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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17398710 No.17398710 [Reply] [Original]

You ever just eat right at the kitchen counter?

>> No.17398715

Yes. I’m still saving up for a chair, and don’t always want to eat in my bed.

>> No.17398724
File: 24 KB, 693x1101, 1622705328522.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I eat out of the pot/pan a lot of the time so yeah. I have plenty of plates and bowls, plenty of seats and a table to eat at but.....gluttony takes me.

>> No.17398729

what's a chicken counter

>> No.17399157

what kind of chair? you know you have one between your back and legs, right?

>> No.17399171

When I'm the only one around, yeah. In fact, if no one is in the apartment I spend a lot of time just kinda aimlessly wandering around until I just sit on the sofa and stare at my phone/tv. I'm basically a Sim

>> No.17399177

>You ever just eat right at the kitchen counter?
yeah, sure, everyone probably has
inb4 >do americans really?

>> No.17399179

That popcorn machine looks fucking ancient. Nice.

>> No.17399191

Me too anon , I admire your bravery in coming forward

>> No.17399208

you better believe i do. right at the counter or here at the ol' laptop

>> No.17399216

I don't like living on the floor like a subhuman insect, sorry.

>> No.17399220

Ah, a fellow domicile pacer. My family hates when I do it.

>> No.17399222

i eat over the sink so i can wash away the shame

>> No.17399226

Sure. Have like a bar island dealie in the kitchen. Perfect height for it. Allows me to burn calories while eating, and saves on cleanup.

>> No.17399237
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Most of the time. Got rid of my kitchen table. Also got rid of my couch. All I have is this table type thing and a worn out office chair

>> No.17399271

that's a rough-and-tumble looking cheeseburger

>> No.17399277

The obsession Americans on this board have for McDonalds is utterly bizarre

>> No.17399299

most 4chan users are
>ranging from overweight to obese
>bad with money
>below average IQ
>work minimum wage jobs
>susceptible to advertising (of which mcdonalds has a lot of)
>have 0 skills
so it's not surprising that /ck/ is just a giant fast food board

>> No.17399302

>scale in the kitchen
are you fat?
post weight

>> No.17399457

I'm 5'7 205

>> No.17399473


>> No.17399481

>that scale in the kitchen
That's fucking depressing, dude, but you obviously have it there for a reason. Good luck, man.

>> No.17399505

don't post that online! pretend you are a healthy weight with good height when you are online! we all do this and nobody can prove you wrong!

>> No.17399535

In college I would eat all my meals at my desk in front of my computer

>> No.17399826

sometimes i eat while squatting in front of my open fridge

>> No.17399961

Sounds like you’re just single. And with that attitude? It’ll be a while. Maybe someday you’ll find a single mom who will use you as an atm.

>> No.17399984

What the fuck is wrong with eating out of a pot if you have no intention of serving it to anybody else and are eating alone? Are you telling me that you plate fast food or something instead of using the wrapper? or is that "different"?

>> No.17400002

GL losing the weight bro

>> No.17400025
File: 21 KB, 220x293, 6C0FC65C-79AF-4CB3-873C-AB55D1FA4409.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like diners where you can sit and eat at the counter

>> No.17400066

The obsession third worlders on this board have for Americans is utterly bizarre

>> No.17400082

based and checked anon
yeah i do this too, I like to grab a cold bite every now and again and usually I end up eating everything

>> No.17400087

>this much projecting

>> No.17400691

Sometimes over the sink so I could just rinse off the crumbs.

>> No.17400746

Man I don’t know what it is. But there is just something about the original cheeseburger from McDonalds.

It hits different

>> No.17400785

I genuinely can't remember the last time I sat at my kitchen table and ate a meal. I feel a little bad about it.

>> No.17400792

Also post some more of that popcorn maker that thing looks diesel, 1970s popcorn popper, probably uses radiation to melt the butter or something

>> No.17400801

I’m a parent….

So yes

>> No.17401337
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>> No.17401512
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>laminate countertops

>> No.17402215

One time while tripping on a mix of DXM and LSA I forgot how to make a sandwich and it fell apart, so I just ate turkey and bread scraps off the counter. I also drank cold brew coffee straight from the pitcher because the thought of drinking it from a glass made me want to vomit.

>> No.17402360

This adverb didn't add anything to your post. You shouldn't do that

>> No.17402370

Not really. My kitchen counter has a huge microwave so it is too stuffed for that.

>> No.17402374

I usually do, years of working in kitchens have conditioned me to just eat standing up instead of setting a plate at the table

>> No.17402376

Yeah or I eat over the sink and let and the crumbs fall in there.

>> No.17402453

All the posts to nitpick on grammar and you chose that one?
God forbid he made you read a filler word.

>> No.17402468

I moved in with my current roommate in September, and he eats at his computer desk. The only table in the apartment holds my computer in my room, so I eat in the kitchen. The kitchen is also the only part of the apartment (other than the bathroom) that has tile rather than carpet. I won't buy a table, since I don't feel like eating over carpet, and the kitchen's too small to fit a table.
It's not terrible. Standing for as long as eating takes isn't very long.

>> No.17402507

No. Though If I'm super hungry I will take a mouthful of my food at the counter to tide me over while I carry my food to where I'll eat.

>> No.17403632

>t. failed writing class

>> No.17403655

Those are the best. They are a dying breed.

>> No.17404206

If I'm alone and it's something like fast food that I know I'm just going to scarf down quick then yes. Sometimes I'll do this with pizza as well. Especially the next day when I grab a slice out of the fridge to eat cold. All that said if I'm actually cooking for myself then no way. Plate it up and sit at the table every time.

>> No.17404333
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>> No.17404357
File: 39 KB, 519x511, 1643521266222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always eat at the kitchen counter while my family eats at the table.
I cant stand eating around my wife and children.

>> No.17404368


>> No.17404396

yeah man
in the morning, i always toast a bagel and eat that sucker right there at the counter, usually while looking out the window to the sunrise

>> No.17404495
File: 35 KB, 803x802, 0004_Stovetop-Popcorn-Popper-Red[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the virgin poppery vs the chad whirly pop

>> No.17404519

Nigger I eat at McDonald's counter while maintaining eye contact with the manager

>> No.17404552

He counts the male and female chickens the chicken sexer passes on to make sure he isn't pocketing any or stuffing some up his butt.

>> No.17404658

fast food + nutritionally void slop on paper plates

>> No.17405599

youre the anon with that girlfriend and you posted pics of her cooking amirite?

>> No.17406359

Been eating while standing in the kitchen for years. I spend so much time sitting at my desk that it's a nice break.