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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 62 KB, 739x415, 08234AA4-698F-459F-BE49-A60B375A966C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17397866 No.17397866 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.17397870


>> No.17397875

american takes the worst parts of a full english and adds pancakes for some retardes reason

>> No.17397878

That guy is fucking annoying.
Arrogant, posh, piece of shit with the face of a musketeer.

>> No.17397880

IRL? Full English, no questions.
In that image? American.
I don't know how he managed to burn most of the stuff there and make eggs and tomatoes unappealing

>> No.17397883

They both do something wrong and something right.
>Bacon instead of Sausage
>Scrambled instead of that sorry ass excuse for eggs in the English
But on the other hand those mushrooms and tomatoes on the English shit all over the pancakes and hashbrowns. Beans for breakfast is whatever. I'd go with the English.

>> No.17397884

Oh and to answer your question.
English, pancakes are good but I like to have more non sweet options.

>> No.17397892

From those two choices it's American hands down for breakfast. Maybe for lunch I'd choose the English.

>> No.17397908
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fat is superior to sugar
savory is superior to sweet
Americans are high fructose corn syrup cloaked in flesh

>> No.17397915

what are the worst parts they took?

>> No.17397923


>the worst parts of the full english
The... eggs and bacon? What are you, a fucking vegan?

>> No.17397986
File: 311 KB, 1024x536, 1FA958C1-3ABE-4DC0-AB33-624660BA7C65.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Both are shit. French / italian breakfast is superior

>> No.17397990

Stop making this thread.

>> No.17398033

>150 calories

Yeah, okay chud.

>> No.17398056
File: 203 KB, 1500x1000, traditional-japanese-breakfast-2030063-ADD-FINAL-V4-e3201988eda94df39b6d611107db9a76.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ill have one japanese breakfast in short order

>> No.17398075

Fat American detected

>> No.17398078

The full English, without a doubt. Both are way too much food unless you did trenches by hand for a living. The trick is the baked beans have a fibre content which will actually keep you somewhat full for a few hours where as the American doesn't and while both are heavy meals, the American is going to give you a sugar/carb crash.

>> No.17398084

How many times does this exact thread need to be made?

>> No.17398118

Full English, because at least it has some non-potato vegetables on the plate, Jesus fucking Christ. At least put some wilted spinach on the side or something. Every time you make this thread it disgusts me.

>> No.17398682


>> No.17398689

They are both very imbalanced breakfasts.

>> No.17398718

A healthy bmi individual at average height will burn about 2000 kcal a day.

A breakfast being your starting meal should give you a caloric boost and be a fair amount of calories with less so throughout the day to get to your TDEE.

I'm not him though and and doubt that breakfast is only 150 kcal it looks closer to 300 but that's still low unless you are eating it again multiple times in a day.

>> No.17398741

the left isn't real, there is no US monoculture.

>> No.17398747

What sort of mental illness might be responsible for compelling people to make the exact same thread on 4chan day after day after day?

>> No.17399346

Both are good

>> No.17399369

Why would you start your day with a STACK of pancakes

>> No.17399403

both of those look to be around 2000 kcals. is this why everyone in the anglosphere are fat ? they eat a day's worth of calories for one meal ?

>> No.17399462

>eating breakfast

>> No.17399823

why yes i eat 12 whole tomatoes for breakfast. why do you ask?

>> No.17400160

The eggs and bacon are there.
The Americans lose the beans and black pudding.

>> No.17400222

this bitch is gonna be blind and footless in 15 years

>> No.17400363

Murican, but swap the flapjacks for biscuits and gravy

>> No.17400385

Pancakes are actually kind of shit, honestly.

>> No.17400394

bots to lower the quality of benign boards

>> No.17400395

Gee, I wonder what mental condition known for constant repetition and aversion to change could be responsible for these socially awkward individuals to do the same thing every day.

It's autism, come on man.

>> No.17400475

Full english of course, but I'm not entirely sold on the beans. And when they serve them cold red mist descends.

>> No.17401716

>what do you want for breakfast
Get a load of this faggot.

>> No.17401819

Sad tomatoes :(

>> No.17402212

Here's my spin on this:
>British eggs
>American bacon
>British beans
>American hash browns
>British mushrooms

>> No.17402232

English but replace the beans with hashbrowns

>> No.17402246

Do brits seriously consume 12 tomatoes for breakfast??

>> No.17402280

Let be real, this is what breakfast look like
Btw, I'm prefer Mexico and Indonesia breakfast

>> No.17402293

>brazillians eat half a fucking papaya
>italians eat a dry bread roll with no butter
>australians eat cereal but absolutely no-one else does

>> No.17402350

Dumb smelly shitskin ESL, get out of my board, also
Kys, srsly

>> No.17402443

You're more shocked by the tomatoes and not that adult Americans are eating pancakes for breakfast?

>> No.17402481

That probably paints Americans in a better light than reality, looking at the various abominations they call breakfast cereal.

>> No.17402513

>hastily throws 1/4 cup of sugar into a can that already has 40g in it
>doesn't even bother to mix it up
>chugs it like it's water and she was dying of thirst
this is actually disgusting, someone needs to harpoon this fucking whale already

>> No.17402531

it's pornography, you're getting angry at porn for architects

>> No.17402615

Yeah I think it's fake.

>> No.17402621

American, easy. Jelly of the tomatoes though, they look good. i'll take the mushies too. the rest is garbage.

>> No.17402626

im as brit-racist as it gets but can we please fuck off with the endless brit vs american breakfast discussions, who goddamn cares. americans sure as shit arent frying up pancakes and eggs and bacon before running off to work and i bet the english arent either. they're both just protein and carb feasts

>> No.17402644

>american breakfast
Where the cereal + milk?

>> No.17402648

A lot of Americans meet up at the diner before work.

>> No.17402681

because muh freedom

>> No.17402701

There are several versions of the Big Breakfast in America. What you're showing a full english vs a fucking denny's menu item.

>> No.17402711

Ameriburger is better but Britbong is healthier. The honest answer though is you're better off adding the mushrooms and eggs into the american omelette/scrambled eggs and replacing the pancakes with something like spinach. Beans really just make no sense given what else is on the plate and hash browns are just too fucking kino and add a ton of points.

>> No.17402729

No we don't. All across America, your average diner crowd is retirees and people on their day off.

>> No.17402774

Neither has any toast, so they're both shit.

>> No.17402787

Just the really old people do that and most of them are retired.

>> No.17402792
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>> No.17402847

maybe where you guys live but not here

>> No.17402859

Where is here? Some giant city hellscape where everyone eats out three meals a day?

>> No.17402875

American, pancakes amd hashbrowns are kino even if they are awful nutritionally

>> No.17402877

Neither. English has poor people food in it, American has junk food in it. Both made for factory workers...

In the morning i just toast a slice of bread, throw some lard or olive oil on it, and some vegetables... could be peppers, onions, pickles.

>> No.17402898

Chicago suburbs. I should have clarified though, this was before covid.

>> No.17403320

I dont mind pancakes with bacon on ocasion, but the full english is superior

>> No.17403327

>thats coke
>the thing added 4 spoons

>> No.17403334

I don't know if you're southern, or black; but you have good taste, friend.

>> No.17403657


>> No.17404608
File: 94 KB, 1200x675, proper breakfast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

both a nightmare for someone with IBS...

>> No.17404964

American, no question. Everyone gets one, mutts.

>> No.17404978

I'm American and I think the full English is miles ahead of a continental breakfast

>> No.17404985

Judging by how wrong my country looks, I don't trust this video.

>> No.17404988

>don't know how he managed to burn most of the stuff there and make eggs and tomatoes unappealing
Babbish is actually a pretty shitty cook.

>> No.17404999

English looks much healthier and tastier

>> No.17405023

>How may sugars do you have in your Pepsi
>"I have 5"
>Only puts in 4
So fat (s)he can't even count..

>> No.17405033

Most Japanese people hate the traditional Japanese breakfast. Fucking weeb.

>> No.17405045

>A healthy bmi individual at average height will burn about 2000 kcal a day.
Only if they're in their target heart rate zone for an hour a day. The 2000 calorie diet is only for blue collar and soldiers.

>> No.17405050

Meme disease. Take a probiotic.

>> No.17405055
File: 127 KB, 738x741, 7AE5AB6F-D5AD-4595-849A-6AA235A611F6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17405056

Eat more saur kraut or kimchi

>> No.17405070
File: 37 KB, 360x450, Scotsman.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sheep stomach filled with meat and barley!!!

>> No.17405076

Also stick some up ur butt. Get it directly into the lower intestine

>> No.17405142

Toss out the tomatoes, shrooms and pancakes, add toast and then combine.