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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17454353 No.17454353[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>NOOOOOOOO don't do nice things for other people in line, give ME the money because I matter so much more!!!!!!

Fuck off, it's my money and I'll spend it however I want.
It's called the golden rule. Treat others how you want to be treated. If you were waiting in line for a coffee, and the guy in front of you offered to buy you a free coffee, chances are you'd fucking appreciate it. It's a free coffee from someone being nice and generous. Why do these motherfuckers lack basic empathy?

>> No.17454362

>GOD DAMN I'm so mad about this tweet
>yep heh, I'm gonna post it on 4chan now, my bros will have my back, I'm so mad lol but my based friends will support me
Damn I actually feel sad for you now

>> No.17454369

fpbp. this isn't your hugbox chud.

>> No.17454374

As a kid I learned a lot of pickpocket techniques because I was in to stage and up-close magic.

But I typically dislike these "pay it forward" things because they're kinda cringe and also, I don't think you're really, truly paying it forward if you're getting recognition and praise for doing it.

So instead I take the money I would have used to "pay it forward" and use my pickpocket skills to slip the person behind me a fiver.

The cashier doesn't know. The person behind me doesn't know I've done something for them. But I know. I know I've paid it forward in the truest sense.

I suggest you all do the same.

>> No.17454385

Sounds incredibly cringe, just be up front and offer them something nice personally instead of being a weirdo treating basic interactions like magic tricks.

>> No.17454391

I hate wagie worshippers so much, baristas bitch about their customers all day as if they should only order black coffee and tip them 50 percent.

>> No.17454395

Triggered baristas detected, mad that somebody cared about a fellow customer enough to offer them a freebie instead of kissing your ass?

>> No.17454399

How is it cringe if everyone except me is unaware of my paying it forward?
It's literally the lowest level of cringe since I'm the only one that knows.

>> No.17454404

>i broke into your house to give you a gift because I'm mentally ill

>> No.17454414

annoys me that who is and isn't tipped is decided seemingly arbitrarily.

>> No.17454418

>How is it cringe if everyone except me is unaware of my paying it forward?
You don't have to announce to the whole fucking store that you're paying it forward. Just tell the person you're buying the coffee for what you're doing.
>It's literally the lowest level of cringe since I'm the only one that knows.
Stop treating a basic interaction like it needs to be a stealth mission. Life isn't a video game.

>> No.17454426

based as fuck. weird but based

>> No.17454431

Get a real job

>> No.17454440

If you have to tell anyone at all you're paying it forward, you're doing so for your own benefit as well.
Much better, and much more humble if people don't know.

I've replaced wiper blades on people's cars before too

>> No.17454459

>If you have to tell anyone at all you're paying it forward, you're doing so for your own benefit as well.
It's nice to ask somebody if they'd like something before you just get it for them.
Especially if they want to order something super specific, since Starbucks is all about convoluted drink orders.

How are you so fucking retarded?

>> No.17454474


>> No.17454478

marxists will defend this

>> No.17454483

>turn to customer behind me, with my megaphone
>"hey, what would you like to order, I am paying it forward" *chzzhhh*
yeah, no

>> No.17454492

That's why I slip them a five dollar bill without them noticing. They get their coffee without actually paying for it. But they don't know that.
I know that

>> No.17454502
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I obviously meant asking them normally, but you do you

>> No.17454515

>That's why I slip them a five dollar bill without them noticing.
What's the point? There's no harm in just offering that person the money to their face. And also. You're technically committing battery, you can't just put your hands in people's pockets and put things there. It's against the law.
>They get their coffee without actually paying for it.
But they do pay for it. If anything, you're only reimbursing them. Also, good luck getting anything for less than 5 bucks from Starbucks. You might as well slip them 10s.
>But they don't know that. I know that
An act of kindness doesn't have to be a secret. You are the light of light, let your light shine before others.

>> No.17454519

>You are the light of light
You are the light of the world, I meant.

>> No.17454525

"You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do men light a lamp and put it under a bushel, but set it on a stand, and it gives light to all in the house. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven."
-Matthew 5:14-16

>> No.17454529
File: 251 KB, 600x255, dtjhertjestjetj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get what you're saying but he just wants to have fun using his magic skills to slip someone a fiver man

>> No.17454535

Which is battery. He's lucky some cop on coffee break hasn't caught him yet.

>> No.17454560

I have slipped money to cops as well. It is not a hard skill to learn.

But then I would be benefiting. The megaphone was an analogy.

Just because the light comes from a lamp unknown, does not mean it won't dispel the darkness.

>> No.17454563
File: 89 KB, 1080x608, ftyhjjrtyjrftyjr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I understand. I just doubt the guy getting a free five would press charges even if an asshole cop notices, so in the end I think it's a unique way to put out some good.

>> No.17454567

This dude is so based he reverse pickpockets money irl Skyrim style and you think you even have the right to speak to him let alone talk down.

>> No.17454599

Life. is not. a video game.
And Skyrim isn't even the best Elder Scrolls.

>> No.17454614

Life is a video game for the redpilled

>> No.17454621
File: 5 KB, 192x240, k908j675434rty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i've got op's back no matter what

>> No.17454641

based wizard/rogue multiclasser

>> No.17454663

paying for anyone is cringe and gay and you should always be a jew with your money.

>> No.17454669

Ive ended so many pay it forward chains because I'm autistic and don't know how to do it

>> No.17454671

Nah, charity is based and makes kikes like you seethe.
It's not that hard to think about somebody other than yourself.

>> No.17454688

It’s fine, you don’t need to pay $15 for some landwhale’s venti syrup shake

>> No.17454727

Yeah, give the barista the $15 for his bottom surgery instead :^)

>> No.17454769
File: 177 KB, 474x632, 1645333462590.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>working drive through on busy day
>kid pulls up to winder
>"yeah the guy behind us offered to pay for ours"
>ok whatever
>they drive off with their food
>next car is older fat lady
>tell her the cost of her food and the cost of the previous car
>I realize as I'm explaining that I'm retarded
>she's confused
>I tell her I got it mixed up and the car in front of her paid for hers
>"Oh that was so sweet of them, let me pay for the car behind me"
>have her pay for her food thinking it's the car behind her
>supervisor laughs at me when he finds out and calls me an idiot
Life is rough

>> No.17454813


>> No.17454817

if i can watch the suicide stream $15 might be worth it

>> No.17454819

>decently cute girl pulls up to the window
>makes a scene of searching for her credit card
>stare at her
>"I can't find it teehee"
>continue staring
>she finds it
I don't know how she expected a wagie to have the authority to give her free food

>> No.17454908

When people start "pay it forward" lines, I just take the free food / drink and walk away.

Feels good, like the universe was waiting for me to come along.

>> No.17454967

I stand with op
If someone offered to buy my drink I'd beat the shit out of them
Based. Jesus would approve.

>> No.17454973

>I broke into your house, climbed into your bed, tied you up fucked you and made you cum buckets and you're calling the fucking cops??

>> No.17454975

I would order a shitload of food and if they backtracked be like "Hey bud I was gonna get this the whole time"

>> No.17454981

Rape victims don't usually report to authorities because they're too ashamed, so that's completely different.

>> No.17454984

They should ban social media

>> No.17454989

Man, I don't know if people are autistic, sociopathic, or just plain stupid, but I would love it if somebody who was in front of me in line offered to pay for my coffee. That would make my day. Imagine thinking that the guy who makes my day, and brings a little joy to my all-too-often frustrating life, is in the wrong. Twitter users are very silly.

>> No.17454999

Fuck the barista faggots
They deserve death if hitting a button on a coffee maker is the pinnacle of their professional dreams

But some random cunt paying for my shit? Fuck off faggot I ain't gonna owe you because you feel like having a humble brag post on Instagram or some other gay media about how "everyone started clapping and some even cried"
Kill yourself turbo nigger

>> No.17455002
File: 412 KB, 2000x1750, FHbwgbpXEAQE6c0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If someone offered to buy my drink I'd beat the shit out of them
Sociopath detected. Imagine wanting to hurt somebody for doing something nice to you.
>Based. Jesus would approve.
Picrel, you don't follow Jesus or His teachings at all. Convert or shut up, heathen.

>> No.17455007

You're thinking too far into it.

It's just a bunch of buttblasted servers who think that the free money should go to them as a tip, rather than to another customer.

>> No.17455010

>But some random cunt paying for my shit? Fuck off faggot
Why are you such a sociopath that you can't just let people do nice, well intended things for you? It doesn't hurt you to give you free shit.
>I ain't gonna owe you because you feel like having a humble brag post on Instagram or some other gay media about how "everyone started clapping and some even cried"
What if somebody literally just wants to give you free shit without bragging about it? Does that possibility not occur to you? Why do you presume that every act of random kindness/generosity must have some ulterior motive to it? Not everyone is so self-absorbed as you think they are. Some people are just genuinely nice and do things like that for people out of the kindness of their heart. I know it sounds hard to believe, but people like that do exist. You may not ever hear about them on social media, but they're out there.

>> No.17455012
File: 64 KB, 584x666, soy man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you don't follow Jesus or His teachings at all

>if people want to kill you, then you should let them

top soy

>> No.17455021

They don't report because they enjoyed it

>> No.17455028

I don't understand the logistics of this, how do you know how much the person behind you is going to spend? I'm glad I've never encountered this in real life

>> No.17455032

>Rape victims don't usually report to authorities because they're too ashamed

boo hoo hoo, i am very ashamed and embarrassed that i am so attractive that incels literally cannot control their libido around me

>> No.17455033
File: 255 KB, 1200x631, specialpleading2 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>if people want to kill you, then you should let them
Who are you quoting? You're the only person saying this in this thread. Either way, it's a total non sequitur.

>> No.17455036
File: 450 KB, 1024x1015, smug_homura_by_poppage_db4r2xr-fullview.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how do you know how much the person behind you is going to spend
Ask them what they want. Look for the price on the menu board. There. Now was that so hard?

>> No.17455038

>Who are you quoting?

That's what jesus did, and he calls his followers to do it too

>pick up your cross and follow me
>whoever loses his life for me will get it back

Tons of cuck shit in the christian bible basically saying "let people kill you"

>> No.17455046

Alternatively, just give them a $20 bill. A $10 bill will probably be more than enough for the one drink they're getting, but chances are they might want something else, or they might be with somebody and you could be extra nice and pay for both of them. The more, the merrier!

>> No.17455052

Christianity acknowledges self-defense as valid and necessary. You have a moral obligation to protect your life or someone else's when it's under threat. Jesus literally tells his disciples to sell their cloaks and buy swords if they don't own any.

>> No.17455059

What the fuck does any of this have to do with buying people free drinks or sneaking money into their pockets?

Go back to r/atheism and let the grownups talk.

>> No.17455067

how about I just pay for my own shit and not pay for anybody else's order or give tips to baristas who are getting a decent wage with benefits?

>> No.17455069

>What the fuck does any of this have to do with buying people free drinks or sneaking money into their pockets?
changing the subject now.
I was quoting from right here.

>you don't follow Jesus or His teachings at all.

Unless you like letting people kill you, maybe following Jesus shouldn't be your only consideration.

>> No.17455075

>Christianity acknowledges self-defense as valid and necessary.
That's literally the opposite of what Jesus does.
He hears a bunch of people want to kill him and he actually stops Paul from protecting him.
He's like no Paul just let them kill me lmao.

>> No.17455082

That's not the golden rule, that you trying to get praise from strangers you attention seeking shit brain

>> No.17455107

Why do you assume it's a grab for attention? Does that idea that somebody could ever do something nice for a stranger out of the kindness of their heart not occur to you?

If you were waiting in line, wouldn't you like it if someone got you your thing for you? That's money you can spend on something else. It's a total win for you.

>> No.17455110


>> No.17455113

I think you should probably read that Bible again a little more closely before you go posting about it on a Food & Cooking board

>> No.17455118

Lotta sociopaths in this thread. Or just very bad autism.

>> No.17455249

Yes it is, and no I will not be leaving a tip

>> No.17455509

Man you're weird as shit but I honestly admire your dedication to not wanting to do good for the bonus social benefit

But also to be honest I don't think the guy behind you needs the $5 in the first place and arguably the only reason a pay it forward chain begins is for some sort of community thing and just slipping a guy $5 defeats the purpose

>> No.17455546

I had someone pay for my food at the drivethrough once, but didn't know it was supposed to be some sort of chain thing and just happily accepted the charity. What even is the point of everyone continuing the chain? With the exception of the first and last person everyone ends up paying for a singe meal anyway, and the only person who gets something for free is the person who stops the chain, so really it reduces to the first person indirectly paying for the least charitable person who eventually breaks the chain.

>> No.17455555
File: 128 KB, 600x600, 1640858900678.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>twitter screencap
ur a fagget

>> No.17455594
File: 10 KB, 250x250, 1300044776986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>giving tips

>> No.17455598

hope you enjoy the spit in your coffee :)

>> No.17455607

>If you were waiting in line for a coffee, and the guy in front of you offered to buy you a free coffee, chances are you'd fucking appreciate it.
No I wouldn't. I would be very uncomfortable about this weird, unwanted interaction where I'm basically forced to perform gratitude. I would probably refuse as politely as I could.

>> No.17455635

You sound like a pussy, but you go to Starbucks so that's probably a given. Accept your fucking double caramel frapp and shut up faggot.

>> No.17455642

First off, you don't even know the fucking story.
Second, Jesus lets himself be taken and put to death because that's the fucking prophecy he has to fulfill.

>> No.17455651

This. I'm in fucking starbucks, I neither want nor need charity, and this forced and public display of virtue signalling bullshit can go to hell. Just tip the fucking waitress and stop showing off.

>> No.17455654

>free coffee
fuck yeah