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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17420733 No.17420733 [Reply] [Original]

>ITT: changes in your palette indicating you’ve matured
I cannot go a meal without finding a way to get some pepper in there. I hardly even use salt any longer.

>> No.17420741

>ITT: insecure manchildren that tie their maturity to food items

>> No.17420757

>pepper hating child

>> No.17420971

I loved this basic sawdust pepper. When I was a child.

>> No.17420999

Sounds very bland, like boomer chow.

Salt and pepper are important seasonings for different reasons. Just because they are the two most common does not mean they can replace each other.

>> No.17421039
File: 137 KB, 1000x667, sugar bombs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Easy. Every kid loves sugar bombs and most dislike spicy or sour food. Sometime around 15 to 25 tastes flip, super sweet is out and spicy is in.

>> No.17421123

i'm fussier as an adult than I was as a child

>> No.17421153

Warheads are awesome until the sour runs out.

>> No.17421169
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>> No.17421409

I couldn't finish something like that now, could probably do it in my teens.

>> No.17421413

those who say "meal" are cringelord retards

>> No.17421419

Are you okay?

>> No.17421531

Children crave sweet things and have basically no upper limit on what they can tollerate. Adults have more of a sweet limitation but also tollerate bitter or pungent tastes/smells much easier. Example, black coffee, beer, sharp cheddar, white pepper.

>> No.17421567

the fact you care about eating something adult just makes you more of a manchild.
Yes, I like my coffee and tea black. Because I like it that way.
Yes I only like sweet-spicy food because fucking hotsauce tastes like shit.
Yes, I prefer dark chocolate to milk chocolate.
You're not an adult for having "adult tastes"

>> No.17421583

Imagine buying pre ground pepper

>> No.17421794

You're not an adult for having adult tastes, but you're a child for not having them

>> No.17421801
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>> No.17421818
File: 25 KB, 600x400, dry-brine-salt-best-steak-4204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I grew up in a household without salt. There was no salt shaker and only sometimes did my mother take a canister of Morton salt out of storage when she was baking something that needed salt, like pie crust.

It took me like 2 decades to accept that there was a use for salt in cooking and at the table and holy fuck does it make a difference. I remember the first time I salted the shit out of my steak before grilling and it was out of this world. I realized that the one thing that made restaurant food taste so magical was just fucking salt.

>> No.17421848

your parents kept the salt hidden in storage? did they think it was poison or something?

>> No.17421849

same here. my mom used to use this 'low sodium' salt that tasted like chemicals and would never let me salt my food. now whenever I cook 'wow anon this tastes great!'

>> No.17421854

they basically considered salt to be so unavoidable that they wouldn't tolerate salt being freely available in the house. they were oversensitive to "le too much salt will kill you" thing

>> No.17421862

White pepper and msg have been a real game changer for me. Especially after I started doing 98% msg 2% I+G

>> No.17421871

Does the I + G make a big difference compared to straight msg? What would you say the difference is.

White pepper smells like the zoo, but tastes nice.

>> No.17421883

Yeah it does. Really increases the savoury taste. I too was surprised so little could improve the effects. Cheap too considering how little you use.

>> No.17421893

Nice. An interesting idea would be to season really healthy dishes like steamed broccoli with it. Normally bland healthy stuff turned addictivly savory.