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17468846 No.17468846 [Reply] [Original]

All my life I've drank an insane amount of soda, I can't help but want something cold and refreshing to go with a meal. I've recently eliminated all sugary drinks in exchange for beer, and I'm not looking back. Am I doing more harm to my body this way? I chug around 2-3 pints a day.

>> No.17468859

Just quit soda cold turkey and enjoy a beer. I drink a couple pints every day except one and I'm doing fine, but it's dependent on your body can handle.
There's no benefit to soda, at least alcohol will get you buzzed. If you want something really fizzy and low calorie, drink like lacroix + lime juice or kombucha.

>> No.17468925

I haven't drank soda outside of drink mixers for 10 years, have at least a beer a night and and a hungry skeleton. But I have the metabolism of a hummingbird. Beer makes you fat but at least it doesn't rot your teeth out.

>> No.17468929

>is it okay to swap poison for poison?
yeah sure bro

>> No.17468976
File: 392 KB, 925x698, soycohol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>swap cancer for aids
wow bro sick lifehackerino!

>> No.17468979

Bro, just drink soda water with some citrus in it. Declicious

>> No.17468982

handle your drink and don't let your drink handle you, bitch

>> No.17468988

>substituting liquid simple sugar for liquid simple sugar with alcohol

>> No.17469036

beer doesn't have sugar in it, retard

>> No.17469040

2 pints of beer a day is nothing and could actually be good for you.

Problem is that it will eventually turn into more than 2 pints.

>> No.17469057

Are you a child? If you're an adult, drink water. You can still have something else once a day or so.

>> No.17469067

0% alc beer exists

>> No.17469271

>Is substituting all sugar drinks for beer a good idea?

>> No.17469889

>Is substituting all sugar drinks for beer a good idea?

Your body metabolizes alcohol the same way that it does sugar. Or, to put it another way, sugar is a carbohydrate and alcohol is a carbohydrate. So the only way substituting sugar drinks for beer would be good, is by counting the carbs, and if you end up consuming less carbs overall.

>> No.17471568

>alcohol is a carbohydrate
lmao. It doesn't even have the same calories/g as a carb
>your body metabolizes alcohol the same way that it does sugar.
Your body metabolizes alcohol like poison

>> No.17471599

Why not drink beer with some citrus in it?

>> No.17471601

>Your body metabolizes alcohol like poison
It does???

>> No.17472174

switch for water