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17332347 No.17332347 [Reply] [Original]

QOTD: What was the coffee purchase you regret the most?

Previous: >>17302311

>> No.17332359

Just drank a muddy V60, what did I think of it?

>> No.17332364

How long can coffee last in the freezer vacuum sealed?

>> No.17332369

you think you will improve your technique tomorrow.

>> No.17332372

you thought 'hey at least it wasn't aeropiss'

>> No.17332385 [DELETED] 


>> No.17332398
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Bought this from Costco and it's nothing special. I looked it up afterwards and every review is mostly about how it's environmentally sustainable and indigenous cultures and blah blah blah. I'll get something else next time.

>> No.17332419

Kill yourself.
If the price was right and it tastes good who cares if it's cringe.

>> No.17332426

anything without a fresh roast date will taste like generic bitter coffee. I buy 20 dollar specialty roasts and even after a couple weeks it starts to taste like folgers

>> No.17332430

It doesn't taste that good but it wasn't expensive

>> No.17332460


>> No.17332476

Why do you fags sperg out about medium roast again?

>> No.17332486

Why would you burn perfectly good coffee into charcoal?

>> No.17332494

Different coffees are optimal at different roast levels. I bet you think blends are bad too.

>> No.17332502

Some homo claimed you should blacklist any roaster that dares use the term because it means
>they never took the time to learn how to roast
I make fun of him from time to time because its an arbitrary term but it conveys way more to low iq customers than farmer history, varietal, and altitude. Also you're not allowed to order blends because thats also lowiq roastery.

>> No.17332512

>Also you're not allowed to order blends
Every roast, even single origin, is a blend. Why do we tolerate such retardation?

>> No.17332524

Isn't there some middle ground between toleration, and continuing to pound the dead horse for weeks afterwards?

>> No.17332542

In answer to OP's question, my most regretted coffee purchase was a bag of hazelnut-flavored ground coffee. It smelled fine in the bag, but did not brew up well. I would have done better to get a bottle of filbertone from a chemical company, and used it as an additive.

>> No.17332563

>hazelnut-flavored ground coffee
I bought 5lbs of brazilian maragogipe thats straight hazelnut. Fucking gross imo. I'm sure someone else would love it I just don't do hazelnut.

>> No.17332593
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Anyone here try roasting their own coffee? You have any tips?

>> No.17332605

isn't that the best for cold brew?

>> No.17332610

High agitation is key. If you want to use a skillet, just spend the money for a hive roaster. Bunch of guides out there on how to mod popcorn poppers. If you want a cheap popper but don't feel like modding anything some guy just posted he bought one of these and likes it.

>> No.17332617

we talking about coffee beans or waste of money gear?

>> No.17332626

I don't want to do a huge investment yet so I'll probably give the popcorn popper thing a shot. Thanks man

>> No.17332650
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I've got ~$100 into one of these monstrosities. The plan was to use it until the popper burns out and strip the arduino and wire it into something better, but its been almost 2 years of constant use. The arduino and pid are probably keeping the element from getting too hot and extending the lifetime :/ I'll probably buy a freshroast 800 next and immediately void the warranty.

>> No.17332664

whats the best place to buy beenz from online as a UK customer? I just need something that gives me decent traceability for prices that wont make me have to prozz myself

>> No.17332674

That's insanely cool. Holy shit. Is it consistent + are you happy with the results?

>> No.17332680

Square Mile Coffee Roasters

>> No.17332737

Very consistent I'm just limited by batch size(~140g) due to the weak fan. I'm happy enough with it that I haven't done anything major since taking those pics. Nothing more permanent than a temp solution etc. This was just supposed to be a test bed to learn how to use artisan but it kind of just works.

>> No.17332796

>£40 a kilo
uhh how much should I be spending on a bag for filter coffee purposes?

>> No.17332803

That's relatively cheap as far as specialty coffee goes

>> No.17332824

Comes out to like £.64 a cup?

>> No.17332835

>A multi-award-winning coffee roasting company, Square Mile Coffee Roasters was founded in 2008 by speciality coffee pioneers, Anette Moldvaer and James Hoffmann
its okay James you can stop shilling your company I turn off Adblock for your videos
that sounds fine when you put it like that, I really ought to remember just how much I used to (and still kinda do) spend on getting coffee from a shop

>> No.17332865
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As long as you're aware of what you're paying per drink you're not going to fuck yourself. Splurge every once in a while. If you're open to ordering from germany I'll shill these guys since my standart sample from them was pretty fucking good. I've actually got a bunch of these gedeb chelchele greens sitting around too so I can vouch for them too.

>> No.17332887

Seethe coffeelet, Square Mile is the goat

>> No.17332909


>> No.17332910

It's a joke man, thanks for the recommendation, shit looks good.
I'll peruse what they have to offer too, ty

>> No.17332917


Got this bitch queued for tomorrow morning.

>> No.17332923
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pic might help

>> No.17332952

Blind kilo for £28.

>> No.17332968
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Worst shit I ever tasted. Aldis pickup. Tossed the grounds into the garden.

>> No.17332972
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any of you ever try manhattan coffee roasters? i've heard some good things but they charge a lot for shipping

>> No.17333093

My recommendation was a joke too, I'm sure their coffee is great but you're paying out the ass for Hoffmeme's coffee especially.
If you're going to buy supermarket stuff at least get like a timemore c2 and just get beans mate

>> No.17333130

pls help

>> No.17333132
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Coffee syphon; too finicky

>> No.17333551

just order locally bro

>> No.17333662

How is the bean tempurature measured? Just a sensor inside the chamber?

>> No.17333709

>What was the coffee purchase you regret the most?
bought colombian coffee grounds.

>> No.17333734

One probe next to heater, one probe in the bean bed.

>> No.17333745

General coffee question:
Is that expensive stuff like Death Wish, Biohazard, Black Insomnia, etc, actually worth the money?
I mean, is it actually as strong as advertised?
My tolerance is through the roof and I need some shit that would literally kill someone with no tolerance.

>> No.17333767

It should last a long ass time. Years if not decades.
If oxygen can't get to it, and it's cold, then what factors would cause it to go stale in any appreciable amount of time?

>> No.17333776

That was my thinking but it feels too good to be true. At the rate I drink coffee, this'll last me a year and a half.

>> No.17333781

Constantly opening a large bag would expose it to air, but I guess if you individually vacuum sealed each day's dose so you're only opening what you're going to use right then, then it should pretty much be good indefinitely.

>> No.17333814

>Is that expensive stuff like Death Wish, Biohazard, Black Insomnia, etc, actually worth the money?

>> No.17333819

So would I be better off just getting pure caffeine and a super precise scale and just amping up regular coffee?

>> No.17333830

Just brew larger doses of lighter roasted specialty coffee. Those brands are just supermarket quality coffee with a cheap gimmick retarded normies fall for.

Also caffeine is super bitter, adding it to coffee doesn't make a lot of sense. It sounds like you'd benefit from skipping coffee all together and just taking caffeine pills.

>> No.17333868

How are your results? Aside from everything you've learned about roasting, would you go through all the trouble again?

>> No.17333887

Caffeine tablets take time to dissolve and only come in one standardized dose.

>> No.17333934
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It paid for itself in 5lbs and I've had single origins roasted to my liking on tap for 2 years lol. My advice would be to get that new $80 popper from sweet marias or a hive and use that for a year to figure out what you want to do. Hive will prolly hold its value better if you want to flip it but the popper has more modding potential.

>> No.17333966

why do some of your beans have aids

>> No.17333989
File: 126 KB, 1000x1061, 1267407D-2CC7-4978-A98D-77180C4A37E2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Twinkie Coffee. I was really hoping that the coffee would be a neon yellow instead of the color on the box. I don’t taste any pastry in the coffee either.

>> No.17334031

Twinkies don't really have a defining taste do they? Does it just vaguely taste of artificial vanilla flavoring?

>> No.17334073


>> No.17334074
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Would I expect to have variance like this with a preassembled roaster?

>> No.17334126

no seriously why is there so much chaff? can it be avoided somehow?

>> No.17334176

Just do amphetamine like adults

>> No.17334198

Just crush them up and snort them dude

>> No.17334432

Which colour would you go for?

>> No.17334434
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>> No.17334445
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Fuck You! From
- AeroPress Gang

>> No.17334458
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wrong pic my bad,

Fuck You! From da AeroPress Gang

>> No.17334628

Different bean sizes and densities will roast up differently. You're always going to have a natural variance. A commercial roaster may just pull those lighter beans when they spot them on their cooling table.

>> No.17334681

Lol Jesus lord... Don't play me

>> No.17334689
File: 118 KB, 1200x1200, PepposCremaeAroma1_2000x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What was the coffee purchase you regret the most?
this trash
stale as fuck, ridiculously irregular roast, ugly ass beans
$15 for 1kg so I guess I had it coming

>> No.17334789

Roasting darker will blow more chaff off. The beans haven't fractured enough at lighter roasts so large piece stick to the beans until they puff up more.

>> No.17334846

why would you ever buy 1kg, unless you drink like 4 cups a day you never buy that much.

>> No.17335107

Now that is incredibly impressive.
Makes me feel kinda shabby sinply roasting with the quest m3.

>> No.17335127
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What else do you need? Small, compact, makes the best / very strong coffee.

>> No.17335133

Just go cold turkey for one or two weeks.
Or if that's impossible, reduce intake to one cup a day first.

>> No.17335163

No coffee is optimal at what supermarket roasters advertise as medium.

>> No.17335165
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Like >>17334628 said it mainly depends on how dark the roast is, although it seems the bean influences it to.

In comparison the pic are a brazilian bean and one from guatemala that I roasted.

>> No.17335169

>Conveys way more
It conveys primarily one thing: the coffee will taste like roast and not much else.

>> No.17335171

the pouring spout sucks and i hate the handle.

>> No.17335186

You would expect what you see in the photo with ANY roaster. What you see is not an uneven roast, but the product of green coffee with beans of different size, ripeness, and just variation in nutrient deposition. Roast darker and it won't look like this, but it won't be more even. The very pale spot there is the germ of the seed. Roasting well has almost 0 to do with roasting evenly from bean to bean within a batch - this is a trivial task unless you're roasting on a pan. It's about roast slope, ror smoothness, phase ratios, and many other things.

>> No.17335276
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tourist here so dont shit on me too hard, what are peoples opinions on pic related, is anything in the shop worth the price?

>> No.17335323

never had it, can't say.

>> No.17335373

look elsewhere

>> No.17335405

that stuff ain't it
if your palette isn't terribly developed, it will taste fine, but you could do better for less (Peet's, for example)

>> No.17335422

>any roast of more than one bean is a blend
based digital electronics. It's amazing what you can put together with an arduino, basic components, and a little C++
dangerously based
the binders in caffeine bills burn like a bitch. If you can't get a script for adderal you're literally retarded or have been flagged for drug seeking behavior already
>doctor i'm having trouble focusing lately
>yeah, i've been having trouble at work, it gets really bad when I'm driving to work. i can't seem to focus on the road

>> No.17335453

t. some homo

>> No.17335466

lol caffeine tablets, are you in middle school?

>> No.17335518
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what am i in for?

>> No.17335535

That roaster doesn't know shit, they should immediately shut down, and you're going to taste nothing but their dirty oily roaster. YMMV.

>> No.17335570


>> No.17335585


>> No.17335679
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Why did they stop making these?
It's a teapot with a matching pot to drip coffee from.
Teapots are cute, why can't we have cute coffeepots?

>> No.17335718
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I'll shill more cute ceramics from origami. 400ml, should fit any dripper or plastipress.

>> No.17335763
File: 35 KB, 466x448, 81eS99HoaVL._SX466_PIbundle-12,TopRight,0,0_SX466SY448SH20_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some of the strongest stuff you'll get is bustelo. It is about 4 USD for a brick. You make espresso with it. It will make you shit and keep you up all night. Best to pair with a pre workout.

>> No.17335803

>Best to pair with a pre workout.
also known as the heart attack stack

>> No.17335817

At least 15 years

>> No.17335889

berry, chocolate, lemon

>> No.17335936

i don't know, anon. murder, rape? did a starbucks girl piss you off? hope they got good coffee

>> No.17336157

I am unironically of the opinion that tea should be beautiful and aesthetic and that coffee shouldn't be. I have a lot of nice ceramics and tea pets for gongfu but I use utilitarian minimalist all black or all white equipment for making coffee. I also exclusively drink out of novelty or branded mugs.

>> No.17336216

Bet you'd get some sick PRs before the heart attack.

>> No.17336235
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i kinda agree coffee is suited better to minimalistic sleek designs, both due to the nature of the drink and the culture surrounding it.
I just started going back to the gym after a 2-month hiatus and fuck me is this shit harder than I remembered.

>> No.17336675

I feel the complete opposite and want cute coffeepots to have a meal with friends and family like tea time is.

>> No.17336924
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after spending the night your mum made a cup of this sludge

>> No.17336959

brewing coffee with family in the morning is a nice feeling but that's about the only time I'd drink coffee in a home setting, you cant just have a cup at 8pm and sleep fine like you can with tea

>> No.17337164

I don't really drink champagne that much DESU but if I do I get Veuve Clicquot, I've had a few other champagnes but that's my favorite.

>> No.17337172

>tfw James Hoffmann is getting cancelled because of his partnership with Cometeer, a company that makes use-once frozen coffee extract pucks, packages them in aluminum (to be thrown away), and ships them out in dry ice on FedEx Priority Overnight Air

>> No.17337187

Damn wrong thread, I'm retarded. Coffeewise I've decided to slum it up for a bit because I've been drinking some great stuff every day for a few months so decided to get some Bustelo, I've missed that stuff too.

>> No.17337681

i can see this argument. i like the simplicity of tea. but coffee even in its simplest form just feels way more mechanical and complex. like espresso machines with all the pipes and pressure gauges and steam and all that shit.

>> No.17337730

>like espresso machines with all the pipes and pressure gauges and steam and all that shit.
embrace the lever

>> No.17337974

sorry, moka pot chads dont need levers.(fucked up the ratio again this morning. fucking finicky piece of shit)

>> No.17338014

No one here buys supermarket coffee retard

>> No.17338719

The only stovetop chad is 9barfag.

>> No.17338865

Can you recommend a good coffe pls

>> No.17338972

dunkin donuts

>> No.17339165

do they sell beans

>> No.17339172

true, but if I buy 250g bags I end up paying double

>> No.17339182

I bought almost 3 kilos and I'm never going to get through it all. Unless you're getting a crazy deal like I did, don't be like me

>> No.17339382
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Coffeenewfag here who’s been drinking bottom shelf instant coffee my whole life with no knowledge what so ever about coffee and want to have a better experience. Shill me some stuff you’d recommend. Also, I’m going to be buying a French press and an electric tea kettle here soon.

>> No.17339397

I think I'd trust 330 million people over you

>> No.17339399

>Get a Moka Pot
>Bring water to just below a boil on medium-high in a separate pan
>Pour to fill line in Moka Pot chamber
>Insert bottom-shelf pre-ground "espresso" from grocery store
>Return to medium-high until it begins to run watery, then run the chamber under cold tap water
>Meanwhile, heat milk on medium or microwave or whatever until hot but not burnt
>Pour the milk into your gay ass hydroflask, seal, and shake
>Pour milk through hydroflask drinking hole, then unseal and pour the foam on top
If you just want the cheapest possible way to look like you're a coffee hobbyist, or if you're a pants-on-head retard who wants to make women think you're cultured, this is the most efficient and foolproof way to do it. Don't bother with a fag press or a kettle or anything else.

>> No.17339409

>accidentally grind my v60 dose at just coarser than espresso level grind
should I try v60ing this shit or make a really shitty fast espresso

>> No.17339438

update, 20g/300g 6min drawdown. it's quite full-bodied and a bit bitter but not all that bad. I'll definitely be grinding this light roast finer.

>> No.17339453

I’m not pants on head retarded it’s that coffee was never a thought greater in mind of “I want to feel less tired” until recently. I don’t want to look like a hobbyist or a “cultured” söy nigger faggot. I just want good coffee and decent equipment without unnecessarily paying an arm and a leg.

>> No.17339474

>I just want good coffee and decent equipment without unnecessarily paying an arm and a leg.
You fool, this is exactly what makes you pants-on-head retarded.

>> No.17339484
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>> No.17339497

timemore c2, plastic v60, cheap scale and beans from your local specialty roaster should do it

>> No.17339519

Most normal people I know are satisfied with an automatic drip machine, such as the old "Mr. Coffee".

>> No.17339532

>coffee from bonavita auto drip tasting sour after three years
>turns out shower head is not fully working
>not all grinds getting wet
>black specks coming from water
>black shit coming out even after two vinegar cycles
I think it's ogre. Switched back to pour over

>> No.17339535


>> No.17339546

>everywhere online says to use boiled water in a Moka pot's reservoir
>always leads to overextracted harsh cups of coffee
>use cold water instead
>basically can't go wrong even if you try all sorts of retarded tweaks
Why are my experiences so different? Water? Beans? Grinder?

>> No.17339551

Pretty sure it's just your perception. The water doesn't rise until it's boiling, no matter the temperature of the water you put into it.

>> No.17339571

Anyone use puck screens in their powered espresso machines? Got a Flair58 one turning up tomorrow for my machine; curious to see what impact it has but I'd be interested to hear other anons experience

>> No.17339588
File: 274 KB, 2166x1080, Understanding the Moka Pot (Episode #2) - YouTube.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Water rises once enough steam pressure has been built to force the water up and into the upper chamber; so no it isn't just my perception.

>> No.17339670
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Been looking at cheapest entry level grinders that aren't trash. Looked at the Hario, but it seems like the Timemore C2 is leagues above it for roughly $20. My only questions are: is there a hack to make the hario grinder better? Is it worth getting the Timemore C2 with the esspresso burr set if you don't want to brew esspresso? Is the Timemore max with bigger capacity really worth it?

>> No.17339728

You won the thread

Also if u can buy it you should try Illy coffee, taste absolutely delicious

>> No.17339734

>is there a hack to make the hario grinder better?
With a hand grinder your pretty much just paying for the burrs plus a bit for materials/manufacturing of the body but mainly the burrs. The Hario is so cheap because it's made with plastic and has ceramic burrs. Better grinders like the timemore are more expensive because they're made of metal and have steel burrs that are better quality.

There's no hack to make ceramic burrs perform like steel burrs, the hack is to buy steel burrs in the first place.

>> No.17339750

>the timemore
Not a good example

>> No.17339868
File: 880 KB, 1944x2592, PXL_20220127_154522896.MP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any opinions on drip coffee makers? I already had an Aeropress but I saw a drip coffee maker on sale so i got it. It's this model

>> No.17340161
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I am 26 and I now just got into coffee.

Where should I start with some good beans? Buy local? Buy bulk online?

Any help would be appreciated.

>> No.17340347

Most, including the one you bought, can't make a good cup period. Less than worthless. The ones that do work properly are more expensive than makes sense.

>> No.17340358

Check out all of your local cafes. Get a black coffee at each. See which one you like best, ask who roasts their coffee, buy from them. I would say to start with a french press and a bodum bistro grinder. Once you get bored of that, then you can start investing in other brewers and a better grinder.

>> No.17340364

Buy local, you support your community and get the freshest possible product
French press and an entry level is the probably your best bet, chief. Moka pot is also good if you want to switch things up every now and again and make your own psuedo-latte/cappuccino
based, lever for life. Free from pump free of mind

>> No.17340393

how do you lads clean your conical grinders?
useful, bait, LARP, tranny? is a wet paper towel really the best way?

>> No.17340463 [DELETED] 

Is this a good grinder? I want one for work. I will be using beans from Equator because that's they have in the espresso machine.


>> No.17340476

Is this a good grinder? I want one for work. Going to be using an Aeropress and Equator beans that is being used in the espresso machine.


>> No.17340509

Noone complains about the ditting ceramics in the $5500 LM swift.

>> No.17340520

For a lot of products I buy I check wirecutter first then ask around if that is a good product. The page I found was outdated as hell and found their recent one.

>> No.17340526

Gotcha, thanks for sharing

>> No.17340682

That's a nyt blogspam site. They recommend anything with a high enough affiliate sale %.

>> No.17340694

They used to be decent before the nyt acquisition. That's good to know, I will just rely on consumer reports now.

>> No.17340712

>Going to be using an Aeropress
I'm so sorry

>> No.17340732

There's a few faggot YouTubers with hand grinder review compilations. Look up Hoffman's grinder showdown, and Kyle rosman or whatever. Learn a few model names then get to googling. Porlex won hoffmemes budget showdown and it's dogshit compared to everything else slightly more expensive.

>> No.17340930

oh no i meant on that specific model of moka pot that is in that picture. i have that same one and the spout is ok at best.

>> No.17341012

>Buy bulk online
literally never ever buy bulk. ever.
its like buying milk in bulk, half of it is going to spoil before you can enjoy it, and while coffee doesnt spoil it does drastically lose flavor the longer it sits around after roasting the beans and even shorter for grounds.

get beans and then grind the specific amount you want for the coffee you about about to make. this will get you the the freshest coffee possible aside from literally going to the farm where the beans are harvested or going to where the coffee is roasted. also you want the least amount of air around your coffee beans/grounds when storing them to extend freshness as much as possible.

hoffmeme did a video on storing coffee beans if you are interested

>> No.17341422

To be fair, when I used it against the other better hand grinders, he said it was no contest.
This. If you find your local shops or roasters bad try drinktrade.com.
So that just leaves the question: is it worth getting the max size and/or the C2 that has a burr grinder that can do esspresso. I don't want to use it for espresso. I only use a french press and moka pot. My only wonder is if getting the better burrs would give better grounds overall or work better on hard beans.

>> No.17341671

I finally got some freshly roasted local beans for espresso and the grind that store bought beans came out too fast on suddenly was just dripping slowly. i’m using a timemore c2 so the next coarsest grind is too big a step and it comes out too fast again.
should i adjust the dose? i’m using a basket that takes 13-16g, doing around 15g right now.
should i adjust my tamping pressure? i’m tamping pretty hard right now.

>> No.17341679
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puck for reference

>> No.17341697

The good part about Ruta Maya is that it tastes alright and 2.2lbs is $15 at HEB

>> No.17341961

How slow is what you consider too slow?
Lower dose will increase speed. No need to tamp hard - harder tamps will slow flow a bit, but won't change extraction much.

This photo, and any photo of a puck, is useless. Coffee looks very dark roasted however.

You can go a few ways here, since you are limited by grind.
>use lighter coffee, use the finer of the two grind sizes described, 40 second shots can taste great with the right coffee
>use the finer grind and a lower dose
>use the coarser grind, larger dose, and a wider (2.5 or 3:1) ratio
>use the finer grind and do a manual pre-infusion by turn the pump off after about 6 seconds - this will likely reduce the quality of your extraction

But I'd want to know: your current output volume, your current shot time, and how it tastes

>> No.17342113

thanks for the input. obviously i’m a beginner, but i’m going for the standard 1:2 ratio in around 30 seconds.
it’s taking around 45 seconds, and the taste is inconsistent, the first shot was underextracted and the second shot is sour. i should say that i’m using an entry level delonghi machine that came with a pressurized basket, but i’ve switched it out with unpressurized.

>> No.17342132

How long does a shot take with the coarser grind and say, 17g of coffee and say 40g of output?

Using a machine like that will be hard - they produce too much pressure, and temperature wise are unruly.

>the first shot was underextracted and the second shot is sour
This is a bit confusing. Sour is under extraction. You may have sour/bitter confusion.

Your grinder isn't up to making normal espresso easily. It may be worth going back to the pressurized basket, and making an espresso like coffee instead.

>> No.17342237

can't remember exactly but it was really fast, between 15-20 seconds.
I guess I'm not clear on how to use all the tasting words, the first shot just felt a bit bland and the second one was too sour.
I'm probably focusing too much on the timing and everything and should focus more on the taste. I got decent results with some faster shots, but because it was too fast I thought it wasn't right. I suppose I just like my espresso really strong, but I want to get it right to see if there's something I've been missing in my other shots. Few of my shots have really had the kick that espresso from cafes has had. I don't know another way to describe it, I'm still learning.

>> No.17342288

coffee "research" has determined <20s shots can be just fine and doable with shitty grinders due to the coarser grind used.


>> No.17342407

I'll try this, I'm not sure if it's relevant for me since my machine is 15 bars and I can't adjust the pressure

>> No.17342417

You can do anything if you set your mind to it.

>> No.17342442

>The ones that do work properly are more expensive than makes sense.
Tell that to me on days when I have an alarm set for 4am and I've set my Breville the night before and can walk to the kitchen and pour immediately. Worth the price of admission for that alone.

>> No.17342520

This method can produce a tasty coffee, but it will not give you the intensity/body you seem to want.

By using low end equipment, you're going to be fighting an uphill battle. It's not likely that you will produce what you want, and definitely not consistently.

Just make pour overs at home and go to a good cafe when you want an espresso.

>> No.17342550

How do cast iron burr grinders compare to stainless steel burr grinders?

>> No.17342575

What's the best readily available preground coffee I can get at publix

>> No.17342651
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I really enjoyed this in my French press. Its dark, but not burnt tasting. Is great as a cafe au lat, and has an almost coco flavor when mixed with frothed milk. Though I'd honestly recommend Aldi's breakfast preground with the rooster on it; its $4 and isn't burnt trash. I also liked the donut blend, but haven't tried it as a preground. Used have it, but when they sold the whole bean version. Man I miss cheap Aldi's whole bean.

>> No.17342813

>implying delonghi is low end

>> No.17342892

this is my machine. you're telling me this isn't low end? https://www.delonghi.com/en-ca/manual-espresso-machine-ecp3220/p/ECP3220

>> No.17342903
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My french press coffee came out water, what do?

>> No.17342922

try grinding your beans next time

>> No.17342948

Dude its got 4.8 stars and is highly recommended by THE wirecutter.

>> No.17342975

You're like... the anti-jesus... of coffee

>> No.17343061
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I just released that I forgot to add the Y to say "it came out watery" and now I can't stop laughing.

>> No.17343377

It's about as low as it gets

>> No.17343387

You're going to sit there and tell me 800 4star reviews on amazon is wrong? Troll somewhere else.

>> No.17343416

Don't use soap on your cast iron burrs and make sure they're well seasoned

>> No.17343708
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Get a grinder & whole beans you like. Start with moka pot or plunger.

>> No.17343741

It is.

>> No.17344440

cat irony burrs

>> No.17344832

We're all in agreement 4:6 is the best way to prepare v60 correct?

>> No.17344951

enjoy your mud

>> No.17344976
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I've Never once had Starbucks coffee, Is it worth going there just to cop a drink to see how shit it'd be?

Recommendations on the drink that'd make me never want to go back there

>> No.17345013

kys tranny
get a caramel apple spice

>> No.17345025

no, they tried to expand to australia like early 2000s and they shut down all their stores because the coffee was so dog shit no one bought it. we have some starbucks now because zoomers have no taste. but starbucks is literally just black hot dishwater and a bunch of sugary milkshake bullshit.

>> No.17345333

Double shot espresso kek

>> No.17345424

drinking Vanilla Coca Cola with coffee. i really like the coke and coffee mixed cans they came out with, it tastes better than monster and doesn't have nearly as much sugar as normal coke.

>> No.17345441
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A long, long time.

>> No.17345444

Tastes like stale coke and ashtray with a plastic aftertaste

>> No.17345449

Ask yourself, are any of the beverages served at Starbuck's worth the price? Then extrapolate for their other products.

>> No.17345451

>Patriot Blend
Does it have foreskin powder mixed in?

>> No.17345455

fuck you and your gay trips

>> No.17345458
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Anyone else enjoy blends more than single origin for espresso?

This is a really nice coffee, but they're a lot trickier to get right and usually don't have everything a good blend does when you do.

>> No.17345462

Whatever you do, get a stepless grinder. I paid 250€ for a Comandante and it's a total mess for Espresso. Now I have to spend another 50€ to get the RedClix (TM) from the same company to add steps.

>> No.17345468

Just got a French press. How many tablespoons per cup of water should I be using?

>Bro you gotta get a scale and wei-

>> No.17345529

1:1 ratio, and don't use the plunger just filter it with your teeth, pussy.

>> No.17345589

Yeah sure.

>> No.17345624

I have been using way too much then. I guess that explains why I feel so jittery making my brew.

>But James Fagmann said don't plunge.
He can suck 20 dicks. I'm going to use the plunger as God intended.

>> No.17346057

Hoffmeme says to use the plunger retard, he just says not to press it all the way down so you don't force extra particles through the filter and back up into your finished brew.

>> No.17346081

I'm a tea fag that's starting to get into coffee and I have a noob question:
I've bought a moka pot today. Never used one before. The video I watched said to fill the water to just below the valve and to fill up the coffee basket completely. But what if I want to make less than the maximum amount? Will underfilling the water or the coffee degrade the quality? Or can I just make half the amount as long as the coffee to water ratio stays the same?

>> No.17346098

The way the moka pot works kind of depends on having the designated amount of water and coffee present, my understanding is that underfilling tend to cause issues with uneven extraction or undesirable brew temp. This is why you'll sometimes see people who own 2 or 3 models in different sizes so they can easily brew more or less at a time.

>> No.17346138

Underfilling the grounds basket can cause channeling that will fuck with extraction, and underfilling the water chamber can cause issues with pressure/temp since you'll be starting with more space in the chamber for steam to expand before it actually forces the water up through the coffee.

If you really want to brew less without getting a smaller pot you could probably just stop the brew when you've got as much as you want by taking it off the heat and running cool water over the base to lower the temperature, you can stop it pretty quickly as long as you time it right.

>> No.17346166

Based Aeropress user
Toss it, use your AeroPress

>> No.17346171

Oh well, guess I'll just have to waste coffee then or eventually get a second mokapot if I use it a lot solo. Thanks for the answers though!
Stopping the brew prematurely will technically result in less coffee, but I don't really see the benefit, since that would still use up the same amount of ground coffee. Might as well make more liquid and pour it out at the end.

>> No.17346581

I enjoy blends more frequently than so's in general.

>> No.17346716

I'm not brewing esspresso though. I'm just trying to get an entry level that works for french press and moka pot.

>> No.17346745

So you're unlikely to replace/upgrade your grinder in the future. In that case, you're better off buying the nicest grinder you can and using it for the next decade. Something like the Akirakoki Manual Coffee Bean Grinder Wooden Mill with Cast Iron Burr.

>> No.17346896
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Flat bed Friday.

>> No.17347121

I was looking at that. Theres one on Amazon for $35. Its either that or the cheapest Timemore C2 for $66.

>> No.17347192

I said fuck it and bought it. If I ever upgrade I'll use it as a spice grinder which I need anyways.

>> No.17347208

Those origami cones always look so nice. What you brewing?

>> No.17347283

All this talk of blends got me curious what these 3 would taste like in equal parts. 12g of each, ~620g out in 3:30. The extent of my blending has been throwing the last few grams of a bean in with my next batch.
Guat La Esperanza, Eth Worka Sakaro Gr1, and some Bali natural. The bali really does taste like a clean fruity ethiopian. Guatamalan brought a little like dark winey sweetness? Kind of sangria like with all the mixed fruits.

>> No.17348072

Why so coarse?

>> No.17348539

Thats what it takes to get a sub 4 minute drawdown with 36g in a cafec medium filter.

>> No.17348625

"USDA Organic"
Cucked sellout

>> No.17348653

my roommate's coffee

first, he takes old coffee at the bottom of the pot, doesn't rinse it, just fills up with more water
then, he puts a filter and 1, dixie cup of ground coffee into the filter into the maker, and then turns it on, makes sure its set to the strongest level, black, no sugar, no nothing. gives me major acid reflux.

the best? I've tried many but lately I've been brewing it on regular setting, adding cayenne pepper, milk and a dash of sugar, usually does the trick. I thought hot pepper would be nasty but nah, don't knock it til you tried it.

one of the best coffees I've had was an Ethopian roast, fine ground too.

>> No.17348790

I drink about 2 liters of coffee daily (French Press). What are the implications of this healthwise?

>> No.17348985

why do you drink 2L of french piss every day

>> No.17349005

if you didn't know this about the comandante before buying it, you didn't do your homework properly

>> No.17349122

Its easy to prepare and my job requires intense concentration at all times

>> No.17349128

what job requires that much concentration? and if you need lots of caffeine you're doing in the most retarded way possible. french press coffee is lower in caffeine because the grind is coarse. switch to pourover/drip or start doing aderall

>> No.17349204

I prefer the Dark Roast Ruta Maya. What do you normally drink?

>> No.17349314

>one of the best coffees I've had was an Ethopian roast, fine ground too.
based. Ethiopian light roast coffee is very good. i completely fucked up my brew this morning(very bitter very acidic) and somehow it still tasted great like i still tasted all the sweetness and fruit and floral aftertaste. the profile is so distinct that you can fuck it up and its still good.

>> No.17349409

>I prefer Dark Roast

>> No.17349792

>switch to pourover/drip
Don't have time for that

>> No.17349898

I have some chemex filters (unbleached) coming today for use with my v60 since anons here said its essential the same thing, is there a particular recipe i should be using when using chemex filters due to the longer drawdown?

>> No.17349911
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>I don't have time to press a button

>> No.17349944
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>14 euros for a coffee machine
Is it good enough or should I invest in a more expensive machine instead?

>> No.17350058

>ctrl+f cold brew
>only 1 mention in passing
fuckin plebs

>> No.17350099

First of all I'm all about Lavazza mild I'm the red bag. Consistently good. Balzac's is better but, yellow label, but pricy as fuck for a small bag. French press master race reporting in. I also drink Strok cold brew through the day because I'm sober now so it means I drink 2 litres of coffee in the first 10 hours of the day.

So, why would you roast your own beans? What's the advantage for putting in the effort?

I love the French press, but is there a better alternative? I need to make at least 4 mugs for me and the woman. Usually let it steep for 20 minutes.

Anyone here make their own cold brew? Any tips on techniques, beans used, etc?

>> No.17350111

if its less than $200 dont buy it.

>> No.17350116

>20 minutes
do you use whole beans or something, wtf?

>> No.17350119

>cold brew
don't over think it, i make mine by wrapping my grounds up in cheese cloth, tying it off and dropping it into a 3L flip top jar. easy to do and easy to clean up after, do not buy a cold brew gadget as they simply cannot produce the volume of brew as a large glass jar and some cheese cloth.
ive tried it with different beans and roasts, personally im not too picky as long as they're tasty beans itll work out tasty.

>> No.17350130

give me a reason to cold brew if i enjoy hot coffee

>> No.17350139

I got a medium roasted honey Ethiopian recently and while decent its no light roast. I can't believe I almost only enjoy light roasts now, fucking specialty coffee is getting even more expensive too.

>> No.17350142

sometimes its nicer to have a cold coffee
but its not just a cold coffee, it's smoother and also more caffeinated due to the long, cold extraction
try it out, makes for a nice change in the warmer months

>> No.17350151

But does it taste good? Dial in by taste, not drawdown.

>> No.17350159

>also more caffeinated
i get lightheaded somtimes after my morning brew i really dont think i need more lmao, although you're right about having a nice cold brew for the summer. got a recipe for me?

>> No.17350175

Just get the c2, it'll be good enough for whatever you're brewing. I got the slim myself(better construction, same burrs), and it's decent for moka/french/pourover, much better than the shitty hario I had. As for the size, that depends on your consumption. The time more can fit 30g of dense light roasted beans at most. If you're brewing with larger amounts than 25g regularly get the bigger one.

>> No.17350220

fair, try it for the flavour then it's less bitter but more rich in flavour. the recipe is really something you'll need to figure out for yourself it's just a water to coffee grounds ratio. start with 1:5 coffee to water ratio, if that's too weak or strong tweak it to your liking. i prefer it stronger and then i dilute it to taste so my batch lasts longer, it keeps just fine in the fridge for a few days. i do mine in a big glass jar and i just wrap my grounds in cheese cloth, i use a coarse grind same as i would in my french press. coarse seems to be the common choice for cold brewers however that might just be because that is what's easiest to filter through cheese cloths and sieves and such.

>> No.17350234

im almost out of my ethiopian brazil blend but i have a colombian dark roast i bought at the same time which i really dont like, like even with sugar and milk it still tastes like im drinking 100% pure dark chocolate. i have tried mixing it with some milk chocolate drinking powder to lighten up the taste and that makes it bearable. like i get why people like this type of coffee but its just not my flavor profile at all.

it will have to tide me over until i decide what to order next, i have been recommended some "local" places by anons in my general area but its hard asking because most people here are not in east coast australia. so asking what brand you drink is probably pointless.

im pretty new to coffee in general like the first coffee iv ever had was 2 weeks ago and was specialty coffee so i think i just dove in head first into the deep end. i enjoy it more of a hobby than as something to drink or for the effects of caffeine or whatever. like tweaking parts of the process very slightly every morning and getting drastically different results is very interesting, as a former tea fag the whole process is fascinating to me, like tea is so simple a retarded baby goat could do it.

>> No.17350260


I don't think it will be any good...

>> No.17350328

If you're a teafag then washed light roast ethiopians would definitely be the easiest flavor profile for you to appreciate. Try a natural/anaerobic processed ethiopian light roast to check the other end of the spectrum(like puer to green tea).

>> No.17350393

thank you for the recommendation :)

>> No.17350400

Anyone that quit caffeine after years? How was it? I know the first days are not that great, nothing bad but some headaches; but after like 2 weeks? How's it?honest opinions. I consume too much coffee and I just wonder if it's time for a change.

>> No.17350418

Micheal Pollan did an interesting interview with Rogan on this for his book. Forget Rogan, because it's mostly Pollan talking. He quit for 3 months. Said he had a hard time focusing, felt like he had ADD but it went away. eventually he said he felt better and ended up sleeping like a teenager, something I've consistently heard. Then he said his first cup of coffee was like doing cocaine. Anyway it's an interesting experiment, one I might try myself.

>> No.17350589

I'll try this myself too, thanks for the info. I know there's a lot of info online but just wanted a second opinion from some of you here.
In the summer I'm fine, I drink 1-2 coffees; but in the winter I drink more than 5 cups and I end up feeling exhausted for no reason and it's the caffeine ofc.
Last time I quit for 3-4 days as I said I remember my first cup felt better than cocaine idd.

>> No.17350783

update since i know you all have been waiting for it

initial impressions? i kinda love it. its so incredibly smooth. sweet but enjoyable. blueberry comes in first, then the lemon, and finally the chocolate.

cold brewed -> iced coffee is how it was prepared. its pregound but its finer than what im used to and may be perfect for a moka pot. i'll need to pick one up to try.

>> No.17351038

Can someone more knowledgeable than myself help me understand this better?

Made the best v60 yesterday, 20g/300g almost 6 minutes drawdown in 40:80:90:90. Perfectly sweet and balanced, really really enjoyable.

Thought to replicate it today but do 60:60:60 instead of 90:90. Same grind/water temp/dosage but around 5:20 now. Cup is much more bitter than yesterday, much more than I'd have expected. Is it really just the 3 pours? Is there a middle ground between the two brews?

>> No.17351068

You've added extra agitation with the extra pour. More agitation/turbulence = more extraction and more fines potentially pushed through the paper. Kind of why I really like the melodrip.

>> No.17351099

Tetsu says 60:60:60 makes a stronger cup, didn't realize just how much stronger. Do you reckon I should grind coarser and do 60:60:60 or keep it 90:90 and just pour more aggressively?

>> No.17351113
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Today I had my coffee as an espresso mixed with root beer

>> No.17351122

shot time?

>> No.17351126

I recommend you try both now that you're learning how these variables can interact. I do 6 pours of 3x my coffee weight. Bloom with a bare kettle, stir, then melodrip the rest of the water. If I want to push extraction further, I'll also stir after the second pour. Recipes are for consistency, not for optimization if that makes sense. Take tetsuyas recipe and tweak it for the cup.

>> No.17351255

today i had my coffee as a large dunkin cold brew with a single "shot" of oatmilk and a single "shot" of mocha
still too sweet and holy shit at the ice. even in those gigantic cups, it amounted to less than i would normally drink.

>> No.17351268

Will do, thanks. You reckon the melodrip would offer a noticable improvment if using a gooseneck?

>> No.17351313

I'm using it with a fellow stagg. Nicest gooseneck I was willing to buy. Melodrip was a $30 joke I bought to shitpost here and ended up actually liking it alot.

>> No.17351334

>using it with a fellow stagg
yea same, have you ever done an a/b? i think scott rao said his extraction dropped by like 5% using one

>> No.17351464

I don't have a digital refractometer for actual data. If I don't like the taste in my cup I tweak the next one. It turned some hazelnutty Brazilian I couldn't stand to the most drinkable it's ever been. Ray has a ridiculous free return policy so if you ever feel like fucking around just snag one. I paid rao $45 for a useless book so I could give a fuck less what he says about 9 minute drawdown cups.

>> No.17351475

>memedrip shilling ITT
That thing does literally nothing other than fuck up my beds. I don't even have a kettle explicitly designed for pourover like the Stagg and I can still produce better beds by hand than when I use that thing. It makes for a nice conversation piece though and looks good on my shelf.

>> No.17351516

t. doesn't understand how to pour water or email the guy for a return label. Post the bed with the melodrip visible.

>> No.17351556

I'll post my nuts on your mom's chin, faggot

>> No.17351610


>> No.17351619

Pouring water onto a disc in a consistent manner might be a little to hard for you. Have you tried aeropress or tricolate? Much more retard friendly methods.

>> No.17351627

What part of
>I can still produce better beds by hand than when I use that thing
did you not understand?

>> No.17351768
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I've asked you before to post your recipe and you sperg out like this every time. Give those two links a glance and lay out your process. What grinder, what dripper, what "pouring structure"? I've found I can push finer on my kinu without getting any bitterness/astringency with md vs without. Probably due to the reduced agitation and particle suspension etc. Its not an intuitive do-all fix, its another variable to tune. It just happens to be $150 cheaper than a nip shizuku kettle.

>> No.17351864

I got the Akirakoki Manual Coffee Bean Grinder since I found a listing where its half the price of the C2 and close to $20 cheaper than normal. The c2 is probably better, but I want to collect data on it and maybe a few other grinders using that app Hoffman mentioned. If it's hot garbage then oh well. I needed a spice grinder anyways.

>> No.17351890

can I get a gooseneck kettle reccomendation that isnt stupidly expensive? electric preferred for v60 usage

>> No.17351899

Just buy any chinkshit electric kettle with a gooseneck off of amazon or whatever. Regular electric kettles without temperature control are <$30 usually and you don't need the temperature control for making coffee.

>> No.17351910

I've heard good things about the oxo but I'd just get a stagg ekg, maybe you can find one used. It's the one you actually want, might as well go with it to begin with

>> No.17351979

oh the duality of man

>> No.17351987

Dont own either, but I was looking at new variable kettles for coffee and tea. Only other one I would get is the brewista, but it's about the same price of the ekg and another video liked how the brewista poured compared to the Stag.

>> No.17351991

>variable kettles
You don't need temperature control for pourover so I don't know why you are trying to convince this guy that he needs a variable kettle.

>> No.17352024

>You don't need temperature control for pourover
You don't "need" a gooseneck either but if you're going to do the damn thing, might as well do it all the way

>> No.17352026
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>gets shoes from salvation army

>> No.17352028

Not trying too, and I need it more for tea. I should have mention a variable kettlw isn't necessary so that's my bad. It does boil fast and it won't rust. A lot of electric kettles I've looked at before end up with rust issues on Amazon. If that anon doesn't want the convenience of electric, a decent stove top one that has a thermometer built it that works would be fine. Just try to find a decent review to make sure it pours well. Kettles are a long term investment. Its better to spend a little more on somthing that will last.

>> No.17352032

Why do you need temperature control if you should always be brewing at as close to boiling as possible? Why should you spend $100+ extra on a feature that you won't use? If you are also making tea then get one with temperature control but he asked specifically for pourover.

>> No.17352039

If you're making tea as well, there's no reason not to. $100+? lmao there are gooseneck temp controls starting at 50

>> No.17352041

>If you're making tea as well, there's no reason not to.
Learn to fucking read

>> No.17352045

>you can only use a kettle to prepare one sort of drink
Learn to think lmao

>> No.17352052

He said that he needed the kettle for his V60 and made no mention of tea, learn to read you dumb fucking monkey nigger retard

>> No.17352063

>dude get the kettle with less utility because....ummmm.....
Relax dude lmao

>> No.17352066

Kill yourself

>> No.17352071
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>> No.17352078

Yeah dude I'll totally just give you my personal information so that you can fucking gangstalk me again, I'll get right on that

>> No.17352137

>I make perfect coffee with a tea kettle that only hits 89c and preground aldis coffee with the rooster on it

>> No.17352140

>I make perfect coffee
no such thing

>> No.17352147


>> No.17352155

>tea kettle

>> No.17352157

Saturday night schizo posting.

>> No.17352158

>perfect coffee

>> No.17352176

Why do inbred retards like you add a possessive to random brand names? I see you in a lot of threads on this board calling Aldi "Aldi's" for some reason. People like you usually call Kroger "Kroger's" as well. But you would never say Walmart's or Burger King's.

>> No.17352177

this is advanced levels of weaponized autism and vitriol

>> No.17352194






>> No.17352206

>Aldi Sud oversees Aldi US operations.

>> No.17352410


Been using one of these for a couple years now, no complaints.