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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 250 KB, 1200x800, shutterstock_750570946.0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17363183 No.17363183 [Reply] [Original]

are bodegas really as cool as they look in the movies?

>> No.17363204

No. Movies don't give you the smell

>> No.17363214
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I wish the grocery store was just a staircase away from my home.

>> No.17363245
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Average bodega in nyc look more like pic related

>> No.17363249
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now we put da customa onna papuh

>> No.17363863
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>> No.17363870

How do people live without a bodega? What do you do when you are out of a few things and need it in a pinch?

>> No.17363873

I go to the grocery store that's about a mile from my house. Maybe a fifteen minute walk.

>> No.17363880
File: 8 KB, 275x183, -09imoij k2fnu4nu3g4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you ain't gotta smell it, just buy something in it
i can throw a rock and hit two gas stations from here

>> No.17363890

I went to one almost every day when I visited the USA. They're pretty handy for a quick bite if you can power through being harassed by rabid crackheads.

>> No.17363892 [DELETED] 

In the us there's a "quickie" mart, or gas station on every corner. They're extremely over priced and only niggers who have no vehicle "shop" at them (steal from them)

>> No.17363898

I meant to say: In the rest of the us

>> No.17363902

This is basically a bodega. I have zero clue why certain neighbourhoods feel the need to make a cultural phenomenon out of a privately-owned corner store.

>> No.17363910

There’s nothing like walking into the bodega, grabbing an iced cafecito, chopping it up with everyone behind the counter + appreciating the dude who’s blasting “Oye Como Va” through his backpack speaker.

In this small moment, nothing else matters. Today is a good day.

>> No.17363917

>are bodegas really as cool as they look in the movies?
>I have zero clue why certain neighbourhoods feel the need to make a cultural phenomenon out of a privately-owned corner store.

Hollywood has an interest in glorifying the urban hellscape, New York above all.

>> No.17363919

I hate beaners so much it's unreal. They've ruined the US

>> No.17363924

>boars head
Into the trash it goes.

>> No.17363941

>This is basically a pub. I have zero clue why certain cities feel the need to make a cultural phenomenon out of a privately-owned bar.

>> No.17363942

What's wrong with boars head?

>> No.17363955

>has no understanding of what a public house is and why they are called pubs and not bars, completely separate things

>> No.17363961

Cheap Chinese goyfeed on par with Oscar myer

>> No.17363973


The movie depictions look comfy because they suggest a tight-knit local community, people who grew up together with a common cultural basis, small businesses owned by families you know that became part of your daily routine. Even outside of big cities, corner stores and newstands could have that vibe in the past. But these days, in reality, most bodegas are just selling junk food to (1) commuting workers and (2) low-income residents trapped in cities without access to proper grocery stores. They also run EBT scams.

>> No.17363985

For real? I thought they were one of the better deli companies. Can I get a qrd?

>> No.17364002

You really fucked up that word swap, anon.

>> No.17364005

>thinks he feels better knowing he told this one anon on the internet why something is what it is by not saying why it is what it is

>> No.17364038

In Arizona we have carnicerias which could knock the shit out of bodagos in a fight

>> No.17364342

You won't get a reply from him because he's just talking up shit without any information to back it up.

>> No.17364353

I never run out of anything because I keep a stock of things I regularly use. It's a neat lifehack called 'not being retarded'. Tell your friends

>> No.17364360

Whatever you point was it didn't come across, try again

>> No.17364361

Anon, plz stop. It’s just embarrassing now.

>> No.17364371

What happened was people on /ck/ started talking positively about it.
So the contrarian mong-patrol had to start saying it’s shit. No reason or anything, it’s shit because they say it’s shit.

>> No.17364373

>midwit uses trivia to feign intelligence, is obviously retarded
many such cases

>> No.17364376

Noting in real life is as cool as depicted in movies.
For example, we're living in a cyberpunk dystopia. Pretty cool right? Wrong. It's tiresome, aggravating, and demeaning.

>> No.17364492

dont forget the bev

>> No.17364499

Based az bro

>> No.17364511

i drive 40 minutes into town or i make something else

>> No.17364646

Enjoy paying overpriced shit

>> No.17364662

>What do you do when you are out of a few things and need it in a pinch

Go to the store.
Plan ahead.

But live in a detached house with a garage and own an automobile, so it's not really a hassle to pop drive 2 minutes to a supermarket and buy groceries.

I'm sure if you live in a closet and can only buy what you carry (or pull around a dumb little cart) then it's difficult.

Also I have like 5 different grocery stores within 5 minutes of where I live. I cannot imagine only being able to shop at a fucking mini mart

>> No.17365899


>> No.17365916

I literally LITERALLY used to live across the street from this in an apartment in Ridgewood. I would get beer and cigarettes from here. I was robbed further down the street under the train.

>> No.17365936
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Tfw you live in an area that is not globohomoed enough to support a bodega

>> No.17365942

I'm kinda disgusted by the latino experience in the US. Its a fucking mess of retarded tropes mostly PR mexican and cuban.

Bodega isn't a thing, it's just a generic name for a store. Call it a fucking store. Carniceria is the literal translation of butcher shop. Actually a bodega is just a storage place.

Is't like when fucking americans call sauce "salsa" and fucking melted cheese "queso" but say QUESO-OO

>> No.17365947

They're just shitty corner stores. They're only romanticized because of NYC Stockholm syndrome

>> No.17365969

White people aren't ghosts anon

>> No.17365972

>nooooo why don’t you speak my language perfectly in YOUR country
You could always go back

>> No.17365973

Everything latinos do bring us down. They sit in front of stoops all day drinking, littering, pissing in the streets and fighting each other.

>> No.17365974
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No one cares faggot

>> No.17365976
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No, but it's nice being able to drunkenly purchase illegal cigarettes and a chopped cheese from a Yemeni immigrant 24/7.

>> No.17365993

>chopped cheese
oh fuck off you stupid hipster fuck. No one eats that shit other than you fucks from Wisconsin.

>hi I would like a cheeseburger only messier and harder to eat

>> No.17365995

>oh fuck off you stupid hipster fuck. No one eats that shit other than you fucks from Wisconsin.
NTA but i got them all the time when i lived by the brooklyn bridge, had no clue they were called a "chopped cheese" until a few months ago.

>> No.17365996

you've been to a gas station before haven't you

>> No.17366002

Holy shit I also recognized this from my time in Ridgewood.

>> No.17366006

It's the most try hard most forced thing I ever seen to try to give NYC unique local cuisine.

>> No.17366008

Try-hard tourist spotted. After school the local spots are packed with kids ordering them. Just about every bodega outside of a project in Harlem and the Bronx has them advertised on their signs.

>> No.17366014

Hey Wisconsin faggot, after school we weren't buying stuff from the deli counter because we usually had 50 cents to our name so we would instead get hot Cheetos or hot popcorn and a quarter water you stupid fuck transplant

>> No.17366017

t. br*oklyn or staten island (p.s. it is an insult to staten island to mention it in the same sentence as br*oklyn)

>> No.17366019

did they get your ciggies?

>> No.17366024

Of course you both do because that deli is on the border of Bushwick which is where you transplant fucks migrated close to after you got priced out of Williamsburg

>> No.17366025

i dont know what youre talking about anon, it's just a name, when i ordered them i just called it a cheesesteak. The way they would cut and season the beef is hard to come by now that i live in another state. You're upset about a name, anon. And for what it's worth, there are literally dozens of "famous american dishes" and fad foods that were "invented" in hotels in manhattan so NYC already has a well entrenched "unique local food culture"

>> No.17366027

bed stuy transplant whiteoids have never been above 96th street, of course they wouldn't know what goes on in the real NYC

>> No.17366028

Times have changed, Juanito. Get with it.

>> No.17366029

Yo I’m from New Yawk, kid! Go Yankees! Fuck chop cheese yo! We eat da hot fries like da niggas in new yawk

>> No.17366033

>haha jokes on you, i grew up poor!
anon did you think this post through before you sent it?

>> No.17366036

Sometimes, there's reasons not readily visible, that make them cool to me. If you're a regular at some of these places, they'll let you slide for a few bucks until later. Supermarkets do NOT do that. I also remember this one bodega dude letting me go with a whole bag of groceries, for 2 joints. Supermarkets will NOT do that. Seriously, if you don't like the look, DON'T go in. I live in the country now and sure miss the one I was using. Just sayin'.....

>> No.17366043

I am not "upset about a name" I am calling out transplants pretending that they were born and raised in NYC

Thank you for admitting it's not authentic NY and a recent changed thing.

Do you not know the state of NYC from the 70's to the late 80's?

>> No.17366046

>Do you not know the state of NYC from the 70's to the late 80's?
>it's a boomer too
nobody cares nigger

>> No.17366050

>transplant left back to the midwest after mommy and daddy's money ran out

you do you keep responding

>> No.17366051

We uncultured flyovers have something similar known as a "corner store".

>> No.17366053
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>> No.17366054

>I am not "upset about a name"
just seeing the word 'chopped cheese' literally flung you into a furious rant about transplants and hipsters. You're obsessed lmao it's a fucking sandwich

>> No.17366060

>you do you keep responding
maybe it's just because you're such a tough authentic new yawk kind of guy?

>> No.17366061

I cant wait till china nukes the urban coastal areas.

>> No.17366062

No I called out fake transplants anon. Look how angry you are now misrepresenting what I said and my argument.

>> No.17366065

No NYer has been tough in the last 20 years. I lost count the amount of times I saw a black homeless person bear someone on a train and everyone just looked away

>> No.17366071

not fat enough, too white, and none of the clothes have the price tags still on them, oh wait I see you are implying that he's a faker, never mind carry on

>> No.17366077

>No I called out fake transplants anon. Look how angry you are now misrepresenting what I said and my argument.
I didn't misrepresent shit you dumb nignog, I merely pointed out what provoked you to "argue" in the first place. Hit the books retard.

>> No.17366083

He's mocking transplants which include people who rave about bodega cats and chopped cheese sandwiches

Calm down faggot Jesus Christ

>> No.17366087

Nah kid new yawk is da centuh of da world and everything starts ova heyuh kid

>> No.17366091

>literal no u
eyyyy im postin here!

>> No.17366092

my house is sits in a city block with a bunch of other houses. im all about getting out of the city but its actually a pretty chill neighborhood.
the city block right next to us has a walmart. i can check for ammo when i take the dog on a walk.

>> No.17366094

Then why do they dress as ghosts and try to spook minorities?

>> No.17366097

who hurt you?

>> No.17366104

I either walk to one of the 12 gas stations nearby if I just need some spaghetti or milk or whatever, or I go to Walmart which is like a quarter mile from here.

Or I get in my car and drive to any of the dozens of stores within 10 minute driving distance, where I can save like 40% on food cost

>> No.17366106

>How do people live without a bodega? What do you do when you are out of a few things and need it in a pinch?
You ever heard of fucking 7/11?

>> No.17366109
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>Yeah, I worked hard and pulled myself out of poverty, what do you have to say about it, nigger?

>> No.17366110

Why go to a bodega instead of supermarket? In my city in Sweden I live literally 5 min walking from 4 different supermarkets. And I think most people in the city got at least one supermarket close by. They're cheaper, cleaner and got better selection.
Are supermarkets rare in the US or what?

>> No.17366115
File: 64 KB, 540x540, Jueces.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the flyovers are posting again

>> No.17366117

I was in new yawk for 7/11 and it isn’t something we joke about, ya jergoff.

>> No.17366119

WTF are you whining about? This was my only post on /ck/ you raging faggot. Are you hitting on me??

>> No.17366121

>pulled myself out of poverty
there's no way that anon isn't still a dirt poor rentard lmao
are you a bot or did you just run out of that snappy new yawker wit

>> No.17366122

Because these people already have bad financial sense living in NYC as is so why not say fuck it and pay 3 times the price for a bottle of Diet Pepsi

>> No.17366129


I am telling you to relax my posts made you angrier than it should.

>> No.17366138

the only reason anyone thinks about mexico is for walled-off resorts or the latest cartel execution porn

>> No.17366143

>another no u
im having a good time anon, what about (You)?

>> No.17366146

I was mocking you, Anon. You're the try-hard "real Noo Yawker." You're the reason Eric Adams is mayor.

>> No.17366149

It's not that big a deal anon

>> No.17366158

a real new yawker wouldve said "ayyy fuhghettobowted"

>> No.17366163

>But these days, in reality, most bodegas are just selling junk food to (1) commuting workers
some, but most of the guys i know only go in them for water/powerade/energy drinks, or hot food like sandwiches/burritos/etc. or tobacco products.

>> No.17366166

I like how all I said was that the chopped cheese was something Midwestern transplants pushed and that pushed you all into this angry hyperbole filled meltdown about me. I clearly touched a nerve with you hipsters.

Real NYers wouldn't be getting as mad as you are getting

>> No.17366169

* laughs in affordable housing *

>> No.17366170

I think mayor adams is a pretty cool guy. eh triggers the white liberals transplants and doesn't afraid of anything

>> No.17366173

if you knew what white society without minorities was like you'd do the same.

>> No.17366175

>yet another no u
cant you see im postin here??

>> No.17366176

he's a retarded new yorker, the universe hurt him by putting him in that filthy shithole

>> No.17366178

Are you saying you want to move to Poland, anon?

>> No.17366181

do i get a polish QT3.14?

>> No.17366182
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>> No.17366188

anon I only lived there for 15 or 16 months, it was just a job assignment. I moved on. I made the "classic authentic new yawker finger-kiss-of-approval move" and packed my shit for Florida.

>> No.17366189

>he's still mad

He's some midwestern transplant having a meltdown because I insulted his favorite hipster sandwich

>> No.17366196

if I was mad I would be sitting here counting backwards from 100 and squeezing my stress doll, but im not, im replying to you.

>> No.17366198

>he's still mad

>> No.17366218
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>uh yeah, enzo, gimme one of them cheeses, yeah, chopped, just the way i like em

>> No.17366227
File: 147 KB, 750x937, Bodega-cats-15-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nah bro you need to go into the bodega and ask for the bread the cat slept and shit on to get that authentic NY experience you wouldn't get it

>> No.17366233
File: 1001 KB, 500x500, ditsoon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yea ok, thas one cheese, chopped, would u like to add a celray and a hotdog to make it a new yawker unda-da-bridge combo meal today boss?

>> No.17366242
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lol i avoid black bodegas. luckily i live across from PR one here in brooklyn. they an absolute qt bodega cat they braves cold weather to catch mice/rats crossing the street. i bought her some cat food, the bodega guys were very grateful. they said next buy honey ham slices, she goes absolutely nuts for that.

>> No.17366243

okay but have you ever scrapped with the bodegas cat?

>> No.17366247

You sound like a brain damaged retard or a woman.

>> No.17366249

hey, forget about it

>> No.17366261

>hey please buy cat food from our store or overpriced deli meats to feed our cat you stupid gringo
I thank God every day I am not white. I can't imagine living being this gullible.

>> No.17366265

>are bodegas really as cool as they look in the movies?
it's just a corner store

>> No.17366266

better prices at the grocery store i'm pretty sure. amusing that cityfags have a special word for a gas station though

>> No.17366268

wtf is a "black bodega"?

t. morrisania

>> No.17366273

Yeah but it's human food unlike the stuff you get at Walmart, flyover.

>> No.17366275

they shoplift from you when you go in

>> No.17366278 [DELETED] 
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nah, im big brained ape because i avoid roodypoo bodegas, and incidentally crown fried chicken.

>hey please buy cat food from our store or overpriced deli meats to feed our cat you stupid gringo

lmao they never asked, they even helped me park one time in an extremely tight space. i'm /an/igger for qt cats and they're cool chill dudes that's just it.

>> No.17366279
File: 494 KB, 700x700, jocko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ey ya, enzo, gimme a new yawk minute on that cheese, chopped, i gotta get to my job at yankee stadium here! gotta go alldawayupta da bronx!

>> No.17366294

>white transplants have trouble parallel parking
kek the stereotypes just keep coming

>> No.17366310
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>can ya believe these fuckin townies enzo, they dont even pahk their cahs da right way. blending in? forget about it, they belong here like the mets belong in tha world series. fuckin mets. anyways i gotta get goin up to tha bronx for my job with the yankees at yankee stadium, if im not there, who the fuck is gonna push da mop around? the porta rican? i dont think so pal

>> No.17366314

It's called Amazon Fresh, grandpa.

>> No.17366315


yea im shit at parking, and they know it so they helped out to which im grateful for. they also have beef with the roodypoos on our street, so as far as im concerned im throwing in with the PRs because these roodypoos are some of the realiest roodypoooiest roodypoos i had the displeasure to share a street with.

>> No.17366335

I can't imagine being as emasculated as you. Prancing around, feeding random cats, asking people to park cars for you, get your shit together white people.

>> No.17366339

boom boom bye bye batty boy

>> No.17366345

based deli dweller

>> No.17366349

not every bar is a pub, however, every bodega is a convenience store.

>> No.17366380

There is nothing impressive about NYC cuisine. All of the popular NYC shit is just low quality drunk food. I have found places outside of NYC that make comparable pizza.

>> No.17366397
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ahhh, authentic

>> No.17366418


i cant imagine how the beggar corner roodypoo would shitpost if he were a phoneposter yet here you are

>inb4 chimp out 1v1 me irl

relax nigger, do you want to get shot by the police? eric adams knows how roodypoo you can be and he works for the whiteman.

>> No.17366436

How about this time in English my ESL friend?

>> No.17366444
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>> No.17366446


>doesnt know what roodypoo means

not only a nigger but a newfag too. probably uynderaged b& too. fucking zoomers i swear.

>> No.17366449


>> No.17366461
File: 2.80 MB, 742x718, 1608852714527.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I thank God every day I am not white.

>> No.17366471

You sure showed me with your picture of a laughing Jew

>> No.17366490

>eurotrash samefag what doesn't know semantics

>> No.17366537

Who the fuck wants to live in Williamsburg these days?

>> No.17366597

How come no one shits on Latinos for being cousinfuckers, or is that only a domincan and puerto rican thing?

>> No.17366616

>two posts are literally 11sec apart
It’s even more embarrassing now :(

>> No.17366621
File: 79 KB, 700x638, 27AEB6F0-173D-44A0-9FBF-7F8B4CF10E42.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how could that even be possible?

>> No.17366630

No they smell and are full of redguards and other unsavory creatures.

>> No.17366666

delet this

>> No.17366674

>ny rat unable to fathom the existence of grocery stores and gas stations

>> No.17366675


>> No.17366767

Why is hamburger helper between buns a thing in New York? What an absolute shithole.

>> No.17366776
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Go to cumbies ofc and always get their cookie icecream sandwiches on the way out

>> No.17366824

t. Has never even seen hamburger helper in his whole entire life

>> No.17366839 [DELETED] 

cry about it you filthy little spic

>> No.17366843

>Carniceria means butcher
Try carnival, dingus.

>> No.17366847

Oye Como VA

>> No.17366848

I am not kinda disgusted, I am disgusted by your kind. Paint the ceiling with your brains beaner.

>> No.17366867

I live around the corner from a grocery store

>> No.17366893
File: 546 KB, 786x949, 1634880529447.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every day I thank god I wasn't born in New York

>> No.17366896

This. Being an actual city cockroach seems soul-stealing

>> No.17366973
File: 137 KB, 800x440, 20210703-dni-no-binario-fin-distincion-por-genero.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm kinda disgusted by the latinx experience in the US
fixed for you pute pendejx
algunxs de nosotrxs no somos binarixs

>> No.17366984

Typical angloid, has to get the Mexican do his painting for him

>> No.17366996

>dis is the greatest city in the world
>you can get a slice or a cheese on any cornuh getdafugouttahere

>> No.17366999

Shut up Gringo

>> No.17367013

They will be soon because they're going extinct

>> No.17367044

>chooped cheese
NYCs shitty answer to superior Phily's cheesesteak.

>> No.17367048

Apparently you were too pussy to do shit too.

>> No.17367059

I walk 30 minutes to the closest grocery store

>> No.17367064

Why don’t you just get in your car and drive?

>> No.17367098
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Man you new yorkers argue about some meaningless shit.

>> No.17367105

Gringos are white, pendejx. I'm not.

>> No.17367180

Oh please go make a thread right now saying Pat or Geno's is the best Cheesesteak spot in all of Philadelphia and look at all the retarded shit that will be said to you

>> No.17367214

You mean a meat and cheese? I can’t believe nobody ever combined those two ingredients before Philadelphia was a thing

>> No.17367344
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>> No.17367352

Bodegas always unsettled me. Especially the ones with the newport ads with the smiling, happy people. Used to think it was creepy how they had now windows or the windows were blocked by products but now I think its even creepier that all the new "bodegas" have clear front glass and bright daylight lights at all times of night.

>> No.17367441


Everyone in NYC probably has toxoplasmosis gondii, which explains why they want to live in rat infested shithole

>> No.17367444

>clear front glass and bright daylight lights
That's a deli though

>> No.17367854

>No one eats that shit other than you fucks from Wisconsin
>Hey Wisconsin faggot
>transplant left back to the midwest
>Midwestern transplants pushed
>some midwestern transplant

jesus christ i have never seen this much cope and rage from one mentally challenged poster

>> No.17367998

>the toxoplasmosis meme again
We get it anon, you read kiwi farms.

>> No.17368082

deadass that's a nice fit

>> No.17368091

>yankee with brim
no it isnt

>> No.17368442
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>> No.17368464

They aight tho?

>> No.17369465

They don't look cool what are you even talking about

>> No.17369489

Serial jew rapist let loose on innocent japanese men and women

>> No.17369493

they come from the same trucks from the same ports lol
just because its in a wicker basket you are paying twice the price
consoom, dumb ape

>> No.17369509

what the fuck does any of that mean

>> No.17369521

uh no movie has ever made them lok col, so.....?

>> No.17369525


>> No.17369537

florida is actual trash tho lol

>> No.17369542

For Me? It's Family Mart. Nothing beats an ice cold grapefruit chuhai and some Famichikin after a 12 hour day at work

>> No.17369552

>They sit in front of stoops all day drinking, littering, pissing in the streets and fighting each other.
A way of life that can persist for longer than any white nation's

>> No.17369572

White genocide needs to hurry the fuck up, I'm tired of all the crying

>> No.17369633

I don't even consider mixed mud people from Jew York my countrymen. I hope the chinks nuke NYC.

>> No.17370058

Movies get just about everything wrong no matter what they are trying to portray. Bodega can be comfy though, especially in the morning because you can get a coffee and a bacon, egg and cheese. It's a fact that bodegas make them the best, nowhere else comes close.

>> No.17370331

Yo Jamal could you please do me a favor
When we get to the corner stop at the bodega
Hopped out the car, walked inside
the store's stereo was playin' Feliz Navidad
I got a pack of condoms and walked to the back of the line
There was three Taliban that was talkin' very loud
One reached in his back side and pulled out a Beretta gun
The last word I heard myself say was a four letter one
He looked me in the eye and said the drama's never done
Cuz there's no return...no return

>> No.17370364
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>mfw this thread
why are city folk like this?

>> No.17370377

it's a term i have heard being mentioned in rap music a lot between 1995-2000

i assume it's the us equivalent of buying stuff at the gas stations but americans don't have gas stations in the city so they go to bodegas.

>> No.17370402

this is the dumbest post ive seen. it’s the same u retard

>> No.17370408

I actually plan a little and not mindlessly throw shit in my shopping cart

>> No.17370417

I bet you can't find the Pleiades in the night sky if you tried.

>> No.17370427

>why are city folk like this?
It has to be something in the water or air, they are always so quick to anger and defend their nigger loving culture.

>> No.17370433

mmmmulti fridge.

>> No.17370543

Adam a cute

>> No.17370562

>chinese phone farms are gangstalking me on an anime website to call me an idiot

>> No.17370816

Your country is a spanish speaking country you dumb fuck. I'm also not in the US retard.
Everything non billionaires do bring the US down, trash like you should die.
Care enough to reply fucking failure.
Not crying just disgusted about your sad and decadent culture.
What the fuck are you talking about? Carnival isnt even a spanish word. And it means carnaval.
See my reply to >>17365973 I can only hope your country's suicide rate keeps going up and include you.

>> No.17370825

No though some have cats

>> No.17370851
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>> No.17370884
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u funy

>> No.17370982

>I have zero clue why certain neighbourhoods feel the need to make a cultural phenomenon out of a privately-owned corner store.

probably because their bodega feels more homey than a typical gas station does. the bodegas could be on their same housing block

>In the us there's a "quickie" mart, or gas station on every corner. They're extremely over priced

i wouldn't say gas station food is 'extremely overpriced'.. on most of the items you're only paying 0.50 cents + more. that's why it's called a convenience store, because all of the items are conveniently easier to purchase compared to entering a large grocery store.

>americans don't have gas stations in the city so they go to bodegas.

The music you're listening to is made by new york rappers. Because the only place where bodega's exist is in New york city on corners. This is also why we call gas stations in other american cities 'corner stores' but not 'bodegas'.

>> No.17371424

Isn't a bodega basically a convenience store

>> No.17371560

i guess i'd use one if there was nothing around, but there's a morton williams half a block over and i know how to fucking cook so i don't lose my shit over $5 monster and $7 egg sandwich in the morning lmao

>> No.17371778

based authentic new yockers

>> No.17371789

i feed some stray cats deli slices and they go crazy for it

>> No.17371814

You don’t understand, that bread was once another cat.

>> No.17371827

Gringos are foreigners, amercoid

>> No.17371834

A guatemalan in panama is a gringo? A spaniard in peru? A chinaman in canada?

It doesn't seem like you've thought this through, larping latinx pendejx

>> No.17371911
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yeah but they'll also cook you shit like breakfast sandwiches and pic rel

>> No.17371915


>> No.17371922

wtf looks cool about some shitty corner store to you?

>> No.17371970
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how did you know?
posting some real food now

>> No.17372131
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>the seething from flyovers itt

>> No.17372152

kek if NY was a "flyover" the twin towers would still be standing

>> No.17372198

motherfuckin piece of shit never forget the day that changed gabagool our lives this city is the shining beacon of america and when it is attacked america as a whole is attacked we are the gabagool grittiest and most ingenuitive people in the country and gabagool you can go fuck your sister bertha again clyde dumbass country niggers

>> No.17372267

whats a bodega

>> No.17372297

Well I'm lucky. 2 miles to the nearest kroger from my house. Live in a smallish city.

>> No.17372303

Maybe in 1995
very few of them have that look anymore , they tend to have ugly LED signs that say "HABIBI 126 DELI AND GRILL"

>> No.17372306

Most bodegas in NYC are run by Arabs

>> No.17372311

Chopped cheese is popular among hood kids but to be fair it only became widely popular in recent-ish history

>> No.17372318

Bodegas are common in NJ and parts of PA too

>> No.17372320

New Yorker here, modern NY stereotypes are so corny
Mostly perpetuated by reddit whites trying to be like the ghetto black and Hispanic locals

>> No.17372335

White transplants don't drive, they're mostly hippies who hate cars
Black and Hispanic New Yorkers love cars though

>> No.17372338

yea I imagined if any exist out of new york city, then it would only be near that region. but if you look up bodegas on wikipedia, it says its only a new york city thing and doesn't mention anywhere else

>> No.17372343

Does wikipedia mention that most of them are owned by Arabs? Hood niggas call the clerks "Acks"

>> No.17372411
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>> No.17372694

How do they look cool? They are in shit neighborhoods you retard

>> No.17372698

Convenience store

>> No.17372775


>> No.17372802

I was about to start ranting about white hipster transplant shitheads but then I realized someone else already did it

>> No.17372835
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>he's back
woaaaah this thread just got more authentic

>> No.17372841

Different guy. I actually eat chop cheese sandwiches. I like them.

>> No.17372848

>I like them

>> No.17372857

ayyy i just cot dah j train all dah way to dah 27. gimme onna dem chopped cheeses and make it quick cuz i gotta go to brooklyn' tah do a 'ting

>> No.17372869

Is this a fusion of Italians from the 60s and modern day black New Yorkers?

>> No.17372872

Hate to break it to you but few look like that anymore. they generally have fugly vinyl or flashing LED signs with google images stock photos of groceries in the windows

>> No.17372919

We have corner stores more or less like that where I live. It’s a small New England city though so we call them packie stores - but truthfully those are more liquor stores. In the New York context I understand it’s more like a small deli plus a convenience store.

>> No.17372951

>packie stores
nice larp, it's "Paki"

>> No.17373040

>In New York City, a bodega is a small owner-operated convenience store. Its name is derived from the Spanish word for "storeroom" or "wine cellar". Usually located on New York's street corners, they are renowned for their convivial culture and colorful character.There are an estimated 13,000 bodegas across the city.

>Bodegas were originally popularized in the mid-twentieth century by Puerto Ricans. Although they were initially documented in the 1930s, the first bodega may have opened even earlier.
>Despite their Hispanic origins, by the late 2010s approximately half of all bodegas were operated by Yemeni American immigrants.

>> No.17373046

Yeah it's probably like 50% Arabs, 10% Asians, and the rest various Latinos (mainly Dominican and Mexican)

>> No.17373064
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This is what modern bodegas look like, the old school look is pretty much dead
This isn't even the worst example, I'll find some uglier ones to post

>> No.17373081
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This one is pretty bad

>> No.17373261

You'll swing faggot...
You dumbfucks are just pushing past the 25% of us who are dysgenic...
Keep pushin'...
You know what happened last time.