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17401160 No.17401160 [Reply] [Original]

He uses unsalted butter

>> No.17401166

shit thread. half the time normalfaggies be all like "whoa, butter cums unsalted?? doi doi doi" so nobody is using that shit

>> No.17401168

who does? what the fuck are you talking about you fucking faggot

>> No.17401172

i ferment butter with my wife's yeast strain

>> No.17401190
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butter is bad for you. i cook with table spread

>> No.17401265

Fresh homemade unsalted butter is godlike

>> No.17401271

>using butter at all
Fatty fat fat fatty fat American detected

>> No.17401280

europe loves butter breh

>> No.17401318

fuck off Dazzo

>> No.17401324
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>butter is bad for you

>> No.17401328

I can count the number of times I've bought salted butter on one hand. Nothing screams cooklet more than only having salted butter at home

>> No.17401333

I too enjoy heart attacks.

>> No.17401339

>not so much as a wiki link for a sauce
i can draw squiggly lines on paper too

>> No.17401355
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>wikipedia is a good source

>> No.17401365

>t. Middle school teacher
Pull from wikipedia's source section

>> No.17401378

better than literally nothing, not even a claim to be from anywhere official. they edited in a heart they couldve put in a WHO logo

>> No.17401402

Imagine living in the second decade of the twenty first century and not thinking it is. Are you retarded? Are you still mad about the time your grade school teacher told you not to use it for a source because you were too retarded not to source the linked articles at the bottom of the entry?

>> No.17401408


>> No.17401414
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i use ghee for she

>> No.17401415

What do you do when making a dessert that uses a lot of butter then?

>> No.17401428

watch them miss the point and think food industry has less vested interest in picking which sources are put on wiki pages

>> No.17401445

>table SPREAD
>soft and SPREADable
id fucking hope so

>> No.17401472
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>he uses salted butter for baking

>> No.17401477

>he bakes

>> No.17401527
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all you need, baybee

>> No.17401532

are you some sort of faggot (vegan)?

>> No.17401545

As much as I think butter is better for you than vegetable oil, that graph means nothing. Correlation =/= causation. You need better data than that.

>> No.17401548

>these people being associated with BLM
I'm sick and tired to my gut of these ugly, autistic, social reject, spergeronis, virtue signaling the campaign of my brothers to lighten the guilt of jerking to bbc caption porn every day and night

>> No.17401560

no, it just spreads more easily

>> No.17401593

First world problems..we just have normal plain butter in our village, so no homo problems.

>> No.17401700

Ah yes, the argument that is played when you don't like the data presented. Many such cases.

>> No.17401705

very based thread, i only use salted butter for everything

>> No.17401713

You can add salt, but not take it away when cooking. Only a fool would use salted butter for everything.

>> No.17401720


>> No.17402010

i love unsalted butter i eat sticks of it
salt ruins the sweetness

>> No.17402022

>he uses butter
Poor guy.

>> No.17402039

>table spread
This is different from margarine how?

>> No.17402044

It's table spread. What kind of question is that? The name is clearly different.

>> No.17402050

That doesn't track particularly well. There's a leveling off and fall off in heart-disease that doesn't go along with vegetable oils continued rise.

>> No.17402069

I use bacon grease aka smoked and salted lard.

>> No.17402070

Sounds better than butter.
Personally, I douse everything in olive oil, peanut oil, sunflower oil, or sesame oil.

>> No.17402077

>he doesn't use unsalted butter.
but is your ghee made out of salted or unsalted butter?

>> No.17402090
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>> No.17402160

i keep a tub of this in the fridge for when i forget to get butter at the store, i have the calcium infused, cause who knows maybe i need more calcium?

costs like $4 for a butter back up for a year+

>> No.17402320

Good taste

>> No.17402536

>peanut oil
will this meme ever die?

>> No.17402550

How is it a meme? I use it for the flavor. I only use oils for the flavor.

>> No.17402568

>Correlation =/= causation
Except when it fucking does. Such a fucking garbage argument.

>> No.17402600

The argument is that correlation itself doesn't imply causation. The argument is not saying that the two are mutually exclusive.

>> No.17402604

what kind of butter is this?

>> No.17402751
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>Grams per capita per day
>Total number of deaths (per year?), not per 1,000,000
The largest rise in veg oil usage even comes AFTER a sharp increase in heart disease. It tracks like shit.

>> No.17402768
File: 37 KB, 650x376, You will never have sex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He posts chinese cartoons on a cooking board. Disgusting pedo.

>> No.17402886

There are whole countries where salted butter isn't even generally sold. Your point of view comes from your personal view, not from objectivity.

>> No.17402893

You didn't quote so therefore you look like this and act like this

>> No.17403198

I make my own butter and make sure to add lots of salt. Sometimes I add a glug of olive oil, sometimes I add a minced clove of garlic.

>> No.17403208


>> No.17403235

I love these posts. Uneducated European dirt farmers think they know anything about nutrition when they can’t even afford butter.

>> No.17403245

Except when it doesn’t you fucking retard. How fucking dumb are you? Jesus Christ just kill your self you brain dead dip shit. If you don’t know anything, SHUT THE FUCK UP.

>> No.17403252

There's also countries where unsalted butter isn't generally sold
In my country unsalted butter is twice as expensive as salted due to being a niche product. There are other differences in butters around the world too such as cultured butter and the fat content of butter.
And that's not even getting into the legal definition of butter.
So the next time you see a recipe from somewhere around the world that simply says to use some "butter" with no further explanation, remember that it may be a very different product than what you're thinking of.

>> No.17403260

The dip in heart disease deaths after 2000 is because countries started banning trans fats.