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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 177 KB, 750x416, mcdonalds-Double-Quarter-Pounder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17393510 No.17393510 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.17393516
File: 166 KB, 772x440, McDonalds-Big-Mac.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here. Sorry posted the wrong picture

>> No.17393520

Let's be real you can make something tastier and better looking than mcdonalds with premade patties and buns

>> No.17393522
File: 37 KB, 355x360, 1641432395158.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bot thread, please do not reply topaid advertising on /ck/

>> No.17393524

You literally can't.

Fuck off burgerking

>> No.17393531
File: 913 KB, 4160x3120, IMG_20210515_182915.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My pic from a few months ago when I made burgers, premade patties and buns, 10 times more filling and delicious than McDonald's, seethe

>> No.17393541

>didnt shred the lettuce

>> No.17394266

I'm gonna be honest it looks like ass

>> No.17394284

To be fair it still looks better than a fast food burger.

>> No.17394302

I like the regular quarter pounder. The double quarter pounder has a fucked up ratio of meat IMO. The well-done mcdonalds patties are too dry to have that much meat in one bite.

>> No.17394315

You're both wrong. And you're both right. The correct answer is TWO Double Quarter Pounders with Big Mac sauce instead of ketchup and mustard, and a basket of fries.

>> No.17394356

Is it really so unfathomable that a normal (using that term very liberally) person would make a thread here about the biggest fast food restaurant?

>> No.17394483

this looks fucking awful

>> No.17394612

>Tiny but thick patty
>unshredded lettuce
>one single fat slice of tomato
>long pieces of onion stuck to one side
>a barely noticible trace of sauce
>bun too fat and wide for contents
>'muh black AND white sesame seeds!!'
>butterfly background
>plate taken directly from the hospital cafeteria
>onion protruding outside the burger like a beggars crooked finger
>lettuce layer too thin and wide for any crunch, will just get soggy
>patty completely unidentifiable, due to being smothered with the other ingredients
>nothing new or inventive about this, the most basic order of ingredients for a burger possible
>patty form makes it clearly look as though it was store bought, not made at home

>thinks that this 'special' dinner was good enough to keep pictures of for MONTHS, telling others to 'seethe' because they would prefer a reliable macdonalds burger over this absolute insult to cooking

>> No.17394625

Fuck what the 4 gaysharts said before me, this burger kicks ass

>> No.17395221

Patty is still way too small

>> No.17395235

Nah, it's literally impossible to recreate McBurgers at home. You can certainly make good delicious burgers, but you will never recreate the mysterious industrial flavors of McBurgers. Sometimes you want a burger, but sometimes you NEED a McBurger.

>> No.17395240
File: 128 KB, 866x1390, 1620912477069.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cheese isn't melted

>> No.17395257

This. As a connoisseur of burgers fast food ones just taste different and sometimes you want that flavor.

>> No.17395258

Actually I find this a hilarious point because it always works out the same.
>”dude, I can make a burger just the same as McDonalds”
>burger looks/tastes absolutely nothing like a McDonald’s burger
>”Well no shit; it’s so much better than McDonald’s!”
Well that wasn’t the point now, was it?

>> No.17395586

it really doesn't

>> No.17397137

>Is so mad anon cooked something better than McFlouride that he spends time writing an entire essay with petty critique

>> No.17398047

But it's perfectly melted every time.

>> No.17398053
File: 172 KB, 820x1018, It just works so well.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sometimes you NEED a McBurger
fuck this is pathetic

>> No.17398060

* artists rendition of burger, the slop you recieve will look nothing like this

>> No.17398142

I wouldn't say it's impossible, but I get your point.
To perfectly recreate McDonalds you'd be putting far more effort than it's worth, you could make a much more premium homemade burger in less time for less money. If you're wanting an authentic BigMac, your best option will always be going in store.

>> No.17398164

>premade patties and buns
You're tight tho , I prefer to make them by myself from scratch.

>> No.17398166
