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17467136 No.17467136 [Reply] [Original]

Is it true you can't eat too much canned tuna because of mercury poisoning or is this a FUD

>> No.17467156

Mercury is good for you

>> No.17467186

t. Qin Shi Huang

>> No.17467270

A can a day won't kill you.

>> No.17467282

>Mercury is good for you
>First Emperor of China was given pills made of the stuff to make him "live forever"
>got mercury poisoning in his brain
>Spent days at a time shooting "sharks" in an empty lake with a crossbow
>his attendants were forced to stay and clap after every shot

>Tomb filled with mercury to celebrate its medicinal wonders

>> No.17467408

Tuna 3-4 times a week is fine desu

>> No.17467412
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>> No.17468189

When you say 3-4 times a week, what do you mean? 3-4 cans per week? Assume you mean "servings" so how many cans is 3-4 servings?

>> No.17468244
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Unless you're eating mako sharks for 100% of your dietary needs you cannot get mercury poisoning. This pertaining to fucking tuna has to be the biggest falsehood I've ever seen in all of nutrition and that's quite a feat

Selenium counteracts mercury, there's a fuckton more selenium in any fish than mercury beside some turbo hyper predators like sharks

>> No.17468276

3-4 bites per week

>> No.17468278

I wouldn't worry about it anon

>> No.17468398

So...is that 3-4 cans?

>> No.17468579

that's until you're squirting out excess protein diarrhea

>> No.17468757

3-4 tunas per week, retard.

>> No.17468773

Tuna companies shills GTFO!!

>> No.17468863

Canned white albacore tuna typically contains about 0.32 parts per million of mercury. Canned light tuna contains about 0.12 parts per million of mercury.

just eat light tuna and you can have it everyday t. fitfag

>> No.17468935

I eat like 7 or 8 cans of tuna a day and I am completely fine

>> No.17468966

Don't you have to defecate every 30 minutes?

>> No.17469019

How the hell do you afford that?

>> No.17469023

I imagine buying the cheap stuff in bulk.

>> No.17469037

That's still like 50 cans a week if he's seriously eating that much tuna every day. Ridiculous, but not something I am surprised to see on 4chan.
Show us your trashcan anon

>> No.17469050
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absolutely based

>> No.17469072


>> No.17469125

if tuna contains any mercury at all then why would it be safe to eat even one can?

>> No.17469236

chunk light tuna is actually on the low side mercury-wise. but if you're really that worried about it just eat deenz

>> No.17469251

deenz nutz xD

>> No.17470009

A can of tuney is like 130 calories that ain’t even a serving

>> No.17470016

>how do you afford 7 dollars a day
Are you seriously that poor

>> No.17470044
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>> No.17470078

because two atoms of mercury arent gonna fuck your shit up

>> No.17471396

so you can eat once can but not 3?
how? wouldnt it be a gradual progression of mercury and not some arbitrary threshold?

>> No.17471411

>Spent days at a time shooting "sharks" in an empty lake with a crossbow
>his attendants were forced to stay and clap after every shot
Holy fuck it’s good to be a Chinese emperor.
You WILL clap every time I shoot one of my hallucinatory sharks.

>> No.17471450

>anything above zero is too much if something is bad for you
Have fun dying of starvation then.
Damn near everything edible has a nonzero amount of at least one “bad for you” something.
That’s why you need to disregard most schizo “Omg X was found in Y!!!” clickbait blogshit. Just because something is present doesn’t mean it’s present in an amount that actually matters.
If any detectable amount of mercury is too much, then you’ll have to avoid basically all fish and shellfish.

>> No.17471503

well yes i just dont get why 0.002 mercury is perfectly fine but 0.004 mercury is supposedly fatal

>> No.17471518

Swordfish is the worst of the "expensive" fishes. Don't get why people order this at restaurants... always tastes dry & chewy.

>> No.17471524

Switch to sardines, they have less mercury, taste better, mog the fuck out of tuna when it comes to nutrients, and in most places tend to be cheaper.

>> No.17471537
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They don't have sardines at the food bank

>> No.17471539

Companies lied to generations about cereal being an essential part of breakfast and mouth wash being the only fix for halitosis. Do you think I'm going to trust some shitty, money hungry, corp to tell me what fish is ok to eat?

>> No.17471550

I don’t think anyone is saying it’s fatal.
It’s more like
>Tuna #1 has more mercury
>Tuna #2 has less mercury
If you want to eat tons of tuna, then #2 is probably the better choice for you.

>> No.17471558

>muh evil corporations
Learn to read.

>> No.17471563


>> No.17471584

seethe wagie

>> No.17472572

you learn to read, bitch

>> No.17472591

I already can. Checkmate, anon.