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17484857 No.17484857 [Reply] [Original]

how long does it take you to finish a bottle of wine after opening it?

>> No.17484868

I'm an alcoholic who managed to quit hard liquor, but I can easily polish off a bottle of 13.5% wine a night after work. I get home at 4 and usually go until about 8-9.

My fiance doesn't know :\

>> No.17484873

20 minutes

>> No.17484876
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>come home from work depressed as usual
>eat an apple while showering
Anyone else do this

>> No.17484987
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who the fuck buys a bottle when you can get a 1 gallon party bag for the same price instead?

>> No.17485024

about 20 seconds longer than it takes me to cram a funnel in my ass

>> No.17485035

Get help bro its not worth it.

>> No.17485041

I eat subs in the tub

>> No.17485202

It's really not hard to drink a bottle.

>> No.17485208

drinking alone (yes, obviously etc.) i usually drink a bottle over two nights. i drink because i enjoy a glass of wine, not to get pissed

>> No.17485215

Nice. You ever get nice and sloshed then rape your girl's ass?

>> No.17485234

it goes bad after the night, better enjoy it fast

>> No.17485316

1 night? this isn't true is it

>> No.17485326

back in the day I used to drink 3 bottles a night

>> No.17485467

Pretty much. Avoid this with box wine (there are good ones now)

>> No.17485480

Used to regularly drink one in like 3 hours, now I get tipsy from half a bottle. I have no idea why but my alcohol tolerance suddenly just dropped.

>> No.17485505

your ability to metabolize alcohol (along with pretty much else) slows with age

>> No.17485512

How does your fiance not know you drink a bottle of wine every night

>> No.17485896

4 days if I'm being a good boy having one glass a night but that's usually if it's mediocre plonk. Good stuff is gone in 2 days.

>> No.17485959

there's 24, almost 25 ounces of wine in a bottle, so a glass can be between 4-6 ounces. I typically only have a glass a night.

>> No.17485995

Within 2-3 days at most.

>> No.17486193

long covid

>> No.17486222

Hours to a week.

Unless it's fortified then it won't spoil and can last years. I got some nice port from the 60s it wasn't crazy pricy and I love port (odd I don't have a sweet tooth) but that's for a sip with close friends or a bday or something. I know being bottled and opened it doesn't age more but i've had it maybe 3 years

>> No.17486287

3 or 4 days

>> No.17486311

Oh shit is that a thing? Didn't know it could affect alcohol tolerance.

>> No.17486318

2 weeks to a month

I only drink 1 or 2oz every couple of days, just like a shot with dinner that I sip on between my tea and mineral water.

>> No.17486323

10 minutes

>> No.17486347

I made it up. Although once I did have norovirus, which made me puke up any alcoholic beverage for months. I couldn't even keep down a beer or glass of wine. I ended up losing like 40lbs, which was fine by me cuz I was a lardo.

>> No.17487648

2 nights

>> No.17487684


>> No.17487697

It's gone the day it's opened

>> No.17487698

fine anon, i'll make another man feel really good with my mouth instead of you. have fun with your hand.

>> No.17487700

1-4 nights

>> No.17489510

usually a month, buy bottle, drink half, leave it open on the counter for a month, drink the rest

>> No.17490369

Cork it hard, push it in. And you get one week before it's too gross to down. We did this in catering.

>> No.17490451

Only use wine for cooking so a month or two at least

>> No.17490461

Cool story

>> No.17490474

About a month, I am a glutton for colas and stuff like that but wine is like vegemite, it must be slow.

If my gf sniffs it out though? 2 hours

>> No.17490475

2 to 4 hours usually.

>> No.17491067

>expensive californian wine
Dude, i'll be clear...new world wines are bad, get some taste and buy Italian, moorish or frog wines

>> No.17491100

more than 1-2 nights is inconceivable to me

>> No.17491119

one day, two if you want to be pedantic
3/4th on an evening, the remaining 1/4th when I wake up the following noon.
i'd never let a bottle sit for more than 24 hours.

>> No.17492412

Oh she knows

>> No.17492416

I often accidentally throw away the cork and the bottle into the trash upon opening it so unfortunately mere seconds. The worst part is when i take out the trash It often leaks nasty garbage wine from the 3-4 bottles i accidentally throw away. It's just a brain fart like when you throw away the candy instead of the candy wrapper. I dont buy pricey wine because of this

>> No.17492582

how do i get norovirus

>> No.17492609

Bottle of wine is like three good glasses so it is incredibly easy to drink a whole bottle of wine. I still drink too much, but I used to be a lot worse. I used to drink half a bottle of vodka and eight beers before going out so people wouldn't get weird about how much I'd drink. People would be like "hey it is that guy, the party animal" because I'd drink 10 beers or something, but that'd be on top of what I'd had before heading out. I used to drink to the point of blacking out at least once a week for most of my 20's. Thing is, now I don't even like getting drunk, but I do still like a drink. I crave the excitement of getting drunk, but not the feeling of being drunk. I think it is in part the anticipatory excitement of letting go, being relaxed, being in a situation where I can indulge in that way that I enjoy and I've found more healthy ways of coping. I do still drink too much however I'm talking a couple of drinks 2-3 times a week. If anything I don't often choose wine because it is very easy to finish the bottle so I'd rather not open it to begin with, but my girlfriend loves wine. At least I don't have to drink it, finish it etc. An opened bottle can sit for several days.

>> No.17493124

doesn't it still go bad before that since its open
this nigga cooking with spoiled wine

>> No.17493127
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>> No.17493148

How do you do that often?

>> No.17493428

Depends on what I'm doing, my typical drinking session is a bottle of port + a bottle of merlot, if I just want to get drunk I'll down both bottles within an hour or so. If I'm watching a movie, I'll drink the port throughout, then destroy the merlot within 20 minutes immediately after.

>> No.17493436


>> No.17493445

Yes. That's only the first night of drinking, too, the amount ramps up the following 3-4 days of the bender.

>> No.17493450

dude, take a break. you'll be saving money and your tolerance will be lower. doesn't it get boring being drunk for so long and barely feeling/remembering it

>> No.17493464

Not boring, more depressing when I sober up and anxiety inducing not knowing what I've done though. I'm on a week break at the moment.

>> No.17493474

well good, but do consider going longer bro