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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 77 KB, 1000x667, Lowell-Cafe-002-online.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17406175 No.17406175[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

would you eat the cannabis cafe, anon?

>The Lowell Cafe is a new restaurant and bar in West Hollywood that will allow diners to smoke marijuana inside and out thanks to a new license issued by the city. It’s slated to open Oct. 1 and when it does, it will be the first of its kind.

If you’re imagining a giant smoky room filled with bowls of weed, couches and lots of pizza, think again. Imagine instead a functional restaurant with servers, plus a special air-filtration system that sucks up and filters the smoke from people smoking weed, everywhere.

“We have families reaching out wanting to bring their kids or grandparents and high school groups of friends flying from all over the world,” restaurant director Kevin Brady said. “I feel like we’re Disney World.”

When you arrive, you will be seated at a table and greeted by a flower host (also known as a “budtender”) who will serve as your cannabis guide. He or she will drill you on your past cannabis experiences (whether you’re Snoop Dogg-level or haven’t smoked since high school or at all) and help personalize your cannabis order. You also will have a server from whom you can order food and nonalcoholic beverages.

Brady compared the flower menu with a wine list and noted that the products will be seasonal. Most of them will be supplied by the Lowell Farms organic cannabis farm in Santa Barbara County, the company behind the restaurant.

Chef Andrea Drummer’s food menu is inspired by the different flavor profiles in the strains of cannabis, and each dish will have a suggested product to smoke or vape with. The opening menu will include miso-glazed pork belly, jalapeño mac and cheese bites, vegan nachos, sticky tamarind wings, house-made pickles and avocado and white bean hummus


>> No.17406207

>can't smoke spliffs
uninterested, pure joints are so unsatisfying, such thin smoke with no body

>> No.17406218

Thanks for copy pasting your shitty article nobody wants to read you fucking loser.

>> No.17406224


>> No.17406230

>and greeted by a flower host (also known as a “budtender”)
i was skeptical at first but this is how i decided i hate the idea.

>> No.17406233

>doesn’t know how to roll a joint
>it’s the joint’s fault
Show me on the doll where the rice paper touched you

>> No.17406269

wait shit I thought it was called the cannibals cafe, that's a much more interesting idea

>> No.17406294

i hate weed "culture"

>> No.17406299

>If you’re imagining a giant smoky room filled with bowls of weed, couches and lots of pizza, think again. Imagine instead a functional restaurant with servers
Cool, I guess, but something more like the former would be a fantastic place to hang out and meet people. Should be centered around socializing

>> No.17406302

I smoke alot of weed so edibles in the past have never really did much but I bought a 500mg chocolate bar recently and ate the whole thing. My God it fucked my shit up, I was high still the next morning
Would try again

>> No.17406303

I hate weed

>> No.17406312

It doesn’t affect you at all anon, what’s the matter with you? Why get so upset about strangers being retards?
>muh tolerance
>actually a tolerance babby

>> No.17406323

I prefer cannibal cafe.

>> No.17406327

my spliffs are literal art you plebmutt
it's not a matter of rolling, weed smoke does not have the body of tobacco

>> No.17406336

If they were, you’d be able to roll a joint that smoked well too. Instead you have clumsy ham-like retard hands.

>> No.17406339

Ok faggot

>> No.17406347

>whinges about being too retarded to figure a joint out
>whinges about being told to stop being retarded
Are you a fucking baby?

>> No.17406350

no, seriously. i've seen how you roll. it's embarrassing.

>> No.17406360

if the problem was my rolling none of my joints would smoke well, not just the ones without tobacco, which still smoke fine, the body is just incredibly weak, because weed cannot produce thick bodied smoke on its own. Light cigarettes aren't thin and wispy because they're rolled worse than strong ones you absolute brainlet

>> No.17406362

All I see here are excuses

>> No.17406365

Not him + didn't ask + you're white + ratio'd + you're a faggot

>> No.17406373

>It doesn’t affect you at all anon
it actually does, it's not like this shit isn't everywhere and stoners aren't absolutely in your face invasive with it

>> No.17406374

All I see is mutt cope

>> No.17406378
File: 26 KB, 65x134, CBDBFA1B-6070-444F-B936-4AB43084B9A7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he’s still replying

>> No.17406380

poo poo colored hands typed this

>> No.17406385

>it actually does
Ok anon, how does it affect you personally? Did somebody who listens to Andrew WK fuck your girlfriend?

>> No.17406386 [DELETED] 

>thinks shitskins can call people mutts
>more mutt cope
How does it feel to have no history or culture, mutt?

>> No.17406389

Post a picture of your wrist with a timestamp ahmed

>> No.17406393
File: 355 KB, 1158x1600, trulythemasterrace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yess massa right away massa
I don't take orders from mutts. I am pure blooded European master race.

>> No.17406395
File: 19 KB, 280x287, colour_TV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

weed is for niggers and redditors

>> No.17406396

Why so you can say it's fake anyway and carry on with your pathetic shitposting for another half hour?

>> No.17406399

It does. I have to look at ugly stoner faggots and it's turning all of the white women even fatter

>> No.17406400

Kek, either a bot or a pathetic brown “person”

>> No.17406403

You have my word as a white man that I won’t. Post away and prove your whiteness.
>inb4 poorly lit photo with the brightness cranked way up

>> No.17406408
File: 406 KB, 1440x1361, 1644465133212.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn everyone in this thread posts like a gigantic faggot

>> No.17406413
File: 81 KB, 600x536, laughinggirls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>amerimutt thinks he's white

>> No.17406414

t. anon who can’t roll joints

>> No.17406418

post your wrist then I’ll post mine anon, are you afraid?

>> No.17406430
File: 75 KB, 342x560, Races_and_skulls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Afraid of what? I don't need to prove I'm white to some uppity nigger blooded amerimutt. Posting to prove to you I'm white would be accepting a shitskin's authority, of which you have none. As I said, I'm northwestern European.

>> No.17406432

this is a discussion about weed and ya'll niggas arguing over who's whiter.

>> No.17406433

You’re so brown I can smell the unwashed curry smell through my monitor

>> No.17406436

Weedfags are the most annoying fags in the world.

>> No.17406437

It's really sad that we have self hating blacks here.

Just relax and look at food. In case you've gotten confused those pointing things in some pictures are forks.

>> No.17406439

Ok subhman
Even curries are above mutts, at least some of them are aryan.

>> No.17406445

>even curries are above mutts
Yeah lmao he’s Indian all right. Are you out there robbin and Punjab’n ranjeet?

>> No.17406448

Yeah, and 61% of us are all European as well, just born on a different continent. My entire bloodline is Northwestern European. Eurotrash are the stupidest people on the goddamn internet. I wish we could just ban you from our internet entirely.

>> No.17406449
File: 923 KB, 290x163, kek.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the mutts seethe

>> No.17406451

>How does society affect you?
Stop being dishonest faggot, I wouldn't ban it myself but I'm well aware that encouraging society at large to do drugs, alcohol and mindlessly embrace hedonism is bad and it -does- affect me because I live in that society. Have your weed, enjoy it but don't argue dishonestly about it.

>> No.17406454
File: 852 KB, 588x250, agamemnonmocksyou.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally all mutts think they're pure white, almost every single one of you are full of sub-saharan dna

>> No.17406456

>a fringe hobby subculture is society at large
Let me guess, you hate the antichrist too?

>> No.17406460

>terrified of posting his wrist and being outed as a self hating poo skin
hate to see it

>> No.17406466

>average "white" mutt

>> No.17406471

you’re awfully upset anon, if you’re a “superior white man” then why do you have all this free time to call people mutts? Shouldn’t you be busy solving the worlds problems and making scientific breakthroughs?

>> No.17406478

>I'm here arguing same as you but YOU'RE the upset one
yeah ok mutt

>> No.17406487

I’m just trying to understand your logic here curry man

>> No.17406489

I don't doubt you struggle to understand a lot of things

>> No.17406494

>I don’t doubt
Kek your English is impeccable

>> No.17406508

The only people who are angry about Americans saying they are white are slavs and bongs.

You admitted to be being a pajeet so you are a curry living in Britain. No amount of crying on the internet will make you white and Britian will forever be America's bitch

>> No.17406510

>here curry man
Kek your English is impeccable

>> No.17406514

welcome to 4chan(nel)

>> No.17406517

Anon, a comma is a stylistic choice, it’s a far cry from your garbled punjab patois.

>> No.17406524

>thinks calling me a curry is bothering me
I'm actually white though, whereas you genuinely have nigger blood

>> No.17406529

>proper grammar is a stylistic choice but a double negative is objectively wrong
mutt brain

>> No.17406534

>I’m actually white though
You haven’t proven that yet anon, post your wrist.

>> No.17406537


>> No.17406539
File: 29 KB, 400x400, CBD1917A-F583-4060-A84F-5C01F477EB23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pajeet doesn’t know the difference between punctuation and grammar
Lmao it keeps getting worse

>> No.17406542

You are not a white man if you will not post your wrist. Your skin is brown, just like the stuff I leave in the toilet.

>> No.17406553

>thinks semantically picking apart accepted informal word usage makes him clever
cling to that mutt, perhaps it will stave off the anguish caused by the depressing reality that you are in fact, subhuman

>> No.17406555


>> No.17406557

Anon I’m more than willing to prove my whiteness to everyone in this thread, but I’m a sensible man, I’m not going to post my wrist until you post yours. Do you understand?

>> No.17406561

>trying to eat your meal while clouds of diesel and skunk piss smelling smoke swirl around your head

>> No.17406562


>> No.17406565

literally nobody here cares if you post your wrist mutt

>> No.17406572

>thinks posting wrist proves anything
post nose and hair

>> No.17406573
File: 19 KB, 462x425, HX4YPxq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17406579

I’m only offering as a sign of good will (a white behavior) since you seem terrified at the prospect of posting your own. Say, anon, you’re conducting yourself in a particularly cowardly and underhanded way. Not very befitting of a white man.

>> No.17406580

if you don't have pink nipples you are not white

>> No.17406588

>replying to the same post twice
Classic poo blunder
Not just pink nipples but pink/ruddy skin pigment. You’ll notice Slavs don’t flush and have a yellow keratinous hue to their skin. This is because they’re not white, just pale.

>> No.17406590

>I'll do something but only if you do it for me first (goodwill)
smells very semetic in here all of a sudden

>> No.17406599

>smelling text
Are you okay anon? Have you suffered a blow to the head recently?

>> No.17406605
File: 113 KB, 882x731, icantellbythepixels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the jew deflects the accusation
think we found one boys

>> No.17406610

this is now a race war thread faggot, stay on topic

>> No.17406613

Projection won’t make you any whiter anon, maybe you could an hero and start over. Your culture believes in reincarnation, right anon?

>> No.17406621

The behavior of potheads after the legalization of wed has unironically made me anti-weed.

>> No.17406623


>> No.17406628

Nothing can make white any whiter mutt, those products are meant for your kind.

>> No.17406633

probably gay shit like calling people who sell weed budtenders

>> No.17406636

>more garbled hindu logic

>> No.17406642

That’s aids too but anon only has to hear that if he goes to a weed store. Not buying it.

>> No.17406646

I can't imagine a more obnoxious place.

>> No.17406648

>this confuses my inferior mutt brain therefore it makes no sense

>> No.17406651

It didn’t make any sense lmao what products are you talking about? Are you going to start pushing finasteride and zinc like the other poos on /ck/?

>> No.17406662
File: 42 KB, 379x488, kramerlul.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mutt pretends he doesn't use skin whitening cream on his wrist every night so he can offer to post his wrist to prove how white he is on hungarian bongo weaving forums

>> No.17406666

what the fuck is skin whitening cream lmao

>> No.17406671
File: 608 KB, 500x280, tumblr_9bbd7217e3d73d13cc05e3fa954fb77d_fda75fb7_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wh-what is skin whitening cream haaha

>> No.17406672

Found the incel

>> No.17406674

Seriously nigger I’ve never heard of it

>> No.17406675
File: 462 KB, 1050x1080, mlady.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>found the incel

>> No.17406682
File: 151 KB, 1100x824, man-sweating-due-to-diaphoresis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>s-seriously I've never heard of it

>> No.17406683

You’re one crazy nigger anon, you know that? Tell me more about this skin lightening cream lmao

>> No.17406689

checked, haven’t heard of it either

>> No.17406696
File: 82 KB, 640x659, sideeye.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>haaha y-you're so crazy, tell me more about that thing I definitely don't use every night

>> No.17406702

lmao okay anon, you brought it up

>> No.17406717
File: 887 KB, 300x260, OptimalNauticalHamadryad-max-1mb.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lmao haahhaa lmao look how casual and not panicked I am lmao

>> No.17406720


>> No.17406721

why are you doing this to yourself raj?

>> No.17406741

G-guys.....I just wanted to know if anons would eat at the cannabis cafe

>> No.17406752

I tell stoner faggots I have anxiety and they always say “dude smoke weed lmao”. The reason I have anxiety in the first place is because smoking weed triggered something in my brain that fucked me up. Fuck stoners.

>> No.17406756

>self hating stoner
literal npc ahaha

>> No.17406757

>blaming defective genes on weed
cope retard

>> No.17406760

You’re just a weak willed fag

>> No.17406763

it’s not his genes he’s just overweight and low T

>> No.17406764
File: 38 KB, 450x750, 1644371990697.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love it when retards just completely derail a thread to such a degree
Friendly reminder to any other onlookers that you can't get more pathetic than arguing about race on a cooking subpage of a taiwanese penis plucking forum

>> No.17406765

>nonwhite shares opinion
>nobody cares

>> No.17406768

>anon tries to come off like a cool guy on a montenegran goat roping bbs
holy shit lol

>> No.17406772
File: 29 KB, 600x664, 1643181137699.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17406784

This kid got married and has a white child, lol. Make fun of his chin all you want, he procreated.

>> No.17406806

You know who procreates all the time? 400 pound alcoholics.

>> No.17407394

ITT: pajeet pretending to be white samefags his own posts for hours

>> No.17407501

>ban smoking tobacco inside
>legalise weed instead
thanks I guess

>> No.17407503

>tobacco smoker
Bro no

>> No.17407507

I don't smoke either one, I'm just sick of my cancer-stick friends getting banished further and further away from me

>> No.17407511

You’re either a former smoker (aka a flaky quitter) or a current smoker (impulsive retard), otherwise you wouldn’t care

>> No.17407513

>dude weed lmao
fuck you

>> No.17407516

>can’t read
>in denial
Let me guess, you’re a convict too lmao

>> No.17407532

>smoking while eating
nope. love weed, love food, but those two dont go toghether at all for me. not only is smoking just extremely dominant on your palette but smoking weed is so overwhelming like eating bacon with every dish. i can't imagine the food will be good and even if it is, i have to sit in a restaurant full of pot smoke which, again, is overwhelming on the senses. wouldn't want perfume sprayed in my face the entire time while i eat either.