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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17442496 No.17442496 [Reply] [Original]

Whats the best oil to use on your cooking? Olive oil, vegetable oil, or animal fat?

>> No.17442508

I use sunflower as my neutral, olive as my main, butter and lard for when they're called.

>> No.17442513


>> No.17442516

But arent vegetable oils bad for your health? Thats what im asking

>> No.17442518

yep, same

>> No.17442724

Ever heard the saying "the dose makes the poison"?

>> No.17442742

Sunflower is pretty overpowering taste wise. Olive and avocado oil have pretty neutral tastes. Peanut butter oils great with chicken adds some good depth to it.

>> No.17442765
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>Sunflower is pretty overpowering taste wise.

>> No.17442769

people who cook with sunflower/soybean/canola oils are FAT FAGGOTS

>> No.17442770

it really isnt
and avocado oil is way too fucking expensive for everyday use

>> No.17442772

Gutter oil for that authentic umami feel.

>> No.17442774

stop being poor

>> No.17442778

what is oil even?
why not just fry things in water?

>> No.17442787
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let me tell you...

>> No.17442792
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Not my problem

>> No.17442795

extra virgin olive oil

>> No.17442798

>vegetable oils bad for your health
>vegetables contain those oils, as name implies
= vegetables are bad for your health

>> No.17442811

>for cooking

>> No.17442814

I do it all the time, I don't my burn butter either retard

>> No.17442902

Extra virgin olive oil's smoke point is somewhere around 374–405°F


>> No.17442909

Extra Virgin Olive Oil.
Everything else tastes weird.

>> No.17442945

Duck fat. Or lard. But get some duck fat and fry an egg in it. Get crispy edges. Thank me later.

>> No.17442956

desu, i use vegetable oil for just about everything i cook.

>> No.17442962

>why not just fry things in water?
I can't seem to get the water over 212 F for some reason.

>> No.17442983

I mostly use ebook , salted butter , virgin coconut oil and walnut oil . I use less than a tablespoon of oil a day so I think it's ok to not worry too much about them .

>> No.17442993

Meant to say evoo, not ebook .

>> No.17442999

Olive oil for a lot of stuff. I switched to peanut oil and avocado oil for high heat stuff instead of vegetable oil/

>> No.17443069

>not frying in ghee or tallow
>Still not understanding that we cooked with animal fats for thousands of years
>Still not understanding that heart disease skyrocketed with the implementation of vegetable oils and refined sugars
As per usual, /ck/ is

>> No.17443252

canola oil for everything

>> No.17443268

yes, you can cook with it
but it's retarded to do so when regular olive oil exists
evoo is for dressing

>> No.17443271

>conveniently ignores every other post mentioning ghee and tallow
arrogant retard

>> No.17443287
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>> No.17443398

Yes they are google ray peat vegetable oils

>> No.17443403


>> No.17443475

There is no best they all have uses. My personal favorite remains avocado for neutral and olive oil if I want some non neutral followed by peanut for frying. I also use canola. I find myself using veggie a lot less these days.

>> No.17443902

Safflower oil.

It literally has no smell, it can reach high temps (though use a cheaper oil for deep frying), its somewhat healthy as far as oils go (ocassinally use other types of oil. Theres controversy about safflower giving you too much of a certain vitamin idk), and it isnt that rare to find.

>> No.17444131

Why is the bottle on the left randomly skinny

>> No.17444234

>the extra virgin olive oil vs the Chad avocado oil.

>> No.17444238

Please unsubscribe my board from your ketolard subreddit blog. You post this every day. Your mental illness is what caused your hairloss.

>> No.17444242

I use extra virgin olive oil for everything except curries. I use refined olive oil for curries.

>> No.17446213

Corpse oil's pretty good.

>> No.17446220

Animal fat is supreme

>> No.17446227


Just use Canola. Its fatty but neutral and it isn't marketed by cartels.

>> No.17446234

I don't use oil to cook my food.

>> No.17446593

There is the label placed, it’s removed for the pic. Makes (((them))) more profit for a bigger appearing bottle

>> No.17446618

Except that sort of bottle is most commonly found in east and southeast Asia, where (((they))) aren't remotely common.

Asian women have tiny hands. Makes the bottle easier for them to manage.
>why not just put a handle?
Idfk. That's what I asked my dad and that's what his reply was. Idk.

>> No.17446621

your dad sounds like a mong

>> No.17446626 [DELETED] 
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Nuh uh I'm a skinny bisexual

>> No.17446631

He's half white, so yeah, probably.

>> No.17446634 [DELETED] 
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Aren't bipedos considered faggots too? Or is the term only reserved for monosexuals?

>> No.17446637 [DELETED] 

The proper term is demifaggot.

>> No.17446638 [DELETED] 

That's some bullshit bi erasure if you ask me.

>> No.17446707 [DELETED] 
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Impossible. Erasure is very, very gay.

>> No.17446710

Damm I forgot erasure existed

>> No.17446724

mustard gang where you at

>> No.17446730

I just use olive oil for everything (besides baking). Seems too much effort keeping multiplt oils and trying to use them all up before they go bad

>> No.17446737

see >>17443287

>> No.17446758
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>> No.17446763

Duck fat

>> No.17446774

holy shit anon you cracked it

>> No.17446886

I use butter and sunflower oil and it tastes better with butter, except for chicken burgers, there, sunflower oil is better imo

>> No.17446965

I like any oil with a strong flavor. Olive oil, unrefined sunflower oil, and peanut oil. For a more neutral oil, I like sesame oil. (not toasted sesame oil, but plain sesame oil)
Get real, unrefined sunflower oil. I've seen many fellow Americans claim sunflower oil is tasteless since they only have the worst sunflower oil they can get. Your nearest Russian store may have good sunflower oil.
Yeah but which vegetable? Soybean oil has a mildly unpleasant flavor, even though I think edamame tastes good.

>> No.17446966

Sorry to have reminded you.

>> No.17447652

Animal fat or coconut fat

>> No.17447672

Olive Oil. Canola if you're cheap.

>> No.17448561


>> No.17448818

I cooked a steak with avocado oil tonight. It was good.

>> No.17448873

try with something else tomorrow and report what you prefer

>> No.17449559

>not using ghee or lard

>> No.17449581

I enjoyed algae oil, but now I can't find it so now use good old fashioned rapeseed

>> No.17449588

Use pressure cooker

>> No.17449596

Probably Hmong

>> No.17449602

i never tried it but i heard avocado oil was good, and it has a high smoking points. i would buy some if my town gets any.

>> No.17449614

how the fuck are you gonna claim sunflower oil has a stronger taste than olive oil

>> No.17449624

EVOO for everything, even deep frying.

>> No.17450678

>on ck
>still has vegetable oil on premises
What ??

>> No.17450699

stop using oil you bugmen retards

>> No.17450705

He based

>> No.17450996

This. The person who wrote that is literally retarded.

>> No.17451765

Canola cause its high temp and I'm a leaf

>> No.17451823

This fat fuck is dead if he gets the jew flu.

>> No.17451897

I just fried some pork cutlets in lard today and it came out amazing, so I'm trying.

>> No.17452142
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>> No.17452159

You know what else skyrocketed with the implementation of vegetable oils and refined sugars? Automobile deaths you fucking retarded schizophrenic.

>> No.17452188
File: 113 KB, 785x1000, A701350F-169D-4A65-B5CB-F7EFAD229706.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is… Is… Is that a vegetable oil made of… PUFA?????????? FRIGGIN PUFA??????? AHHHHHHHHHH PUFA BAD PUFA BAD PUFA BAD PUFA BAD PUFA BAD

>> No.17452210

You will never be intelligent.

>> No.17452371

WTF is wrong with you?

>> No.17452690

I see the early dementia from vegetable oils settling in.

>> No.17453000

>posts le soy face when people complain about soy oil
the ironing

>> No.17453016

what if i told you that the fatter one of the slaton sisters survived it pretty finde.

>> No.17453028


>> No.17453206


this guy gets it

>> No.17453459

It's rapeseed oil anon. Canola is a brand.

LMAO, underrated.

I typically cook with virgin olive oil or butter, or both. But, if I'm going to fry something, like fries or chicken or whatever, peanut oil is the best. Great taste.

>> No.17453465

Doesn't matter how much dick goes in your ass, any amount greater than zero makes you a fag.

>> No.17453466

Kek basically all of /ck/. It’s hilarious watching people here go into an autistic rage when someone mentions vegetable oils

>> No.17453511

>But arent vegetable oils bad for your health?
yes they are. only cook with olive oil below the smoke point

>> No.17453526
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>> No.17453527

>Russian store may have good sunflower oil.
there is no such thing as good sunflower oil. it's an unhealthy cheap garbage oil used by poorfags who can't afford olive oil

>> No.17453532

Canola is good if you have to use oil.

>> No.17453533

>it's ok to cook with cheap vegetable oil
poorfag cope

>> No.17453552

This seems like it might be a good thread to ask, does it really matter what olive oil I use for baking bread/pizza crust or should I seek out specific oil for it?

>> No.17453578

>frying anything in something with an extremely low smoke point, like olive oil
Nice bait.

>> No.17453603

poorfag cope

>> No.17453660

I bought LINK when it was 12 cents. I have generational wealth, tubby

>> No.17453884

makes sense, your leader drinks vegetable oil when he's thirsty

>> No.17453887

just don’t use vegetable or canola oil. You may as well smoke cigarettes

>> No.17453913

You win The Most Retarded Post Of The Day Award. Congrats! :)