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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 155 KB, 960x1280, cq5dam.web.1280.1280 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17409446 No.17409446 [Reply] [Original]

>grow up in a Canadian shithole city where people obsessed over IPA and craft beers
>It's all anybody ever serves
>I fucking hate all of it
>Try a Budweiser for the first time
>It's fucking great

What the fuck are these shithole distilleries trying to do? Who are they kidding? I was told by these IPA snobs that regular beers are uncultured and that we should respect local pubs, BUT THEY ALL TASTE LIKE SHIT.
Also they make my stomach and liver hurt like a mother fucker. What the fuck is the point?

>> No.17409467
File: 2.93 MB, 1920x2903, InShot_20220205_061038785.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck IPA, Fuck Craft

>> No.17409475

huh? budweiser ain't terrible, but it ain't no craft beer. i've had IPA's just as bad as bud light though.

>> No.17409484


>> No.17409499

Craft beer is nasty. What does it even do that's better than a bud?

>> No.17409501

go be gay somewhere else. thanks.

>> No.17409510

I've had good and bad craft beer, it's the gambling that is the fun part

>> No.17409514

>no one liked that

>> No.17409523


>> No.17409537

I just assumed it was also called a distillery. What's it supposed to be called?

>> No.17409569


>> No.17409586

you're the dumbest boy on 4channel

>> No.17409593

My b. Thanks for clarifying.

>> No.17409598

fermented wheat sodas are all soy, hops doesnt save or ruin it

>> No.17409601
File: 265 KB, 899x923, 2DEF6306-9D96-49C3-B47D-2508271695A1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bullshit about Budweiser being fucking great. I’ve drank regular Budweiser for nearly the last 7 years very regularly, even got my wife on the Budweiser train. After the lockdown in 2020 I drank even more I’m ashamed to admit. However about 6-9 months ago, they changed the taste. It has this “flowery” almost hibiscus hint to it, I thought it was a bad batch. Tried even going to different stores, even my wife noticed the flavor change. Why? Why the fuck did these fat Belgians change the flavor? No one in their right mind wants to taste fucking flowers or whatever the hell is going on with this new formula. I switched to Shiner, my other old classic. Last week we absolutely noticed the same flavor profile change, the flowery, hibiscus-like taste. I’m on Belgian trippel now, and will never go back. Absolute shame on you Budweiser. Fuck this gay corporate driven nation.

>> No.17409617

I don't taste any difference. It's just you and your alcoholic mutations.

>> No.17409626

If it was just me I would agree, not only my wife but other people have agreed with me.

>> No.17409632
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But I disagree with you.

>> No.17409769 [DELETED] 

Hey guys, go check out this badass new brewery management game called Fiz, it's temporarily free on the Google Play store, maybe IOS too, idk. I really got into it in the last few days. No in app purchases, no ads, no bullshit, just a free game. Trust me, it's good.

>> No.17409780
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i aint clicking that shit nigga

>> No.17410982
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>beiing a beerlet
you have no concept of taste

>> No.17410996
File: 406 KB, 1440x1361, 1644547881577.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fuck fuck fuck fuck shit shit fucking GREAAATT mother fucker
White trash retard.

>> No.17411009 [DELETED] 


>> No.17411030

>>Try a Budweiser for the first time
>>It's fucking great
Budweiser is tasteless rice water. For $3.59 a can, it's not really worth it.

>> No.17411039

Wow, you really posted a SHOCKING and intelligent post right there Anon. I’m glad there are people like you who are not afraid to say they things we’re all too scared to say.

>> No.17411070
File: 657 KB, 959x771, Oregon Flag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm from Oregon, lots of local beer here, we really went into IPA crazy times (and still are judging by what's on the shelf).

Over the last decade or so, I've gone from fancy beer to only drinking lagers and some Pilsners. For the money my go to beer is Coors Banquet, and it's great, and I can't stand super strong tasting beers anymore.

Just my two cents, but I like the less flavorful beer.

There's a brand of lager we have here, a local brand I really like, it's called Session Lager, it's made by Full Sail Brewery (I visited the brewery when I was a little kid while on vacation with my parents, they had Kool-Aid tap just for kids to draw a sample drink from it was fun), and I think that's probably my favorite but they tend to put everything in bottles which I don't care for, when I find them in cans I buy them up.

>> No.17411088

did you never go to a house party your entire life?

>> No.17411127
File: 387 KB, 512x512, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to work at a convenience store in Portland and when they stopped selling the session lager in the little stubby bottles sales immediately dropped off
i've never seen someone who preferred it to be in cans, people fucking love littering the beach with them little grenade bottles

>> No.17412522

it doesn't advertise to children, for one

>> No.17412652
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>> No.17412661

Bud lite is the best selling beer in Canada you fucking idiot.
Absolute retard.

>> No.17412662

Budweiser isn't that good, but there are several mass produced affordable beers that are decent.
Michelob and Yuengling are both pretty good and better than many craft brands.

Being obsessed with craft beer is almost as soy as being obsessed with hot sauces.

>> No.17412696

>small groups putting effort into things and anycreativity is soy
>i love bland mass-produced industrial watery piss!
>brand brand brand brand brand brand brand
>wojak image
i don't even like IPAs, i prefer biscuity malty and sour wild-fermented stuff but this is s exhausting. you're arguing for the lowest common denominator, broadest appeal, least interesting stuff that is well-liked and broadly consumed by normies. there is more to life than that and you shouldn't let le reddit preconceptions or whatever spoil things for you

>> No.17412713

People like shit like budweiser and other big name lagers because they don't actually like beer that much. Its designed to be as inoffensive and light as possible and to be drunk ice cold as to minimize the flavor, it is basically foamy water with a slight bitterness.

Nothing wrong with enjoying it, but it is what it is. Its beer for people who don't like beer but also don't want to drink hard liquor/wine/alcopops.

>> No.17412717

Michelob is just more Budweiser trash.
Yuengling also is sellout shit.

>> No.17412748

First time I had a proper Budweiser was when I sat down with an oldhead I worked with at a factory after a long shitty work week, that's when I finally understood why people drank beer.

>> No.17412751

Belgian beers are the best, IPAs just taste of hops and citrus.

>> No.17412768

you're right, liquor is better, but you out yourself as a total fag by saying hecking. retard. kys

>> No.17413484

This anon has class and taste.

>> No.17413657

It's the king of beers for a reason. Craft beers are for faggots who have no personality.

>> No.17414161
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I prefer the champagne of beers but i agree craft beer people are annoying as fuck

>> No.17414166


>> No.17414175
File: 17 KB, 295x487, d48a6db22664d6397705b9b9433b85cb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I drink beer bros? Usually I just get a 750ml bottle of vodka and slam it to get drunk because beer hurt my stomach. I feel bloated and like shit. What do. Pls no bully

>> No.17414194

>in Canada
>not drinking labbats blue

>> No.17414200

What makes it so good anon? Never had it and not sure how it's different from, say, Coors or Bud

>> No.17414220

this. im a burger and none of the stores around me carry it but labatts is one of the best macrolagers around

>> No.17414249

I pick up stuff from local breweries to try occasionally. Sometimes it's good, but by god we don't need any more bitter, berry, citrus, any fruit IPAs. Stop it. (the cloudberry one was cool though)
couple big cans of fosters is my favorite cheaper option.

>> No.17414255

You are wrong. Still tastes the same to me.
You know what DID change?! Old Spice High Endurance Pure Sport. It changed in Summer 2015 and hasn't been the same since.

>> No.17414262

Budweiser not only tastes like piss but the ABV is low as fuck. That's why I like tripels and imperial stouts because I get drunk quicker, most of them have an ABV above 7%. Do you even fucking get drunk? Or do you just get bloated on rice water for a slight buzz?

>> No.17414271

The funny thing is Pilsner totally looks like a douchey craft beer

>> No.17414363

>Canadian shithole city
>Can't get Budweiser
You're lying.
Distill spirits. They don't make beer.
>Stomach and liver hurt
You're dying.

>> No.17414634


>> No.17414758

Grow up.

>> No.17414774


>> No.17414793

Lol k den buddy

>> No.17414823

>never liked IPAs
>afraid will people make fun of me if I reject them

>> No.17414873

They need to bring this back

>> No.17414945

Did it leave?

>> No.17415093
File: 2.80 MB, 1920x1920, InShot_20220128_153923575.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you mean?

>> No.17415099

Nope... That guys on drugs

>> No.17415110

Good... that shit's like our Pabst in the Toronto dive scene. I want to make sure I can still get an alright buzz for less than $100 when one of the dive bars comes back from the dead.

>> No.17415116 [DELETED] 

Get reported you racist trash lmao

>> No.17415122
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>> No.17415130

>Budweiser not only tastes like piss
Nobody cares about your gross fetish.

>> No.17415144


>> No.17415191

Craft beer is very much a roll of the dice. Either it's great like a roasted chocolate stout or it's ass like a quintuple-hopped IPA.

>> No.17415222

The true red pill is craft pilsners.

>> No.17415230

No one does this

>> No.17415239

2$ a can, taxes in @ the beer store for the tallboys. Enjoy

>> No.17415319

It's amazing how easy it is to make craft lagers and yet almost nobody does it. It's always a best-seller when it's made too.

>> No.17415337

You a Saskie too?

>> No.17415361

Hell yeah brother

>> No.17415423


Nice! I'm in Regina.

>> No.17415482

Ya, hey der

>> No.17415510

Deadly! Sas/ck/

>> No.17415615

Get some class, you savages

>> No.17415712

This post makes no sense. You're calling him a racist when he didn't say anything remotely involving race and while using a racist slur yourself.

>> No.17415747

For me it's either Yuengling or Narragansett

>> No.17415929
File: 1.15 MB, 3024x3024, Hi Neighbor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take the neighborpill

>> No.17415974

>Old Spice High Endurance Pure Sport
Wait hang on, is that true? I've used it for a decade and I'm not sure I've noticed. I'm in Canada though.

>> No.17415990
File: 3.21 MB, 4608x3456, IMG_20220211_204126120.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's get it dude

>> No.17416005

Where's that from? I wanna try it

>> No.17416028

Western Canada originally, now it's Montreal I believe...

>> No.17416067

Mm. I'll look for it next time I'm buying

>> No.17416096

Enjoy , it's a classic around these parts

>> No.17416306

based and niggerpilled

I used to drink this shit all the time when I lived in the hood. It’s so cheap.

>> No.17416358

i will never forget when AB bought my favorite local brewery and they started using sewage to brew the beer. anything owned by AB is literally brewed in shit and piss and very measurable amounts of pissed out SSRI's, plastics and birth control. just drink a fucking craft beer and get over yourself you hipster nigger, drinking bud is for cattle

>> No.17416365

probably due to the wheat crop failure last year desu

>> No.17416455

Can anyone explain to me why Mexican beers smell different and taste better than other pilsners?

>> No.17416838

Bought a 12 pack today because this post, 6/10 would drink again probably

>> No.17417883

You cared enough to respond, fag. Budweiser = piss, anything else is a cope by a bitchboi who doesn't know how to drink

>> No.17417906

Anons really shilling shitty pissweiser and lagers. Lager is for faggots and women. Real men drink dark ales. The darker the ale the better.

>> No.17417912

Fuck tall boys. Bottles or normal cans only. Budweiser and coors banquet for domestic, Sapporo and red stripe for import, and keystone and Miller for light beer

>> No.17419045
File: 19 KB, 400x400, costanza_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You're a pussy because your drink tastes like piss
>If you wanted to be a real man you'd drink this that tastes EVEN MORE like piss

>> No.17420111


>> No.17420119

it's hard to explain why but it tastes way better than other similarly priced beers

>> No.17420410

What's wrong with Molson or Labatt's?

>> No.17420436

This. If the first beer I ever had was a Budweiser, I would have gotten into them a lot sooner. Kinda glad I didn't though, it allowed me to experience the superior fermented beverage, cider.
Fuck Heineken and fuck Boston Lager.

>> No.17420450
File: 826 KB, 778x524, Screen Shot 2022-02-12 at 7.39.41 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking love drinking Busch Lattes and going sleddin. SEND IT

>> No.17420614 [DELETED] 

For fucks sake this is not a drinks board it's a food and cooking board as the name says you fucking faggots. Mods need to start doing their fucking jobs, I am sick of this bullshit and I'm not going to stop reporting these threads.

>> No.17420686

have a cold one and stfd

>> No.17421397

alcohol is for depressed losers

>> No.17421696

>anti-alcohol seethe ITT
Stay mad, fags.

>> No.17421708

the amount of butthurt beerfags who responded to this is itself a win

>> No.17422235
File: 137 KB, 800x800, 000544185.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer pic related

>> No.17422374
File: 52 KB, 434x1024, Kupfer-434x1024 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

try to get your hands on pic rel

>> No.17422418

I don't know if I'd ever just buy it to have it. It's more of a ritual thing - getting shitty on Bunny Beers with low-rent metal bands in some literally underground dive with permanently sticky floors.

>> No.17422423

and gay just like you

>> No.17422425
File: 391 KB, 376x280, fetchimage.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need to see a urologist or a nephrologist right stat now.

>> No.17422442

Gentlemen of taste

>> No.17422477

It’s because 99% of craft beers are just hop bombs and there’s rarely a regard for pleasant balance or drinkability.

>> No.17422502

No, kill yourself soberlet.
Rum and coke, fortified wine, IPAs and ofs are all based.
Mr no weekend bar enjoying, no pussy getting nigga.

>> No.17422511
File: 192 KB, 1600x1067, Narragansett-Lager.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am a yuropean and I went to Providence RI for work and my friend brought me to a kind of a dive bar and I drank picrelated, I liked it, is it famous in the Us? Also dive bars or cheap bar in the US are lots of fun, thisbplace had just reopened after it was closed down cuz they were selling cocaine in there

>> No.17422555
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Love this stuff.

>> No.17422858
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>mfw Guinness extra stout
Too bad it costs a king's ransom

>> No.17422881
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Guilty as charged

>> No.17422889

I haven't had a drink in 8 years. I'll never go back. Life is good.

>> No.17422904

that's a very regional brand, maybe brought back by a major brewer who bought the name but there are a few old regional breweries making traditional pisslager still around

beer like that is often deservedly regional but wins on being cheaper and not significantly worse than national cheap brands

>> No.17422909

lol sad

>> No.17422930

Where are you? It's made by Molson here, and it just tastes like burned Canadian.

>> No.17422946
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>> No.17423299

yes it was really cheap and good

>> No.17423312
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>Try a Budweiser for the first time
>It's fucking great
this is a sponsored post isn't it?

>> No.17424444

It's fairly unknown outside of new england

>> No.17424463

I'm from the USA and I've never seen this before in my life.

>> No.17424532

Those digits at fairly unchecked outside if the first page

>> No.17424670
File: 1.03 MB, 2848x4272, black_label.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I no longer drink, but if I did, it would be Black Label: The All Time Grand High Emperor of Beers.
Thank you and good day.

>> No.17426050
File: 79 KB, 260x930, 1644571009821.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't drink this because I'm in love with the taste, I drink it because it's cheap.

>> No.17426118

A revelation I also came to recently. I can get two tall Blue Moons for $7.50 or two IPAs for $5

>> No.17426332

Gansett is pure shit

>> No.17426483
File: 42 KB, 175x200, BUD.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have you noticed that all craft beers taste like grapefruit juice!

>> No.17426903

>$3.59 a can
How fucking big are the cans you get? A can around here costs like 60 cents

>> No.17426934

>complains about bloating like a 14 yo girl
>calls others bitchboi
Topkek 10/10 troll. People that say shit like this are always light weights trying to cope.

>> No.17426974

Don't give a fuck about what people think regarding what you drink; if you like it, then drink it. I don't care for really any macro brews I've tasted, but if you like it then drink up, brother.

For what it's worth, I think the most enjoyable part of beer is exploration; I typically hate lagers but recently found a Mexican honey lager I can't get enough of. Basically, drink what you want. I'm glad you found something that you enjoy.

t. drunk on mid-shelf bourbon

>> No.17427102

>Belgian beers are the best
Farmhouse gang rise up

>> No.17427105

For me, it's dos equis

>> No.17428354

Maybe take a break

>> No.17429749
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What am I in for, lads?

>> No.17429756
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Also picked this up. First time drinking a dark Weizenbock.

>> No.17430094

It's really not just about IPAs, you need to try a lot of different styles from different breweries

Sorry to say but if you have tried less than 1000 different unique beers, you're a beerlet with a discardable opinion

There is something for everybody, when I drink beer nowadays I do still enjoy a normal IPA, but I just as often go for lagers, very rarely anything above 7% abv which is usually shit

I've since moved on from craft beer and a getting into wine and amaro and related cocktails, before craft beer I was big on gin

>> No.17430831

*Salutes from wheelchair*

>> No.17430993

I'm sorry that you're my victim tonight. You seem like a hipster who actually has quite a few redeeming qualities.
>It's really not just about IPAs
If it was, I think I'd have given up on beer.
>1000 unique beers...
I've been working in and with brewers and breweries (and now vintners and distillers) for a decade - since I was legally too young to drink - and I couldn't name you 1000 unique beers. 100 different beers in that time sounds like a lowball amount, but a different beer every day for 3 years just seems like expensive alcoholism to me.
>There's something for everybody...
Absolutely. Hoppy, malty, fruity, sour, tart, sweet, light, dark, rich, alcohol free and super-test.
>Anything above 7%... is usually shit.
I dunno man. I haven't had many tripels and quads I didn't like. High grav urbocks and baltic porters have some misses, but a lot of hits. Imperial Stouts and IPAs are probably overdone (out of balance) more often than not, but even then, there are some I enjoy.
>Wine, amaro... gin
Black Negroni?

>> No.17431091
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What's the consensus on this? As well as Pabst?

>> No.17431132

IPA's give me a different buzz and a different drunk. They're a long stronger and those hops work on you differently than that thin stuff. If you haven't been drinking it only takes one to get toasted. I only drink the strongest, hoppiest ones though. You'll get used to the taste once you stop being a pussy.

>> No.17431151
File: 10 KB, 218x232, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

worked in brewery for a couple years. absolutely amazing beers loved the free one I got at end of day.
still never paid for them and just buy pic for 8.99 a dozen at the gas station by my house

>> No.17431202

Get raked.

>> No.17431226

You're a stupid ignorant fuck. Alt+F4 and don't come back. kthnx

>> No.17431245

>It's really not just about IPAs, you need to try a lot of different styles from different breweries
I agree. I'd like to add to this that it's really important to try the **native** beer styles. Don't judge e.g. Schwarzbier by the ones you drank in the US. More often than not the OG taste is very different.
IPAs really fuck with my body. They irritate my gums and make them feel inflamed. Also the increased hops puts me to sleep fast.

>> No.17431261

I don't drink beer to get laid or look cool, my friendless friend.
I drink to stop being angry.

>> No.17431271

My fellow Oregonian! Session is great. Agreed.

>> No.17431282
File: 43 KB, 500x322, Ice_Cold_Red_Stripe_Beer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any time is island time wit deh Red Stripe

>> No.17431290

What? I can buy a half liter for $1.2

>> No.17431359

I eat hot spicy food because it tastes good despite it burning through my shithole, why would I drink something that tastes like piss and makes me feel like shit just to I can get more drunk quicker, when there's a million other options that get me drunk and taste good.
If your beer is all that's verifying your masculinity you need to just take test boy.

>> No.17432349

Case of 16oz Budweiser cans at 14 bucks or 6 craft beers for 12 dollars... yeah hard choice. Not a poorfag, but you make more money by spending less.

>> No.17433939

What is the most ICONIC getman beer?

>> No.17434211

Yea what is the “guinness” of germany?

>> No.17434540

Incredibly cheap when you live in a border town, those duty free stores sell them, I used to cross the border just to buy them

>> No.17434893

lol beer commercials used to be so good. my brother still says this all the time, but the fucker stole my red stripe tank top.

>> No.17435102

Budweiser is the only beer that gives me a headache the next day. And I'm someone who drinks 100oz of steel reserve a night

>> No.17435149
File: 26 KB, 576x532, 2F2D772F-615C-4573-A28C-5338C22CE864.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The hecking Budweiser

>> No.17436028

Good lord, i love this stuff

>> No.17436977

Best movies... Of all time

>> No.17437419
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I'd image one of those.

>> No.17438626
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How do I buy beer that tastes as good aa it does at the local pub? I'd drink this shit every damn night if it tasted as good as there, but it tastes like ASS when i buy it from the store.

>> No.17438648

>$3.59 a can

Bro, if you budweiser costs more than $1 a can they are scamming you. Where the hell are you living?

>> No.17438673

Old Spice has definitely made some changes to their products over the past few years, notably discontinuing a lot of stuff like Komodo(replaced by Fiji? Not as good), but I use Pure Sport daily since it's aluminum free, haven't noticed any significant change to it.