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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17466530 No.17466530 [Reply] [Original]

As a meat eater if I was forced to go vegan I can survive off Tofu alone. Lets have a Fofu appreciation thread.

>> No.17466535

Enjoy your tits.

>> No.17466546


>> No.17466613

>tofu pok

>> No.17467288


>> No.17467302
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I do everyday ;)

>> No.17467316

Cats are responsible for the death of millions of birds each year. Their owners should be held responsible!!!

>> No.17467327

Fuck birds, I don't care if cats eat them all. I'd rather have a forest of cats than a forest of a billion rats, voles and birds

>> No.17467337

Try tempeh. It's fermented tofu, if you will, a bit nutty tasting.

>> No.17467351

sirs, you must do the needful of the 4chinz, you must open bobs or have a nice day.

>> No.17467359

This, vastly superior texture.

>> No.17467361

Birds are important for the environment and the ecosystem where they live, idiot.

>> No.17467365

Birds are not that important

>> No.17467398

>t. Mao Zedong.

>> No.17467411

Retard conspiracy theorist. Tofu is fermented.

>> No.17467417

what's the recipe for that? it's fried?

>> No.17467979

No fucks given, screw the environment. I just want kitties

>> No.17468063

Silken tofu is goat. It can be enjoyed hot or cold, sweet or savory, alone or as part of a larger dish. Simply divine.

>> No.17468143

You get more estrogen from plastics and hormones in the water then you ever could on a lifetime on tofu

>> No.17468173

>what's the recipe for that?
You usually buy it like that, they are often called either "fried tofu" or "tofu puffs"
>it's fried?
Yep. Press (optional, I don't usually do it), cut into cubes, dry, fry in hot oil.

>> No.17468194

Anybody else like to just eat it raw?

>> No.17468360


>> No.17468380

Look into TVP. It's basically dehydrated tofu with the fat taken out. Add some vegetable broth and some seasoning and you got an extremely protein packed ground beef replacement. 47 grams of protein for 270 calories. Very customizable with the favors too.

>> No.17468389

>The results of this meta-analysis suggest that neither soy foods nor isoflavone supplements alter measures of bioavailable T concentrations in men.

>We conclude that the phytoestrogen dose consumed had no effect on semen quality.

>Consumption of soy protein of low or high isoflavone content does not adversely affect semen quality in a sample of healthy adult men.

>The intervention data indicate that isoflavones do not exert feminizing effects on men at intake levels equal to and even considerably higher than are typical for Asian males.

>These data suggest that, while isoflavones were detected in SPC, chronic WPC or SPC supplementation did not appreciably affect biomarkers related to muscle androgenic signaling or SQ estrogenic signaling. The noted fiber type-specific responses to WPC and SPC supplementation warrant future research.

>The reported studies suggest that soy consumption exerts small effects on hormones in both men and premenopausal women. Although these effects are generally in a beneficial direction
>beneficial direction

>> No.17468395

don't eat tofu
you will get kidney stones.
tomato beans and bread.

>> No.17468396

The cats would starve, dumbass

>> No.17468428
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If eating soy gives you tits then why don't MTF transgenders eat nothing but soy?

>> No.17468454
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Tofu is based for sure, even if you eat plenty of meat.

Best way is to coat in tapioca/corn starch and a little oil and just get them crispy in the oven. Literally zero effort and they will come out almost as crispy as fried tofu, pickung up any sauce.

>> No.17468463

That sounds way better than what I do. I usually just coat them in flour then pan-fry them.

>> No.17468500
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A what thread? Best girl thread?

>> No.17468536

Not if I also raise livestock to feed them. Everything man made, fuck nature it's gross, I just want humanity and our artificial creations to take over the entire world. I'd be fine with everything going extinct but a few species that are useful to us

>> No.17468571
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the truly redpilled ones do

>> No.17468849

>I'd be fine with everything going extinct but a few species that are useful to us
You're fucking retarded. Nature is there for a reason. Soil food web? Food chain? All you fucking idiots spraying pesticides everywhere because tiny little bugs terrify you are killing everything else around you, then you wonder why grocery prices are going up.

>> No.17468866

um, sweety
science is only true if it agrees with me

>> No.17468876
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For me, it's tempeh (fermented soybean)

>> No.17468985

>Fuck birds
maoist hands typed this post

>> No.17469002

is 'her' first name chandler?

>> No.17469005


>> No.17469011

pretty esoteric but made me snort

>> No.17470542

Tempeh is harder to get and less versatile, but easier to prepare. Though I agree it's great.

>> No.17470555

>newfags not recognizing chris-chan

>> No.17470676

It's not fermented. Tofu is essentially coagulated and pressed soy milk.
But the schizo conspiracy theory about soy containing estrogen is retarded regardless, soy contains phytoestrogens which aren't processed by our body the same way actual estrogen would. Actual estrogens however are found in cow milk.
Asians have been eating soy products for millennia and as far as I know their men aren't known to rock D cups.

>> No.17470844


>> No.17470856

Just genetically engineer the few species we need to survive with no microbiome. Sterilize the earth and turn it into an industrial park, it would unironically be better than wild unkept nature.

>> No.17470899

Imagine not recognizing Chris-chan

>> No.17471321

Sorry I don't know your favorite autistic tranny, I really couldn't give less of a fuck. If you do recognize ChrisChan you are a lost cause and should go an hero

>> No.17471333
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I shiggy diggy

>> No.17471344
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WT snackah gtfo

>> No.17471346

lurk more

>> No.17471349

lol frogshit opinion

>> No.17471367

Somehow your ranaphobic opinion is even worse than his

>> No.17471387

Holy shit, how fucking new?

>> No.17471409

2006 I've heard of chrischan before but I literally couldn't be assed to remember him. Forgettable and retarded, don't see why you guys care about him at all. He could catch rollaids and die for all I care

>> No.17471422

frogposters >>>>>>>>> everything else > wojak posters

>> No.17471436
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>> No.17471439
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>> No.17471462

come on man, quit playin, he's a legend

>> No.17471475

hello newfags. you are the cancer

>> No.17471489
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A legend at being a forgettable irrelevant bitch
The only thing worse than the tranny himself is his horde of retard sycophants

>> No.17471508
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I, for one, welcome our new frogposting overlords

>i think they're funny

>> No.17471828

Everyone ITT should post more tofu recipes. I'm a two-trick pony with it and need to branch out.
The texture and taste are weird but by god it's so good with some flavors. Try making mapo tofu with crumpled up tempeh.

>> No.17471898

If the whole soy estrogen thing isn't true, why is it always the most beta soyboy cucks who eat soy and only soy?

>> No.17471916

The soy is what made them want to transition to begin with.

>> No.17471939

idk man chris chan is pretty based for raping his demented mother and then claiming his innocence by telling people he was "soul bonding" with her

>> No.17472033

You might get scurvy.

>> No.17472378
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