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File: 535 KB, 1600x1200, 09-05-dt0310-divebar-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17333786 No.17333786 [Reply] [Original]

So I started going to this bar a couple months ago. I have only gone there about 8 times so far.

Tonight I told the bartender, hey I'm stepping outside for a second, is that alright and am I good to leave my beer here? He said, "I got you bro."

I'm outside smoking for 2 minutes when this guy rolls up. Seems like he is a regular because people outside are greeting him. But the guy is awkward af. He tries to hug and dap up a few dudes outside and it looks so unnatural.

He appears to be in his early 30s. Scrawny. He is wearing these ill fitting pleated black dress slacks that he probably got from a bin at TJ Maxx. He has on this white dress shirt with the type of spread collar that looks goofy without a tie. He also needs a cycle of accutane.

Anyway, so this guy goes inside and I watch him steal my seat and push my beer to the side. I go inside and take my beer and relocate next to this cute RN who just got off work.

But I'm offended that the bartender didn't protect my seat or at least acknowledge to me that he messed up.

I don't know how to handle this right now. I've tipped the bartender super well the few times I've been there. He has even commented on it.

I know the bartenders ex girlfriend. She is nasty with a fat face and stomach, not s great chest and the flattest ass I've ever seen. She dumped him because he is 35 and still doesn't have a car and lives with roommates. Also this guy is a huge Yankees fan and has never lived a day of his life in New York if that tells you anything

Point is, I'm sitting here with a bill for $29 and don't know whether to tip $15 in the hopes it gets me better service in the future or to tip $0 to let him know that he will not be rewarded for disrespecting me by giving away my seat

>> No.17333802
File: 900 KB, 284x480, 1643155197378.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you asked him to watch your beer, not save you a seat

it's not cheers, fagtron

>> No.17333804

I thought you just put your coaster on your beer if you're coming back.

>> No.17333806

This is a pretty old copypasta

>> No.17333818

No, gtfo weirdo. This is real, original shit. Search it and nothing will come up. Please stop making mischief, this is an important matter.

>> No.17333822

literally this, the beer was unharmed

>> No.17333826

You and your story are ridiculous. I would not tip him zero, but tip him 1 dollar per glass of beer or pour. If the bar was busy it's unreasonable to expect the bartender to do that for you.

>> No.17333829 [DELETED] 

why are you going to a bar in the middle of a pandemic?

>> No.17333841 [DELETED] 

this. you don't live in some flyover that scoffs the law right? right?

>> No.17333855 [DELETED] 

I got vaccinated and also already caught omicron 21 days ago and recovered from it so there isn't any reason for me to be hiding

>> No.17333861 [DELETED] 

you can still spread it chud

>> No.17333863 [DELETED] 

Source? Is that what Fauci said? What does Biden have to say on this subject?

>> No.17333888

You asked him to watch your beer not the seat. Did somebody take your beer? No? Then stop complaining. Are you alone at the bar or are you with friends? If you were there with friends the problem wouldn't have come up.

>> No.17333891

why didn't you just tell the guy he was sitting in your seat? are you really that pathetic?

>> No.17333949 [DELETED] 

Wrong, now more than ever you need to be masked up and isolating if you have any symptoms. I know it's annoying but more boosters are coming so just be patient and trust the science

>> No.17333968


>> No.17333983

Yeah, if it was me or this anon here, you know, REAL MEN, we'd have beat the fucking piss out of the guy. No warning, no talking it out, we would just walk right up to him, stomp on his nuts, headbutt him, and finish him off with a roundhouse to the teeth. Would have served him right, taking our seat.

>> No.17334023 [DELETED] 

This. It may seem like it's fine to go out in public for non essential services if you're vaccinated and also recently caught omicron but you still run the risk of spreading it and overwhelming hospitals so you're better off waiting for the omicron based booster

>> No.17334032 [DELETED] 

Yes. We all must do our part to flatten the curve. Just two more weeks, and we'll finally have this bug beat.

>> No.17334038 [DELETED] 
File: 76 KB, 555x631, typical retarded maskie hey retard why aren't the homeless dying.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17334045 [DELETED] 

that's not how you wear a mask chud

>> No.17334053


>> No.17334058
File: 9 KB, 275x183, 8765d43s52zxycvbn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anyway, so this guy goes inside and I watch him steal my seat and push my beer to the side.
anon.... you move your feet, you lose all my respect for your stupid ass talking like a gossiping 13 year old.

>> No.17335538

This. So much this.

>> No.17335545

>But I'm offended that the bartender didn't protect my seat or at least acknowledge to me that he messed up.
he did nothing wrong, and watched your drink liked you asked.
You sound like an entitled retard.

>> No.17335555


You sound like a retard op lol

>> No.17335577

Imagine hyper analyzing some random fag's movements like this, coming onto 4channel to type up 9 paragraphs about it, then pretending he's the autistic one

>> No.17335591
File: 473 KB, 600x706, embarrassing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some nerd takes your seat and you go to the internet to write a novel about it and to gossip about some random bartender like a woman instead of just telling the guy off.
You even found another seat so it's not like the bar was full so who even gives a shit you absolute turbo autist.
>i'm offended
lmaoing @ your life