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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17485385 No.17485385 [Reply] [Original]

Oh no, /ck/.

The bartender at this joint is notoriously snobby and will judge you for your drink order. What will you order to impress her?

>> No.17485404

Impress her? No thanks. But I'll have a double of Tully please

>> No.17485408

Oh wow this epic thread again!

I’d order a glass of water, and have her refill it like 19 times, and leave no tip roflmao xD

>> No.17485412

water? i don't drink alcohol

>> No.17485418

Gin and cola, no gin. also a empty cup so I can fart on it and smell my own farts

>> No.17485425

I take swigs from my flask while staring at her ass

>> No.17485438

>super short sleeves
If the bar has one of those glass racks over the bartop for stemware, I’d order a dirty martini or some other drink requiring a stemmed glass while my phone is conveniently recording at 4K/60fps so I can later pull still images from the video and add them to my massive collection of personal armpit/feet/yogapantsass creepshots.

>> No.17485441

can I have a roo beer with with killua cream and vodka?

>> No.17485442
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>A glass of water, with ice please

>> No.17485445

The same thing I usually order, I don't care what she thinks about me

>> No.17485470

I'm the one paying her bills so I'll order whatever the fuck I want.

>> No.17485490

Which are?

>> No.17485495

gin old fashioned

>> No.17485500

a glass of everclear

>> No.17485506

I'm into men, so I would order what I'd typically order, a dirty vodka martini or a glass of sparkling white wine

>> No.17485510
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>> No.17485522

Ask her whats on tap. If they have hard cider I'll go for that.

>> No.17485552

I ask her what her ethnicity is, then casually say ‘I like my liquor like my women, at least 97% pure’, then turn 360 and moonwalk out.

>> No.17485560

white russian, with human milk

>> No.17485566

I like a moscow mule, might just ask for a rum, ginger beer and lime at the moment though.

Had a great rosemary and port based cocktail recently though.

>> No.17485627
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Pint of cider. If she wants to judge let her judge.

>> No.17485645

Only tangentially related to the OP, but I've just moved to Sydney and I find a huge proportion of the waiters and bartenders are obnoxiously snobby -- and I'm an Oxbridge-educated Brit. The other day, I had one pull a face at me for asking him to serve my screwdriver in a highball rather than a tumbler. Wasn't even a particularly nice bar.

Anyone else live in Sydney and have this experience? I thought the British had a controlling interest in low-level snobbery.

>> No.17485669

makes sense to me, australians are just bongs with criminal records

>> No.17485684

Impress her?
I don’t even know her?
>shirely temple

>> No.17485687


>> No.17485692

she works at a bar lol, why would i care about impressing some wagie?

>> No.17485696

bash her head in with my louisville slugger
bash her head in with my louisville slugger
bash her head in with my louisville slugger
bash her head in with my louisville slugger

>> No.17485708

SME complicated labour intensive cocktail and no tip

>> No.17485709

a snobby service worker? if she's older than college aged, she's a terminal loser working a dead-end job, while smart women her age are sitting on their ass "working" from home in their pajamas for six-figure salaries. she has nothing to be pompous about.

>> No.17485719

and yet waiters and bartenders are often snobby in the extreme.

>> No.17485725

lemon lime and bitters

>> No.17485736

it's face saving, a defense mechanism. they're bitter and unhappy because they're working a dead-end low status gig. most of them have drug and alcohol issues and they're all dumb as shit. service industry is typically working nights and sleeping all morning when peers are actually at real jobs. they quit college because they were so unmotivated. they're losers.

>> No.17485742

no shit.

>> No.17485749

What IPA's do you have available?

>> No.17485769

Is that Ryan from Oddity's wife?

>> No.17485794

Gin fizz

>> No.17485814

cant condemn an old fashioned.. either that or a singapore sling at the least since its such a bitch to make if they dont have the ingredients i can make them feel shit

>> No.17485819

Pepsi milk on the rocks

>> No.17485830

Johnny Walker Blue and Diet Pepsi, touch of lime.

>> No.17485836


>> No.17485837

I follow her home after her shift and forcibly make love to her.

>> No.17485846

Never even kissed a female, have you?

>> No.17485848

Knob Creek neat, two fingers

>> No.17485875

> pepsi
> walker
Would you like a mimosa to go with that, little girl?

>> No.17485876

Dirty gin martini, dont be stingy with the olives.

>> No.17485913

That seems like a weird notion to leap to, anon. We aren’t all awkward 15-25yo’s.
Currently engaged, she has fantastic feet and armpits, and her ass is… well it’s Japanese.

>> No.17485925

I will have a water with lemon and make small talk by guessing which country she has obviously tattooed on her arm.

After she has become putty in my hand I will simply reel her in with promises of oral sex but only if she doesnt have a gag reflex

>> No.17485934
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>> No.17485941

Corona with lime. I drink what I like. Idgaf about her opinion. If she judges, she gets no tip. I hold all the cards in this relationship.

>> No.17485948


>> No.17485955

Leave, tourist. You don't want to be here.

>> No.17485966

Bourbon, made her way.

>> No.17485978

Imagine caring what a glorified bottle opener thinks of you lol.

>> No.17485979

a lonestar and a shot of whiskey

>> No.17485983

This site is full of autists who worry about the pettiest thing. I'm not surprised they're afraid to leave the house. Self involved mother fuckers think the whole world is thinking about them when in reality they take one glance at them go eww and never look at them again

>> No.17485986

you'd at least order something to drink though, right?

>> No.17485989

pfffft, I don't drink at bars

>> No.17485993

a shirley temple and a pina colata

>> No.17485998

What do you mean by that?

>> No.17486000

we have guiness, Mike's, and pilsner

>> No.17486015

I don’t get it.
Are you gay or something?

>> No.17486019
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>make me your favorite drink with this

>> No.17486024
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i leave and go to the friendly local pub, smash a $4 schooner and watch the cricket
if i'm really broke i just get a goonbag and do picrel

>> No.17486043

truly the shogun of bogan

>> No.17486056

I'd also like to point out that any shitty sloppa curry I make I refer to as "bogan josh"

>> No.17486125

their well whiskey straight, then drink it in one gulp while looking her right in the eye

>> No.17486133

The fact you don't understand proves my point.

>> No.17486154

A Ramos gin fizz followed by a mint julep with a mezcal float on top

Fuck you snob

>> No.17486167

one Tom Collins, milady

>> No.17486177

>can't handle the bantz
go back to bongistan fag

>> No.17486180

at no point was I offered bantz.

>> No.17486192

T. Triggered Kangaroo

>> No.17486202

Thats not a Sydney thing thats a douchebag bartender thing.

>> No.17486213

if shes a bitch she doesnt get tipped
Idgaf what she thinks about my whiskey sour, craft lager, then 3 mid shelf bourbons on the rocks, in that order.

>> No.17486215

I'll take rumple and make it a double

>> No.17486216

shut the fuck up ausfag

>> No.17486253

whats the matter bro, did your gf get railed by an aussie or something?

>> No.17486274

But my mom did.
And I had to hear every bit of it because her bedroom was directly below mine.
Fucking degenerate classless heathen taking advantage of her like that.

>> No.17486306

Strawberry milk

>> No.17486327

Gamer girl piss

>> No.17486332

give me a red bull and a jagermeister I guess

>> No.17486373

Jesus you ARE into men

>> No.17486380

A beer so she doesnt get the order wrong.

>> No.17486485

oh sweet, naive anon.

>> No.17486491

Moscow mule.

>> No.17486515
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>> No.17486518
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>touching a girl
keep that nasty shit out of here.

>> No.17486523

Whiskey Sour. And I'm not sleeping with her so what do I care if she judges me? Just make the fucking drink.

>> No.17486578

Crown and come and I really couldn't give a shit what a bartender thinks

>> No.17486586

Water, coffee, the most ordinary beer on the list.

I hate these types of places and the people who run them.

>> No.17486595
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>she so cute
>look half asian hapa
>eye contact
>i'd like a rye manhatten
>she smiles
>before she rattles off 6 hipster ryes to try
>"you can pick the the best one for me"
>we both smile
>watch her make my drink
>she is so sexy.. damn
>eye contact
>she say luxardo cherries the best
>we both nod in agreement
>again we both smile
>pay for drink
>do you want to open a tab?
>she smile
>she is so pretty, looks hapa to me
>she's half my age
>decline the tab and walk back to my table
>sit down sigh
>sip my drink
>those cherries really are fuckin good
>stare at wife think about hapa bartender

>> No.17486670

yeah uh can I get uhhh sex on the beach *winks*

>> No.17486671

pabst blue ribbon and no i'm not tipping her for opening a fucking can

>> No.17486678

sorry bro but she just wants a, not the, tip

>> No.17486848

I'm confused: are you talking about my dick or someone else's?

>> No.17487160

Why the hell would you go to a bar for Pabst? Buy a thirty-nine pack and get blitzed at home, hillbilly.

>> No.17487180

I order a salty dog then lick the salty rim while maintaining eye contact.

>> No.17487186

its their job to be friendly. if i had a dollar for every time someone thought the bartender was flirting with them id be a multi billionaire

>> No.17487220

Marskin ryyppy, ordering some obscure mongolian snaps should be enough to confuse most of these things.

>> No.17487235

either way you aren't getting any

>> No.17487246

chocolate milk with a curly straw

>> No.17487295

Why am I paying someone to pour a liquid into a glass? Should I pay someone to breathe air?

>> No.17487829

tbf oxford has an absolutely fucking abhorrent bar scene so you're probably not super immersed in what's good and what's not assuming you did most of your drinking in uni like most people

>> No.17488104

You could say this for any number of drinks, though.

>> No.17488114

whatever I feel like because I don't give a shit what she thinks
Chop chop wagie, get a real job if you're not happy

>> No.17488137
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Double makers mark, neat

Meanwhile, tears are welling in my eyes out of nervousness

>> No.17488191

>he came to Sydney
>but still gives a shit about what anyone thinks

>> No.17488195

I'll ask for a glass of her piss. Anything less than perfection is then on her.

>> No.17488848

>But I'll have a double of Tully please

>> No.17488851

I want coffee

>> No.17489117

I know it's their job to flirt but also, every bartender I've ever known is a trashy whore and alcoholic who hates their life and dead-end job. so it's not exactly a stretch to get one to go home with you. just be a handsome chad or some six-figure nigga with a platinum amex. i mean seriously, this is a low-class dead-end job, it's not much different than pulling some barista at starbucks

>> No.17489132

sarcasm is used by immature and insecure people. "im just being funny and breaking balls, anon" no, you're painfully insecure and using sarcasm as a social crutch

>> No.17489149

someone else to serve me

>> No.17489152

This. I don't care how cocky they act, they know their job sucks and it is humiliating. I know some absolute retarded women who are nurses making over $75,000 plus full fringe to sit on their ass and surf the net 3 days a week at the hospital. or degreed whores making $100,000 to "work" from home writing emails and jumping on zoom calls. while these bar fly cunts have to work until 1am to 3am slaving away for drunk douchebags and flirt for tips

>> No.17489277

who are you quoting?

>> No.17489288

>how does 4chan work

>> No.17489295

Why the fuck would I want to impress a woman?
The fuck is wrong with this thread?

>> No.17489298

looks like you missed the address bar there, buddy

>> No.17489310
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>> No.17489315

just try again, you'll be fine.

>> No.17489323

>>>/r/eturn to where you came from

>> No.17489373

looks like you cocked it up again, buddy.

>> No.17489378

one glass of cunny please

>> No.17489392

50/50 Fernandito.
not even a female would be able to fuck that up.

>> No.17489405
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>> No.17489428

you're still on 4channel my man.

>> No.17489526

I'd ask what kinds of xo cognac they carry, if they had one up to my standards I'd order it if not, I'd go home and drink good liquor.

>> No.17489707

yeah but that would require you to have standards

>> No.17489763

Is whisky and soda for children? I always thought that was for adults. Weird.

>> No.17489771

It’s a basic drink but not a bad one if you’re at a bar without good tenders

>> No.17489780

What is it with you felons spouting vile evil shit and then calling it a joke? This one Aussie who got fired for verbal harassment used to always call this black guy a stupid smelly coon and then IMMEDIATELY follow up with “just bantz m8, take a joke”

>> No.17489792

This except just whatever is cheapest on tap.

>> No.17489808

Good thing it’s what I want and not the tender, then.

>> No.17489842

>Falling for le epic marketing scheme

>> No.17489878

I thought there was a difference between "whisky and soda", and "whisky and soda pop".

>> No.17489979

>Oh no, /ck/.
>The bartender at this joint is notoriously snobby and will judge you for your drink order. What will you order to impress her?
I'm beyond the point of caring what some snobby bitch will think of me based on my drink order. She's not even white. Pale white blondes or gingers, blue or green eyes only for me, thanks. I know my worth.

>> No.17490046

I am using the quote function to parody the post made by the OP!

>> No.17490243
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Russian vodka.

>> No.17490306

her breast milf

>> No.17490326

I'll just have a Guinness

>> No.17490347

Vodka water

>> No.17490374

Made by who?

>> No.17490377

I'm sure the Russians are devastated that people are dumping the vodka they already paid for instead of drinking it.

>> No.17490397
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>> No.17490735

I doubt it, although I'm sure not buying anymore will be a problem in the future.

>> No.17490750


>> No.17490751

guinness please
at least I don't have weird hair on my forearm bitch

>> No.17490760

sounds pretty based tbqh

>> No.17490768

>pint of lager, luv

>> No.17490786

Milkies straight from the udder

>> No.17491225

Uh lemme get a nigger whipper with a cotton picker twist, hold the floyd

>> No.17491244

have heard similar things about Sydney pretension

t. Pozburnian

>> No.17491405
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I'll have a triple Don Julio tequila, neat

>> No.17491409

Even though it was said a million times, here is one more.

Order whatever you like and don't apologize for anything you do because what the hell is anyone's business what you order? You only get to live 80 years and only 30 of those are pleasant, if that, don't waste your time on other people's perception of you.

I'd order a mojito cause I love the taste.

>> No.17491482

half vodka half simple syrup

>> No.17491491

I'll have a glass of cunny juice

>> No.17491495

I'm intimidated, so I'll order a Fernet-Branca.

>> No.17491648

Aviation No. 1

>> No.17491653

>I don’t drink alcohol
>Refuses to elaborate further

>> No.17491765

Order a drink you like and have a nice time

The point is to enjoy yourself, not to suck up to someone behind a bar. People have more respect for someone who is sure of themselves

>> No.17491769

>I don’t drink alcohol
>Refuses to elaborate further

>> No.17491843

Based and top bloke-pilled

>> No.17491847

>t. doesn't understand witty banter

>> No.17491923

one alcohol please

>> No.17492026

One bottle of lager and one tsingtao please.

>> No.17492194


>> No.17492254

water. i don't need to impress anybody other than myself

>> No.17492258

not witty at all. just stupid and mean spirited

>> No.17492267

one sexy spy man's drink, please, with extra feet

>> No.17492506

I haven't been allowed in bars since last September because of our vaccine passport faggotry. Fuck bars and fuck the government.

>> No.17492517

Virgin long island iced tea

>> No.17492674

eight of them
i dont care for her approval i need to get drunk

>> No.17492684

Lemonade with lemon vodka with an extra lemon on the side

No ice

>> No.17492696

Idk I can't see a beer menu. What did you think I was gonna order some faggy cocktail? Lmao

>> No.17492723

Stick to your guns, anon.
You're a good man.

>> No.17492741

before SJW touches my drink, I want her to make a gin & tonic. If the cunt doesn’t add the lime, I’m leaving. If she uses Canadian Dry or Schweppes, I’m leaving.

>> No.17492828

I bet you don't even know the difference between brandy and cognac, yet you talk about "standards" you pea brained fucking pleb. I'm drinking an xo right now while you wish you had enough cash for some old crow, fuck off!

>> No.17492865

>missing the joke

>> No.17493529

US market stoli isnt even made in russia or by a Russian company! A western group stole the trademark in a privatization scandal. They're pouring out Latvian vodka HAAHAHHAHAHA

>> No.17493700

Beer, one.

>> No.17493708
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>impressing a wagie

just give me a beer and shut up

>> No.17493712

imagine you become so degenerate from a lack of human contact that you start jerking off to armpits

>> No.17493716

If you're autistic, you're leaving

>> No.17493728
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One bloody mary please, I noticed you were a little bloated so I'm trying to make a joke about periods here.

>> No.17493760

A pint of Pabst and a shot of Jameson, fuck that snobby bitch.

>> No.17493775

It's bad enough that your brain thought this was something worth typing. Hopefully you have never said anything similar to it out loud

>> No.17493781

and a cranberry juice for my friend here

>> No.17493782

> 360° and moonwalk away

>> No.17493784
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I don't give a shit what that wagie thinks. Jack and coke zero please.

>> No.17493829

I'll ask for her recommendation, then make a face and order a rum and coke

>> No.17493841
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>female bartender
>gentlemans club
full retard

>> No.17493862

dirty 6th was my fucking home before the pandemic started. was there every weekend throwing back high lifes and high on white. actually, it's probably a good thing the pandemic happened. i'd still be doing coke weekly.
thanks for reading my blog

>> No.17493973

I miss 6th street. Moved back to my hometown in Florida and have missed it ever since.

>> No.17494362

The rum drink is called a dark n stormy. One of my faves.
>Whiskey water, please. With a lime wedge, please.
Then I tip 25%

>> No.17495330


>> No.17495450

I order her to go away lol

>> No.17495588

This. Not only is it cheaper but I'm the only loud asshole and if anyone is going to ruin my fun time it will be ME

>> No.17495712
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haha that would be crazy haha

>> No.17495801


>> No.17495807

Then I have some good news for you. That's a man.

>> No.17495954
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>> No.17495958

sex on the beach, and a smooth wink ;)

>> No.17495973

based and bogan pilled, haven't had a goon bender in a while. Gives the missus a gnarly hangover

>> No.17495978

Nah bros, you know when the bartender is into you. I've banged two bartenders who gave me their numbers at the end of the night. Powerful feeling

>> No.17496086

Conversely, the inability to spot sarcasm is a sign of autism.

>> No.17496102

If I'm at a bar and ordering it means I am with my brother, which means I am ordering something with a funny name anyway. Probably "Pussy" somewhere in there, which seems to mean vodka+peach schnapps+ whatever to make it tight or wet or pink.

>> No.17496533

>Powerful feeling
sucking a dudes cock in a dirty bathroom at 3 am is pretty fucking pathetic

>> No.17496651

speak for yourself

>> No.17496673


>> No.17496678

i am and i will you little cocksucker

>> No.17496691

long island iced tea, a true mans drink.

>> No.17496725



>> No.17496812

could I get eight fingers of your cheapest whiskey

>> No.17496818

>Drink ordered by women on every show and movie it's featured in

Yea buddy, I'll take a Mike's Hard too

>> No.17496838

Lmao check out this queer. You know fish fuck in that stuff, right?

>> No.17496848

people who gatekeep alcohol are the biggest fucking losers

>> No.17496851

and the old guy next to you will have two shots of whiskey

>> No.17497239

I'll have a cowboy, hold the whiskey.

>> No.17497814

different strokes for different folks guy, no hate

>> No.17497872
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I order a lemonade and laugh at her disdainful expression.

>> No.17498504

>buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurp hyea guyz alchohocl is my faVrorit drunk in rhe worl
no thanks

>> No.17498519

>If you're autistic, you're leaving
imagine coming to 4chan and calling someone autistic. back to facebewk NOW

>> No.17499074

H*nd h*lding.

>> No.17499081

I will ask deep and probing questions about their water filtration system before ordering a small glass of tap

>> No.17499945

Immeasurably based

>> No.17500201
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does she say itadakimasu before eating out of your ass?

>> No.17500204

meant to respond to this >>17485913

>> No.17500318

fucking trash

>> No.17500354

What's that you say, good sir? Did you just besmirch my gentle name?

>> No.17500474

Bud light or PBR. Whichever is cheaper.

>> No.17500543
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The cheapest whisky they have, and also ask if she wants one too since I'm buying

>> No.17500620


>> No.17500625
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I order drunken black thugs to gangrape her

>> No.17500633

whiskey sour, please

>> No.17500637

based taste. shramps and white wine

>> No.17500656

maybe in murrica this is common, but in urop I pretty much never see bartenders flirting with customers, it's usually more bartenders trying to fend off hordes of lonely, desperate, horny men with false hopes. though sexual molestation is part of german high culture so it might just be that.

I've even known bartenders who don't, or literally cannot, drink alcohol. most of them did the job because they wanted company

>> No.17500659

yes, because boycotts always work so fabulously and people really go go through with it, don't they? remember when just last year people burned their nikes? no? well, neither do nikes shareholders.

>> No.17500671

i fucking hate grape

>> No.17500811

I drink to enjoy, not to impress. I'll have a lime gimlet please.

>> No.17501882

good choice

>> No.17502069

Tell me more about what these great jobs are and how to get one >>17489152

>> No.17502150

That is gay ngl

I respect you brother, and the bartender will too