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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 266 KB, 1500x1007, 91+9-YEOCOS._SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17411554 No.17411554 [Reply] [Original]

What happened? Bought a pack of these at the 7-Eleven for the first time in 20 years, and they are shit. Is there any product that isn't obviously and markedly worse than it was 20 years ago?

>> No.17411561

I hated them as a kid 30 years ago. Twinkies have always fucking sucked

>> No.17411564

No, everything actually has become worse since the 00s

>> No.17411569

I've been an adult since the 90s. They have remained consistently bad. Your stupid child brain thought it was good

>> No.17411578

This is what happens when companies get old and the ship is steered by MBA's
They were bought out by private equity in 2009. This is the death of all companies because these types "business" people are leaches on the system and suck as much money from struggling companies before leaving them to die.
If a company is in private equity's hands, it's fucked. If it goes public, it'll take 5-15 years before it's also fucked.

>> No.17411581

most snack cakes type things are worse than they used to be
Cosmic Brownies and Sno Balls especially

>> No.17411587

sno balls used to be delightful, now the cake portion tastes like bitter chemicals

>> No.17411634

No you just became old as fuck

>> No.17411656

This is an op spread by Big Snack to excuse and cover up their crap practices

>> No.17411690

But it's not. I made a time machine just so I could go back and see. I went to 1975 with some little debby, some hostess, a coke and a big mac and had them against the same product made in 1975. They were absolutely identical.
What's bullshit is that the jump destroyed my time machine so I had to live through all those shitty decades again. And the worst part is that I made bank during the early 2000s tech bubble but then spent the next 10 years getting high as fuck off that money and forgot to mine bitcoin. So now I need to reinvent the fucking thing and try again. Shitty thing is, is that I have to wait two more years, can't time travel until after the burst happens.

>> No.17411730

>can't time travel until after the burst happens.
You didn't just time travel bud, you timeline switched.
I fell for it too, you don't get to go "back" in time, it's all going on at the same time, side by side, and by going "back" you just hopping to the parallel timeline that happens to exist at the time you chose to go back to.
The burst never happens at the same time twice.
You don't get another go around.

>> No.17411817

Nailed it right on the head. Private equity firms are cancers

>> No.17411834

fucking hell, well that explains how we ended up in a retarded pandemic this time around.

>> No.17411858

Maybe your taste and nostalgia has changed in 20 years retard OP

>> No.17411901

High doses of delta 8 tincture can allow you to explore these parallel timelines that are at different points in time.
A moderate does will start by disconnecting your memory from you. Many people experience this and experience this weird feeling of only having a one-second memory.
If you venture further with continual doses you will start to fade between realities, seeing things of your "past" and "future."
But I warn anyone who wants to try this, you don't have much control over you experience. It's easy to get lost and hard to ground yourself back to "you."
And you wouldn't want to find yourself stuck in one that's about to end. You'll know and you better be quick to find yourself again.

>> No.17411909

anybody who says you can't build a time machine with common household parts is an unhinged moron who should be doing hard labor 16 hours a day.

>> No.17411910
File: 8 KB, 183x275, 1E2BADF2-A014-4010-9D7F-79A8FE4DE01A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I usually buy my twinkies online. They’re still shit though.

>> No.17411922

I prefer high dose ketamine but every time I do that I end up in some weird liminal backroom area. I didn't even know what that meant until I tried to explain my high dose ketimine experiences

>> No.17411956

I stopped my trips when I got lost and knew the timeline was about to end with me in it. I knew that meant I was about to die. Luckily my roommate made a sound from the other room and I was able to find myself before that happened.
But having to experience that feeling of almost dying was too much for me. I wasn't in a good place at the time and it was like I jumped off a building to end it all, but halfway down I was given the opportunity to take back that mistake of jumping.
I got lucky once. I'm not going to tempt it again.

>> No.17412005

you're a drug addict with brain damage

>> No.17412019

Only time I ever came close to that was the last time I made DMT. I don't know if I got some weird cross contamination or I just accidently made it really pure

>> No.17412047

degenerate drug fags get out

>> No.17412065

>complaining about muh degenerancy
>on 4chan

>> No.17412084

My drugs are probably less harmful than someone inhaling Twinkies, plus I get the giggles or some meaningless profound insight. Cheap entertainment friend. Everyone uses some kind of drug. People fucking love drugs

>> No.17412091

>t. pathetic self indulgent druggos with zero self control

>> No.17412126

Zero self control? Do you know how hard it is to synthesize some of these chemicals safely? Plus I'm. 42 year old arborist that only has to work 2/3rds of the year. If I want to get baked from time to time during that other 1/3rd who cares?

>> No.17412140

very based arboristbro
holier than thou posters on this board are always a treat to deal with. They really know how to ruin a board. Not sure why they target /ck/

>> No.17412156

Yeah makes no sense. Food is about gluttony. The whole eat, drink and be merry thing. Not sure what they think they would find here. Fuck I worked in a kitchen way back before I got into trees there was about as much drugs as food

>> No.17412179

No. I distinctly remember eating the green Shrek 2 limited edition two packs, and the cake was actually moist, the cream pockets big. Now they're oily-dry and have a pinky-sized cream pocket. All these snack companies are run by massive kikes who want to sell the most dried out, filler laden, sawdust shit product to increase profit margins for stockholders.

This anon gets it.

>> No.17412196
File: 47 KB, 606x615, 1639267166884.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kys redditfags

>> No.17412203

Based and Doctorowpilled

>> No.17413123

Didn't know about Cory, but I'm surprised to hear someone with that early life section criticizing private equity so hard.

>> No.17413339

Twinkies got so much smaller

They are so tiny now

>> No.17413360

The quality of virtually everything be it size or ingredient has sharply declined from 20 years ago.

>> No.17413364

They're twink-sized owo

>> No.17413367
File: 43 KB, 228x392, 2lewd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kiss your sister?

>> No.17413387

That's what happens when you fire all the old bakers and replace them with cheap immigrant labor.