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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 2.68 MB, 4032x3024, 20220216_005407.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17434643 No.17434643 [Reply] [Original]

Traditional Welsh food spotlight: 'cawl cyw iâr a gen'

There couldn't be a simpler recipe than this. It's very hardy and is said to help heal any cold. Not only that but it's incredibly cheap. You could survive a week on the stuff for less than a pound a day!

It can be translated to english to, perhaps less exotically, to mean 'chicken and flake soup'. If the photo didn't give it away it's welsh chicken and bran soup.

1 Chicken soup
1 handful of bran flakes

1. Make chicken soup
2.) Add branflakes.

That's it. Now go enjoy yourselves a bowl of hearty welsh soup.

I struggled to find many recipes on the internet so please excuse me if you're a welshman who makes it differently. In fact i stuggled to find much on the internet at all regarding the stuff. Here in south Wales though it's very popular. Practically everyone eats it. Just asking my friends, they all say they eat it at least once a month.

The savoury chicken, with slighly sweat, toasty bran flakes is a real treat. I can't reccomend it enough!

>> No.17434686

this is a windup right

>> No.17434743

Of course not. It's a national delicacy!

>> No.17435667
File: 78 KB, 1024x603, flat soup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the flat soup

>> No.17436210

I love the Welsh but your language is shit. A double L should not be a goddamn hissing sound. Gogogofuckyourself.

>> No.17436226

Bran flakes have a pretty neutral flavor so this isn't THAT egregious. Eating soggy flakes doesn't sound particularly fun though.

>> No.17436256

Jealous? Imagine having such a limited language. Clearly there's not enough consonants in English.

The texture is a bit unusual if you're not familiar with it, but the flavour definitely makes up for it.

>> No.17436340
File: 2.55 MB, 4000x3000, Jielbeaumadier_welsh_2010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Welsh

>> No.17436658

what am i looking at?

>> No.17436679


>> No.17436695
File: 72 KB, 640x432, not this one you idiot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17436787

is welsh rabbit welsh?

>> No.17436822

original etymology is unclear, might be, might not be

>> No.17436838

ty anon. i suspected as much

>> No.17437586

>not enough consonants in English
Perhaps not, but I'm not a native English-speaker so I couldn't give a halfpenny fuck how you insult it as it's a fucking retarded language, too.

>> No.17437644
File: 1.26 MB, 866x1390, 1641757191102.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it's Laverbread.

>> No.17437664

This looks like a loose shit

>> No.17437679

>the welsh
Reduced Beer + cheese melted.
Toast and ham
Broiled until golden brown
Fried egg on top.

>> No.17437715

Is it true Welsh dudes have the biggest dicks in the UK?

>> No.17439250


>> No.17440547


>> No.17441216


>> No.17441418

That depends on whether they actually marry

>> No.17441535

Ask the sheep

>> No.17441667

They only said "baa."

>> No.17441679

it's rarebit you utter retard

>> No.17442116

Stop being a rarebitch. You knew what Anon meant.

>> No.17442388

Wtf is a bran?

>> No.17442407

>language is called cumrag
I'd sit this one out, pal