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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17369563 No.17369563[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

virgin 18th century cooking
chad cowboy cooking

>> No.17369610 [DELETED] 
File: 81 KB, 393x248, 1c2bbe1242b1ebf2f96a9a40f1ba13f4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

both patriots, one just dgaf. Both interesting guys

dubs get the boof

>> No.17369615

>Tops a queer
>Bottom is based

>> No.17369642

Ur weird

>> No.17369644

If you think bottom is straight I got some news for u bud

>> No.17369653

both are based and wholesome

>> No.17369675

This is the correct answer. OP is a fag

>> No.17369683

Lay off him for a few days at least, man.
His dad just died.

>> No.17369703


>> No.17369712

Yeah the clot shot got him

>> No.17369753

>realizes he’ll get jannied if he even uses the word “debate” at this point
How about you stop making shit threads you fatherless son of a single whore?

>> No.17369771



>> No.17369822

John has multiple cute daughters

>> No.17369846

not him, but show me what a straight chef looks like

>> No.17369849

Any pics?

>> No.17369945

the fag of cooking history is the best fag

super cute, good interesting sourced research and good cooking skills.
those 2 old men cannot compete gainst the real cooking gay prince of youtube?

>> No.17370477

I don't like LARPers

>> No.17370483

>show me what a straight chef looks like

>> No.17370506

lmoa my point exactly. thanks ckbro

>> No.17370534

It's gayer being a bottom than a top. At least the top can close his eyes and pretend it is a woman's ass.

>> No.17370536
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>> No.17370553

and why can't you pretend it's a woman's cock?

>> No.17370571


>> No.17370580

Check and mate atheists

>> No.17370590

You won.

>> No.17370607

that guy is 100% gay
his name alone should have tipped you off

>> No.17370611


>> No.17370646


>> No.17370754

he has a wife

>> No.17370770

shut the hell up freak

>> No.17370915
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>ywnba brick mold getting spanked by Ivy


>> No.17370927

>well thats the cowboy dish we got right heres yall, the authentic chain restureeant invented 1980s special the fucking onion

>> No.17370957

so did Elton John

>> No.17371038

One makes food for pictures.
The other does it to eat.
Cowboys will always rape pioneers in terms of manliness.

>> No.17371049

they would be friends irl, prove me wrong.

>> No.17371056

I binged some of his videos when I first found him but when I learned he was a faggot I haven't watched a single episode since.

>> No.17371085
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>> No.17371165

nope retard

>> No.17371170


>> No.17371176

Kent is a flaming homo.
The fact that you can't see it makes you a faggot too.

>> No.17371180

heckin wholesome big chungus upboat my good sir

>> No.17371374


>> No.17371447
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it's really fucking delicious tho

>> No.17371462

She has a boyfriend creep

>> No.17371500
File: 88 KB, 940x627, GayThatsOk2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Friendly reminder that in real life, Jon Townsend is a far-right conservative gay hating bigot.

That's why the orange fool thing was confusing. It was the woman's idea (he co-hosted that episode with a woman who works on a living history place), not his. He is deeply homophobic (hence his appeals to tradition and a prior time when gay people were coincidentally all pressured even more so than now to be closeted), and knows if his personal political beliefs got out, he would be cancelled, so he couldn't come out and say "yeah orange fool was her idea I love Trump", and that's why it got messy.

He's obsessed with tradition because white straight men feel threatened that now they aren't the only ones allowed to have power.

The odds that this man supports the prohibition of discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation in places of public accommodation (businesses open to the general public with physical storefronts) - ARE NIL

>> No.17371517

Why you keep posting this chadman pasta I don't know

>> No.17371524

He looks like he diddles kids so probably gay as well

>> No.17371528


I'm not a fan of gays either. I'm not homophobic, it's just rare that any of them carry themselves with any sort of quiet dignity. Often times they're extremely obnoxious and put their mental illnesses on display like badges of honor.

>> No.17371529

Because he really is a gay hating bigot. If he supports gay rights he is welcome to announce that publicly - but clearly he does not and society shouldn't be enabling bigotry.

>> No.17371532

Honestly people like this are the ones that make me the most excited about the prospect of the government someday imposing mandatory homosexuality.

>hurr how would we survive

surrogacy you dolt

>> No.17371534

>He is deeply homophobic
Unfathomably based.

>> No.17371537


>> No.17371545
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>> No.17371555
File: 116 KB, 1080x1080, GayCouple12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, that's bad. Societal cohesion results in a better world for everyone. People like you are what hold us back.

>> No.17371564

God I wish I was that brick

>> No.17371567
File: 487 KB, 1900x1440, femaleshaming2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17371569

We would have societal cohesion if multiculturalism and diversity were wiped off the face of the planet

>> No.17371571

wtf I love townsends now

>> No.17371577
File: 70 KB, 640x524, barbaraspectre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

White christians are going to be replaced as a consequence for thousands of years of brutal homophobia and watching you evil fucks get a taste of your own medicine finally - fills me with sheer glee!

Far-right christcucks like you and Townsend will finally be consigned to the dustbin of history.

>> No.17371578


>> No.17371581

>co-hosts episodes with women
You lost me there

>> No.17371592

>chud saying chud things

>> No.17371595
File: 244 KB, 959x1280, gaypregnant3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The women he co-starred with in the episode is a leftist, he's far right. She chose orange fool to sock it to trump and he just went along with it thinking it wouldn't be such a big deal. Now he's stuck because he can't admit that he doesn't hate Trump without outing himself as a nazi and getting cancelled.

>> No.17371600
File: 289 KB, 868x1072, ReligioninAmerica6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody will care what hateful things spew from your mouth when you become a minority group.

>> No.17371616

>co-hosts episodes with leftist femoids
You continue to lose me, falseflagger

>> No.17371631

I'll beat him the fuck up

>> No.17371655
File: 41 KB, 798x644, pepe cringe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>falseflag anon is going to think his shitposting is the birth of an epic new meme and every townshends thread on /ck/ is going to have his autistic ramblings that neither make sense or are funny in any way

>> No.17371658
File: 102 KB, 900x900, Chad kent rollins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17371693

Because she was the one the living history place assigned him to work with. It's their estate, not his. Doesn't mean he agrees with her views.

>> No.17371757

18th century fur trappers and woodsmen were notoriously gay

>> No.17371762

Do you have any sources on that? buzzfeed tier articles don't count.

>> No.17371768

That's the point - gays had to be even more closeted and hidden than now - they certainly existed but that doesn't necessarily mean we will have much literary evidence of that - and he is romanticizing an era of pain for many people.

>> No.17371836

>era of pain for many people
this is a deliberately vague and disingenuous phrase that could be applied to any period in recorded history

>> No.17371868

i think he means anal pain

>> No.17371990

>wouldn't just refuse to do the episode
You're digging yourself a mighty fine hole there, falseflagger. Tell me why a far-right pariah would work with a leftist estate under any circumstances.

>> No.17372011

orange fool

>> No.17372030
File: 22 KB, 438x728, NoWeddingCakesHere.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>christcucks ultimately care more about money than principles



wat far right is literally the most common ideology for white men

he isn't a pariah he lives in fucking indiana where most people are bible-toting bigots

I'm not suggesting he's some sincerely deeply principled heavy thinker - just that he subscribes to normie christcuck values that gay is sinful and its ok to shun gay people

>> No.17372217

>conservacucks STILL seething over this

>> No.17372304

I lost. What an absolute shithole that guy fucking moderates.

>> No.17372329

Same. I don't even dislike the gays that much. I just don't get why he had to announce it and be out in the open about it. It took years for people to find out scooby1961 was gay, he was all about the content.

>> No.17372435
File: 28 KB, 332x383, chef.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17373670

Ive seen gay cowboy movies...never gay 1800's man

>> No.17373814

jokes aside, is orange fool actually good?
combination of eggs and oranges sounds fucking disgusing.