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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 887 KB, 1215x1215, Screenshot 2022-02-16 at 23-38-03 Morton Salt - 26oz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17440673 No.17440673 [Reply] [Original]

Why does this exist? Most people do not get enough iodine without iodized salt. Morton sells this garbage on the same shelf.

>> No.17440764

Iodized salt clouds pickles.

>> No.17440779

People have tricked themselves into thinking that you can taste iodine

>> No.17440823

It's not de-iodized, it's non-iodized. You can get salt from salty lakes and rock salt rather than sea, and those types of salt don't have iodine.

>> No.17440826

stupid mutt here, what is even the point of iodine?

>> No.17440828

Helps you not get goiter.

>> No.17440833

It's also essential for proper thyroid function. If you're deficient in iodine, which most people are, you're weakening a very very important system in your body that controls all sorts of hormones.

>> No.17440838

Its for chads like me who take a multivitamin

>> No.17440850

Chemist here, "iodized" salt is made by mixing in ppm levels of potassium iodide with regular ass salt. No, you can't taste potassium iodide. No, there is no such thing as "iodine" allergy, hell I don't even think there are irritations due to iodide ion

Fun fact: Why not used sodium iodide? Sodium iodide is an expensive and valuable reagent in organic synthesis, typically used to convert alkyl chlorides and bromides to the corresponding iodides. This increases reactivity.

>> No.17441033

>de-iodized salt
just sounds retard
it's like adding iodine and then removing it

>> No.17441109

Its for canning and pickling you dummy.

>> No.17441331

All processed foods have iodine and most people with access to the intarwebz eat plenty of it.

I can only taste it in heavily acidic foods like tomato sauces and pickles. Not sure if I can elsewhere, not even in only slightly acidic stuff. I don't think I can.

Except there was a study about 25 years ago or so that says exactly what I just did that iodised salt is detectible in heavily acidic foods. It also said, IIRC, that the difference in flavour was most pronounced when the iodised salt was used in foods containing citric acid over other types of acidic foods.
I buy cheap-ass pickling salt as my everyday cooking ish. It is, surprisingly enough, inexplicably cheaper than the iodised stuff.

>> No.17441527

why does it have to be in salt?

>> No.17441569
File: 20 KB, 457x274, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17441595

A couple of months ago I gave iodine-based IV CT contrast to a guy with a stated iodine allergy. He was fine.

>> No.17441618
File: 522 KB, 853x1000, chad mirror.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based multivitamin and fish oil enjoyer. I love being immortal

>> No.17441623

most people is like the non developed not people on the internet.

>> No.17441627

>iodine allergies aren't real
And people shouldn't have water allergies, yet I still developed aquagenic utricaria/pruritus when I was 25 then, after several unsurprisingly smelly months, it just went away as quickly and mysteriously as it appeared.
After that fiasco, I don't doubt other people's weird allergies without hard proof that they're bullshit, like my neighbour who claims to be allergic to "anything related to roses" yet enjoys apples, almond milk and chocolate-covered strawberries. Or the other neighbour who claims a blanket fruit-and-vegetable allergy yet eats fucking pizza on the daily. She is very, very fat.

>> No.17442313

Very wrong. I'm talking about first world countries.

>> No.17443090

Because literally everything you cook has salt in it, or should have salt in it if you're not retarded or on 5% kidney function. You can't really put iodine in water without causing all sorts of problems, so how else do you make sure people get enough of it?

>> No.17443168
File: 583 KB, 1159x1737, roaring-20s-and-beyond-14-1159x1737.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It does not have to be in salt, it is just that adding the iodine to salt has very little impact on the taste, and salt is something basically everyone eats. Plus in the US, salt companies adopted adding iodine voluntarily in the 1920s, touting the health benefits of iodine in their marketing. Picture related.

>> No.17443178
File: 584 KB, 845x1175, 2019-05-13-mortons-salt-ad-large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is another example.

>> No.17443565

Iodized salt is a depression era relic. Everyone who eats anything resembling a balanced diet gets more than enough iodine through the ingredients. Iodized salt makes everything taste like shit. You're a fucking idiot who is just copying your mom, who was just listening to her mom (who was just listening to her mom if you're a zoomer) if you actually buy this relic.

>> No.17443582



>> No.17443591


>> No.17443592

Did you seriously just link a blog?
>14 year old british girls don't eat a balanced diet
You can't make this shit up.

>> No.17443602

He doesn't know what citations are. Lol.

>> No.17443614

>oh, he's a "do your own research" loser

>> No.17443663

This dude trusts the sackler family. Lmfao!

>> No.17443668
File: 32 KB, 337x500, 3A32A460-FB4C-4827-A6C5-47CCD75EB754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me it’s pic related with a container of Maldon on hand

>> No.17443674

>sackler family
I had to look up who that was to remind myself. Maybe you were joking, but you dropped that name like it was nothing. You're obvious waist deep into the bullshit.

>> No.17443692

It's completely reasonable to have mistrust in the medical/pharmaceutical industry.

>> No.17443695

What does that U in a circle mean? I don't get that on my salt packaging.

>> No.17443712

Having mistrust in a multibillion dollar corporation is completely normal. Thinking that people in 1st world countries aren't getting enough iodine in their regular diet because you read a blog that cited some papers you'll never read is fucking retarded.

>> No.17443717


>> No.17443727

Where are vegans and strict vegetarians getting their iodine?

>> No.17443735

Stop being a jerk and go back to rebbit.

>> No.17443736

Who the fuck cares? They don't eat anything resembling a balanced diet and have to consume all sorts of supplemental shit to stay healthy.

>> No.17443740

Show me your studies please. A paper is a little different than collected data.

>> No.17443752

lugols solution.

>> No.17443757

>show me your studies
Sorry, I don't have a folder of /pol/ infographics made by conspiracy schizos because I actually understand how science works.

>> No.17443763

What does it mean though?

>> No.17443765

Oh so a cop out. Cool.

Care to explain why thyroid disease is rising?

>> No.17443769

All science exists because it can be proved repeatedly.

>> No.17443796

Yes. Which is why peer reviewed studies are more valuable in science than in in other studies - because people can actually test the theories and... yeah, we all learned this in 3rd grade. The point is that when you read a blog that cherry picks a random out of context sentence from a few journals to create a narrative that is completely out of line with the vast majority of the scientific community you're not "following the science" or "doing your own research"; you just want to believe that someone out there is lying to you, and it's some vast conspiracy.

>> No.17443805

Following the science or following the narrative? You've still brought nothing to the table to back yourself up.

>> No.17443860

Science has become a religion for so many people. It's madness.

Priests in white coats.
Complete faith in priests.
Exile and scorn if you dare question the gospel.

It goes on and on.

Please explain away the reproducibility crisis for me. Thanks.

>> No.17443885

>reproducibility crisis
Not really salt related, is it? Or do you have proof?

>> No.17443904

Another cop out. :) you are the salt, honey.

>> No.17443928

Touch grass

>> No.17443929

Your saltiness is surpassed by the shedding of your salty tears as you fail to find salt-free evidence of your assumptions. I guess the saltiness is de-hydrating the gray matter between the ears.

>> No.17443938

I appreciate the effort. Had a chuckle.

>> No.17443947

Chuckling instead of providing proof? Shows how much you believe yourself.

>> No.17443978

You haven't responded to a single thing I've said, my love. What's the point?

>> No.17444000

I've been responding to you. Are you allowed on the internet on your own? Or are you sat in a cubicle in the Middle East calling men lovey-dovey names? Is this your "job"? You must know that we know.

>> No.17444006

Oh come on, baby girl. Reread what you've said.

>> No.17444022

Try rereading when I started replying.

>> No.17444048

>most people are

>> No.17444086

Has anyone ever told you how cute you are when you get this way?

>> No.17444491

Oh my gosh, get a room you two!!!