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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17491717 No.17491717 [Reply] [Original]

>season to taste

>> No.17491724
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The type of people who read recipes where that's an instruction are the type of people who need to be reminded.
It is stupid advice, but it's for stupid people.

>> No.17491747

This is why you taste test your food when you can. Adding salt is to taste. If you taste test things you'll know when you need more salt or pepper. That instruction is usually about salt though.
Food undersalted during cooking can't be remedied by after prep salting perfectly, but if you undersalt a little (say 80% of the way there) the remaining 20% can be a decent bit of leeway for people to further salt at the plate.

>> No.17491754

>cook until done

>> No.17491774
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>add 2tbsp of oil to a pan
o yeah that's exactly what I'm gonna do, whip out a spoon to measure a fuckin oil

>> No.17491777

Shower apple

>> No.17491809

What kind of oil?
Better not be seed oil, I'll scream

>> No.17491819

canola or olive oil is what I usually use

>> No.17491825
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>Brown the meat in a saucepan

>> No.17491851


>> No.17491870

Filtered olive oil is alright though

>> No.17491873

That's why I only screamed half as long.

>> No.17492265

>one bay leaf
No, don't think I will.

>> No.17492761
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>season to taste
imagine being so stupid that you don't know how to season food the way you like it.

NOW imagine beings so stupid you go on 4chan and tell everyone how stupid you are.

>> No.17492844

My problem with 'season to taste' is that I have a degen palate that really likes salty food, black pepper, and spices generally. It's good to have a benchmark for what a typical person would like so I don't overdo it when cooking for others.

>> No.17492849

bake until golden brown

>> No.17492862

>a pinch of salt

>> No.17492868

I can understand that cause I have to worry about getting enough sodium and have to add extra salt to stuff.

>> No.17492874
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Seriously though.. like how do you know what to do with that instruction? How do you know if something needs more salt or not, for example?

>> No.17492883

Literally as the instructions say. Are you too fucking stupid to taste what you're doing?

No one expects you to measure oil. It's for fucking idiots that either put a few drips of oil in a pan or drown the dish in oil.

You need exact times? Just look at what's baking in the oven from time to time. Not very hard.

A pinch is what you can pick up between your finger and your thumb. Learn the nomenclature.

>> No.17492886

Why read a book when you can make up your own stories

>> No.17492893

>add red/white/apple cider/ricewine vinegar
fuck you, recipe. you get white because thats the only one i have and you’re gonna like it

>> No.17492897

>season to taste
>on raw ingredients

>> No.17492907


Same thing with "Ounce", is this volumetric ounce or weight ounce? Fuck's sake can the world just get together and pick one standard set of units and use that across the board?

>> No.17492916

>people to further salt at the plate.
That's an insult to the chef though

>> No.17492923

if someone boasts about their cooking too much, i always ask for some salt

>> No.17492929
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>> No.17492945

A metric and imperial cup are probably close enough that it doesn't matter unless you're baking.

>> No.17492953

it shouldn't be. i've tasted things that people said were good that were insanely salty.

>> No.17492954

I think you misunderstood the topic

>> No.17492955

>Fuck's sake can the world just get together and pick one standard set of units and use that across the board?
The world picked metric you fucking retard, only the US and a few shithole countries still use something else

>> No.17492958

My biggest pet peeve is qualifying ingredients with adjectives like "organic" or "kosher". Like really is my dinner going to be ruined if my salt isn't fucking kosher?

>> No.17492962
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>> No.17492967

the goyim are worse than I thought

>> No.17492970

>Add water to soil

>> No.17492972

You get inside the water

>> No.17492973

I should add, I honestly don't measure most stuff when I'm cooking because it rarely matters. You can estimate close enough.

>> No.17492980

Jews fear the bathtub saucier

>> No.17492991
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No, they don't differ enough to make a real difference, but that's not the point. The point is that you have vaguely named units that not just differ between countries and systems, but they're often confusingly also the name of a volumetric/weight measurement, which also differs between countries and systems, so it's all one confusing mess.

And that's not even the end of it: whether you scoop with the cup or pour the substance into the cup (if you go by volume) also produces widely different results

I've heard a rumor that you can actually taste a difference between uniodized salt (kosher) and iodized, never seemed true to me

>> No.17493013

If you're baking it's going to be mostly mass measurements in the same system and if you're not then it doesn't matter.

>> No.17493027
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I had a bread recipe today to tell me to make sure the yeast and salt were on opposite sides of the bowl before mixing w/the flour and water (bread recipe).

Damn good loaf, though. Pic related.

>> No.17493095

>A pinch is what you can pick up between your finger and your thumb.
What if the person writing the recipe is a lardass and has hambeast fingers the size of hotdogs?

>> No.17493184

1.76 quarts or some bullshit i’m sorry i’m not an Americuck what the hell is a quart

>> No.17493211

>anything in american measurements


>> No.17493266

based autistic poster

>> No.17493284

>no pic of crumb
you retarded or something boy?

>> No.17493316
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Apologies. Very soft, not crusty at all (though could probably have done better w/oven steaming to get one). Dead simple to make, would be a solid base for some garlic bread.

>> No.17493337


>> No.17493343

keep tasting till you've got the balance right
its best to season slightly at the start then check later once its reduced and almost ready to be served

>> No.17493357

looks nice. where'd you pull the recipe from?

>> No.17493359


There's a video of him making one on youtube if you google it, as well.

>> No.17493390
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>one cup of

288mL in uk
250mL in Aus
244mL in US

Cool, let me just find out where the author was born then I can continue the recipe. I always thought those seven rambling paragraphs at the start of mommy blog recipes were useless but it turns out you need them when using imperial measurements.

>> No.17493465

you can easily do this, though, and it's much better than transferring it if you want to hold onto the fond.

>> No.17493491

Cup is a unit of volume, not weight. Imperial cup is 238mL as I recall. The metric system doesn't use cups, it uses litres for volume, so you're probably referring to rounding 238mL to something else, like 240 or 250. Just aim for 240.

I think you can reasonably assume people mean fluid ounces when talking about liquids and the measure of mass when talking about solids, but I appreciate some lunatics like to measure powders and so on by volume, I don't understand why.

The world did indeed pick one standard set of units and use that across the board; it picked metric.

>> No.17493498

>whether you scoop with the cup or pour the substance into the cup (if you go by volume) also produces widely different results
If you are one of the aforementioned lunatics who uses volume to measure powders, then you are beyond any help that we can provide.

>> No.17493512

It's a carry over from before people had scales in the home. Volumetric measuring is how most measuring was done. One system is better for its ease of use, that's for sure, but to understand the cultural reason for why it exists justifies its existence. I don't like imperial, but I understand why it exists and the momentum that keeps it going.

>> No.17493535

The volume fixation I feel is just apathy. The US' continued use of the imperial system is just because it has become politicised; look into the history of the proposed switch through the 20th century.

>> No.17493552

Stock your pantry you fucking cooklet. Those are all common vinegars to have.

>> No.17493553


>> No.17493580

being this stupid.

>> No.17493654

US, the UK and Australia all have different measurements for a cup. see >>17493390

>> No.17493795

Wikipedia appears to disagree, but then I'm no expert.

Australia doesn't use the imperial system, so you can safely assume that nobody's talking about Australian cups.

>> No.17493870
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holy hell I want a slice

>> No.17493872


>> No.17493901

Make it anon. It requires zero special equipment whatsoever (no stand mixer) and is piss easy. Steaming the oven isn't even required if you want it to be totally soft. Extremely easy for a novice.

>> No.17493961

saved, gonna take a crack at it this weekend. thanks anon.

>> No.17493966
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Enjoy your loaf of bread, anon.

>> No.17494015
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>reduce until thickened
That doesn't mean anything. Some foods only need thickened a little, and some need thickened a lot.
You need to at least give a time estimate, or a test like the chilled spoon test for making jams.

>> No.17494156



>> No.17494183
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>high-altitude baking instructions
I live on a giant slab of limestone, there are no fucking mountains.

>> No.17494273

Well im retarded so i need them

>> No.17494355
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>Don't overcook

>> No.17495035

>reduce heat
that could mean literally anything fuck you

>> No.17495061

how is that useless?

>> No.17495082

Florida actually has a mountain range and it's a desert with cacti

>> No.17495091

I imagine because what else are you going to brown something in/on.

>> No.17495332

oh i thought they had a problem with browning meat.
>brew the tea in the teapot
like yeh no shit.

thanks for clearing that up anon.

>> No.17495392

>heat until just before boiling
Do you expect me to use a thermometer and wait until it's 1 degree off?

>> No.17495521

>preheat oven to 350
what the hell is "preheat"? i heat the oven before i heat it? how is that possible

>> No.17495529
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>> No.17495558

>a touch of pepper
>a touch of olive oil
>a touch of salt

Whats a touch!?

>> No.17495607

to taste

>> No.17495638
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As long as you understand your limits and try to learn something whenever you cook, I'd still eat your food anon.

>> No.17495670


A smidgen

>> No.17495715

somewhere betwixt a pinch and a dash

>> No.17496318
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>a pinch of salt

>> No.17496331

Just keep it simple

>> No.17496339
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>> No.17496344

I like it unseasoned, drowned in seasoning, and everything in between.

>> No.17496411

Frying pan.