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17494856 No.17494856 [Reply] [Original]

I know /ck/ loves Rao's, but I'd like to humbly submit Classico as a contender for best jarred spaghetti sauce.

>> No.17494874


>> No.17494880

Hey guys what's a good brand of store bought spaghetti sauce, and what is utter shit?

>> No.17494882

If someone ever offers you spaghetti made with Ragu, immediately slap them with the plate, murder their dog, and run out of their home completely naked and screaming.

>> No.17494922

I agree Ragu is shit but I'm probably gonna get shit on for this still I do like Prego.

>> No.17494925
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Raos is good but way overrated and overpriced. I'm actually with you anon - Classico is really good but oddly this flavor sucks for some reason. All their others are good

>> No.17494943
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*blocks you're path*

>> No.17494950
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At least you acknowledge your mistake.

>> No.17494951
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>> No.17494999

I like Prego if I'm feeling cheap, fresh mushroom and garden combo does it for me. Ragu can fuck right off proper however.

>> No.17495025

Okay which begs the question - who is the Ragu demographic?

>> No.17495030

Welfare hillbillies.

>> No.17495205

There are better jarred pasta sauces, but not for the price. A jar of Roa's is like 7 bucks.

>> No.17495222
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unironically picrel
Super cheap, mild flavor, and instead of preserved veg you chop your own fresh, cook in a bit of oil until al dente, and add this sauce as final step
The fresh veg elevates it above every other premade sauce, basically this is just tomatoes that have already been cooked down and had basic herbs added in and it only takes like 10 minutes more than heating up a jar of ragu

>> No.17495288

I'm poor as hell, living off of around $800 USD a month, and even I won't buy Ragu.
I also like that stuff, anon, or just any brand of strained tomatoes (fuck skin and seeds in a sauce) with vegetables from my garden.

>> No.17495292

i like ragu traditional now and again, but agree there are better sauces

>> No.17495352

I'm with you OP, although I get the Basil and chunky Tomato variant
Barilla jarred isn't bad either desu

>> No.17495439

imagine buying sauce like this. literally just use tomatoes

>> No.17495582

Newman's own is pretty good. Most of his shit is though, I like the salsa too.

>> No.17496241
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This is the best pasta sauce one can buy.

>> No.17496503

Michael’s of Brooklyn is pretty good, but no jarred sauce is worth $10.

>> No.17496697

I buy it sometimes. And the flavor you picked is one of the only ones they make that doesn't have added sugar
And spaghetti sauce should NEVER have added sugar
Any one who says otherwise is a fat, tastelet

>> No.17496716

People who buy the cheapest thing because they only have so much a sense of taste. People who microwave a TV dinner for lunch, drive home in Nissan Altima, crack open Coors Light, home make spaghetti and meatballs for their kids by boiling water and putting spaghetti in, then draining water, adding Ragu, kraft parmesan as the seasoning, watches Young Sheldon, asleep at 10, wakes up, microwaves breakfast hot pocket, has cup of folgers, drive to the job you hate in an office where the characters are less fun than the Office, microwave a different TV dinner.

>> No.17497097

This is my cheap pick.

This is my step up from my cheap pick.

This is when I don't feel like simmering my own Sunday gravy for 8 hours of course.

>> No.17497241

i usually go with classico italian sausage now, its my favorite by far and ive probably tried them all

>> No.17497243
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This is the king of jarred sauces

>> No.17497262

I like Newman's own. Their roasted garlic sauce is solid

>> No.17497282
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also based bammer

>> No.17497329
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I just started making my own pasta sauce, I've gone with Muir Glen my first three batches. Seems pretty solid so far but I think I'll try some different brands soon. Also will begin using fresh tomatoes instead of canned next time.

From this thread I'll avoid Classico and Ragu, maybe try Raos, Victoria, Reggano or Bertolli next time.

>> No.17497409

No... Prego is better than Ragu because it's thicker.

>> No.17497423

newman's own pasta sauce is some of the most vile shit I ever forced myself to eat
need to see if walmart dot com has some for my next care package. I didn't think mezzeta or barilla was too bad, especially for the price

>> No.17497490

>Making my own sauce
>I used this premade sauce to make it

>> No.17497505

My bad, my own spaghetti or whatever, I don't know what to call it. I add meat, onion, garlic, tomato etc. to the jarred sauce.

>> No.17497664

Honestly you're missing out avoiding Classico, I used to buy Raos from Costco all the time and I cannot taste the difference between the two.

>> No.17497695

All of these sauces have like 8g to 12g of added sugar. Everyone on this board is obese.

>> No.17498148

Yeah just making spaghetti, that's how I do it too usually.

>> No.17498153

Do I still call it spaghetti if I don't use spaghetti noodles? I normally use rigatoni or farfelle, feels weird calling it spaghetti

>> No.17498172

No, you would call it Bolognese

>> No.17498229
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>> No.17498271

wtf that's the only difference between bolognese and spaghetti? the noodles used?
All this time I thought bolognese was some how different.

>> No.17498308
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no, those are just ignorant Amerifat grubhub-gold-membership plebs talking out of their asses
a real ragù alla bolognese is not the same as a finished salsa or sugo with some meat randomly thrown into it

Americans are a cancer on the world

>> No.17498392

and where do you hail from?

>> No.17498511
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I've never seen anyone talk about Rao's on /ck/. I prefer classico in the jar as an additive to save me time in making certain sauces. There's no way Rao's is worth the money to anyone that can make a better sauce.

I can take >>17495222
as a base and make a sauce that will obliterate anything store bought, and most chefs as well.

>> No.17498531

This gave me Nam flashbacks.

>> No.17498544

There is only one method of deciding whether or not to buy a specific pasta sauce, regardless of brand.
>check label
>sugar not listed in the ingredients
You're good to go. That's it.

>> No.17498553

Based Aldichad.
>1 lb of pasta for <$1
>jar of sauce for <$1
>b-but it's not homemade
Not my problem.

>> No.17498564
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True poorfag kino.

>> No.17498944

Yeah it's fine I buy it and enjoy it

>> No.17498966

>it tastes like shit and I am okay with this
>ha ha not my problem
yeah but it is exactly your fucking problem.

>> No.17498971

Excellent comment.

>> No.17499004

Here's how you work jarred sauce.
-Roughly dice onions
-Put on pasta
-Fry onions in butter/ghee/olive oil until transluscent
-Add pressed/minced garlic for 30 seconds
-Deglaze with around half a cup of beer/red wine of your choice
-Add enough sauce for a semi-watery texture, stirring until uniform
-Reduce heat by 2 turns of your stove dial
-Watch YouTube until pasta is 2 minutes away from Al Dente (see package instructions)
-Add one ladle of pasta water & stir until uniform
-Add pasta, increase heat by 2 turns of your stove dial
-Stir until thoroughly coated & water has mostly evaporated
-Grate aged cheese of your choice ontop

Really simple and tastes shockingly great. This is how you get 2AM stoners satisfied. I just have a a pot of pasta water and a colander of rinsed (that's how the nips do Napolitan, rinse your cooked pasta then store it with a bit of olive oil) pasta and then just roll out big fuck-off huge plates of pasta in 3-5 minute intervals.

You get into this really nice rhythm of frying onions, adding garlic, adding beer/wine, adding sauce, stirring, putting in pasta, reducing, adding cheese and sending it out.

>> No.17499016

Yeaaah that's my sauce of choice.

>> No.17499042

All that liquid isn't going to reduce in the time it takes to cook a single pot of pasta.

>> No.17499048

Classico is projectile vomit worthy. If you have any self-respect yet can't afford Rao's then buy imported canned diced tomatoes and an onion and make the Marcella Hazan recipe except swap half the butter for olive oil.

>> No.17499054

Just be sensible about it, anon.
Pasta cooks in about 8 minutes. That's more than enough to cook down half a cup of beer.

>> No.17499087
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rofl right, because eating Rao's but thumbing your nose at Classico makes you a real Italian chef.

>> No.17499122

Muir Glen is definitely solid. I'll typically snag it when it goes on sale, but Classico or Prego are solid backups.

>> No.17499769

>anonymous cuckold whining on 4channel
Not my problem.

>> No.17499784

If it's storebought, it's utter shit

>> No.17499793

it's all ive ever known...................

>> No.17499857

Not with a jar of pasta sauce added it's not. You're better off treating the jarred stuff like real food and letting it simmer with your fresh ingredients for a good hour before you think about adding it to your pasta.

>> No.17500663
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I usually do classico, or Muir Glenn if it's on sale but this shit was buy one get one free (ended up being the price of classico per jar) and it's the best jarred pasta sauce I've had, very tangy