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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 325 KB, 1190x595, chicken.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17363964 No.17363964 [Reply] [Original]

Are the conspiracy theories about corn syrup and eating processed foods true? Are there any actual negative cognitive effects?

>> No.17363968

Yes it's all true. Everything you read on some dumb roastie cat mom blog in between her posts about being spiritual are true. Also the earth is flat and the holocaust actually happened.

>> No.17363970
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I don't know what you're referring to, but much of what they call "food" is poisonous to some extent using the strictest definition of poison and not the pop culture definition of it always being lethal.

Yes, an unhealthy body will have an unhealthy brain. Some studies have shown obesity affects cognition as well.

inb4 seething plebbitors and FDA-apologists

>> No.17363971

Why do you type like a woman

>> No.17363974
File: 117 KB, 1080x1143, 1610820932291.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Typical jew muddying the waters.

>> No.17363979

Yes, processed foods are bad. No, it's not a conspiracy.

>> No.17363980

Never heard a woman call another woman a roastie

>> No.17363981

Why are you a woman? Faggot.

>> No.17363987

I feel like this image says less about the effects of drugs and more about the lifestyle choices of people who are drawn into drug culture in the first place. But maybe that's putting the cart before the horse.

>> No.17364014
File: 38 KB, 650x367, ERbje9f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has science gone too far?

>> No.17364043

What's the time lapse on that pic? Those poor, stupid women. Get blitzed, eat crap, get fat, look in the mirror, get depressed, repeat.

>> No.17364078


even women are self-conscious about an insult that also applies to them. unlike the pot calling the kettle a nigger.

>> No.17364096
File: 99 KB, 640x480, chickens vr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Science is the naruto running of all academia, the furry porn bald jew who lead the moderna vaccine's creation, the weirdest of weird that will never need be justified less in one hundred years someone decides they were racist.

>> No.17364106

>get high
>get the munchies
>get lazier, never exercise

>> No.17364119

I have never seen a 4kg chicken. 2kg or so is the biggest I've seen.

>> No.17364128

Roastie isn't an insult a woman would ever use to describe another woman. It would be like a straight man trying to insult another man by saying he has an ugly dick, it just doesn't make sense

>> No.17364131

Dropping truth bombs then you have to bring up the holocaust really bro. Lost you therr

>> No.17364132

But Anon... you /do/ have an ugly dick. It's so small and shriveled. It looks like a wrinkled acorn resting on a bean bag chair.

>> No.17364158
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>> No.17364163

>be conquered and ruled by another state
>get marginalized and displaced
>become desperate and destitute
>forever doomed
now do you still hate the jews?

>> No.17364166
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imagine getting dunked on a guy named Hyman

>> No.17364237
File: 157 KB, 1080x1620, beefdip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Corn syrup is effectively identical to cane sugar, they have all the same molecules and the ratio difference is about 5% off.
Every single time a blind taste test has been preformed the results between "organic" and conventional foods has been inconclusive, which means you can't tell the difference.
The makeup of food is chemically identical between production methods, no type of better for humans.
Chickens got bigger due to a change in diet and some light selection pressure from growers. Think of it like the difference between a Korean and a Pacific Islander in humans. One is going to be way bigger.
Grass fed beef is a meme and makes the beef taste gamey and like grass, grain fed makes the superior beef but is more expensive. So look a marketing effort to make cheaper pastured (grass fed) beef become more expensive worked to chance public perception.
Everything causes cancer, the list of chemicals that are known to be non carcinogenic is very short, and for example doesn't include water, or any food product.

People are fat because sugary drinks (and alcohol) are common and plentiful and no matter what marketers say include fruit juices of any or no added sugar. The amount of physical activity you need to complete to "burn off" the calories in food you consume is comically high and isn't viable to control excess intake of calories.
Dietary fat doesn't make you fat, eating fat doesn't just magic into fat in your body. Eating too much fat or any other amount of calories will make you fat. Fat is a high energy food source so eating 'moderate' amounts of it results in too many calories.

Food in the EU isn't better and the ingredient lists are misleading due to different labeling requirements. When thinking about the EU remember that it's a highly political body and propping up farmers is a easy way to win political power. Almost all EU food regulations are protectionism for farms.

Beef Dip is the best hot sandwich.

>> No.17364247

this graph always makes me laugh, why does nobody ever point out that heart disease deaths start to rise BEFORE the consumption of vegetable oil does and, consecutively starts to fall with vegetable oil consumption still rising?
that chart doesn't even imply correlation, it's literally three completely unrelated things pasted into a graph for reasons unknown to any intelligent life

>> No.17364254


"ugly" dick doest make sense, unless you're a woman in which your opinion literally doesnt matter. male psychology is unironically alpha male shit so that's why small dick = insult and big dick = compliment and something like ugly dick is instinctively weird thing to say as much as one roastie calling another roastie a roasite.

>> No.17364261

>Beef Dip is the best hot sandwich

Grilled cheese with tomato soup


>> No.17364317

Epoc mogs thread?

>> No.17364323

You are fucking retarded. The post you responded to was anti-Semitic.

>> No.17364350

t. owner of an ugly dick

>> No.17364362

Jews started trimming their dicks because one of their god's edicts is 'be fruitful and multiply'. As a nomadic arid climate people they had limited access to water which means they could not bathe completely or frequently. As a result of this the penis would become a breeding ground for bacteria.
When you stick a dirty dick into a vagina it promotes infection if there is no opportunity to bathe. A bladder infection can become a kidney infection in very short order. Any lower abdomen infection can result in reduced fertility or even death, particularly during childbirth.
It is imperative to maintain the viability of your breeding stock. The covenant with their god to be fruitful and multiply meant the man must sacrifice of himself to ensure the continuance of his line.

We have running water and soap. Mutilating our organs, as they were made in the Creator's image, is an affront. Does this god wish us to be less than itself, the image we were created in?

>> No.17364508

>conspiracy theories
nothing conspiratorial, just facts

>> No.17364549

How come heart disease deaths have trended downwards while oil consumption has continued to increase? Better treatments? Something else is killing them first?

>> No.17364656

>Grass fed beef is a meme and makes the beef taste gamey and like grass
So grass fed beef tastes like......real beef?
>grain fed makes the superior beef
Debatable, you get some nice marbling on grain fed beef
>but is more expensive

>> No.17364699

Grain fed is less expensive yeah that’s stupid. But that’s a good thing because pure grass fed beef would cost ridiculous bucks

>> No.17364913

Yes it costs more to let cows walk around in a section of land that's unsuited to growing food crops. It's clearly cheaper to buy grains from a feed farmer pay all their costs and ship food to your ranch.
But the price at the store says grass fed is more expensive, and that means better!

>> No.17365012

This -- first off life expectancy in 1900 was low enough that most people wouldn't even live long enough to get where heart problems typically crop up today. Second "heart disease deaths in thousands" probably isn't even per-capita adjusted. Third the changes in the deaths trendline are not terribly sensitive compared to the changes in vegetable oil consumption.

About all this graph could show is that heart disease deaths and saturated fat consumption are not correlated. Which is a valid point; the old studies purporting to correlate eggs or saturated fat or what have you to heart disease were fatally flawed (like most studies in nutrition, especially relatively ancient ones).

>> No.17365133

I would be surprised if there wasn't drawbacks, but I'm no food scientist. The only thing I'm certain of is that science is rarely ever as settled as people might claim, who knows what they'll say in five years time. Personally I pursue eating less processed from my experience that they generally taste better. I've see more and more people talk about cutting out "seed oils" cause there's a hundred and one benefits to it, but in the end I'm frying my eggs in good quality butter cause it tastes better not cause I'll maybe avoid sunburn.

>> No.17365518
File: 437 KB, 1200x2000, 1621058868726.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why my pp hard

>> No.17365524

What are the fda allowable levels of contaminants for processed corn syrup and what are those contaminants?

>> No.17365540

The US government is intentionally making its population as fat as possible with corn syrup so that they'll survive the coming apocalypse/WWIII on reserve bodyfat when food is scarce

As climate changes, we'll need to take Canada for farmland and this will be a handy benefit

>> No.17365549

Statistically, stoners are skinnier than the average american

The reason in my experience is that the typical stoner works some job and comes home and smokes. Smoking is tied to hunger and so they aren't hungry until night-time. So they de facto intermittent fast

>> No.17365910

How can a chiken live this long?

>> No.17366000

What you eat is probably insognificant compared to how much you eat. Heart disease will correlate a lot stronger to obesity.
But you have the blue zone project and asking the people of the longest lived regions (Sardinia, Okinawa, Loma Linda, Icaria), and interviewed them on what they ate. Loma Linda eat almost entirely vegan. Sardinia has like 26% of their consumed food mass as cheese. Dietary fat and carbs probably matter less than we think.

>> No.17366093

got me laffin

>> No.17366458

thats stupid, I lost weight after I started to smoke weed
weed hunger is mostly placebo

>> No.17366512
File: 647 KB, 500x289, R.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

max par

>> No.17366536
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>> No.17366744
File: 173 KB, 984x738, whale_museum_architect.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17366755
File: 174 KB, 941x507, skdjghaiulb4glwiulq38iu4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ayo, dey thicc aight, but come on. you can see the size difference in their chairs too.
if you smoke weed you gotta watch out for the munchies man. you cottonmouth is a little bitch, but munchies will topple a mans spirit

>> No.17366756

The idea that companies would sell unhealthy products is not a "conspiracy theory". Is it a conspiracy theory that tobacco is bad for you? I mean, theres no way that many people could get together and sell something that literally kills people.

>> No.17366775

Yes. Corn syrup literally rots your brain. It’s made to be cheap as possible and put in as many foods as possible to dumb down people.
well poisoning shill

>> No.17366780

>Corn syrup is effectively identical to cane sugar, they have all the same molecules and the ratio difference is about 5% off.
And? They say chimpanzees are like 90% genetically identical to a banana. And only 0.1% of DNA differs between any human. A few percentage points can make a huge difference in such situations.
>Every single time a blind taste test has been preformed the results between "organic" and conventional foods has been inconclusive, which means you can't tell the difference.
What? The point of organic food is not the taste, its the nutrition and lack of carcinogens.
>Everything causes cancer, the list of chemicals that are known to be non carcinogenic is very short, and for example doesn't include water, or any food product.
Bullshit relativism. We all know water doesn't cause cancer, and certain substances will have significantly higher or lower correlations than others.
>Dietary fat doesn't make you fat, eating fat doesn't just magic into fat in your body. Eating too much fat or any other amount of calories will make you fat. Fat is a high energy food source so eating 'moderate' amounts of it results in too many calories.
>Beef Dip is the best hot sandwich.
At least these statements are reasonable.

>> No.17366792

What are they feeding these fat chickens?

>> No.17366883

>Corn syrup is effectively identical to cane sugar, they have all the same molecules and the ratio difference is about 5% off.
Its insanely cheap and thus overused, thats the issue, not that it has slightly more fructose
>Every single time a blind taste test has been preformed the results between "organic" and conventional foods has been inconclusive, which means you can't tell the difference.
Growing method is only part of what contributes to taste. And even then, those arent even methods, they're broad families of methods.
>The makeup of food is chemically identical between production methods, no type of better for humans.
Well thats just wrong, straight up FDA propaganda that all carrots or whatever have the exact same nutritional value regardless of when, where, and how it was grown.
>Grass fed beef is a meme and makes the beef taste gamey and like grass, grain fed makes the superior beef but is more expensive. So look a marketing effort to make cheaper pastured (grass fed) beef become more expensive worked to chance public perception.
Yes, the FDA has convinced the US that the flavor of actual beef is bad. Its no mistake that most of the most popular cuts are the least beefy
>Everything causes cancer, the list of chemicals that are known to be non carcinogenic is very short, and for example doesn't include water, or any food product.
Pedantic reductionism in ill faith.

>> No.17366897

Why can jews never sound natural when they try and bait you? Is it in their psychology?

>> No.17367455
File: 127 KB, 1203x899, 1626389933603.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Grass fed beef is a meme