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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17416271 No.17416271 [Reply] [Original]

What does /ck/ do with leftovers at the end of the week? Not leftovers as much as leftover cooked meals, but unused canned meat and spices or pasta, rice in your kitchen. Early Sunday and Monday usually have the best sales, so at the end of the week I try to keep from making a trip to the store and use what I have left.
I’m making a little Thai curry paste with canned salmon, I have 3 Nathan hotdogs I’ll split and add, seen veggies, and instead of coconut milk or cream, I’m using a blend of 80/20 milk and heavy cream.

>> No.17416287
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Starting with a little lard, I’m out of oil, so let’s see what happens. I’ll sauté the salmon and hotdogs first, then the veggies.

>> No.17416322
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I think maybe everything I eat is leftovers by your standards , lol . I just cook it, throw it on a plate and hope for the best .

>> No.17416349
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Prepped and ready to go

>> No.17416374

Tell me your going to use the hot dog and salmon together . I've got to see this .

>> No.17416375

Soup. I don't have a recipe. I just put everything in the pot and salt to taste.

>> No.17416380

Hot dog salmon soup!!! Just like peepaw used to make

>> No.17416384

>I’m out of oil
Good don't buy it ever again.

>> No.17416418
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Getting a nice cook on the yellow curry paste, I heard that you have to cook the paste at a simmer for a while to get the flavors out. I’ll try about 10 mins.

>> No.17416425

It’s on the way anon.

>> No.17416444
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Getting the salmon and hotdogs going, smells good. And I have to say, the salmon in the can was a bigger chunk of whole fillets than I expected.

>> No.17416447

Usually I only buy things that are versatile or that are single-dish sized. Carrots, onions, potatoes, garlic, ginger, and peppers are my main produce buys. There aren't many meals I cook that would mind having random veggies like those thrown in. Other produce is usually all used up in one dish. For canned goods, the only thing I don't use a full can of in one meal is tomato paste. I freeze the rest of the paste in a ziplock bag smushed flat. Very easy to break a chunk off for future meals. I make my own pasta so it's easy to portion out to avoid leftovers. Rice is also easy to portion before cooking, but leftover rice can get tossed into a curry, rolled into a future batch, warmed with milk and cinnamon, or just thrown away since it's dirt cheap.

>> No.17416465
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Starting to get a good color, flipping to the other side and finishing up before I add the liquid and veggies.
Or should I sauté the veggies first?

>> No.17416480

I decided to add another tbsp lard and sauté the veggies till soft/color I like then add the milk, maybe around 10 mins tossing regularly.

>> No.17416493
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Forgot pic.

>> No.17416527
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Looking much better, adding the milk next.

>> No.17416549
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I’ll simmer this for about 20 mins. Smells even better as it goes along. Already have the jasmine rice ready.

>> No.17416566
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The sauce is amazing, nice and creamy, slightly sweet and bitter, then has a good heat coming from it.

>> No.17416682
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Tastes wonderful, a lot of the heat dissipated over the cooking time, started I would say 6.5/10 on heat, ends up at my cooking time at about 2/10 heat scale. Taste is 9/10, I’m shocked how tender the hotdogs and savory the salmon came out. I don’t have a 10/10 to compare it to. Thanks for reading my blog.

>> No.17416691


>> No.17416736
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Thanks for blessing my thread microwaveanon

>> No.17416755

I have to say that looks really good to me , but how well do the salmon and hot dogs work together ? Would it be good with just the hot dogs ?

>> No.17416766
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Yes it would be good with the hot dogs, I would use 100% beef ones, the savory and not too salty flavor really went well with the spicy sauce.

>> No.17416768

not him but hotdogs are pretty similar to sausage. what comes to mind is something like a chicken and sausage gumbo, or red beans and rice.
no reason you couldn't replace it with hot dogs.

>> No.17416783
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The salmon and hotdogs went great together, the meat really takes on the sauce well, the canned salmon acted like a thickener and added a nice fish flavor without using sauces or more salt. The hotdogs after simmering were extremely tender, just push your tongue to the roof of your mouth and they were incredibly soft. I used 100% beef hotdogs and I’m glad I did, the flavor went great with everything at the end.

>> No.17416822

Thanks for the tomato paste tip.

>> No.17416856
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I save this thread to my files because hot dog curry would work for me .

>> No.17417018

>throw it on a plate
that is meticulously placed and separated.
>two greens
use other greens for other meal.

>> No.17417179
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The food on that plate was all I had left at the time . I spent very little time arranging the food , I made piles set the plate there and snapped a pic just to document what I was eating . I added soup to the meal because I didn't have enough vegetables and mushrooms . When I say threw it on a plate I meant more that I put no mental effort into the arrangement of the food not that I didn't spend a few seconds making piles because of my ocd . Here is a pic from the op of a different thread . It's so much more pleasing that he must have spent a considerable amount of time on it .