greenonions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell me you're wh*te without telling me that you're wh*te

>> No.17499819
File: 564 KB, 2560x1707, cilantro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cilantro normally goes bad very quickly, but if you take the cilantro bunch in a glass, and fill it with enough water to cover the bottom of the stalks, then cover the cilantro top in a loose plastic bag like a produce bag you brought it home from the store in, it will last much much longer in the fridge. I have had it stay good over a week using this method.

>> No.17499828
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>hard as a rock for a week
>perfectly ripe and delicious for 8 picoseconds
>horrible brown mush, throw away

>> No.17499833

Yes, as this anon mentioned >>17499247
Make sure they're dry before you store them. put them out in your fridge on a tray lined with paper towel first, the cold air circulation will help dry them out, then transfer.

>> No.17499856

I watched a video on it a while back. You can do stuff like that in your oven on really low heat but it'll take your entire day. Literally your entire day. Otherwise using a dehydrator, like the ones people use to make dried fruit.

>> No.17499866

You can make salsa verde with it too and spoon it on as garnish.

>> No.17500139

If you dry it loses its texture. If you want the taste just buy spice dust.

>> No.17500149

>worked as a chef on a remote island with very few fresh produce deliveries
How quickly would your family be killed if you revealed the billionaires' secret?

>> No.17500166


>> No.17500175

havarti cheese slices

>> No.17500223

Also do this with green onion.

>> No.17500312

fuck mushrooms man how can i even justify buying these things if I'm not gonna use them within a day or so?

>> No.17500314

Blackberries are moldy on the drive home

>> No.17500319

keep it in the grocery bag bro

>> No.17501840

I have to make sure to buy exactly 1-2 avocados that are semi-ripe, then buy the rest rock hard and leave on the counter so they last until the next day I make tacos.

>> No.17501849

vegetables are just carefully filtered dirt

>> No.17502480

>iceberg lettuce
lasts about 3 years
lasts about 3 days
cant be explained

>> No.17502805
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he what now

>> No.17502865
File: 52 KB, 679x710, 59871477-68D4-4F82-A207-E5EC92206920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, a racist had entered the thread. How original.

>> No.17502899

Actually it kind of pisses me off a little. I'm in a corner apartment but it's American-style combloc shit and very little access to light, plus I've found that if I put plants everywhere I have to deal with white mold on my books. No sane person keeps plants near old books. Basically I can't sprout or grow things easily.

>> No.17503540

Oysters and uni go bad very quickly after they die

>> No.17503553

you are a faggot newfag frogshit.