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File: 183 KB, 1201x900, Seed-oils-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17410639 No.17410639 [Reply] [Original]

are seed oils really that bad for you?

>> No.17410645

No, it's just a meme.

>> No.17410649

If you're using a small normal amount don't worry about. If you're drinking as much oil as the average ck poster than yeah, but at that amount any are bad.
Just don't get to Janny levels of oil consumption. I heard they drink a couple glasses a day because they misunderstood rape seed oil

>> No.17410664

Maybe. I don't think seed oil is inherently bad, but most of it is highly processed. The general advice is to avoid highly processed foods but I'm not sure why processed seed oils are given an exception and are said to be healthier. If you could get "extra virgin" varieties of seed oils that would probably be okay since it wouldn't be nearly as processed, but I've never really seen anything like that.

>> No.17410674

To be fair the advice to avoid processed foods is just boogyman shit. Yeah obviously high salt, high sugar isn't good for you. But processing alone doesn't inherently make things unhealthy

>> No.17410802
File: 221 KB, 1000x563, bka.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, now go eat your butter goy

>> No.17410814

Yes. Just look at how some of this garbage is produced. Butter/tallow/lard may have more calories but at least it isn't this horrible garbage.


>> No.17410819

I think the concern with seed oils is their omega-6 content and our modern diet is giving us excess omega-6.

There's also concerns with hexane was a solvent to extract seed oils but I don't really jive with that concern.

Also almost all rapeseed/canola is roundup ready, so whatever your feelings on herbicide use should guide you to your actions.

>> No.17410822

Seed oils are good in small amounts, but when you eat too much of it it is bad for you.
They also become toxic when you heat them too much.

>> No.17410853

Processing usually means removing some of the nutritious parts of food though which is the main concern I guess. And it makes it easier to consume too many calories.

>I think the concern with seed oils is their omega-6 content and our modern diet is giving us excess omega-6.
I wonder if that's from the seed oil itself or the processing. I read a bit about how seed oils are made and it said that some of the steps change the nutritional profile and increase the amount of omega 6 in it.

>> No.17410998

what if you just press your own oil at home?

>> No.17411068


>> No.17411175

I dont think processing has much to do with it. You can find many of these seeds in your local market and they have the same fatty acid profile.

>> No.17411194

I think it's largely bullshit, but I tend to stick to oil from naturally oily things like olives, coconuts, and avocado

>> No.17411262

unironically underrated but unironically

>> No.17411325

Being a fat fuck is bad for you. Proliferation of dirt cheap oils has enabled a massive increase in calorie intake and therefore in fat fucks.

>> No.17411338

"Extra virgin" soybean and rapeseed oils would stink even more than they already do and taste like the devil's smegma.

>> No.17411348

I think roundup ready plants are absolute bullshit that are the worst part of modern gmo's. Shit like that is what gives gmo's a bad name.
On the other hand I'd be a hypocrite if I was against herbicides and pesticides since I have to apply both regularly for my job. I figure in another 5 years I'll be part of some class action lawsuit

>> No.17411371

Yeah, I feel similarly to you. I see the importance of herbicides and pesticides, but I can't imagine the amount of roundup sprayed every year could be a good thing.

>> No.17411373
File: 113 KB, 1000x750, Document.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, any oil is bad for you and you should avoid them and eat as little as possible. What happens when you pour oil down a drain that water also travels in? You get blockages. Plasma is 90% water and makes up half of your blood. When you eat oil it travels into your bloodstream with other particles, causing plaque build up. Pic related is a real life representation of what happens to your arteries when you eat fried foods with tons of fat.

>> No.17411397

Just dumped out my oils and any food in my house that contained oils.

thanks for the warning, anon.

>> No.17411410

My old boss died from Mesothelioma from decades of using roundup. When he hired me on I told him I'll do any bullshit he wants but I wont do roundup jobs. Since he had already lost one of his lungs by then he understood.

But people freaking out about fertilizer and pesticides are retards. It's literally that or starve to death now until something better comes along. And it's been way too long since we have had something better on the agriculture front. Fucking techies with their cricket farms aren't the future and they are delusional if they think they can feed the world on cricketmeal

>> No.17411414

The oil has to go through this really hazardous environment that includes sulfuric acid. Comparing my body to a plastic tube is retarded

>> No.17411416

>Butter/tallow/lard may have more calories but at least it isn't this horrible garbage.
I compared the calories at 1 oz: Butter 203, Clarified Butter 248, Tallow 256, Lard 256, Corn oil 256, Peanut/Canola/Soybean/Grapeseed 251. Different smoke points and nutritional compositions but calories aren't a huge gap.

>> No.17411418

mesothelioma is caused only by asbestos

>> No.17411446

Jesus christ how far is that Bayer cock down your throat that you still believe that? At this point there are multiple studies finding a link to it. I work in the fucking industry, I know what I'm talking about

>> No.17411461

It's been a long time since I've dug deep into farming, but recently I needed to find a new sugar supplier for my work and came across the Balbo Group.
I wasn't specifically looking for something organic because I'm not overly worried about that. But reading into their farming practices has been super cool. They call it 'ecosystem revitalizing agriculture' and they've talked at length about their approaches to sugar cane farming if you want to read more about it.
I'm not sure how applicable their methods would be across the board, but it's exciting to see them trying something different.

>> No.17411698

Good, none of my recipes contain oil and I don't consume oil.

doesn't matter, same principle still applies. try to mix oil, fat and water in a small tube, it will build a blockage. The arteries are the same way. The arteries are small yes, and the amount of oil is scaled down through particles, It's still the same concept.

>> No.17411725

yes, stop eating them

>> No.17411732


>> No.17411737

what a retarded take

>> No.17411757

then keep on eating mcdonalds with oil, don't complain to me when you have blocked arteries.

>> No.17411773

Okay honestly the Balbo Group is doing some cool things. There are little things like that which could be bad ass. The revitalizing way is really the only way we can sustain at this point. We kind of also need more people farming in general with food production travelling shorter distances. If the US Government wanted to get out of the shit they should start utilizing all that space it has again and make farming something easier for more people to get into

>> No.17411783

you do the same, and then add all the chemicals and bacteria it comes into contact with in a human digestive system

>> No.17411785

wtf are you talking about, schizo talk

>> No.17411794

Sneed oils.

>> No.17411811

You are pretending that the chemical treatment it undergoes in your body doesn't exist. Go back to facebook Janine I think you are lost

>> No.17411844

The omega-6 imbalance is definitely part of the problem but for some reason people gloss over one of the main cruxes of the issue, which is polyunsaturated fatty acids are extremely prone to oxidation. The hexane separation part of the process isn't the issue, it's the deodorization. These oils have to be deodorized to be palatable because they're rancid. No one in their right minds would consume them if they weren't. Then the problem is compounded through heat. Seed oils, which are already oxidized before they reach the consumer, break down further when they're raised to high temperatures in cooking, especially when used to fry foods in restaurants, where they don't change the oil for a whole week. This is why the advice to use canola oil over olive oil for searing is retarded. Smoke point is not an indicator of oxidation and olive oil is way more stable at high heat. PUFAs break down into toxic aldehydes and cause all sorts of issues.

>> No.17411850

This is an over simplification of diseases of the vessel walls and clotting processes. Please come back with a better take on the roles of cholesterol, other lipid types, and long term relation to cardiovascular disease.

>> No.17411853

>hurr durr i just started my sophomore year of undergrad
hit the books egghead

>> No.17411860

Shut the fuck up Janine, I told you to get the hell out of here

>> No.17411861

why is this thread full of pajeets? are they out here robbin and punjab'n again?

>> No.17411867

ah sweet a schizo thread

>> No.17411902

I'm not even in healthcare or nutrition though.

>> No.17412094

> Reddit posts multiple peer reviewed studies and vetted data
>4channel cardiovascular? hurr durr no you went to college

>> No.17412103

yeah, like i said, you're a sophomore in college
>the indian retard still can't read
hi pajeet

>> No.17412127

If this is 2 years of college to you, you're 17 years behind the US.

>> No.17412249

Roundup ready plants use LESS pesticide than organic plants. Older pesticides are less effective so they have to use more of them. Organic farming unironically uses more dangerous chemicals, it's just that organic certification limits farmers to an arbitrary list of chemicals. Pesticide is expensive in a cutthroat industry so they're always looking to use less of it.

>> No.17412269

My problem specifically is that Bayer owns all of the roundup ready seeds. Glyphosate is fine if used properly and with the right PPE. It doesn't last very long in the environment people just think it's bad because it's non selective if they then go that deep into it.
I've seen one of my old retarded lawn crew guys fry a lawn with roundup because he mixed it instead of 24d and it only took about a month for the lawn to recover

>> No.17412313

Yes. If you consume a small amount once in awhile it's fine just like sugar, salt, and other fats. If you consume them everyday, you will be less healthy than if you didn't consume them everyday.

>> No.17412328

Monsanto has deposited $0.02 into your account

Anyways my aunts father says that round up ready crops reduce labor but that they aren’t worth it. He farms 650 acres in the Midwest. You just have to find out what’s growing and get the specific thing to kill it and target it locally instead of just soaking the whole field.

>> No.17412333

Bingo it's all about IPM

>> No.17412347 [DELETED] 

yes, here is a video explaining why seed oils are bad for you

watch this if you want to be 100% sure of going to heaven. it's very easy to get to heaven because salvation is not of works, lest any man should boast.

>> No.17413239

Feed mice protein they get lean
Feed mice carbs they get lean
Feed mice fat they get fat

Nobody in the modern world has to worry about rabbit starvation.

>> No.17413250

No, this is what happens to your throat after you drink all that cum, anon.

>> No.17413285


Good thing the human body is not a plastic pipe then. Instead a very sophisticated fine tunes complex organism having things like enzymes and transport proteins to ensure that fat can without problems flow through the water based blood.

>> No.17413448

>i just feel it's bad
>they're processed!
>i think a little bit isn't bad
Is anyone going to post some -- you know -- fucking evidence?

>> No.17413482

I work for an organic farmer. Try again

>> No.17413488

You can read >>17410819, >>17411844 and dyor.
It's not hard to use google.

>> No.17413499

Where is the evidence? And if "google it" is a sufficient response you should have just said that to OP.

>> No.17413514


Probably not any worse than the rest of the standard high calorie, high pesticide, low nutrient american diet.

I don't deep fry much at home, so I don't really find I need it. I try to cook with either animal fats or olive or coconut oil.

My theory on why cutting out seed oils works for health is that the "good" fats are all much more intensely flavored than seed oils. If you add an extra tablespoon of tallow you REALLY taste it. The more you add the richer (and harder to overeat) the dish becomes.

As for cutting out seed oils in prepared foods, it basically means you never eat packaged snacks or fast food ever again. Switching from chips to celery is good for you.

>> No.17413523

You're free to explore if you wish. It's not my problem whichever you so choose.

>> No.17413531


>> No.17413543

>industry scary

>> No.17413833

>naturally oily things like olives, coconuts, and avocado
> naturally oily

>> No.17413837

>thinking scary

>> No.17414145

Point taken but I think tallow was a bad example as it has a pretty neutral taste.