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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17455423 No.17455423 [Reply] [Original]

what is /ck/'s consensus on sriracha?

>> No.17455428

It's like I always say: Flip open the hatch if you're reaching for the 'rach

>> No.17455435


It serves its purpose of being thick like ketchup and can stay put on a burger bite or a chicken leg. It's not runny like other popular hot sauce and that's its main benefit.

>> No.17455623

Not particularly good as far as hot sauces go but makes for pretty good ketchup alternative.

>> No.17455641
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shut up queer

>> No.17455644

>acidic as fuck chilly sauce
>plastic bottle
I prefer my testosterone.

>> No.17455674

Good mixed with mayo and ketchup for Samurai sauce, and, as an ingredient in spicy chili dishes. Its very overpowering on its own, id prefer something with more heat so that i could use less if its a condiment.

>> No.17455695

never tried it
now that the meme is dead I might

>> No.17456077

good stuff

>> No.17456182

A perfect replacement for ketchup for me personally.

>> No.17456230

>can of tuna
>kewpie mayo
>green onion
>soy sauce

boom spicy tuna sushi bowl. pure edible kino

>> No.17456254
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I mix ranch with sriracha and put that on everything, for every meal

>> No.17456269

people who say this are literal retards. just because they're both red autists go "omg ketchup replace :)))" when they're two completely different flavor profiles. i would never in my life use sriracha to replace ketchup and ketchup to replace sriracha. sriracha is spicy and made out of peppers, ketchup is acidic and made out of tomatoes

>> No.17456396

made out of high fructose corn syrup and red 40*

>> No.17456401

that doesn't even rhyme nigger

>> No.17456404

yes it does

>> No.17456407

does this have to be refrigerated?

>> No.17456421

sriracha is a fine hot sauce. It's not very hot and it has a pretty good flavor profile. I like to put it on scrambled eggs. But too too many people use it as a crutch because they can't cook, and they put it on everything. Sriracha pasta, sriracha ramen, sriracha tacos, sriracha sushi, sriracha stew, sriracha sandwiches...

>> No.17456427

No hot sauces have to be. I just do it though because I like cold temperate sauce on hot food.

>> No.17456649

Caro to elaborate?

>> No.17456766

I always shit blood after eating this, but it tastes good, so it's worth it

>> No.17456784

Serious answer from someone with expert level tastes:
It goes good in creamy or cheesy pasta dishes, like alfredos or macaroni and cheese. It also can be good on pizza.
Other than that, there are better alternatives.

>> No.17456803

You can taste the fact the founder had to flee ethnic cleansing campaigns from Communist Vietnam

>> No.17456809

Plastic leeches estrogen into foods

>> No.17456814

flying goose is the superior brand, though I prefer the more traditional vietnamese version for chicken

>> No.17456845

I like it and it's not expensive, so good.
Also the rooster one and the goose one taste very different and each has its own strength and is better for different foods.

>> No.17456897

He's trying to tell you he failed chemistry class

>> No.17456901

It's Sambal for children.

>> No.17456905

I never refrigerate my hot sauces. What kind of sick fuck puts cold condiments on hot food?

>> No.17456909

That restaurant style hot mayo for sushi is just mayo, sriracha, and a just a little sesame oil. It's in books on learning how to make sushi.

>> No.17456910

my house gets hot. hot sauce goes un the fridge

>> No.17456956

Jeez. Either you live alone or have multiple fridges.

>> No.17456981

>autist gets this upset over the old joke about sriracha being so mild that is basically just fucking ketchup with cock label

>> No.17456993

>people who say this are literal retards.
You're the one getting angry over absolutely nothing you spastic.

>> No.17456996

Lose the tuna, add two runny eggs and this is my go to comfort meal

>> No.17457070
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>He pronounces it "Sir-Aht-Cha" and not "Sree-ratch-a"

>> No.17457073

No flavor from acidity and no spice feeling at all
Its white people spice sauce
better than sugary tomato ketchup at least
Any other no name brand hot sauce is better than this commercialized trash
capcha poo

>> No.17457154

t. literal retards

>> No.17457160

>No-no YOU!

>> No.17457185

ironic considering both of those replies are literally "n-no you" kek

>> No.17457201

Do you have an explanation as to why testosterone levels have plummeted over the past 30 years?
No you dont? But you clearly know for a fact it has nothing to do with the BPA in plastic right? Since you just called me an idiot for implying such?

>> No.17457205

It's good but it's too sweet.

>> No.17457214

>bland flavorless sloppa only used by the most lowbrow troglodytes
>bland flavorless sloppa only used by the most lowbrow troglodytes
Dunno, m8. Their profiles seem pretty similar to me.

I would assume that it has something to do with all the artificial estrogen that birth control pill addicted harlots piss to combined with microplastics.

>> No.17457258

>BPA in plastic
90% of plastic used in food manufacturing is polyethylene terephthalate which is BPA free. huy fong sriracha is PET plastic. you're retard

>> No.17457350

are you being deliberately disingenuous or are you really that naïve?

>> No.17457357

it's not a hot sauce numbnuts

>> No.17457382

concession accepted little guy

>> No.17457398

>little guy
this says so much about you.

>> No.17457417

Normie sauce

>> No.17457427


>> No.17457428

wee fella is fuming now kek
it's okay the website's anonymous no reason to be embarrassed that you didn't know there's different kinds of plastic

>> No.17457477

you're creating some convoluted argument about the specific compound ratios of various plastics.


PET has estrogenic chemicals, which is the basis of the topic at hand. you fucking autism.


>> No.17457479

lmao, the plastic-free lead/uranium glass is starting to wreck his brain. irony.

>> No.17457500

Lol since you’re so critical — what do you like to cook for yourself, guy?

>> No.17457519

Post a pic of your boobs

>> No.17457567

Erm, did you just gender without consent?

>> No.17457612

love me some 'cha

>> No.17457669
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>no reply
Hahaha your submissive, beta silence says it all. Don't cry too hard into your well endowed BPA induced bosom, poor fella.

>> No.17458012

I mix it with whole grain mustard usually. Pretty good but the taste reminds me more of aliquid black pepper so prefer to mix it with things. I like it mixed in my homemade general tso or sweet sour sauces

>> No.17458030

seething schizoid with no knowledge of material sciences wants the smarter anons to dox themselves.

>> No.17458058

>dox themselves
>by posting a pic of their chest on /ck/
yes I'm the schizoid and you totally dont have big heaving man boobs.

>> No.17458064

hells to the yeah broheim

>> No.17458148
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Guccigang/sambal oolek > sriracha

>> No.17458189
File: 68 KB, 427x628, sriracha mama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's delicious

>> No.17458249

I literally only use cak sauce when I make and eat pho which is once a year. Make the pho in a 2 large pot batches to freeze for us to enjoy whenever we want on those cold weather days. There are many other hot sauces that go well with everything else. So it's specialized imo

>> No.17458262

I wish that were me

>> No.17458271
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>> No.17458603

Overrated west coast gook sauce.

>> No.17458932

If you’re worried about a plastic bottle making you suck dicks, I’m afraid you genuinely want to suck dicks.

>> No.17459230

I liked it as my only hot sauce for a bit but now I'm sorta tired of the stuff and switched to Tobasco. Gonna try Frank's Red Hot next but all in all I'm sorta tired of hot sauce in general. Still really good for soups which I think is what it's primarily used for in Asia.

>> No.17459244
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>> No.17459265

Do people really think srircaha is bland? How blown out are your tastebuds? Do you guys live in the fucking south and only eat overseasoned garbage or something? It tastes literally nothing like ketchup.

>> No.17459881

Looking for consensus on a Mongolian basket-weaving image board is like a fish riding a bicycle. It makes absolutely no sense.

>> No.17459883

He's not wrong though

>> No.17459898

if you're poor and eating bowls of rice, a bit of it helps make it taste just a bit better.

>> No.17459906

it's too sweet for me.

>> No.17459909

Have you tasted anything sweet in your life?

>> No.17459946

babbies first hot sauce

>> No.17460256
File: 8 KB, 250x250, 1638703243162.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


yeah this is so good.

>> No.17460292

not a hot sauce

>> No.17460388

its a complete different thing

>> No.17461554

>sambal oolek
This shit is so disgusting, just sour and salty with no redeeming qualities, also smells kinda lke alcohol or some shit.

>> No.17462521

Shitty oelek has that
good 'lek doesnt have copium amounts of salt and acetic acid in it.

>> No.17462533

taste sirarcha, then taste tobasco, and see which is sweet and which is not

>> No.17462539

Okay? So just taste sugar before you taste sriracha.

>> No.17462557

You dress like a fag; and your hair is thinning.

>> No.17462559

I recently bought the green one, it's nice

>> No.17462571

>not sweet
are you sure you actually had sriracha? in what universe is it not sweet?

>> No.17462584

Sweeter than spiced vinegar is necessarily sweet. There's a whole range of flavor before you get to sweet. Why am I arguing with you? This is a troll as ye auld as the board.

>> No.17462618

Basically this.
I think adding it to other spicy things (Like chili) as a component of flavor rather than have it be the star and only component works best.

But I prefer chili oil or red pepper sauce better

>> No.17462697

i'm sorry covid ruined your taste buds

>> No.17462702

You better be. You did this to me.

>> No.17462756

i use it more than ketchup now. its a good "on everything" sauce because it works well with more foods.

>> No.17462765

Yeah, I gotta admit the one I got might be some off-brand shit. I tried bootleg sriracha and it also was disgusting, even though I love sriracha, so I'll give sambal the benefit of a doubt

>> No.17462924

>caw i chew on plathtic bags cause i'm a gay li'l theagull caw

>> No.17463201

its better than ketchup because you can use it on ethnic foods

>> No.17463313

flip open you're snatch, and squirt in a batch