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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 970 KB, 1400x1172, World-Aeropress-Championships-Rimini-8909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17398742 No.17398742 [Reply] [Original]

Aeropresso Gang Edition

Previous: >>17377115

>> No.17398757

The M*lodrip sucks

>> No.17398764

I use my Melodrip every day with my Aeropress and my Bonavito Gooseneck Kettle. Stay mad, the Melodrip guy is literally Jesus and he's the best thing to happen to coffee. Also he's my boyfriend and he fucks me in the ass, I'm a tranny btw.

>> No.17398767

Look at the seethe from bladegrinderlets.

>> No.17398769

You drink Folgers from a plastic tube.

>> No.17398771

>I'm a tranny btw.
That's cool, /ctg/ is a LGBTQIA+ safe space.
What grinder are you using troonanon? For me it's the Breville SGP™ the only grinder backed by real science

>> No.17398775

I drink silky espresso from a metal tube, thanks.

>> No.17398780
File: 19 KB, 300x250, hmM6meEh3f-6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17398785

Yeah the Melodrip guy says the Breville Smart Grinder Pro is the best consumer grinder available so I bought three of them. He published the science on it himself so I know it's legit. Have you found any alternate uses for the Melodip? My boyfriend (the Melodrip guy) has been Melodripping his piss onto my face for optimal piss distribution and it's working great so far, his Drip makes me so Melo!

>> No.17398796

4 posters 9 replies. Single spergo sameposting.

>> No.17398801
File: 157 KB, 600x400, 309.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17398802 [DELETED] 

I've just been cramming it up my ass. The perfectly machined holes give my shits excellent particle distribution or whatever

>> No.17398804

Making a V60 without a Melodrip rn. AMA

>> No.17398808

12 replies, 4 posters and he's replying to himself now lol.

>> No.17398813

Meds. Now.

>> No.17398828
File: 22 KB, 301x250, pepe-coffee-sipping.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17398829

Jannies. Now.

>> No.17398876
File: 496 KB, 1356x1656, Screen Shot 2022-02-08 at 12.15.13 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol this faggot can't even comprehend how more than one person has noted and then proceeded to make fun of his obsession with "Melodrip guy"

>> No.17398880

No it is clearly us who are the schizos since as we all know, "everyone who disagrees with me is the same person"

>> No.17398902

many such cases, what have you been drinking lately?

>> No.17398909

Just made some washed Kenyan peaberry

>> No.17398911
File: 26 KB, 300x250, Janny.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17398912
File: 70 KB, 500x500, artworks-000039961735-zb2ok0-t500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>metal filtered coffee masterrace reporting in
there's just something compelling about the simplicity of a french press and the process of espresso

>> No.17398913

20 replies, same 4 posters and you show you replying to yourself kek.

>> No.17398918

are you roasting it yourself? and aeropresso or pour over?

>> No.17398922

I bought it from the roaster that I usually buy from and made with V60

>> No.17398931

For me it's paper filtered coffee. There's just something compelling about the simplicity of a v60 and the process of pour-over.

>> No.17398940

>drink a bunch of alcohol
>get tummyache
>drink coffee
>tummyache goes away
Thank you coffee

>> No.17398948

Meds bro

>> No.17398955

Wouldn't the acidity make it worse?

>> No.17398968
File: 30 KB, 689x472, time to take your meds.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17398974

Maybe for you. But I have the strongest stomach known to man. I'm a scientific anomaly. That's why they've been gangstalking me my for entire life.

>> No.17398976
File: 64 KB, 461x483, 1642049519939.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17398980

Now I know for a fact that you're the melodrip shill poster because he is the only person who uses that image unironically

>> No.17398994
File: 42 KB, 461x483, 1642024087056.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah I just saved them after that guy posted his collection. There are 6 posters here. Me, frognon, peaberry bro, op, stomachanomolynon, and you sperging out.

>> No.17398996

>I have the strongest stomach known to man\
>a lil alchy makes the tum tum hurt
I am noticing an issue here

>> No.17398998
File: 431 KB, 1318x1330, Screen Shot 2022-02-08 at 12.49.34 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you legit retarded? I'm OP and me and peaberry bro were dogging melofag.

>> No.17399009

>Are you legit retarded?
>Here's several posts of me responding to myself

>> No.17399019

>he has to literally make things up to save face
Melodrip guy said you're cringe bro

>> No.17399042

The issue is moreso that when I drink I get really hungry and get an intense craving for salt so I end up eating a ton of either pretzels or cheez-its and then I go to sleep and wake up with a really bad tummyache because of a combination of the alcohol all the shit I ate

>> No.17399046

Please quit drinking bro that shit will kill you. Coffee is my only chemical vice and I've been better off for it

>> No.17399048

>There are 6 posters here
I made exactly half (7) of the posts that you replied to there, not telling you which ones though

>> No.17399063

I was thinking about quitting anyways because it is too expensive. I bought like $80 worth of liquor and $20 of ingredients and it only made enough cocktails to last 1 month. Compare to spending $40-50 on two bags of nice coffee which last me close to a month and a half.

>> No.17399095
File: 131 KB, 688x470, Reddit Soyjack.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17399101

>Reddit Soyjack.png
Did you just download that from google images?

>> No.17399102
File: 26 KB, 1298x188, itsnotmeIswear.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17399103

No I made it.

>> No.17399106

Okay actually based then, can you make one with him holding a melodrip?

>> No.17399108

soyjack or just frog

>> No.17399115

One of each if you are able because it would enable shitposting from both sides

>> No.17399144
File: 13 KB, 496x254, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There are 6 posters here. Me, frognon, peaberry bro, op, stomachanomolynon, and you sperging out.
Anon, I.........

>> No.17399150
File: 44 KB, 320x427, shyssuafr8861.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just made the best cup of my life. Why the fuck would I try to mitigate particle suspension? I can also make every cocktail in old mr boston with exactly $7 of thrifted bar tools.

>> No.17399163

>I can also make every cocktail in old mr boston with exactly $7 of thrifted bar tools.
But can you do it with just bottom shelf whiskey and a lemon?

>> No.17399169
File: 47 KB, 461x483, newfagstanza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Replies: 51
>Posters: 7

>> No.17399181
File: 1.21 MB, 1352x684, HJOHRT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My worst whiskey is rittenhouse rye so probably.

>> No.17399185

It's a cancerous general thread. Of course it's a circlejerk between the same half-dozen people.

>> No.17399186
File: 51 KB, 689x472, melo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1000 hours in paint

>> No.17399194
File: 246 KB, 1800x1013, DTP_2164-2_1800x1800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck is that supposed to be?

>> No.17399197

looked up melo and this is what came

>> No.17399202
File: 221 KB, 1800x1200, e9aaf38aba90a848c3a34619531de98e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic

>> No.17399204

>7 people sperging out in a coffee thread in an anonymous message board
its kinda beautiful to be desu, i feel like an anthropologist reading through

>> No.17399233

You just drew a soyjack actively not using the melodrip lol. You shooped a flatbottom dripper and a kettle. No fucking wonder you morons can't figure out how to use it.

>> No.17399268

that is some of the gayest fucking shit i've ever seen

>> No.17399315
File: 66 KB, 689x468, Yotsuba.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17399318

Aeropressisters, do we like the stainless steel filter or should I buy more paper filters?

>> No.17399322

stop drinking microplastic soup. use a french press

>> No.17399325

No. HRT is expensive.

>> No.17399331


>> No.17399336
File: 101 KB, 1160x773, gabi-master-b-sesja-kawiarnia-mini3-1160x773.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome to the next 10 years of pourover advancement.
You should buy some aesir filters.

>> No.17399410

isn't this pattern exactly what drip coffee makers do
are we regressing

>> No.17399440
File: 48 KB, 640x640, drawngigachad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most based frog ever posted

>> No.17399500

Those stationary shower screens are just like technivorm upgraded screens or whatever. I think its a functional but shitty design. Probably bump up your consistency a bit. Hario has an official one now too. The newer high end auto drippers like the gevi have a line of nozzles that rotates which is a little bit better. I think the ratio 8 has different areas it pulses. Melodrip just gives you finer control of an existing variable. Inherently less consistent than the stationary screens but way more potential. I can grind finer because I'm not churning the fuck out of my bed the entire time I'm brewing. Since I'm not churning the bed the fines get to settle and not continually agitate. Pretty intuitive imo.

>> No.17399603
File: 47 KB, 689x468, Gigachad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17399614
File: 157 KB, 1280x905, 1619313799403.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17399616


>> No.17399638
File: 135 KB, 2000x2000, 302224_aeropress_main_angle_2021_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you,
Now the real AEROPRESS GANG is here

>> No.17399663
File: 20 KB, 320x213, ultimate_warrior_2_crop_north[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i fuckin' love my aeropress

>> No.17399677

She's so hot

>> No.17399748
File: 606 KB, 637x824, 1636170294283.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like my aeropress. You guys are just mean.

>> No.17399763
File: 148 KB, 480x480, based_0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17399847

Glad to hear you like it, welcome to the GANG

>> No.17399864

these posts are not organic

I'm not buying your product.

>> No.17399871
File: 1.46 MB, 1920x1080, koffi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17399903

looks like typical ironic hypebeast posting to me

>> No.17399952
File: 593 KB, 960x960, I now have a reason to use my old flat bottom filters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just dumped my cold brew. Went better than I thought. Filter worked great.
I don't know the mango sadly.

>> No.17399991

Homoerotic shit from the early 90s. You're not missing much.
>Sociologist Junko Kaneda interpreted Baki the Grappler as homoerotic and published an essay book about it titled Notes of a Girl Who Spent 30 Hours a Day for 300 Days Thinking "So Baki The Grappler Is BL, Right?" The essay was adapted into a live-action television series titled A Record of a Girl Who Keeps Thinking Whether Baki the Grappler is BL.

>> No.17400011
File: 344 KB, 960x960, chad cold brew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Took a quick sip. Tastes pretty good. Definitely tamed the acidity of those shit columbian Costco beans. Has a sorta fruity taste, then the roast flavor comes in, and has an almost caramel like finish. I can see why its sold as a cold brew. I got around 10 more batches out of that 3 pound bag. Gonna try steeping it with caradamon, then add sugar water with vanilla extract and rose water after I filter it. Also the infamous coldbrew recipe, but replace the star anise with cardamon.
Kek. I can honestly believe that is real.

>> No.17400015
File: 111 KB, 1022x1024, happy cat with coffee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Decaf recs?
I wanted to get some decaf Seattle's Best but they only have medium roast decaf, not dark roast which is my favorite.

>> No.17400030
File: 119 KB, 749x748, queer wave coffee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trannies. Now.

>> No.17400169
File: 16 KB, 250x250, 1632826600041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do the lazy bums at every roaster near me open at 11 or 12 am, who even drinks coffee past that time

>> No.17400204
File: 3.04 MB, 4000x3000, IMG_20220208_172808886.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> picrel sends coffee connoisseur in to autistic rage
You may commence :^)

>> No.17400214

Ok pal! Enjoy your drip

>> No.17400226

I drink decaf instant at work and it makes my stomach hurt, I've decided to stop

>> No.17400246

Only time I throw up is when I'm hung over. I think that's more to do with the alcohol than the coffee, though.

>> No.17400266

recommend me some beans boys
I have no idea what kind of coffee I like. finally got a burr grinder and can switch off the mass produced preground stuff.

>> No.17400290
File: 194 KB, 1500x1000, 1643501851827.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sumatran dark roast

>> No.17400365
File: 590 KB, 1500x1000, DSCF0472 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's unironically a light roast, I just dropped the shadows in post

>> No.17400378

Just get a drinktrade subscription for a few months.

>> No.17400559
File: 35 KB, 657x527, smk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ugly faggots
nice gay post fucking retard

>> No.17400813

Steel is a pain to clean, easy to push out into the compost, and lengthens the press time, and changes the brew. Paper is dead simple, cheap as fuck, and works well without messing with the flavor.

When I want a paperless brew, I use a French press.

>> No.17400868

Who this? I wanna drink her sweet cereal milk.

>> No.17400880

she's a dyke, anon

>> No.17400894

My dick won’t care when I’m stroking to her. Actually, might enhance the fantasy.

>> No.17400920

her name is Morgan
she drinks coffee

>> No.17400948

Thank you kindanon.

>> No.17400955

I would love to have sex with her (I'm an incel) but her personality is completely insufferable and I think that is what stops me from jerking off to her. Also she doesn't actually seem to know very much about coffee.

>> No.17400968
File: 343 KB, 791x1000, 1644103887679 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After years of wanking around with pour over I've reverted to using a French press. I unironically enjoy it more unless I've got like a real top tier light roasted Ethiopia Sidamo or something. I'm on a bit of an Indonesian kick at the moment, specialty java is pretty based.

>> No.17400970

next generation of my drunk kitchen dyke

>> No.17400978

Paper, all day.

>> No.17400982


>> No.17400984

I always liked the French press I just make fun of it here because I associate it with poor/stupid people that think pourover is too complicated. I switched to the V60 because cleaning a press is a pain in the ass that takes me 5-10 minutes to do properly while paper filters just get sneeded in the bin and then the cone rinsed and it's done.

>> No.17401004

I actually French press all the time over the last year because I work form home and it must just hit the right part of my brain or something. Guess my hdl cholesterol might get fucked but I’ll be happy.

Yeah, cleanup isn’t as easy as pour over but worth it. I keep a spatula just for cleaning my press put. And all I do most days is rinse and dry.

>> No.17401043
File: 222 KB, 623x696, 1643841374384.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's also pretty based to sneed your immersion brewed coffee (ie French press) through a paper filter afterwards to fuck off the particulates

>> No.17401064

>also she doesn't actually seem to know very much about coffee.
Excuse you? Shes clearly an expert in her field.

>> No.17401216
File: 79 KB, 750x486, NEW_Sumatra_16oz_+(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give me advice anon. I've been debating trying this in my moka pot when I'm done with my cold brew beans.

>> No.17401222
File: 83 KB, 750x486, orlando-coffee-roasters-lava-java-blend.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also this

>> No.17401225

>medium dark roast

>> No.17401246

I don't know anything about this roaster but based on these images I would not order their coffee

>> No.17401259

They do more than dark roast. They do a lot of different types. The other one I want is a cubano blend that has high grade robusta.
Is that a weird roast level for this coffee region?

>> No.17401268

>high grade robusta
Yeah this guy is trolling

>> No.17401293

From what I can tell at a glance it just seems like it would be cheap and low quality. Meme cupping notes, 'Xtra dark roast', meme graphic design etc. Maybe I'm way off though, have you ever ordered from them?

>> No.17401295

I'm not. Other anons in the past have posted high quality robusta blends. Obviously its not going to be like a $45 bag of geisha, but it does how it's own flavor.

>> No.17401300

Yeah specialty grade robusta is definitely a thing
I wouldn't really use it for much except cold brew or Italian style blends though

>> No.17401313

Have you tried Lineage or Axum?

>> No.17401340

>espresso blend
>"specialty grade"
>roasted Medium/Dark
>strong and robust flavor
Yeah a bunch of meaningless buzzwords and not even a hint and the origins of any of the "specialty grade" coffee used really proves how incredibly high quality this is

>> No.17401351

The worst part is it's not even that cheap for what's undoubtedly shitty coffee. A 250g single origin subscription with Lineage is only 4 dollars more a bag.

>> No.17401363

Dude it's specialty grade. High quality robusta is definitely a real thing and not some shit I just made up. It's specialty grade, says it right there on the bag. That means it's good. It's specialty grade.

>> No.17401375

>medium dark roast
He doesn't know.

>> No.17401385
File: 99 KB, 750x600, orlando-coffee-roasters-geisha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They do more than dark. Majority is medium and a handful of light. They do supply to a good handful of local vendors; Vespr in particular. They seem like an in between of 2nd and 3rd wave.
Here's your $40 bag of geisha btw.
Close. It's a Cuban coffee blend. Want to make it in my moks pot.
I have not heard of Axum, but I have leinage. Lineage is more pricey(for obvious reasons) and I've had a hankering for some good dark roast, which is hard to find. The one by lineage that sounds good is their Dammu. I dont have a pour over set up and would have to make it in a french press; I know it won't taste good in my moka pot. I'm not terribly far from them, so I was going to just splurge and get a pour-over once in a while from them.
Your forgetting about shipping expense.
Fair points. I still want to try it.

>> No.17401390

Can't wait to grind my Xtra Dark Roast 100% Specialty Coffee in my Breville Smart Grinder Pro. It'll clean me right out for my boyfriend (you know who) to perform penetrative sex on my posterior.

>> No.17401399
File: 1.12 MB, 2048x1421, 1644352337457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys check out this Medium/Dark roast specialty grade robusta I just got

>> No.17401404

> packed with a strong and robust flavor, low acidity with a sweet finish.
Sounds like a winner. Also sounds like every other full city + blend.

>> No.17401406
File: 58 KB, 648x484, yikes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine getting triggered by a roast

>> No.17401418

Yea i dunno how it works in America but here in Australia 'specialty coffee' means the green beans were appraised by qualified q graders and awarded a score above 80
If they're roasting it any more than medium for espresso or light for filter it definitely sucks though
>t. Worked in several specialty roasteries

>> No.17401421

And you're forgetting 8oz is 226g, which is besides the point. A $14 bag of dogshit offers less value than a $20 bag of good coffee.

>> No.17401433

>If they're roasting it any more than medium for espresso or light for filter it definitely sucks though
Those of us who aren't trolling or delusional understand this.

>> No.17401440

>t. gets triggered by banter

>> No.17401448
File: 72 KB, 782x960, Group+Photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And then we told him it was high quality dark roast robusta kek

>> No.17401454
File: 12 KB, 190x266, download (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fair points, but you are a little off on the pricing. That Cuban coffee is $10 for 16oz. Lineage 431 esspresso is $21 for 16oz. I still want to try the other one. I'll post what I think when I buy them. If it's bad feel free to berate me then for not listening.

Btw this makes a comfy cafe au lat.

>> No.17401457

based black owned 100% specialty coffee roaster

>> No.17401461

Nvmind I'm retarted the cuban coffee is $17 for 16oz.

>> No.17401462
File: 1.54 MB, 2830x966, Screen Shot 2022-02-08 at 10.08.05 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That Cuban coffee is $10 for 16oz
oh so you were joking, how do you even find roasters this shitty kek

>> No.17401467

Those are island spics

>> No.17401473


>> No.17401476

they are all the same to me

>> No.17401479
File: 1.31 MB, 892x1000, coffeejak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17401481

I roast coffee beans for a living and also hate coffee with a burning passion. Almost as much as I hate my boss

>> No.17401484

This would be really funny if the 'jak were a Breville SGP

>> No.17401489

This is literally me

>> No.17401501

Do I have to adjust my grind when going from one cup to two? I have a size 2 v60. 17.5g:250ml in less than 4 mins, perfectly balanced cup. 35g:500ml in less than 5 mins and the cup sucks. Is the cup shitty because of the extra agitation?

>> No.17401503

Well then stop fucking burning them and your boss will stop hating you.
>fucking dark roast faggots

>> No.17401519

What's a good grinder upgrade from a Baratza Encore? All I make is Aeropress and I grind on the finer side
Should I fall for the hand grinder meme?

>> No.17401531

lel didn't you just get it? Probably some kind of eureka mignon or sette 30/270 would be best for you

>> No.17401534

Must be confusing me with another anon. I've had my Encore for years now

>> No.17401537

lel didn't you just get it years ago? Probably some kind of eureka mignon or sette 30/270 would be best for you

>> No.17401544

Obviously. You've got twice the coffee for water to pass through. Make it easier to flow, coarsen up.
What's your budget?

>> No.17401566

>What's your budget?
Ballpark $500 I guess unless a hundred or two more is a clear jump in quality

>> No.17401574

Checking out the previously mentioned Eureka and Sette 30, maybe my $500 limit is on the high side

>> No.17401580

$500 is on the low side for grinders, I specifically gave you good entry-level models.

>> No.17401585

Alright then, what'd you recommend around $500 - $700 then?

>> No.17401590

Most "efficient" upgrade would be to mod the encore so you've got a conical to fuck with and pick up a df64 so you've got a nice 64mm flat burr carrier to play with as well. A clear (conica)l step up from the encore and you're probably looking at a niche.

>> No.17401604

Specialita/DF64 with SSPs/Niche

>> No.17401656

Thanks, I'll check out those options

>> No.17401658
File: 132 KB, 530x542, Screenshot_2021-12-01-20-02-47-48.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get memed on for wanting to try a 2nd wave coffee roaster
>get suggested Axum
>its the same fucking shit

>> No.17401675

Are you just now figuring out florida is a shithole?
Lot of buzz going on about the lagom mini too. Shit tier motor so don't expect to be grinding an lb a day or anything but for light AP use it could be a solid option. Do a little research and report back.

>> No.17401691

I just wish people would stop moving down here. It's getting crowded.

>> No.17401706

I have both. Paper all day every day.

>> No.17401847

this seems pretty cool, thanks

>> No.17402392
File: 26 KB, 559x640, 20220220.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the coffee thread, right?
*visible confusion*

>> No.17402398

Drinktrade is a retarded scam kys shill

>> No.17402939

looks good anon, how was it?

>> No.17402948

It is full body, dark chocolate, molasses cherry & a spicy aftertaste.

>> No.17403077
File: 36 KB, 250x250, what_the_fuck_am_i_reading.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Queer Wave Coffee is cultivated and harvested in Honduras by the Lenca People. It's roasted on Chochenyo Ohlone Land (pre-colonized Oakland California) by an Indigenous Two Spirit Trans Girl. We work toward living and running our businesses in a way that disrupts the colonial supply chain.
>We proudly exclude white supremacy, patriarchy, homophobia, transphobia,
ableism, law enforcement, racism, misogyny, xenophobia, adult supremacy and all the systems that uphold them.

>> No.17403451
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Just pressed the button on my dripper!

>> No.17403600

how does it taste.

>> No.17404010

About to make a V60 without a melodrip wish me luck bros

>> No.17404020

rip anon, take this as a lesson and never drip without a melodrip and a dick up your ass bros

>> No.17404195

I love bourbons so much bros

>> No.17404423

>dark roast indonesian
just flush the money down the toilet and eat some dirt

>> No.17404424
File: 289 KB, 336x528, db8r8qq-a7c23d50-ac6e-4435-9958-493e236ba7c8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today I had my coffee with some matcha, white sugar, and vanilla syrup mixed in

>> No.17404478

>noooooooooooo you haaaaaaaaave to drink costco columbian supremo you can't just sample random roasters for a few weeks and order direct
t. still uses hario filters

>> No.17404497

Is this bad? I've read that region takes to dark roasting well.
Matcha and coffee work oddly well together.
>sample roasters
This guy gets it. The only negative I give them is it's a pain to cancel the service. I think you have to call or message them to cancel.

>> No.17404507

>The only negative I give them is it's a pain to cancel the service. I think you have to call or message them to cancel.
Par for the course with most other subscription bullshit.

>> No.17404581


>> No.17404592

I'd bet they hire zero men but that pic clearly shows a male ogre
>adult supremacy
wait, what?

>> No.17404612

>Adult supremacy
Evil bad people telling them they're not actual babies even though they identify as one and shit their pants and that's why it's okay and totally normal for them to be sexually attracted to toddlers

>> No.17404643

The real answer isn't much less retarded, it's literally them saying that children having to obey adults is oppression of the same level as indigenous people being genocided by colonists. So basically they had a shitty childhood and adapted that into their stupid fucking oppressors vs oppressed worldview that they must apply to every single situation. The issue isn't that their dad beat them, it's that adults are allowed to be in charge of actual fucking children whose brains aren't even developed yet.

>> No.17404671
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what the fuck man.
I don't want coffee from those people.

>> No.17404740

>it's literally them saying that children having to obey adults is oppression of the same level as indigenous people being genocided by colonists.
In the context of a coffee shop is this not just referring to child labor in the supply chain? I'm a few years out of date with my pc codeswitching.
>Indigenous people farming cashcrops for colonists(like the french involvement in egyptian cotton following the US civil war and resultant cotton trade decline)
>dirty guatamalan kids being exploited for their labor for the white masses of oakland

>> No.17404745
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What did I think of this pourover?

>> No.17404756

If they were referring to child labor then they would have said that. Most likely they buy their shit from the cheapest source and have no idea whether child labor was involved or not. All of the meme phrases they attach to it are posturing/virtue signaling. Adult supremacy is a specific term that you see pop up frequently and is associated with terms like white supremacy and patriarchy

>> No.17404784

>for the white masses of oakland
> All of the meme phrases they attach to it are posturing/virtue signaling.
Its only virtue signalling if you're actually buying in and have those virtues ingrained in you. Basic marketing. Let those gay girls make a few bucks before rising commercial real estate fucks them. Starbucks claimed they were pumping 100m into small BIPOC businesses last January. All you can find on it is press from that week so I assume they're fucking lying their asses off. If gaymergirl coffee is shit then don't buy it. If its good then buy it and don't recommend it to keep it for yourself.

>> No.17405502

Your origami bro right?

>> No.17405508


>> No.17405521

Looks good what you using to brew? What beans are they?

>> No.17405542
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Picrel was my breakfast today.
Picollo latte made with a honduras/columbian blend I roasted
It was ok
Did you grind this with your teeth lmao

>> No.17405554

>Looks good
>Did you grind this with your teeth lmao
Getting mixed signals here.

>> No.17405571

The grind just looks chunky to me lol, the bed is very flat at the end though which is a great sign. What coffee did ya use? Howd it taste?

>> No.17405598

Actual genuine Aeropress user. Would it be wise to upgrade the burrs in my C2 to those E&B burrs?

>> No.17405640

how are there so many fines, it was probably shit

>> No.17405677


>> No.17405722

Origami bro here. I try to get the "folds" in the picture so people don't have to ask lol.

>> No.17405797

Idk bro, I get the coffee shop to grind my beans weekly

>> No.17405846

Slightly different cut to the burrs but the biggest "feature" is the prebreaking teeth. You see alot of prebreakers on higher end grinders. If you need validation for a sub$50 purchase, you should probably save your money.

>> No.17406190

>What coffee did ya use?
>Howd it taste?

>> No.17406319

Is there a specific reason why most roasters don't sell bags smaller than 300 or 250g? I'd love to be able to buy 75 grams and taste something, even at a higher unit price.

>> No.17406348


>> No.17406390

Standart sends out a ~35g sample with every issue.

>> No.17406584

Do you have a subscription?

>> No.17406607

The place that I buy from gives out 60g samples of their new acquisitions when you place an order on certain dates but they don't sell them individually

>> No.17406643

Yeah for the last year. Got coffees from Sey(NYC) The Barn(Berlin), and Cloudpicker(Ireland).

>> No.17407070

I just got a Gaggia Classic Pro and a Chemex.

Can anyone recommend me any cold drink recipes? It's incredibly hot where I live.

>> No.17407148

>order coffee
>pay express
>roast to order
>say its going to arrive the day after roasting
>check the post box half an hour before the post office closes (live in big building so they just leave a card and take the package to the closest post office which for me is right around the corner)
>no card, its not delivered today
>have no coffee in the house because i ran out yesterday and was counting on it being here today like they said
>had to buy some trash coffee to tide me over
i will never forgive those postie fucks

>> No.17407262
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So sad....

>> No.17407523


>> No.17407813
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You can use each paper filter at least 4 times before it disintegrates too much. Definitely a no brainer.

t. dude that cold brew aeropresses maxwell house

soulless coffee gang rise up

>> No.17408150
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What's the best pourover brewer for making large volumes of coffee (40oz minimum) in one go? I like the light/fruity/floral taste over bold/rich/deep if that makes a difference.

>> No.17408166


>> No.17408226
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>> No.17408249

Greek frappe master race. Because nothing else gives a solid fuck than a beerstein full of coffee.

>> No.17408302

shoot i've been chucking them after one use since storing them between uses is a pain
what's the deal with cold brewing with an aeropress? got any tips?

>> No.17408309

>Brew coffee

>> No.17408317
File: 158 KB, 541x506, 1644064261591.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much caffeine is in a tablespoon of ground coffee? I put around twelve into a mug and some days I drink two. There's a very fine line between getting wired and getting nausea and headaches.

>> No.17408322

you forgot jacked to the tits.

>> No.17408336

I'm inclined to agree with >>17408166 and say chemex just because as far as I know it's the largest of the cone style pourover brewers available but with chemex already being slow as shit that sounds awful to me. What is your reason for needing to brew that much in one go? Could you not just brew twice back to back with a standard v60 or something?

>> No.17408397

Nothing about that photo says too many fines. It's the opposite - the grind is about 2x as coarse as it should be. And for some reason, there are whole unground pieces of chaff in there.

>> No.17408425
File: 2.18 MB, 1814x1812, 20220210_113207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about this

>> No.17408435

kys frog

>> No.17408474

Not muddy enough, try harder

>> No.17408527

I'm American.

>> No.17408544

I drink anywhere from 20-40oz in a day. I guess I could do that with the V60 but I am partial to a lighter, more fruity taste which is why I was leaning toward Chemex - I suppose I could also just a Chemex filter in a V60? But then I run into the same problem with slow drawdown. I was the anon in the last thread asking similar sorts of questions and I guess I just wanted to see if anyone had any opinions other than the one or two people who responded to me in that thread. I think I just need to make a fucking decision already and if it isn't for me after a couple months I'll switch it up.

>> No.17408547


>> No.17408553

>I am partial to a lighter, more fruity taste which is why I was leaning toward Chemex
What the fuck are you talking about

>> No.17408554

Still can’t decide if I want to buy an espresso machine. What the fuck do I do sirs?

>> No.17408593

come up with a reasonable budget
double it
multiply that by 150%
find a machine and grinder that fit into the parameters of this number, while acknowledging that you will end up spending more than that

>> No.17408625

I understood the filters are thicker and kept more oils out of the coffee leading to a cleaner/brighter brew

>> No.17408640

credit card enrollment bonus
if you're not a poorfag and can spend 4k in 3 months, the chase sapphire enrollment bonus will pay for a nice grinder/good machine
do this twice and you have a good setup
wa la

>> No.17408643

If you prefer the chemex brew then use that, though what you're describing just sounds like you prefer lighter roasts with fruit notes. Either way I'd just recommend brewing twice so you get it fresh over trying to brew a fuckton at once and drink that throughout the day.

>> No.17408646

Buy a flair then cram it up your ass

>> No.17408654


>> No.17408659
File: 3.25 MB, 3024x4032, PXL_20220206_232930249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its not only the filter thickness.
>Chemex unbleached: 167 ± 23 μm
>Chemex bleached: 210 ± 22 μm
>Hario unbleached: 203 ± 21 μm
>Hario tabbed: 206 ± 21 μm
Its the weight too. Hario filters weight 1.4g. Chemexs are close to 5.5g. There's just 4x more material to thoroughly rinse and wick up oils. You were already stuck on the small kettle problem, you don't need to be using .5L to rinse paper each time you brew.
Flair+handgrinder can be had for sub500.

>> No.17408683

Thanks, helpful posts. Stupid question but if I'm going to chill the coffee in the fridge anyway, do I still need to rinse the filter with hot water? Some people say it's more efficient, but others seem to think there isn't a discernable difference in the end product and the only real benefit is temperature retention (which isn't a concern for me).

>> No.17408691

Depends on your taste buds. Rip up a filter, let it sit in hot water for 5 minutes, then drink it. If you don't like the taste, rinse your filters.

>> No.17408705

>I'm going to chill the coffee in the fridge anyway
What is wrong with you?

>> No.17408708

>am partial to a lighter, more fruity taste which is why I was leaning toward Chemex
legit retard

>> No.17408709

thanks, gonna experiment

>> No.17408714

I like iced coffee

>> No.17408720

Then make iced coffee using the Japanese method don't put it in your refrigerator you fucking sperg

>> No.17408723

just make japanese iced coffee retard

>> No.17408729


>> No.17408792

My niche makes muddy v60s. What grinder should I replace it with?

>> No.17408796

Why are you gangstalking me?

>> No.17408806

Kingrinder or SGP

>> No.17408809

Is the gaggia classic fine or is it too small for two people. Looking to pair it with either a baratza sette or a niche for easy cleanup

>> No.17408816

Easy to mod but shit temp stability even with a pid due to the boiler size. Ymmv. Are you actually researching shit or just randomly throwing out products you've seen people use?

>> No.17408834

Tbh I’m completely lost regarding what machine to get. I like the idea of the quick heat up time for the gaggia and its small footprint. but I’ve also read that the steam wand is weak and needs temperature surfing etc. I was looking at the lelit Glenda which has a 58mm group head and a PID but I haven’t seen enough reviews about it to commit. Any recommendations would be appreciated

>> No.17408849

How much are you willing to spend. I started with the ~500 flair setup a few years ago and I'm north of $3k and nearly "done".

>> No.17408933

Just accidentally let my americano go cold. God damn the last few dregs were good though.

>> No.17409018
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>tfw missed the limited release of the new pink bourbon from my favorite roaster

>> No.17409155

Rocket Appartamento

>> No.17409162

Lelit Mara X completly mogs the Appartamento

>> No.17409349

While coffee is delicious its important to acknowledge that your inability to go even a single day without coffee shows a lack of control over your own life and a crippling chemical dependency.

tldr; nigga had a meltdown cuz he didn't drink beanjuice for 1 day ishygddt

>> No.17409367
File: 282 KB, 400x231, 0e845525-a7a5-4104-af6b-1bc801a365b8_text.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

need a new gasket for my 1cup? stovetop espresso maker. Any ideas or recommendations where to get one?

>> No.17409504

What brand? Baletti sells some.

>> No.17409583

Idk like $1500 all in but I’m flexible with how much I spend on stuff I like

>> No.17409711

You've got the budget for some solid shit then. Glenda + a df64 with SSP HU burrs is what I would go for ~ that budget. New basket or two, $20 etsy wdt then ball out with as nice of a bottomless pf, tamper and other toys as you want and you're set for years. Everything I've got from pullman is S tier.

>> No.17409734

Just rinse the paper filter while it's in the retainer to clarify it.

retarded cold brew recipe
>invert aeropress and pull out the plunger mostly all the way
>take retainer off. If you're reusing a filter rinse it off. if you're using a new filter rinse it off anyways to make the filter stick
>1 scoop supermarket grinds
>fill to the top with room temp water
>screw filter back on
>stick whole thing in the fridge until everything is cold. preferably hours to get the most foam extracted but it tastes fine with only 30 minutes too.
this is a retarded use for the aeropress since you could've done this with mason jars but it does make good cold brew

>> No.17409755 [DELETED] 

oh yeah forgot a step
>cut with more cold water to get an american volume of coffee

>> No.17409787

optional last steps
1. cut the shot with cold water if you need an americano volume of coffee
2. the grinds still have some kick left in them after a cold brew. Pull the plunger out and rebrew the grinds with hot water the normal aerropress method. shit will be really watery but it does have some stuff in it.

>> No.17409860
File: 544 KB, 1170x1170, 1643579338779.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ground cafe du monde (or preferred coffee. Cheaper coffees require no cold brew hot bloom and can be directly cold brewed).
>Star anise (~2 pods/1 teaspoon),
>Vanilla extract,
>Cloves (2-4 cloves to taste; you can always add more at the end but you can't take away!),
>Cinnamon (about 1/2 to 1 stick, or, 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon ground),
>Ginger (4 teaspoons),
>Nutmeg (1 teaspoon. Remember that nutmeg is sweet and you're adding sweetened milk, this recipe makes 4 servings!) to taste,
>1/4 cup coconut cream (NOT CREAM OF COCONUT, that is sweetened), 1/4 cup sweetened condensed milk (total, so 1/16 cup or 1 tablespoon per drink, of each),

Cold brew, hot bloom your coffee: pour about 1.5 cups of hot water over the grounds, shove your spices and vanilla in while it's still hot, allow to bloom for 30 seconds, then pour over the rest of your water. Let steep in the fridge or at room temp--covered, obviously--overnight. Let those flavors get to know eachother and mingle. You can add your 1/2 cup coconut cream and 1/2 cup S.C. milk now, or 1/16 cup each, per drink, when you are serving it. I prefer now.

Take that bitch out, filter it through a fine meshed sieve. Drink it.

>> No.17409872

I think I'm gonna vomit anon.

>> No.17409883

chill out cuz, was only a shitpost.

>> No.17409932

yeah, for the amount of coffee the aeropress makes I think you're right it's not the way to go. thanks for the writeup though.

>> No.17410025

Why do you post these? Do you think a flat bed means anything? You can pour like an idiot, get channeling out the dickhole, and then swirl at the end and it will be flat for all of 20% of the brew time. Who cares. You also are clearly an overswirler. That's why your grind looks ridiculously coarse, and there is so much chaff on top. By swirling so much you force the fines down and outward while more buoyant, larger particles rise to the top. Likely your coffee tastes unevenly extracted, astringent, and sour.

>> No.17410066
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domed bed master race

>> No.17410205
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>> No.17410417

Based retard

>> No.17410428

not him but I incorporated some swirling l into my brew today and had a much longer draw down, thanks for explaining why this could be

>> No.17410444

I've just been getting into coffee this past month and looking forward to making coffee is what helps me get out of bed. Is this an early sign of caffeine addiction? If so, how would I course correct?

>> No.17410483

if it’s something you’re excited about i don’t think it’s bad that it gets you out of bed. i think when you’d be miserable without it is the cutoff. i try to keep it to 100mg of caffeine or about 1 cup a day to avoid caffeine dependence

>> No.17410492

>caffeine addiction? If so, how would I course correct?
depends on how much caffeine really affects you. also do you look forward to drinking coffee or to making coffee? one is a hobby the other is probably just an addiction. but addiction ≠ bad

>> No.17410498

>some stuff in it.
Sounds promising. Why the fuck not? I've drunk chock from a secondhand Mr Coffee, can't be worse.

>> No.17410586

it's tricky because I feel like I can go without it and yet its one of the highlights of my day and I haven't gone without a cup a day in a few weeks
>do you look forward to drinking coffee or to making coffee?
both lol but mostly the actual making of the pour over. i'm looking to get some good decaf beans so I can have more than a cup a day, whenever I'd like. and I agree caffeine isn't the worst substance to be addicted to but I've already gone straight edge for a few years so I've been questioning if I'm just replacing past vices with a lesser evil and paying a pretty penny for the privilege of it all

>> No.17410631

Anyone tried any red catuai?

>> No.17410653 [DELETED] 
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>Jannies. Now.

>> No.17410654

if you're only doing a cup a day it shouldn't be too hard to get off if should you see fit. I avoid dependence on anything just like you, I'm pretty straight edge and avoided caffeine for years and years. coffee is a reasonable dependence since it's so ubiquitous, cheap, and with low side effects. it can be done responsibly, like never having it past noon etc. if you suspect caffeine causes you any problems in the future, going from 1 cup to 0 is easier than 4 cups to 0. it's certainly not the hardest thing to quit in any case

>> No.17410991

Try for a Japanese iced coffee. Reduce the water as you're brewing directly on the ice.

Look for chemex specifically I used a recipe for Aeropress and V60

>> No.17411000

if you had no option but to get beans (ground or whole) from a supermarket what's your go-to?

>> No.17411005

Well since you gave me a more detailed explanation I will actually consider it.

>> No.17411012

I was drinking Caribou Coffee because that was the only good option in the store I was shopping from. Now I'm just looking for some local places to see if their shit is good.

>> No.17411032

I would just not drink coffee

>> No.17411090

cafe bustello or caribou

>> No.17411111

unironically this

>> No.17411138

Cafe bustello with some clove and ginger

>> No.17411149

Cafe du Monde with vanilla extract, star anise, cloves, cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg, coconut cream, and sweetened condensed milk
Cold-brewed, hot-bloomed preferably

>> No.17411156

this but with a melodrip

>> No.17411170

Are varietals just a meme? Or can you actually extrapolate useful information from knowing the different kinds

>> No.17411187
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bros why are there two parts to my melodrip?

>> No.17411190

Dust cover to keep it clean while it sits on your shelf in disuse

>> No.17411206
File: 80 KB, 375x383, 1635205124257.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm waiting for some good stuff to come but I'm curious about my options desu
I have some Peet's Big Bang

>> No.17411209

2 in 1 scoop and melodrip

>> No.17411210
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>> No.17411213

oh no

>> No.17411235

New: >>17411234

>> No.17411254

will you fucking reddit transplants stop fucking making new fucking threads 8 fucking hours before the current thread fucking expires?

>> No.17411350


that looks like what my grandmother leaves in her depends

>> No.17411893

maxwell house. makes god-tier cold brew.

>> No.17412177


>> No.17412774 [DELETED] 


>> No.17413128
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Pleb reporting in

>> No.17413159

nice setup what are you australian?

>> No.17413236

This is some real scientific thing. How the coffee is still holding place despite gravity. Must be some magic beans you used to brew. Care to elaborate?

>> No.17413240


>> No.17413819 [DELETED] 


>> No.17414522 [DELETED] 


>> No.17414878

How much do you deviate from standard conventions?
I use like 3x as much water for french press compared to what most suggests.

>> No.17415785
