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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17390193 No.17390193 [Reply] [Original]

Post em

>> No.17390197

why do you have so many drinks

>> No.17390201


>> No.17390212

When are you going to eat that bullet?

>> No.17390213
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Because he's thirsty, dummy.

>> No.17390232

>he doesn't have a fridge gun

>> No.17390380

What's it like to live in Europe?

>> No.17390423
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Here you go faggot, go ahead and laugh at my ghetto tier fridge.

>> No.17390440

The Glock must rest uncovered in the fridge for 2 hours before making Glockamole, that is basic cooking 101 knowledge right there.

>> No.17390725

Refer to
I’m doing my part to weed out the filthy e*ropeans and queers
You’re a miserable sack of shit, and that’s coming from a miserable sack of shit.

>> No.17390730

>Coors lite
>Probably the guy thats fucking my wife
Kys asshole

>> No.17390737
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>> No.17390754
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>ghetto tier
wtf man

>> No.17390760
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>> No.17390761
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Alright I guess my freezer is a little more respectable. Will post pantry next.

>> No.17390762

What's that? Herpes cream??

>> No.17390774
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>> No.17390779
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>> No.17390780

BAsed made me chuckle with a bad joke poster. Still dumb tho kys

>> No.17390782
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Oh fuck me I have to manually rotate every cock sucking imagine I post from my igay. Hold on. Pantry

>> No.17390799
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Pantry 2

>> No.17390823
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Spice rack. That’s about it.

>> No.17390872

Why do you not have a mag in it?

>> No.17390904
File: 2.46 MB, 4032x3024, CA95E47F-BD69-4F4C-A13C-D28ED4040F20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There’s a mag in it and it’s chambered. I took it out of my concealed carry holster before and snapped the picture. Glocks have a gap in the frame for the palm swell. I’m crossboarding from /k/ if you have any more firearm related questions.

>> No.17390920
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What it looks like without a mag. Sorry it’s super hard to focus on the gun and I can’t get the flash to turn on even though I’ve set it to always on.

>> No.17390933
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I do love my glonks

>> No.17390939
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There's no mag.

>> No.17390943
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If you're cross posting, you should join my thread I'm making soon. Alcohol, guns, food. Got these on the smoker right now, wanted more pics before starting the thread.

>> No.17390950

The pre grip zone XD has no mag but my Glonk definitely does. You would have to be retarded or complete no guns to think it doesn’t. Literally the most trivial thing to argue about when you can see the mag in the gun in the picture I originally posted. It’s not even up for debate. It wouldn’t matter if it wasn’t, but it’s there and I can tell you that with 100% certainty.

>> No.17390956

Cool Henry but I’m supposed to be a recovering alcoholic. P.S. you know Smithfield pork is all processed in china rite

>> No.17390957

Do you not want teeth?

>> No.17390994

>Be europoor
>Browse the 4channel cooking board
>"Huehuehue. Oi! Look a' this lot! Veys keepin' an 'andgun in tha oicebox! Wha' a silly lot veese!"
>Door is suddenly kicked in
>Drunk knife welding Arab bursts into the single room flat
>"Oi! Wuts all vis?"
>"Give your euros you pig bastard!"
>Oi! You go' a loicense fah tha' knoife?"
>"White Satan! I need Kebab to sober myself! Give all Euros! But first, give me a cold drink!"
>Goes to fridge
>Disturbingly empty
>One bottle of London Pride left
>British anon thinks quick
>Grabs bottle, turns to smash it on the edge of the counter
>Drunk Arab acts fast, plunges knife into British anon
Shoulda had a fridge gun anon.

>> No.17390995
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>cool Henry
Jokes on you, it's a filthy Rossi R92 in .44 mag, 16"
>Smithfield pork is all processed in china rite
Did not know that. I've had great success smoking them in the past, it was a buy 1 get 1 free. Gonna use it in ramen, here is the last ramen I made.

>> No.17391015

why do redditors have such a hard time staying in reddit

>> No.17391041

Yeah I was looking at it and at first it looked like a 22lr feed port but I’m such a retard I forgot that Henry’s are tube fed from the top. So I immediately thought Rossi or Winchester or some other ‘94 variant. I’m not an expert on lever hats. But the wood grain and the non laminated / matte stock was what lead me to Rossi after I made that post. Looks fun to shoot though.

>> No.17391046

>I took it out of my concealed carry holster before and snapped the picture.
Imagine not having a dedicated fridge glock. NGMI

>> No.17391053

>bongoloid attempting to fight back instead of spreading his cheeks for the vibrant youth
0/10 for realism

>> No.17391069

Bullets are for pussies

>> No.17391072

Good point. I had a narrative to stick to though.

>> No.17391075

>Plays violent videogames
>Owns assualt pistols.
U need to be locked up

>> No.17391077

>I’m not an expert on lever gats
You have more attention to detail than most others. Most of /k/ would just throw out names of look alike.
>looks fun to shoot
It very much is, it has a crescent moon butt plate that has made many of my friends complain about the recoil, they just don't shoulder it properly.

>> No.17391085

Forgot to add that British anon gets charged posthumously with murder for attempting to defend himself. It’s funny how many seething Brits I talk shit to on a daily basis when I’m gaming. They’re like ohhh yeah nobody pays the tv license.

>> No.17391093

I mean, that was implied when he tried to fight back. He didn't have a license for self defense.

>> No.17391110

I don’t know why anyone would complain, I shot a Winchester 1894 in 30-30 when I was 12 and it was absolutely pleasant. Pistol caliber variants should be much lower in perceived recoil, but I’ve never complained about recoil. If I weren’t so concerned about impending bans if get myself a nice levergat. Cool gun bro.

>> No.17391527
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I love meat, I love freedom, and I hate Jews.

>> No.17391612

>lite beer

>> No.17391654

Looks good. Gonna get a heater in my fridge now.