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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 63 KB, 640x706, burger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17407146 No.17407146 [Reply] [Original]

Honestly how do people complain that they can't cook and healthy food is too expensive.
Instant oats with sugar and salt is extremely cheap.
Milk you can get for 6$, lasts me almost a whole month
I can make breakfast for like .50 cents a bowl for good tasting oatmeal and a cold glass of milk, fills me up until 5pm when I eat dinner
I can buy beans, sweet potatoes, tomatos, peppers and easily make an extremely filling spicy vegan sweet potato chili for 6$ with a huge container of leftovers assuming you already have all the spices. I can make pasta dinner with left over for 5$.

Do people just not know how to cook?

>> No.17407150

Sweet potato and grains (especially oats) aren't food though

>> No.17407152

Rice and beans or tortillas is GOATedb poverty food

>> No.17407154

>aren't food though

>> No.17407157

what's your sweet potato chili recipe, anon?

>> No.17407183

They are food, but it's not very nutritious.

>> No.17407195
File: 629 KB, 3000x2560, instantpot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its from the instant pot vegan cookbook

>> No.17407206

sweet potatoes, just one small cup has like 500mg of potassium and a lot of b6 and vitamin C, how is it not nutritious. More potassium than in a 3oz steak

>> No.17407211

also forget to mention I usually swap out the jalapeno for one habanero pepper because I like it spicier

>> No.17407225

h-he cute

>> No.17407231

>I can make breakfast for like .50 cents a bowl for good tasting oatmeal and a cold glass of milk, fills me up until 5pm when I eat dinner
So you're a sedentary deskfaggot that has never actually worked a day in their life?
My normal days have me losing muscle weight at 3000 calories a day.

>> No.17407250

No, I just like to eat well at dinner time so I only eat two meals a day and yes, my job is not physical labor. I would throw in chicken and cheese and an extra meal if I did have such a job though. I'm not a morning person so I can't be hungry and tired in the morning, just can't do it. I'll usually eat oatmeal with a glass of milk followed by iced cold green tea throughout the day.

>> No.17407261

Most people don't know how to cook properly or shop for even basic ingredients, including on this board. Moreover, even the ones who can cook simply don't. Before, it used to be going out to fast food restaurants all the time. Now, it has degressed even further to ordering the delivery of this basal fried dogfeed every afternoon. The convenience combined with people lacking financial foresight or patience keeps them eating shit food because they have no money from overpaying for bad food every day. Then they say they can't eat healthier, more nutritious meals for less. The same guys who will ball out on a shitload of burgers and fries + drink say this when they can buy sweet potatoes, eggs, beans, bananas, basic oils, and so many other cheap staples. The reality is they refuse to learn to cook well, and suffer for this in their wallets and early deaths. I have no sympathy for any of them.

>> No.17407271

When people talk about healthy food they are talking about meat, which is getting more expensive every year. You can't survive on vegetables alone

>> No.17407287

Some people don't want to exclusively eat literal (not figurative) gruel

>> No.17407304

Yes that's true, but people make it way too complicated. The japanese are an easy example. They eat a majority grain diet with eggs and fish mixed with rice, noodles, vegetables and fermented shit. The healthiest diet in the world is a Mediterranean diet. Grain based with occasional meat consumption and daily eggs.

>> No.17407324

>Milk you can get for 6$, lasts me almost a whole month
That's no milk.

>> No.17407325

>Milk you can get for 6$, lasts me almost a whole month

Yikes. I hope you mean unopened long-life milk.

>> No.17407328

fattiy taste buds are so fucked that veggies are inedible to them.

>> No.17407332

It’s only gonna get more expensive now thanks to #BareShelvesBiden and his rampant inflation/spending.

>> No.17407445

no, just whole milk, 3$ a gallon. 2 gallons last me a whole month. Do you guys drink multiple glasses of milk a day? lmao.

>> No.17407451


Fish is expensive, if you aren't getting omega 3s from capsules or other poorly bioavailable sources like flax

>> No.17407465

>milk lasts a month
Anon I go thru a gallon of milk every other day

>> No.17407472

imagine the size of you

>> No.17407476

Not eating meat at every meal is fine.

>> No.17407519

Cod liver oil, eggs, milk. There's plenty of way you can get vitamin b's, vitamin a, vitamin c, k2 without eating meat everyday.

>> No.17407528

Literally all meme nutrients. Quality food needs to be high in two things: protein and vitamin K. But feel free to resume mowing down your goyfeed and then wondering why you can't lift a pencil without getting lightheaded.

>> No.17407535

eat your vegetables ketolard

>> No.17407622

>lasts a month
What quantity? I buy and go through a US gallon every 10 days or so. I couldn't imagine stretching that out beyond two weeks.

>> No.17407628

There are bare shelves also in Monaco. Biden's fucking shit up everywhere, huh?

>> No.17407632

I can't have vitamin K in large quantities because I will get blood clots and die.

>> No.17407673

>Do people just not know how to cook?
It's easier to blame your problems on something out of control than to fix what you're able to control

>> No.17407680

>meme nutrients
i swear some of the retards this website manages to attract are just straight up impressive with their dumbassery but it makes sense because the only way you'd be able to get away with saying some shit that stupid is anonymously

>> No.17407683

real milk doesn't stay fresh for a whole month dumbass

>> No.17407685

as recent as the 90s people didn't need to be remind to butter their toast, east potatoes and drink milk. he is not wrong and you need to go back.

>> No.17407690

yes you are wrong faggot read a book

>> No.17407696

Nah let him keep on his retard diet so he dies earlier for the good of the gene pool

>> No.17407772

Enjoy your heart palpitations, dumbass.

>> No.17407884

apples and oranges nigga.

>> No.17407904

>dude normies are so le dumb am I right 4chan bros
Grow up already

>> No.17407907

Stupidest comment I’ve seen in weeks.

>> No.17407928

Fucking disgusting. Anyone who puts sweet potato in chili should be dragged into the street and beaten with a pool cue until their retinas detach.

>> No.17407960

Guess how I know that you can't 1/2/3/4 plate.

>> No.17407990
File: 68 KB, 600x623, 3f2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>safety gloves

>sign of a bad burger joint

>> No.17408041

Looks pretty tasty, except I don't know how good the sweet potato would be.
I don't really want sweetness in my chili.

>> No.17408048

Apron no
Gloves yes

>> No.17408063

expensive not bad

>> No.17408136

shill fuck off
they're disinfo shills so start calling them out so people learn to spot them. someone powerful wants you badly educated on the truth. read between the lines. they want you to NOT eat oats and potato because they will make more money if you eat SOMETHING ELSE instead, or maybe oats and potato lower risk factors for some health issues, to which this shills boss just happens to make a drug for.

>> No.17408146

anonymity is the only way freedom of speech can function on an internet run by globalist and communist control freaks that hate the truth. why do you think they try so hard to shit this place up all the time? faceshit and shitter and shittit are not good enough- they must have it all. all low quality posts are ill-intentioned shills trying to damage the site.

>> No.17408147

Your diet is fucking terrible anon. Post body. Eat chicken, organ meats and eggs

>> No.17408956

I like that Americans mock Italians for being overly conservative with their cooking but if you put beans or something in a chili it's "NOOOOOOOOOOO YOU CAN'T DO THAT" to the tunes of furious sharting.

>> No.17408961
File: 56 KB, 612x612, 1410950769977.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Black apron and black gloves. When the safety-wear is colour-matched you know the place is fucking pedantic. And pedantic means payhike.

>> No.17408962
File: 306 KB, 647x1031, 1asdf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I like that Americans mock Italians for being overly conservative with their cooking but if you put beans or something in a chili it's "NOOOOOOOOOOO YOU CAN'T DO THAT" to the tunes of furious sharting.

>> No.17408963

You can really spot the neural degradation in the post, eat more b vitamins fatass and stop getting all your info from shills

>> No.17408969

t. Butthurt non-American. Real Americans can take banter. And chili is good with or without beans.

>> No.17408984
File: 107 KB, 750x713, 07c835c72ddb1f150af098e761abe3f5-imagejpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>An American dish is presented
>Someone has an extremely strong opinion about an American dish
>>Haha I can't believe he thought of Americans

Are you telling me chili isn't American?

>> No.17409048

I keep seeing people (or possibly it's just you) using the word 'pedantic' on here lately, often to describe behaviour which can't at all be described as pedantic. See what I just did? I corrected you as I talked down to you in a manner that shows how much more I know than you do? I am being pedantic, you ill-bred yokel.

>> No.17409058

Based literate chad.

>> No.17409132

overly concerned with minute details or formalisms, especially in teaching.

Especially does not mean exclusively.

>> No.17409171

Now you're getting it! Good Job! What you just said was also pedantic.
Wearing matching clothing is not.
See? Now I'm being condescending. I know that's a big, scary word, but it just means I'm talking down to you.

>> No.17409182

>milk, oats, beans, potatoes
That's literally a bulking diet, zero nutrition

>> No.17409183
File: 28 KB, 619x453, 1624315625076.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have not cooked a meal in 7 months.

>> No.17409188

Face it. He blew you the fuck out.

>> No.17409193

Don't let the past get you down too much, you can't change it now. You can only learn from it and try to change your current/future actions.

It gets better

>> No.17409204

enjoy your scurvy and weakened immune system

>> No.17409210

most people cant go through the day with just a bowl of oatmeal
in most countries food is more expensive than in the us
also wheres the meat?

>> No.17409217

when you open a milk container is lasts for 3 days even if you keep it closed inside the fridge, I call your story bullshit

>> No.17409245

this thread is gay as hell. i bet there's some asshole in here that is somewhat affiliated with one of these secret bear burger joints.

>> No.17409631

Yes, lots of people don't know how to cook. Stop asking retarded questions.
Also, fuck vegan chili. You made a spicy hearty vegetable soup and you named it wrong. Look up vegetable soup recipes and you'll see I'm right.

>> No.17409642

Mine lasts like a week, sometimes close to two. Idk what kind of nasty shit is floating around in your house Anon. I would not advise making sourdough.

>> No.17409692

Bruh you either getting some shitty ass milk that's been delivered from 10 states over or your fridge is too warm or both. I've had milk last 2 weeks after opening and after the expiration date, no smell, no lumps. I keep my fridge very cool at 2 degrees C.

>> No.17409785
File: 2.26 MB, 1378x1450, 1495776136072.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17410260
File: 778 KB, 2000x2000, clownhonk.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>set the cooker to high pressure for 5 minutes
>(4 minutes at sea level)
What the fuck? who takes into account their altitude when cooking?

>> No.17410373

>$6 milk
per gallon? not USD I assume? It's still $3 here. also how the fuck do you make a gallon of milk last an entire month. I can barely make a gallon last a week, and it's usually expired around then anyway.

>> No.17410378

Trace minerals are great but what about immediate needs?

>> No.17410381

who even makes le ebin anti-white maymays like this? virtue signalling liberals?

>> No.17410386

We Americans are retarded. Most of us can't imagine a world existing outside of our own states, let alone outside the country

>> No.17410391

That's just one of our most autistic states being over represented. Don't listen to Texas, they can't even keep their power on after a hard freeze

>> No.17410397

13 months for me
I'm barely taking care of myself.
I just want to die so bad

>> No.17410402

I have to, I'm almost a mile above sea level

>> No.17410464

What the fuck is wrong with grilling? And what does it have to do with white people?

>> No.17410552

South America? Just reading about cooking at high altitudes now and it seems so shit bro. At least water boils faster I guess.

>> No.17410600

>zero nutrition
absolute brainlet

>> No.17410648

don't pretend like it isn't true
"grill masters" are the most obnoxious at block parties

>> No.17410660

American mountain west

>> No.17410689

Damn whites and their
>checks notes

>> No.17410760

>aren't food
Neither is my dick but that didn't stop your parents and your dad's mistress from shoving it down their throats.

>> No.17410767

>meme nutrient
Okay, u dead soon btw

>> No.17410801

what have you been eating?

>> No.17410827

black twitter can't come up with any new jokes

black twitter

>> No.17410829


>> No.17411003

takeout and fast food

>> No.17411037
File: 467 KB, 834x1000, 93170319_p2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>meme nutrient
lol lmao

>> No.17411256

It's not sweet though. I mean you can taste a SLIGHT hint of sweetness but the cooking mostly removes all the sweet flavor and covers it in heat. It's just a healthy meat substitute. You mostly got this viewpoint from eating baked sweat potatoes but boiling it just doesn't make it taste the same as if you just peeled then baked.

>> No.17411278

No 3$ per gallon of whole milk, I buy two gallons. Lasts me a whole month. I will say though I keep my fridge pretty cold. Sometimes I finish these two gallons at the 3 week mark but usually they last me a month if I'm just drinking 1 small glass per day. It's really not even that hard to do and I don't eat breakfast with milk everyday, sometimes I'll have two bananas or maybe a banana and an orange.

>> No.17412505


>> No.17413065


>> No.17413453

wow that image surely hit hard... lot of hurt souls in this thread

>> No.17413461


>> No.17413584
File: 17 KB, 300x400, MD3scMjJ2MGW1U-I1CS9hw-small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Most people don't know how to cook properly or shop for even basic ingredients, including on this board. Moreover, even the ones who can cook simply don't. Before, it used to be going out to fast food restaurants all the time. Now, it has degressed even further to ordering the delivery of this basal fried dogfeed every afternoon. The convenience combined with people lacking financial foresight or patience keeps them eating shit food because they have no money from overpaying for bad food every day. Then they say they can't eat healthier, more nutritious meals for less. The same guys who will ball out on a shitload of burgers and fries + drink say this when they can buy sweet potatoes, eggs, beans, bananas, basic oils, and so many other cheap staples. The reality is they refuse to learn to cook well, and suffer for this in their wallets and early deaths. I have no sympathy for any of them.

>> No.17413591

I've never made one but I like posting them because of how salty you crackers get