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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17438042 No.17438042 [Reply] [Original]

For me, it's 2%

>> No.17438047

I was born and raised a /whole/ fatfuck but the power of 2% is considerable. Skimkikes deserve death though

>> No.17438055

enjoy your phlegm. I'm sure the ladies get wet when they hear you hawking up big green slimey loogies, followed by a tsch out of your mouth onto the concrete.

>> No.17438062

Skim because I only want to moisten with water that vaguely resembles milk.

>> No.17438072

Lolwut. I've never heard of this.
>The idea that milk can cause congestion likely stems from the 12th century when Jewish philosopher Moses Maimonides wrote that milk causes a “stuffing in the head.”
>A 2012 study by the BC Children’s Hospital reports that “studies have not been able to provide a definitive link” between milk and increased mucus production, and that “milk should not be eliminated or restricted.”

>> No.17438200
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so gross dude. it's time for a new drink

>> No.17438220
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>> No.17438248 [DELETED] 
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fresh from the teat.

>> No.17438252

that's what we call semi-skimmed in bongland, right? yep that's the one. skimmed is for fags, might a well just drink water at that point

>> No.17438265

Skim when you want to taste your milk and not just drink liquid fat.

>> No.17438271

I want to taste neither milk nor milk fat, they’re both disgusting

>> No.17438437

What's the difference if I make my yogurt with 2% instead of whole milk?

>> No.17438544

y-you're l-looking a little t-tired chad. M-maybe I'll just put your milk over here for a while
>pours down sink

>> No.17438550

>can't tell is she's asian or not
>might not be asian

>> No.17438970
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>> No.17439167

>not whole

>> No.17439176

For me it's grass fed, homogenized, low temp pasteurized locally farm raised milk.

>> No.17439190

Thanks now I have a new fetish. Bitch screaming to be milked manually because she hyper lactates.

>> No.17439270

Ok but what happened to the other 98%?

>> No.17439427

I drink milk because I still think it’s good for me. Mostly because I like the taste though. I’ve been told that regular store bought milk is like drinking water as far as nourishment goes but I still enjoy a big glass of milk with pastries or cake, with my morning oats, before bed, with a cookie, or just for its own sake. I love milk. It’s the best drink after beer and coffee. Heck I’d probably rank it even before coffee.

>> No.17439442

>what happened to the other 98%?

>> No.17439663
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I got through a gallon of whole milk a week. Better for drinking. Better for cooking. Simple as

>> No.17439717
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>Drinking pure heavy whipping cream
It's like a drinking melted butter only smoother and less greasy. I'll never do it again.

>> No.17440560
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This stuff's actually pretty good. Bit expensive, though.

>> No.17440583

did they started making this because the influx of refugees

>> No.17440587

Heavy whipping cream or you're a light weight faggot

>> No.17440595

Tried this recently
Lactaid is still better

>> No.17440605

yes, it's cheap chinese/african style long life milk, it'a basically condensed milk reconstituted in water.
I don't mind it myself sometimes because as a kid to supplement my already heroic consumption of regular milk I would mix condensed milk from the can and water and drink that, which tastes almost identical.

>> No.17440613

skim milk is just water with white food coloring

>> No.17440619

Not really that long life. This stuff only lasts about two weeks.

>> No.17440636

I don't think they could get away with selling "the good stuff" here, the stuff that's full of all the weird chemicals and shelf-stable additives that make it so you don't even need to refrigerate it

>> No.17440992

same. although ive started drinking almond milk a lot recently

>> No.17441374

>BC childrens hospital


>> No.17441381
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If this was the 11th century, would people just drink her milk and she would like feed the whole village?

>> No.17441467
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For me, it’s 3.6% Delicious Japanese Milk

>> No.17441548

Whole milk gives me the power to turn other people lights on or off against their will on Saturday.

>> No.17442409

She would probably feed it to the pigs

>> No.17442448
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>1.75 gallons a day
imagine bros

>> No.17442453

this. 3.5% here. why pay the same amount for more water?

>> No.17442564

whole milk is like 20% more expensive than 2%

>> No.17442711

its not true skim milk its mid range in terms of thickness

then why the fuck are in the thread. bitch

>> No.17443054

I like it skim

>> No.17443070

Vitamin D Chads rise up.