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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 206 KB, 1000x1000, butter flavored shortening.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17457522 No.17457522 [Reply] [Original]

You can't cook with butter at high heat because it'll burn.
Ghee/clarified butter is too expensive.

Here's the solution.

>> No.17457528

why do we have 3 crisco threads right now? are being unironically shilled? jannies do your job

>> No.17457534


None of the above.

>> No.17457535

This is a game changer.

>> No.17457538

>Replacement of dietary saturated fats (from animal fats, common margarines, and shortenings) with omega 6 linoleic acid (from safflower oil and safflower oil polyunsaturated margarine).
>The intervention group (n=221) had higher rates of death than controls (n=237) (all cause 17.6% v 11.8%, hazard ratio 1.62 (95% confidence interval 1.00 to 2.64), P=0.05; cardiovascular disease 17.2% v 11.0%, 1.70 (1.03 to 2.80), P=0.04; coronary heart disease 16.3% v 10.1%, 1.74 (1.04 to 2.92), P=0.04).

>> No.17457558

You’re fucking retarded, just use refined coconut oil. Or, clarify the butter yourself instead of paying for it to be done for you.

>> No.17457619

I'm not a shill I just think butter shortening is fucking great. lol do you really think massive rich food companies would give enough of a shit about the 60 autistic posters on /ck/ to pay for employees to shill here? yeah every "i like this" post is a shill. good thinking detective faggot.

>> No.17457624
File: 109 KB, 967x966, 1588287821883.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jews are unironically shilling their toxic wasteproduct lard substitute on /ck/.
I'm seeing a lot of posts accusing people concerned about bleached and refined plant oils as being conspiracy theorists.

These people want us sick, bloated, and mentally ill, and they think it's funny and profitable.

Please catch a bullet!

>> No.17457659

then maybe use one of the other fucking crisco threads that are already up, you braindead shill

>> No.17457675

nah this gets its own thread

>> No.17457777

gonna cry?

>> No.17457937
File: 210 KB, 361x363, takeyourmeds.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17457945
File: 65 KB, 622x890, FDsXvJmUUAIZAkm.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17458306

Imagine not being able to heat butter in a pan until its clear

>> No.17458371

>he doesn't buy more butter to make his own ghee

>> No.17458797

enjoy your heart disease

>> No.17458827

>Ghee/clarified butter is too expensive.
Only if you buy it premade for some reason. It's easy to make yourself and only costs slightly more than the butter itself, and it lasts a long time at room temperature.

>> No.17458837

Bro literally fucking kill yourself. No one here is stupid enough to buy that boomer (((vegetable shortening)))

>> No.17458903

wait till you realize how many mcburger shill threads are up

>> No.17458945

I had unexplained pain in my joints for 3 years. Gave up all these fucked up oils just use butter and fat now... no more pain overnight fix.