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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17451691 No.17451691 [Reply] [Original]

10000$ if you can eat it all in 90 minutes

>> No.17451695

Those nuggets look so overdone almost burnt.

>> No.17451697

I think you'd have to do it in the first 20 minutes or you wouldn't do it at all. After that you're going to start to feel full.

>> No.17451702

i feel like the first half would be ok in like 15 minutes but then you would need breakes and only eat small portions after wards

>> No.17451704

I can do that easy after a 2 day fast
not on a "normal" day tho
t. 6'3 210lbs

>> No.17451707

Sodas and fries would be the hardest part but I'd easily manage

>> No.17451710

last time i ate mcd's more than a couple times in one day (wasnt my proudest moment) i got sick
the image of those little hamburger pieces in the toilet staring back up at me as i continued retching still haunts me
i havent eaten there since
i probably couldnt eat more than one of those burgers

>> No.17451717


>> No.17451723
File: 61 KB, 540x511, 1444440254092.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>win $1000
>spend it at the hospital the next day

>> No.17451738

Realistically? Not possible unless you stuff yourself like this often and your body has adapted to it. Maybe without the soda

>> No.17451775


uhm. That's what they look like when they're perfectly done dumbass.

>> No.17451788
File: 2.94 MB, 640x360, Could you Eat this in 90mins for $3,500.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pay up.

>> No.17451834

>90 minutes
Am I retarded for thinking this is piss easy? You have ninety fucking minutes. That's more than enough time for your stomach to settle down between burgers. Is having a food refractory period a European thing?

>> No.17451842

I thought the same exact thing at first glance. Then when I did the calculations it wasn't realistic.

Sure you could say you could scarf down two burgers and nuggets and half the fries in the first fifteen minutes with half a drink THEN let you're stomach settle down and you could piss out some of that drink, but no way you'd be able to shit it out before you start the rest.

And even if you did, you'd still have some of the fries and all those drinks left before you even start the second half which you couldn't even finish when you were starving. It's just too much.

>> No.17451852
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It's almost 5000 calories; this one "meal" is roughly what I will eat in half a week. If you think this is easy you are either delusional or an absolute fatty or both.

>> No.17451858

>5000 calories
damn isnt that almost like a kilo of fat you gain or something like that?

>> No.17451860

>he cant into competitive eating

>> No.17451875

Those better be diet cokes.

>> No.17451882

Matt Stonie did it under 9 minutes and he's way smaller than me so why not.

>> No.17451927

I would drink all the liquid, wait an hour, then eat the food. Most of the liquid will be absorbed in an hour leaving plenty of space for the rest.

>> No.17451946

I can do it but I will need some 'chup and 'tard to put in these burgers also 6 sweet and sour nuggets and mayo and ketchup for the fries

>> No.17451957

>5000 calories
>half a week
lol manlet
If you're active and not a tiny 5'6", you easily burn over 2,400 calories per day.

>> No.17452134

I want to smack this person upside the head, stop eating in a circular motion

>> No.17452215

>telling one of the best competitive eaters in the world how to eat

>> No.17452229

>eat all
Deal, glad I don't have to drink any of that coke

>> No.17452231


>> No.17452291

>Free advertising

>> No.17452313

Fine but don't speak to me during the act, no eye contact, when I finish you put the money on the night stand and you leave. It's extra if you want to film it

>> No.17452326
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>following competitive eating

>> No.17452330
File: 2.94 MB, 720x404, Cream Corn Chug.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The weak should fear the strong.

>> No.17452359

Maybe I'm overestimating myself, but this doesn't even seem that hard.
t. 6'5 350lbs

>> No.17452377

Honestly the hardest part would be drinking all of that soda

>> No.17452383

That’s a lotta maccas

>> No.17452398

I give this man 10 more years at most.

>> No.17452402

That's a fairly modest meal for an average person I'd say? I mean it's not like I'd WANT to eat a double helping of nuggets, but I could if I wanted to...

>> No.17452403

Ice or no ice in the cups? If I can have lemonade, powerade, or ginger ale. Do I get sauces and what's on the burgers? I'm on a fast since Tues. Prolly do it in 15.

>> No.17452410

A new challenger enters the arena!!!
Prove yourself!!

>> No.17452450

I could really use the money, but there's no way I could do it so I wouldn't even try

>> No.17452479
File: 88 KB, 976x850, 1623299269490.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Top right is missing a patty

>> No.17452532

>American eye exam

>> No.17452828

I could do it. I'd have to give myself the Ol' Fashion Model's Workout halfway through but that's worth 10 grand.

>> No.17452833

I could probably do it after a fast but not the soda.

>> No.17452840


>> No.17452852

Only if it's diet coke

>> No.17452861

I dont think I'd be able to drink the coke desu. Food part is easy

>> No.17452872

The amount of salt would make me spew

>> No.17452880
File: 51 KB, 800x445, me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol i made bigger orders than that whenever i go to McDonalds anyway. try 6 burgers, 4 fries, 5, fires, and 5 apple pies and 3 shamrock shacks and then get back to me

>> No.17452882

This is a trick because you can't eat the drinks.

>> No.17452888

im 300 pounds, this is a snack for me

>> No.17452895

I could do this easily. Since going vegan a month ago the volume of food I have to eat to get my protien macros and color intake has blown up in size. Shoveling down 100g of dried beans that have been cooked requires a certain amount of will power.

>> No.17452913

im 6ft tall and I eat about 5kcal in half a week

>> No.17452940

you got meh

>> No.17452941

You should be consuming 14,000 a week

>> No.17452950

Vomiting obviously disqualifies

>> No.17453026
File: 3.22 MB, 498x207, no-nope.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah im on a cut

>> No.17453110

Then it's just a temporary diet and the figure is meaningless

>> No.17453343

when i worked labor i would eat 5,000 cal a day and i was still losing weight, i went from 200lbs down to 140lbs. All of us were losing weight because we couldn't afford to buy enough food

>> No.17453608

100000 for 9. deal?

>> No.17453721
File: 55 KB, 474x596, mb md.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17453764

Why did the vid of molly schuyler drinking cooking oil get taken down?

>> No.17453805


>> No.17453808

LA Beast has a more impressive one.

>> No.17453815
File: 1.80 MB, 675x339, Untitled.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17453855

Doesn't look like a lot, honestly. I sometimes eat a kilo of pork with parsley sauce (because it comes in chunks of like 3 kg and I live alone, so I have to eat it fast).
Do none of you work out even a little?

>> No.17453896

I'll eat the food and take the 10k, OP can keep the corn water.

>> No.17453900

I was thinking that thats is way too much to eat all at once, but then I remembered these are mcdonalds burgers.

>> No.17453903

Double quarter pounders.

>> No.17453904

you didn't eat the cartons.

>> No.17453935

i definitely could

>> No.17454021

Fat cunt

>> No.17454024

Cool, I'll have 75 minutes to think about what to do with my $10k.

>> No.17454055

Drink all of the drinks in the first 10 minutes. Wait 60 minutes to absorb them. Eat the food. I'd win drinking competitions by drinking almost everything in the first few then drinking some of the way up my esophagus in the last few minutes and sitting sitting still then vomiting winning. Pretty sure this would work on picture related.

>> No.17454091

I'm 150 pounds. I'll eat it all in 30 minutes if you triple the pay.

>> No.17454214

Why is the top right burger missing a patty, we need answers now.

>> No.17454327

double the amount and I'll do it in 10 minutes

>> No.17454388

he forgot a fry it doesn't count.

>> No.17454488

I'm not a competitive eater. I don't think I could pull this off. I'd say there's a handful of people who definitely could eat all that in 90 minutes though.

>> No.17454572

This neegro has some weird ass genetic mutation to handle this shit. I give him 20-30 easily.

>> No.17454619

Surely nikocado avacado must make more than that?

>> No.17454623


>> No.17454633

I could do it if I don't eat for a day or two beforehand.

>> No.17454648

you're kidding right?
i will do it in 20 min and that's me taking my time

>> No.17454650

Nah, he's legit

>> No.17454651

The hardest part by far would be the soda. Even drinking one soda in an hour pains me.

>> No.17454666

>1666 cal per day
Bro is everything OK?

>> No.17454668

He didn't finish the sauces.

>> No.17454675

Nah, just space it out so you eat it slowly and consistently over 90 mins. An hour and a half is a good amount of time for your stomach to settle. Let me have a cigarette half way thru and its a done deal.

>> No.17454687

Could I puke to make more room?

>> No.17454877

ur gonna puke anyway so yes

>> No.17454950

Lol easy. I can eat a fuckton of food, i usually dont but I can

>> No.17455061

if I can have the burgers with just meat and cheese I can do it, I don't like pickles and onions on a burger

>> No.17455520

would try

>> No.17455614

How does he do it holy shit.

>> No.17455622

If 10 grand is on the line, I'm confident 95% of /ck/ users could do it. Hell I don't even eat much nowdays as I'm on a cut, but if there is ten thousand dollars, I could easily get through the burgers in under five minutes, and make quick work of the nuggets. Grab fistful of fries and just eat em. The soda will really suck though, basically gotta chug it

>> No.17455692

the food would probably take 20 minutes if you pace yourself, the rest of the time would be getting through the sodas

>> No.17455693

just shake the sodas while you eat so that by the time you drink them they're flat and don't bloat you

>> No.17455760
File: 156 KB, 1410x793, 1644555830568.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw sober from high fructose corn syrup and fast food for about half a year
>feel disgust at the thought of going back, because the taste feels so fake and synthetic now

>> No.17455771

Lol no. You would just shit most of it out most likely.your body can only store/burn fat at a certain rate

>> No.17455877

Fake, he spits half of it into the cups.

>> No.17456069

you should eat at least 8000 calories in that time frame. Are you DYEL?

>> No.17456115
File: 61 KB, 785x847, 1638849264143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm about to come off a 72 hour fast. That is merely an hors d'œuvre at this point.