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17395000 No.17395000 [Reply] [Original]

Have any of you seen any frozen patties that are thin like McDonald's patties? I hate cooking thick patties wondering if they're cooked in the middle and they're like triple the calories so having 20 of them that will go bad in a few months isn't exactly ideal. If I want a nice thick patty, I'll go to a restaurant and buy one myself.
It would be nice to have thin patties that I can cook quickly for lunch or dinner.

>> No.17395023

No, it’s hard to find patties like that in a store because most people don’t want to make super thin burgers at home.
You can find similar ones at places that cater more to foodservice customers.
Alternatively, press your own super thin patties from ground beef and then freeze them.

>> No.17395028

Will you burst into flames if you touch raw ground up meat yourself and form these desired patties to your preferred thinness
I touched your moms meat last night

>> No.17395031

you will be hard pressed to find 6 oz frozen patties in the store. your best bet is to make your own. and freeze for use later (like 1-2 weeks later)

>> No.17395041

>I touched your moms meat last night
lol I don’t doubt that for a minute.
I have 2 dads. I bet you touched and sucked the fuck out of “her” meat, you colossal faggot.

>> No.17395043

I've tried to make thin patties. They fall apart when they're too thin. You literally can't pick them up.

>> No.17395059

damn i havent seen the 2 dad defense in a while
make them a little bit bigger than the fall apart size

>> No.17395065

That's the thing though. They're normal size if you make them the "not fall apart" size.

>> No.17395081

>can’t pick them up
That’s because you’re doing it wrong.
Press them onto small pieces of wax paper.
Then pick up the paper underneath the patty, not the patty.
Stack (with the paper between them), wrap/bag together, and freeze.
They won’t fall apart when cooking from frozen, especially if using a contact griddle which negates the need to flip.

>> No.17395091

They aren't supposed to be cooked in the middle, not by you standards anyways.
At this point you might as well just microwave your shitty burgers.

>> No.17395106

I didn't even know you could buy patties until I saw that Louie sketch with the kid who didn't eat "carbon". How hard is it to mix up some ground meat with flour, eggs and onions and form them yourself?

>> No.17395108

They're known officially in the industry as "10:1 patties", as in 10 patties per 1 pound of uncooked beef. You might be able to find a supplier for them, but you probably won't be able to buy less than commercial quantities.

>> No.17395111

Okay I'll try it

>> No.17395114

>flour, eggs and onions
That is a meatloaf. Not a hamburger.

>> No.17395128

You're actually supposed to freeze them between shaping and cooking. Not even joking, that's the best way to do a thin patty.

>> No.17395152

Because convenience?
I can buy frozen patties which will keep for an extended period of time, during which I can easily make one burger when I feel the desire to have a burger.
Or I can buy a pack of ground beef, and make more burgers than I feel like eating, in which case I’d end up freezing the leftover patties for when I do want them, which would beg the question why I simply didn’t buy frozen to begin with.

>> No.17395155

You only need a little, to make it stick together. That doesn't make it a meatloaf.

>> No.17395163

no but i grind my own meat and usually make smash burgers that are pretty thin--sometimes i'll stack two patties on each other

>> No.17395184

It would be great to have a freezer full of them.

>> No.17395197
File: 37 KB, 620x383, Burger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>10:1 patties
damn these are thin as hell

>> No.17395242

>sometimes i'll stack two patties on each other
Me too, with the mustard in the middle mmm.

>> No.17395340

Because you wanted a different thickness.

>> No.17395378


no i've never seen patties sold that thin, which sort of serves as a good argument for people that prefer mcdonalds burgers, because literally you aren't going to find similar patties anywhere else, and they have to keep going to mcdonalds if they want that size.

also anytime I buy frozen patties from the freezer section, the texture and quality of the meat is very strange to me. hard and chewy tough, and not soft like a fast food burger is. does anyone know why this is?

>> No.17395382

probably because it's mixed with filler

>> No.17395389

make your own. frozen burgers fucking suck. it takes literally 2 min to make your own. once i started i couldn't go back

>> No.17395685


yea but good luck making mcdonalds size patties

>> No.17395727

OP I haven't seen patties like this but I would be interested. The closest thing I've come is making these deep-fried burgers which are really good although not exactly what you're looking for: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BwBU5BjRT28

I've never seen the two dad defense ever, I'm impressed.

>> No.17395762
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>> No.17396233

I worked at McDonalds for 2 years

you get extremely similar results if you use a rolling pin to flatten a sheet of hamburger then use a cookie cutter to cut out the shape. You need to find the right size of course.

but just a little salt and pepper is all you need for seasoning, because that's all McD's uses.

you won't get the McDonalds taste without dehydrated (re-hydrated) onions and a perfectly toasted bun though.

>> No.17396324

It's literally just 1.6 ounces of beef.

>> No.17396333

Fun fact, Wendy's hamburgers in ancient times used to be made by flattening ground beef on a baking pan and then just cutting it on a grid.

>> No.17396346

look up how to make smash burgers, you dumb slut

>> No.17396467

good find. that looks pretty interesting. I wonder how it tastes.

>> No.17396471

I'm very tempted to buy this, but isn't $100 for 6 pounds of beef overpriced?

>> No.17396517

I think the best option is to find a 5 inch cookie cutter

>> No.17396573

I'm seeing $92.95 for 10 pounds of beef.
That's 60 x 2.7 ounces = 162 ounces = 10.125 pounds, but that additional 1/8 pound is probably rounding error.

>> No.17396631

Use a food processor to finely mince it(this is a good time to season). Then refrigerate. Then spread out in a cookie sheet to desired thickness. Use pastry cutter or pizza cutter to cut squares. Freeze/refrigerate until use.

>> No.17396694
File: 30 KB, 772x440, 820_s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sometimes a shitty mcdonalds cheeseburger hits just the spot i tell ya hwat

>> No.17396716

I've got a set of hole saws.

>> No.17396808
File: 84 KB, 1191x1191, meatglue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like to prep thin patties for dinner roll sized burgers. The secret is to put a little bit of meat glue into the mix and then freeze them on a pan, pot the frozen meat pucks off and keep them in a freezer bag together, no paper, no mess

>> No.17396813

hell yeah
fuck cutting corners

>> No.17396824

I mean, ironically, that was very much a corner-cutting technique.

>> No.17396849

It's really not hard. You just gotta mix shit in to act as a binder

>> No.17398694

McD's patties are 1/10lb You usually find big boxes of thin patties in your grocer's freezer.

>> No.17399945

yeah i wish it was easier to make homemade shitty burgers
like my nearest mcdonalds/fast food place is half an hour away but I want that shitty burger kick really convenient without the gross greasiness and unnatural gagging taste of a microwave burger

my compromise has been to buy Rustlers chicken burgers then grill the burger and patty and it sorta hits the right spot but it's not quite the same

>> No.17399970
File: 7 KB, 162x300, 51P0gco5mnL.__AC_SX300_SY300_QL70_ML2_[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for less than 20 bucks in pretty much any store you can get a hamburger press like pic related, or you can use a bit of parchment or waxed paper and something flat to press your own thin patties that way.
It's real easy, and two thin patties will always be better than one thicker patty on a burger

>> No.17399983

Why would anyone pay 20 bucks for that?

>> No.17399989

I dunno. Alton Brown uses a tortilla press for his burgers.

>> No.17399990

it seems cool and i'd maybe buy it but i can't find one of amazon :(

>> No.17400000

convenience. some people like having a little gadget they can pull out of the cupboard every week or whatever, and I used them all the time as a little kid helping out when we'd have burgers.
But, like I said, parchment or waxed paper and anything flat will do the same thing, you just won't have as much uniformity

>> No.17400008

go to walmart or any department store/hardware type store that sells kitchen stuff, etc
hell, even those $1-$5 "dollar stores" may have one.

>> No.17400036

good idea
I will go to my local nickel & dime and look at the shitty cooking section

>> No.17400070
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