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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17473366 No.17473366 [Reply] [Original]

im making ez burritos

>> No.17473378
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sauteed some onion then added rice and seasoning to toast a bit

>> No.17473391

>rice in burrito
That's just filler so cheap places don't have to give you as much meat. Since you're making it at home, you can skip that bullshit.

>> No.17473396

sticky rice in a ‘rito is pretty great tho.

>> No.17473402

Unless you're absolutely loading up on protein during the day, that's way too many calories from carbs. You're never going to get stronger eating that way.

>> No.17473408
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added one jar of tomatoes, ine jar of turkey stock and a bit of mexican hotsauce
and now ill just cook the rice like normal

>> No.17473439

these aren't meat burritos

>> No.17473449

Oh, you're doing sauteed vegetables with cheese?

>> No.17473455

maybe not cheese i think i only have cheddar and blue

>> No.17473457

"easy" burritos lmao
>brown 1lb ground beef
>add half cup of water
>add 2tsp cumin, 2tsp salt, 1tsp cayenne, 1tsp paprika, 1tsp corn starch
>chopped onion, 3 cloves garlic minced
>boil off water
>black bean paste in tortilla
>put in ground beef and cheese

>> No.17473464

>You're never going to get stronger eating that way.

I’m not a chinless manlet, I don’t need to be stronger. Rice me up with some adobo chicky and guac-guac.

>> No.17473466

t. Skinnyfat weakling

>> No.17473480

>t. clinical dysphoria
you guys are kind of queer

>> No.17473498
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sauteed garlic onion peppers and seasoning

>> No.17473521
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beans and corn

>> No.17473522

you should strive for improvement every single day

>> No.17473537
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oh la la

>> No.17473569

I’m pretty great already. No need to cope.

>> No.17473586

Looks good OP, never mind the flirting in the thread

>> No.17473589

You still a certain amount of protein each day to maintain your strength.

>> No.17473598

Okay, and? You're weak as fuck and overweight so I'm not taking your advice.

>> No.17473601

seethe + cope + dilate

>> No.17473615

Fuck these nerds. Looks solid

>> No.17473616

op is kill

>> No.17473643
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>> No.17473654

stop being poor

>> No.17473656
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wa la

>> No.17473660

i'm not poor i'm frugal

>> No.17473684

it adds texture and firms up the burrito

>> No.17473689

you know what else adds texture? vegetables

>> No.17473720

refried beans and cheddar burritos are great

>> No.17473768

i don't disagree with you
if i had a milder cheddar i'd go for it but the old cheddar i have is too greasy if i don't mix it with something milder

>> No.17473777

That's the saddest fucking burrito I've ever seen. Tacobell grey ooze looks better than your burrito. Sorry OP but you need to get cooking lessons asap

>> No.17473790

No meat op? No hot sauce?
Wtf you might as well just eat a quesadilla

>> No.17473792
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>No hot sauce?

>> No.17473797

>YOU LIKE SPICY AND NOT ICY!!!?!?!?!!!?!1?!

>> No.17473808

trips of truth
stop being poor

>> No.17473815

fair enough

>> No.17473836

what to rich people put in their ez burritos?

>> No.17473845
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Pic related

>> No.17473863

I feel so fucking bad for idiots who didn't grow up in southern Texas and have no idea what fucking mexican food is, and trust me I'm the whitest guy you'll meet but I can make you some fucking good mexican food, I'm talking bone in chicken soup when you're feeling sick mexican food just like abuelita used to make. And this fucking faggot busting out five different prepackaged spice jars to make this trash is fucking pathetic.

If you want to make a burrito, make some rice, any rice, saffron if you want to be fancy but just fucking rice. Heat up beans (black, pinto, or refried but if you do refried make sure to put some water with it to get it smooth), cook chicken, beef, or pork, and then throw on cheese (I like queso fresco), diced tomato, lettuce, sour cream, SALSA (actual mexicans from mexico will fucking curse at you if you try to feed them a taco without salsa) and use fucking corn tortillas faggot they're so much better. You can get creative with college white girl Chipotle shit like avocado and what the fuck ever, and super interesting if you get into homemade green salsas which are my favorite, but fuck you it's so goddamn simple and should always be small corn tortillas, not the big stupid idiot "I wish I was eating taco bell right now" bullshit like OP is doing, that's for white soccer moms who have never been south of Colorado.

>> No.17473888

>five different prepackaged spice jars
i see one jar of cumin

>> No.17473896

hello general sam watcher

>> No.17473937

1. ground cumin
2. jar of tomatoes
3. jar of turkey stock
4. constant reference to "seasoning"
5. constant reference to "seasoning"

I am vindicated and OP is a fag, and if someone told me they could cook and then served me this I'd be very polite and say I enjoyed it because I'm a guest but I'd make a point not to socialize with them again unless we're close in which I'd make fun of literally every decision they made in the hopes they'd wise up.

>> No.17473940

>corn tortilla

>> No.17473996

yeah i live in bumfuck canada, 40 minute drive to the nearest food store and it's february
i wasn't trying to make authentic mexican food
just easy tidy tasty high calorie burritos with shit i have lying around the house for my hikes this week
lettuce, sour cream, avocado, wet shit etc. doesn't pack and travel well

also corn burritos is pants on head retarded

>> No.17474080

Nobody fucking cares, and trust it to be a fucking whitoid jumping in to show everyone he’s not like all the other whitoids, he likes his burritos AUTHENTIC

>> No.17474108

look douchebags, mexican food is for small corn tortillas. giant flour burritos are for soccer moms, I'm sorry but you're a karen. You get exactly as much food, dipshit, you just don't make one giant turd, learn what an economy of scale is you fucking dorks. now take your midwestern tastelet hot takes where they belong: the local fucking wawa.

>> No.17474110

burritos were originally made with flour tortillas. they're less than 100 years old.

>> No.17474123

burritos suck and I'm encouraging you to make the exact same ingredients with a slightly smaller casing you literal fucking brainlet now shut the fuck up about burritos it's like whining that chicken tenders are better than chicken nuggets despite the same breading and filling being used, jesus you're dumb

>> No.17474126

This thread made me so sad, anon. This was a terrible, plain and boring burrito.

>> No.17474132

>burritos suck
Then why did give a detailed burrito recipe? Also, you're aware Mexicans in Mexico eat flour tortillas every single day, right?

>> No.17474138

>if you want to make a burrito
>use small corn tortillas instead


>> No.17474142

Burritos aren't made with corn tortillas. Maybe you're thinking of a taco?

>> No.17474153

jesus fucking christ you literal retard

>if u want big thing
>y not try small thing
>same insides i promise
>u mite enjoy this small thing more

Go tell your handler to carefully read the above greentext until you've stopped drooling enough to focus

>> No.17474154

No fuck off, the only reason you made your post was to show off.
>bone in chicken soup like your mexicrandma makes!
Yeah, or like the entirety of mainland Europe you smug faggot.

Watching Angloids brag about knowing how to cook AWFENTIKLY is like watching a toddler brag about taking his pants off to shit, you discovered a well known secret. Fuck you

>> No.17474166

corn tortillas don't fold like flour tortillas do, and they taste different. the difference isn't just size. nobody makes burritos with corn tortillas.

>> No.17474167

>smug faggot
>the entirety of mainland Europe
Watching mutts try to belong to Europe is depressing. Just clean the front of your curry shop and keep to yourself, stop bothering people.

>> No.17474179

yes, retard, people in mexico make tacos with corn tortillas using all the same things that are used to make burritos and corn tortillas taste better, but to progress past this point in the conversation you require an iq in the double digits and I can simply no longer ignore your inability to stop pointing out that a burrito is not a taco, and by the way, wow sperglord, great observation, tell your handler so he'll give you another hot wheels

>> No.17474199

tacos aren't burritos

>> No.17474217

>only Americans use 4chan
Smug AND dumb.

>> No.17474360
File: 28 KB, 730x1194, smug soy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>giant flour burritos are for soccer moms, I'm sorry but you're a karen

>> No.17474388

>lettuce and tomato on tacos
>real mexican food
What a retard

>> No.17474511

t'habite ou esti

>> No.17474527

Thank Christ this is the internet and not a school or Angry Angloid here would be gunning us down

>> No.17474564


>> No.17474716

foie gras and black truffle

>> No.17474723

Shut up texas queer.

>> No.17475343

good choice in hot sauce