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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17461891 No.17461891 [Reply] [Original]

Is it really THAT bad?

>> No.17461912

Yeah it's honestly kind of amusing. If we don't just collapse into a bug-eating dystopia I wonder if they'll look back at our disgusting factory-churned slop like we look at maggot-filled bread from the dark ages.

>> No.17461914

Yes. The quality of the meat is dogshit and literally every person's local deli makes better food then subway.

>> No.17462143

It was never that good.
They made it by opening a gorillion locations.
It was too easy to grab a sandwich when there's like 14 locations near you, some in gas stations.

>> No.17462152

No. It's worse.

>> No.17462166
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well, im sure its probably one of the worst "sub"places in USA, but in my coutnry, its acutally my favorite from all the american chains we have here(its basically just subway/mcdonalds/kfc/burger king/dunkin donuts/church's/starbucks, its easily the best from those)
still, ive eaten there like 5 times tops, would never pick it over some actually good local place, but if i have to chose between subway and a shitty burger from mcdonalds, im definitely going with subway

>> No.17462167
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>"Listen, screw Subway. I'd rather watch rats shit in my beautiful wife's mouth. I'd rather kick a small puppy to death than eat Subway. You don't go to Subway for good food, you go there to get sick and die. Eat Jersey Mike's instead, bring your hot wife. Better yet, make your own God damn sandwich, get your girl to make it, Hell, get a hobo to make it, I don't care. Anything's better than Subway."

>> No.17462173
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I don't see the big fuckin deal. I just order tuna because how can you fuck that up? It'd be fine if it weren't 10 dollars though. That's why I stopped going.

>> No.17462176

Penn Station and Firehouse Subs are better

>> No.17462179

God how I love a good sub. Seems to be a hard thing to fuck up. Why does Subway suck so bad?
There’s one 100 yards from my front door and I’ve been there once.

>> No.17462182

Its like 10 CAD for a cold cut now. Unless they have a 2 for 1 deal in place on their shit app, I would never step foot in there.

>> No.17462231

Some meats are crap. But it's ok. Other fast food places haven't so many vagetables in their food.

>> No.17462237

>pedo spokesman
>employees aren't clean
>food is old and adulterated


>> No.17462251

Been to Subway here in europe where we have somewhat better foodstandards.

From my experience: All the meat is dogshit. The only good sub i like to eat sometimes there is an Italian BMT with cheddar, Jalapenos, pickles, Lettuce, tomatoes, onion and Chipotle sauce. This shit tastes amazing.

But again all the othe rmeat n shit is just without any real taste.

>> No.17462397

I like it desu. Don’t get all the hate.

>> No.17462436

Not even a /pol/ tard or anything, but Subway went to shit when Indians(dot) started to mass franchise them. They managed to turn a meh franchise to a horrible one. Pajeet managers' would literally throw a fit when you asked for stuff that doesn't even cost them much like "extra lettuce". Add declining food quality, super markets making better deli sandwiches, and price increases... Yea, they're in the trenches.

>> No.17462515

yeah, the 2 pajeet runs by me was always out of spinach. I still haven't been back, the cheap fucks.

>> No.17462532

Quality has dropped off a cliff, as it always is with these things. The quality was shockingly high in the early 2000s when they were running at a loss and expanding everywhere, then they saturated the market and desperately needed to cut costs so quality dropped off a cliff and prices went up.

Now instead of a quality $5 footlong you get some soggy dogshit for 8.50.

>> No.17462576

Subway reminds me of 2006 when I lived in Winnemucca. I'd drive to Subway with my gf and eat it in the car. Good times.

>> No.17462604

Same here. The only US fast food chain that's relatively healthy too (depending on what you order)

>> No.17462775
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>>employees aren't clean
>go to subway for a simple turkey and bacon footlong
>mfw the worker keeps adjusting his crusty mask with his gloves
>drops lid on floor, scoops it up off floor
>goes back to assembling my sandwich with same gloves
>itches his dry skin for a moment before he realizes im still standing in front of him
>goes over to input sandwich cost, still hasn't changed gloves
>goes back to finally cutting my sandwich
>i walk out without paying and without my fresh germwich
>go to jersey mike's 15 minutes away
>first thing employee does there is swap out his old gloves for new ones
>the sandwich was $2 more then subway anyways, well worth not getting incel germs all over my fucking food

>> No.17462934

Jersey Mike's > Firehouse > Blimpie > Wawa > Which Wich > Jimmy John's >>> Subway >>>>>>>>>>>>>Quiznos

>> No.17462967
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>go to subway
>tell the sandwich artist what you want
>tell the sandwich artist what ingredients you want on your sandwich
>complains about it sucking

really makes me think big time, desu.
>yeah gimme the terriyaki chicken on flat bread, not toasted
>put some provolone on it
>lettuce and spinach
>bell peppers
>yeah put some vinagrette and yellow mustard on it too please
>oh yeah put a whole fuckload of mustard on it too please
>oh can i have some quac too on it

what the fuck this sucks this is all subways fault

>> No.17462978
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objectively correct post

>> No.17462997

>eating bread in 2022

>> No.17462999

I stopped going to subway when they switched to lower quality chicken pieces. I don't live in a a first world developped nation because I want half of the meat in my sandwich to be fucking cartilage.

>> No.17463002

When the meatball marinara is your best sandwich you are doing something wrong

>> No.17463009

cold cut combo or smoked turkey or whatever its called are the best

>> No.17463046

their only competition is gas stations and convience stores selling ham & cheese sandwiches for $9, when at subway you can get a footlong for $6 with triple everything on it.
the only fast food that gives you more food volume for cheaper is Dominoes $5 large pizzas.
their success speaks for itself when their competition is shitty boomer burger chains that charge you $17 for a big mac meal.
YOU pick the toppings, if your sandwich tastes like shit then just design a better sandwich next time.

>> No.17463051

The tuna isnt even real bro they cant even identify what they use for the suna subs at subway look it up.

>> No.17463081

In Vancouver they're alright, not high quality, but tasty.

>> No.17463105

...i mean its called after a place that is usually full with people, dirty and with bad air quality...
no one should expect high quality

>> No.17463140

20 years ago in grade school if you had subway at lunch you were super cool

>> No.17463147

>being this profoundly retarded
Did they cancel your science classes for pronoun studies?

>> No.17463320

>nobody has yet to refute this

based, brainlets btfo yet again

>> No.17463652

Yep, the customers are worse. I'm looking at two methheads who are waiting for their subway order at this very moment.

>> No.17463700

Then stop posting and get back to work.

>> No.17463722

>I wonder if they'll look back at our disgusting factory-churned slop like we look at maggot-filled bread from the dark ages.
No, because the people back then generally lived in extreme poverty and didn't have much of a choice. Today we have the wealthiest society known in human history, the most accessible collections of tasty, healthy food ever created, yet our mediocrities continue to mindlessly patronize globohomo corporations like Subway. We could have been exploring the stars but instead we have mystery meat people eating mystery meat sandwiches that are neither healthy nor taste good.

>> No.17463770


>> No.17463798

It definitely isn't good value anymore but I don't understand the hate for the food quality. Their bread tastes decent, their meats are generic cold cuts (don't get their chicken, doesn't taste that bad but it's half sawdust), their vegetables are.. Vegetables. Tastes the fucking same as any other sub place. Is it way worse in the 'states or something? Price aside leaf bro, do you agree with the hate?

>> No.17463818

You must never visit it-down restaraunts. The shit in most kitchens would turn your feeble little stomach.

Not to say you aren't justified, why the fuck wear gloves if you're not doing what you're supposed to, but.. Don't ever work in the restaraunt industry. You'll learn right quick that this is the normal.

>> No.17463839

I have only ever ordered either meatball marinara or pizza marinara, and as such I have a good opinion on Subway

>> No.17463880

Their food got worse and their prices went up

>> No.17463939

Yes. I seriously don't understand how they're still in business. You couldn't pay me to eat at subway

>> No.17464248

they suffer from extreme mediocrity and production issues, some of which they've resolved with menu changes, but the biggest problem is they're overrated to the point other sub shops suffer because every normie thinks they're the same as them.

>> No.17464252


>> No.17464278

this, i've only ever worked in food. i don't mind obeying rules but if i don't feel like changing gloves and nobody's looking then i'm not fuckin doing it. apply that mindset to a back kitchen where nobody sees you and just imagine what shit happens back there.

>> No.17464404

You wear gloves? Puts you a cut above the rest in my experience.

I've never worked in food directly but I had a job taking away used cooking oil (they take it and refine it, use it for a bunch of random shit; for a while we were actually paying restaraunts per gallon but I think they're back to charging for it again).

Anyways, many of the oil drums/buckets/etc were inside the buildings, so I often had to enter the back of restaraunts. 50% of them are disgusting and not places you'd prepare food for your enemy, especially the ones who have their waste oil in buckets on the floor as you'd expect. It's fairly commonplace though.

>> No.17464435

Could be that I’m just lucky enough to pass by a few model locations, but I don’t get the hate tbqh. Maybe the local dot head genuinely gives a shit or most people just order shit subs.

>> No.17464448

It's a very peculiar sort of trashy flavor that if you grew up on it, it's somewhat endearing.

>> No.17464481

my shitty little town has two mcdonalds but it has 5 subways. if im at walmart and i want a sandwich, boom theres a subway

>> No.17464587

front of house, black customers are always bitchy about employees not changing gloves between touching something they should or shouldn't, which is ironic because i've never seen a black/spic employee wash their hands ever, meanwhile back of house they're not wearing gloves, dropping shit and picking it right back up and changing between sketch chores without handwashing consistently, while also having periodic straight-up food fights with send-backs between their regular pot-smoking breaks.

>> No.17464611

it's expensive as fuck for a mediocre sub.

>> No.17464643

I've worked at one and there's more cameras aimed at the workers than the people.
They also weigh the boxes of gloves every two days so if a shift isn't using gloves they can tell.

>> No.17464683

oh so your one guido sweatshop represents all of restaurants i've worked at in 13 years? let me stand corrected then

>> No.17464699

Can someone explain why people hate Quiznos? The ones I went to were objectively good imo. Good quality stuff and good flavor. Subway is abominable dog shit.

>> No.17464759

IDK, was talking about subway.

>> No.17465096

their bread isnt even bread

>> No.17465112
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If only you knew

>> No.17465115

Why don't they have a set menu for people who aren't picky? Why can't I order whatever #1 is and they start making it?

>> No.17465127
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It was okay at the height of its popularity in the mid 2000s, never better than a local mom n pop sandwich shop, but they were fucking everywhere and they were good enough. As the years went by though, they kept charging you more money for less food. I swear to god it's a competition between Subway chains to see how little meat and cheese slices they can put on a sub before people stop paying for them. I usually only eat there once or twice a year tops but it's really noticeable year over year, they put less on the sub.

tfw my favorite mom and pop sandwich joint died from covid lockdowns

>> No.17465129

Do bears shit in the woods?

>> No.17465149
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>tfw my favorite mom and pop sandwich joint died from covid lockdowns
I am truly sorry for your lots

>> No.17465153

Ive gotten food poisoning from them twice. Also filled with dirty pajeet workers at all times.

>> No.17465212 [DELETED] 
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>Is it really THAT bad?
Yes, it's shit.

>> No.17465276

Fuck off with that degenerate shit

>> No.17465291

That shit makes you hungry and just don't want to admit it

>> No.17465570

I work at subway. Its nice because i get a free foot long everyday. But honestly i would need at least 3 to 4 of them per day to contain my hunger.

>> No.17466080

went to subway for the first time with my room mate. He told me to order pulled pork "the recommended way" meaning that they do the cheese a certain I forgot. It all worked out fine but the next time we went I did the same thing and the employee had no idea what I was on about. My mate also asked me afterwards wtf I was doing as if he wasn't the one to get me onto it in the first place.
Did I shift timelines or something?

>> No.17466455

Quiznos here is significantly more expensive and the only difference of note is that their bread is harder (not in a bad way, just that subway tends to have very soft bread).

They also only sort of do the subway thing of "design your own food". They have that OPTION but you have to ask for variation: their menu is technically set.

>> No.17466461

Because the only ones that would get any orders are plain shit like tomato and lettuce with mayo or something.

You're talking to them while they make the sandwich. There's no time lost unless you're an indecisive fuck who sits there "ummmmmm"-ing your whole order.

>> No.17466482
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They were successful because they marketed themselves as the healthy alternative to McDonald's

>> No.17466486

This fucking post.
It reeks of White.
>flat bread, not toasted
Giga 'tard, untoasted flatbread will break when folded. The fact there's chalkies still frantically attempting to order untoasted bread proves my observational theory that Whites are afraid of crunchy because of genetically ingrained fear of Auschwitz furnaces.
>lemme get uhhhhh flatbread sandwich with messy shit
>last minute
>oooooo, is that guac? ma' fav'rite! <3

>> No.17466511

their jalapenos make my ass bleed and that chipotle sauce or whatever gave me a rash around my mouth

>> No.17466765

I don't get it, is this a US problem. I live in europe and it's my favorite fast food. It's perfectly fine for fast food.

>> No.17466783

Ordering exactly what you want isn't much help if their ingredients are dogshit quality, retard. Subway's bread is unforgivable and half the time it's stale, their meats are flavorless, their veggies will either be just okay, or completely wilted.

>> No.17466788

>is this a US problem
I would say no, considering Ireland ruled that their bread can't even be legally called bread. It's more like we have more options for this style of sandwich in the US than in Europe, so Subway looks really bad by comparison.

>> No.17466823

I don't have any other places that sell subs where I live so maybe. It's hard to compare when I don't have anything else kek

>> No.17466846

Well, I'm going to Europe for the first time next month as an Amerifag. I intend to try every American chain I can find in order to put this theory to the test. I know for sure I can get to McDonald's, Burger King, KFC, and Subway.

>> No.17466873

very very overpriced. for the cost of a single footlong, i can buy enough ingredients to make three, and it'll be with the satisfaction of knowing it wasn't assembled by some degen sandwich artist

>> No.17466905

Report back to /ck/ I want hear your opinions

>> No.17466924

You know it, buddy!

>> No.17467117

Do they still have the white chocolate chip cookies? I would buy like nine of them at a time in my late teens. I still think about how great they were, but there's no subway in my area, so I'll probably just make some myself.