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17367715 No.17367715 [Reply] [Original]

What's the "best" commercial pasta sauce?

The stores in my area only carry the "common" ones, like Prego, Classico, Barilla etc. so those are getting "boring".

>> No.17367722

>using jarred sauce
What the fuck why are you here

>> No.17367736

get store brand and add mushrooms
your welcom

>> No.17367768

Rao's without a doubt. Whenever I see it on sale, I buy loads.

>> No.17367828

I have Claro's Italian Market near me, I don't know what sauces they have but since they sell 100ml/ half cup jars of balsamic vinegar for $300+ they probably have something premium for sauce as well. Try your local wop shop.

>> No.17367837

cento canned tomatoes and whatever is on my spice cabinet.

>> No.17367839

because i'm not gonna cook sauce for 13 hours?

>> No.17367843

>Canned gravy
Hey look everybody! His mother uses canned gravy for her Sunday sauce

>> No.17367860

Anon here's my recipe for basic napoli pasta that takes 20 minutes and will blow your jarred sauce away

Basic Red Pasta
- Beef and pork mince
- Chicken thighs and pancetta
- Italian sausage
Canned tomato
- Saute onion, then garlic, then add the can of tomatoes in a stainless steel pan, let that simmer for 15 minutes, blend until smooth. That's your basic red sauce. Remove from pan and keep aside
- Add protein of choice to same pan, let it cook undisturbed for 5 minutes, then mix to evenly cook. Remove from pan and set aside.
- Add red sauce back, let it simmer on low heat and make sure you get all of the fond off of the bottom of the pan and into the sauce.
- If you want it richer, before adding the sauce deglaze the pan with red wine, then add sauce.
- Add literally any herbs to this from here, infuse, add meat back (including any juices) toss around.
- Add any cooked pasta
- Serve sprinkled with cheese.

>> No.17368178

Rao's. Everything else is shit.

>> No.17368228
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This is too long and complicated. Fuck it, just microwave some chef boyardee.

>> No.17368258
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buy pic related, it's at walmart
or rao's, but it's 2x the price

>> No.17368259

Yeah, make sure yo leave it in the can for extra flavour

>> No.17368264

Raos tomato basil

>> No.17368268

hmm no thanks

>> No.17368342

As others have said, buy any canned crushed/sauce and throw it in a sauce pot while your waters boiling. Add spices, simmer and enjoy. You’re acting like we’re telling you that you need to import volcanic soil from the foothills of Vesuvius and selectively breed a never before seen variety of plum tomato. This is a cooking board for people who want to cook. I hate lazy fucks. And stupid people. You’re both.

>> No.17368345

>You’re acting like we’re telling you that you need to import volcanic soil from the foothills of Vesuvius and selectively breed a never before seen variety of plum tomato.
>anon doesnt do any of this
chef this advice is dry

>> No.17368616

Just get canned, unseasoned sauce and add your own herbs.

>> No.17368625

He’s already established that’s beyond his mental capacity

>> No.17368713

Nobody is making a better sauce than Rao's by cooking tomatoes in a pan while the water for the pasta boils. Sorry, it's not happening. Can you make homemade sauce that's better, yes, but it involves everything this guy said >>17367860 and it's not really worth the effort. You can get 95% of the way there for 10% of the work by doing the onion, putting the meat into the pan, cooking it until it's cooked, then dumping a jar of store sauce in there and mixing it up. It's just cooked and pureed tomatoes with the spices already added, what are you getting by cooking and pureeing the tomatoes yourself given that they're already from jars? It's just giving yourself an extra step for no reason.

>> No.17368774

Lol ok whatever you say.
I can spend less than a $1 and enjoy something I made personalized to my own tastes. Or I can drop $7 for some hipster bullshit basketti sauce. Tough choice.

>> No.17368778

A can of tomatoes costs the same as a jar of cheap sauce

>> No.17368783

tomato sauce for pasta is insanely easy to make, you're fucking retarded

>> No.17368787

Most cheap sauce is glorified ketchup. I’m saying I’d rather make my own that doesn’t suck. And this is easily achieved before the pastas even done cooking.

>> No.17368791

even if that was true which it isn't, at least it would taste like tomato instead of like sugar, old spices, and old oil.

>> No.17368813

>this guy said >>17367860(You)
I'm that guy and what the fuck man it's actually so easy. You don't belong on this board.

Sure, I can understand not wanting to make a 4 hour bolognaise, but that recipe is SO quick and easy.

>> No.17368819
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Here’s your consensus choice OP. Make sure you stock up and don’t listen to what any of the sane people in this thread have said. They’re just loser fags with too much free time. Next thing you know, they’re gonna try telling you you can’t boil ziti in the microwave.

>> No.17369739

Rao's but any sauce that uses italian tomatoes specifically will be good, most of the other sauces are too sweet and taste off.

>> No.17369746

this anon lives in Nome, AK

>> No.17369751

its $10 for 2 large jars at Costco

>> No.17369941
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Most times I can’t be bothered to make my own vodka sauce but this is good and fairly cheap. Local pizza places will sell you sauce too

>> No.17369958

>take sauce out
>take meat out
>put sauce back in
>put meat back in
holy fuck you added 4 steps, just cook the meat, add the sauce

>> No.17369969
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>start with this
>add garlic, olive oil, salt

>> No.17369989

You have to doctor up jarred sauce to make it any good, and at that point you should just used canned tomatoes instead. Pasta sauce is one of those things that is worth making yourself because it tastes way better but also because it requires very little effort to make, only time. It also freezes well so you can make a lot at once.

>> No.17369992

>step 1: take tomatoes out of a can
>step 2: strain and put in a jar
>step 3: ???
>step 4: PROFIT!!!

>> No.17369998
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Love this a kid, I found the other jarred sauces too sweet and like ketchup

>> No.17370000

bros what if i bought some whole peeled tomatoes and then took my immersion blender to them?

>> No.17370006

it would be extremely smooth

>> No.17370016

You can crush them by hand in the time it takes you to dig out and dust off your blendildo.

>> No.17370021

20 minutes on an inferior sauce? Why? I'm not so poor that I need to compromise my meals to save a few dollars.

>> No.17370032

just how i like it

>> No.17370827

I like a smooth sauce in this dish, and if I cook the meat and add the tomatoes afterwards I can't then blend the sauce smooth.

>> No.17370839
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>> No.17370841

yeah that sounds like a pain in the ass
fuck that and fuck you

>> No.17370872

soy for the soyboy

>> No.17370913
File: 64 KB, 800x800, ragu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is hands down the best sauce. Better than anything I have had made by italians.

>> No.17370948

Lidia Bastianich brand is pretty good if you need something from the supermarket in a pinch. It has its integrity, compared to something like Ragu.

If you live near an Italian Market or something, they might jar their own and sell it.

>> No.17370961

ok and what do you want to do with this knowledge?
axe murder him?

>> No.17371342

How does he manage to sell this stuff for £1 a jar in most supertmarkets?

>> No.17371372

>Need a 100 word essay for $8 of food
Lmao shut the fuck up retard

>> No.17372016

I wrote it for my cooklet friend, therefore it's very wordy because he doesn't know how to cook. Don't be rude

>> No.17372088
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>What's the "best" commercial pasta sauce?

>> No.17372489

All I see being posted are marinara sauces, what about other types?

>> No.17372534

Giada's is p good but I think they only sell it at Target
Mario's is good but idk if he's still in business what with the RAPE

>> No.17372555

if you think making a basic tomato based sauce is remotely complicated, get the fuck off this board, then get the fuck out of the gene pool

who am i kidding though, you wouldn't have reproduced anyways

>> No.17372571

Rao's and Barilla's Gusto brand are pretty fucking good. Just cook your own though desu

>> No.17372648

>step 4: PROFIT!!!
maybe not, strained tomatoes are pretty cheap and you ain't paying for tomato water

>> No.17374218
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>> No.17375547
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>no one has mentioned reggano

>> No.17375578

>crushed, unsalted tomatoes
>crushed red pepper
>salt to taste
wow so hard. I used to buy this shit, but making your own really is less expensive. A can of crushed tomatoes is ~$1.00 depending. Herbs and spices should be a household thing you have already. Get cooking.

>> No.17375612

I haven't used jarred sauce in two years. I realised how much better it is to make my own sauce using canned San Marzano tomatoes instead.

>> No.17375615

I mix Prego meat flavor sauce with Rao's Arabbiata sauce.

>> No.17375864
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>> No.17375880

If you put a gun to my head and told me to pick one i'd choose classico. Only one i've had besides prego but at least i can stomach classico, and i dont know if i trust any of the rest.

>> No.17377120

I buy the cheapeast store brand, no annoying mess, no annoying storage, no gay measuring things that comes with making your own home made shit. It tastes 95% as good as a home made sauce and 98% as good as a top tier jarred sauce.

>> No.17377714

here's a much simpler sauce. nicely savory, naturally sweet and tart, and spicy without having to fuck with much. green peppers round it out with mild bitterness and vegetal flavor.

1 lb dry spaghetti

1 lg or 1.5 medium green pepper, large chop
1 lg or 2 sm sweet onion, large chop
~1/3 cup wine
1 tablespoon capers
dash of caper brine
1 round tsp dry crushed red pepper flakes, or to taste
1 lg can diced tomato
1 sm can diced green chilies
1 round tablespoon tomato paste
1 round tsp dry robust herb (italian seasoning mix, or thyme, or oregano leaf, or rosemary), or eq. bundle of fresh herb
extra virgin olive oil
pepper grinder
fresh parsley, chopped (optional)

start boiling spaghetti water in pot, add salt to about half seawater brackish. cook to taste. drain, toss with extra virgin olive oil/

meanwhile, heat some oil in large skillet or medium saucepan.
saute green pepper and onion for a few minutes, medium-high to high heat.
reduce heat to medium. add wine, capers, caper brine, and red pepper flakes. if using fresh herb, add here. cook for a minute.
add tomatoes, chilies, tomato paste. if using dry herb add here. mix well, bring to simmer, and simmer for 4-5 minutes probably reducing heat.
salt to taste, i usually don't have to add any.

serve noodles, heap of sauce, grind of pepper, add parmesan, add parsley

>> No.17377799

This is a good recipe, idk what the hell everyone is on about. And it can be done in 25-30 minutes.

>> No.17377963

Just get fucking Rao's, anon.

>> No.17377996

Tell us, what did you microwave for dinner tonight?

>> No.17378007

dis nigga over here puttin chili on pasta

>> No.17378429

This shit tastes fucking bad and you know it.

>> No.17378449

Butchered. Stop trying to cook Italian food.

>> No.17378457

you will eat the cream and the peas and you will enjoy it