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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17404822 No.17404822 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.17404838

sadly on the chosen can appreciate the psuedobun

>> No.17404839

Yes. The crust isn't that great on storebought bread that's been sitting on the shelf for a while, so I can understand someone not liking that. It dries out more and starts to smell a bit stale. But I've never seen anyone say they didn't like the crustier parts of freshly baked bread.

>> No.17404864

Don't feed bread to ducks it gives them angel wing (which means their wings get fucked up)

>> No.17404905
File: 127 KB, 1125x672, e46a6064c3a1227e932a80c92de71a457d2cc9f1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that really what comes to mind when an amerobese hears the word 'bread'?

>> No.17404921
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>buying bread from some faggot like that

>> No.17404926

All xir bread is burnt!

>> No.17404950

It’s called an artisan bakery, but you can’t find them near third world trailer parks.

>> No.17404968

White people don't eat it cause it's too spicy

>> No.17404972
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I bet he thinks it shouldn't be a felony to knowingly give aids to a sexual partner

>> No.17404983

unironically yes and it's a major problem to anyone who cares about quality food. If you live in the country your choices are shitty sliced bread or bake your own. I fucking hate this country sometimes.

>> No.17404989

yes. it's people who weren't properly beaten as children

>> No.17405000

I throw away food because I am rich.
I force my chef to make me portions sized for three people, and I toss two thirds of my meal in the garbage, three times a day. I do it for the lulz and because I am rich.
I also never eat bread ass.

>> No.17405001

only zoomers eat ass

>> No.17405007

What a silly take. If there's not enough local demand for a particular type of bread, then the supply chain or local merchant can't be expected to provide it. If your community wanted good bread, your community would have good bread.

>> No.17405019

That doesn't make sense. Why would supply correlate with demand in any way?

>> No.17405029

neither of those are bread, they're closer to cake than bread

>> No.17405040

We get it you're bald and jealous

>> No.17405061

>artisan bakery
No, it's called scamming dumb soyboys.
>bald and jealous
Wonder why that's the first thing on your mind

>> No.17405072

why are Europeans so obsessed with America?
why don't queers leave this country?

>> No.17405086
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Don't feed ducks bread.
Give them frozen peas.
Thank you.

>> No.17405087
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>> No.17405089

I feel the same way about Eggo waffles.

>> No.17405114

Theres not much in the way of decent bakeries in many places, supermarkets like Walmart kill local business. Those that are open are expensive because they can't compete with 80c loaves and expect to not end up bankrupt.

>> No.17405132

It's incredibly fucking childish. Just eat it and shut the fuck up.

>> No.17405159

I save the bread heels (or the "ass," as you put it) over the year and use them to make Thanksgiving stuffing.

>> No.17405166
File: 29 KB, 870x314, fat murican nogs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I visited atlanta years ago and literally every woman was over 250lbs. Just disgusting obese people everywhere.

>> No.17405269

Milennial ass-eater here.

>> No.17405353

good. make your own fucking bread or eat shit you fucking troglodyte bastard.

>> No.17405379

fresh baked bread that I made? yes
store bought bagged bread? no.

>> No.17405412

What kind of horrible forces took over your soul to ever want to make you eat ass? I can almost forgive the zoomers. They were watching ass to mouth porn in their bedrooms when they were 8. But you should have known that assholes taste like shit.

>> No.17405428

the heel is the best part of the bread, and I blame a coordinated effort from the fatcats at Big Mom, hoarding all the heel slices for themselves.

>> No.17405429

Who do you think MADE that ass-to-mouth porn? Because I can tell you it wasn't gen X or boomers.

>> No.17405436

europeons will pay double for week old buns because "do americans really not have hardrolls?"

>> No.17405441

The nutjobs in the porn industry.

>> No.17405451

As a kid I absolutely hated it, but now it's nice to intentionally save them until the end and use them as bun tops

>> No.17405494

>Dave Killer Bread
>Good seed
>21 Whole grain

can someone tell me the difference between all the options idk what I want

>> No.17405540

People who say “artisanal bakery” unironically should be shot into the sun. Literally every bakery in America is an “artisanal bakery”. You only get the wonder bread type bread in grocery stores.

>> No.17405557

good seed is the one with the least added sugar, the rest are varying levels of seed, whole grain, and fruit juice

>> No.17405558

A clean ass tastes like skin, or at most has a small characteristic scent, much like pussy does.

>> No.17405567

What a load of horseshit. Every town has a nearby. I just searched for bakeries near a podium town in Washington Staye called Albion, 579 peope, theirs an “artisanal bakery” not 20 mins away by car in Moscow Idaho.

A 20 min drive is nothing to us burgers

>> No.17406343
File: 9 KB, 300x207, knife-lp2-08-8-300x207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is bread

>> No.17406462

Happy because I make my own and love it.

>> No.17406495

Muh bakery

>> No.17406509
File: 26 KB, 400x490, RascalArmy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Klunkas kick ass.
Hell yeah.

>> No.17406630
File: 429 KB, 636x733, Areyou.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Living in Moscow
>See it mentioned
>Super scared
The bakeries here are more "cakepop display for your dogs gender reveal party" bakeries than a place that would buy real bread at. Which sucks; I've been jonesing for a big, crusty loaf of bread with salted butter and nothing else.
College towns are gay.

>> No.17407560

Are bakeries in America not segregated? We have three types in my country: bread bakeries, cake-and-cake-like-things bakeries and pastry bakeries. You can't go into a cake or pastry bakery and get a loaf of bread just as you can't go into a pastry or bread bakery and get biscuits or black forest gateau.
Your bakeries do all three things?

>> No.17407564

>week old buns
after 1-2 days the bread goes bad and you can't sell it anymore (unless you want to make meatballs) you stupid mutt

>> No.17407780
File: 10 KB, 136x102, 1644234019436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not making a croque monsieur with the bread's ass

>> No.17407787

At this point it’s more like the dollar store that’s doing that. It’s kind of depressing that Walmart is too high a bar.

>> No.17407810

My grandpa used to feed bread crumbs (from his table) to birds. They seemed to like it.

>> No.17407841

of course they like it, its calories.

>> No.17407846

depends on the bakery, some specialize some do everything. theres certainly no rules about what can do what.
t. australia

>> No.17407869

>buying store-bought bread
It's like you savages enjoy eating shitty bread with no taste and less nutritional value.

>> No.17407881

>Because I can tell you it wasn't gen X or boomers.
Plenty of gen-x asseating porn in the 80s and 90s.
And if you think the boomers weren't filthy freaks then you have never encountered a washed-out hippie.

>> No.17409192

>Those that are open are expensive because they can't compete with 80c loaves and expect to not end up bankrupt.
Exactly, that community prefers bad, cheap bread.

>> No.17409231

Jokes on you because im german with a scat fetish. Ill stick my whole tongue in there fagboy

>> No.17409358

>this is bread
>post american goo-shit toast
>you need to die or discover real brot
the choice is yours

>> No.17409378

It's bread.

>> No.17409383
File: 90 KB, 585x1024, 1613109919133m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. I wouldn't buy bread from any faggot who unironically wears a facemask. Easiest way to identify aidsniggers.