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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 146 KB, 1600x900, skynews-obesity-fat-overweight_4522181.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17329974 No.17329974 [Reply] [Original]

100kg fat fuck who wants to get better here. I gotta lose 20kg or something close to it in the next 6 months. Lately I've been having 500ml of protein milk for breakfast, skipping lunch and having a normal dinner. It's fine but it leaves me pretty ravenous and angry during the day.
Any recipes or foods you /ck/suckers can recommend to a fat fuck who wants to get lighter?

>> No.17329989

>It's fine but it leaves me pretty ravenous and angry during the day.
one meal a day, and listen to when your body is hungry. when are you the most ravenous during the day? eat your one meal then. also, try to limit dairy, sugar, empty carbs, etc the usual. you'll feel like shit for the first week; it happens, you'll get over it.

>> No.17330007

>skipping lunch and having a normal dinner

What are your normal diners like? Because this kind of thing usually happens cause the unusually large and unhealthy diners are seen as normal diners.

>> No.17330015

I wouldn't recommend protein shakes for weight loss they aren't filling and they're usually pretty shit nutritionally. I recommend fruit that is high in fiber.

>> No.17330046

I've been cutting fast food out of my budget

I used to pay $300+ a month of eating out

Now I've reduced it to only the weekend not the weekday

Gonna start working out

>.t fatfuck since child

>> No.17330052

Stop being a weakling subservient to your body. Hunger signals are just signals, ignore them. Start intermittent fasting because if you can’t ignore a widdle hunger pang you sure as shit can’t change the foods you eat.

>> No.17330054

one meal a day. do intermittent fasting. hunger is not a pain. you need to conquer that ravenous feeling. Maybe I understand what it feels like, maybe it doesn't, but I think you just don't eat and it will go away after awhile. it does for me. it's like that feeling is not really connected with a need, its just a feeling and we dont have to be slaves to our feelings

>> No.17330059

and NO SNACKING. one meal a day and NO SNACKING. watch dr eric berg on youtube

>> No.17330066
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I'm 72kg yet I have a gut like that.
The rest of me is fine
what the fuck is wrong with me
no matter what exercises I do it WILL NOT GO AWAY. I'm tried long term fasting. I dropped to 63kg and its still there. I tried exercise regimens, situps, crunches, planking, the works. I ALWAYS HAVE A FAT GUT.
I don't drink ANY alcohol.
I'm only 28 years old.
I don't eat excessive carbs/sugar, usually 2-3 times a week. But when I went to 63kg I didn't eat any sugar or carbs for nearly 4-5 months.
I have no health problems that would be related
I also have fat cheeks. I could be fucking skinny as hell with a fat gut and fat cheeks. I'm only 5'8" though

>> No.17330071

I've done 120kg to 80ish so have some experience. Reaching your goal is like a 850 kcal deficit per day. Keeping that up for 6 months seems very hard. Consider setting up a more short term goal, keeping the original in the back of you mind. And expect it to take a bit longer unless you are the type of person who can go all in for a very long period of time.

>> No.17330080

Here's what I've been eating:
Grapefruit or smoothie (frozen berries, some orange juice but mostly milk, frozen spinach, maybe a banana) in the morning
Big salad for lunch with homemade dressing (olive oil, lemon juice, salt, pepper, dijon)
Whatever you want for dinner

you'll feel full without eating a ton of calories

>> No.17330099
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Six months ago I weighed about 120 kg . This morning I weighed 84 kg . I stoped eating grains , potatoes and sugar . I ate as much food as I felt like and seldom went hungry . I tried to eat large portions of low carb vegetables , moderate amounts of proteins and small amounts of oil and fats . I limit fruit to one serving per day because of the amount of carbs . I lost weight with little effort or sacrifice other than making good food choices .

>> No.17330149


>> No.17330171

No reason to ever be hungry during weight loss . 4 kg of broccoli has only 1200 calories . Leafy vegetables are your friend in weight loss .

>> No.17330177

That's a shit ton of broccoli anon

>> No.17330181

Large amounts of fiber will make you feel full. Cabbage, lentils, oats, etc will fill you up and don't have too many calories. Throw some meat in with those and you'll be golden.

>> No.17330193

You can literally eat as much food as you can and still lose weight too fast . I was adding fruit to my diet to slow my weight loss .

>> No.17330196

How do you get over being hungry in the morning if you're doing one meal a day? I try to do it but I get waves of being super light headed, dizzy, sweaty, and nauseous. I can just ignore it and sit for a while or sip cold water and it goes away, but it is rather unpleasant. Can I really just eat once a day? It's kind of a pain in the ass to do a whole days work on an empty stomach as well.

>> No.17330198

you can't reduce belly fat specifically by doing ab exercises

>> No.17330200
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2 slices of toast with some butter and a topping (peanut butter, jam, boiled egg)
can of tuna or 100g of meat with green salad
250g to 350g of meat (chicken/lamb/beef/fish) with green salad. should be roasted, air fried or cooked in a very small amount of oil in a frypan
stop drinking sugar soda/alcohol
use diet/no sugar soft drinks, tea or coffee (if you need milk stick to oat milk or less than full fat cow milk, and don't drink too much of them) and water flavoured with those little fruit teabag type things in between meals
no desserts/treats/icecream for 6/7 days, but when you do your shopping pick something that isn't outlandish to have as a treat day on sunday or saturday.
don't go overboard on carby vegetables at dinner or fruit as snacks.
use a proper tracker like myfitnesspal. stick to 1600 calories unless you're a femanon then go down to 1500. You can go lower than this but it's not really recommended scientifically.
cheese, eggs and a good lean protein powder drink are useful additions if you're basic meals aren't tallying up to 1600.
walk for 30 minutes each day for a month, then also go to a gym and start working on the basic machines. exercise bikes might be easier on your body than walking/treadmill.
you'll piss like a fountain when you first start, then reach something of a plateau and think it's not working, but keep going.
weigh once a week after shitting & pissing and before you've eaten for the day.
if you really think you're stuck then you're either cheating on the calories & lying to yourself about it, or not properly recording your food weights/calories.

>> No.17330201

It doesn't matter when you eat, just what you eat and how much. If you're hungry in the morning eat something.

>> No.17330208
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I only eat like once a day, and it's fairly light and healthy like eggs, tomatoes, stir fry beef, brown rice, etc. Probably like 1500kcal a day. But I just can't seem to lose any weight, I'm at 315lb and 6'2". I work on my feet all day as well, walking like 5 miles and lifting heavy boxes. It might have something to do with the liter of vodka I drink everyday, idk.

>> No.17330220

https://www.recipetineats.com/oven-baked-chicken-breast/ with steamed broccoli
in general, a lot of the alison roman recipes are easy and not too bad

>> No.17330232

yeah just do keto and you'll lose weight without feeling hungry

>> No.17330236

>It might have something to do with the liter of vodka I drink everyday, idk.
I was doing this for a long time until just a couple months ago. It got to the point where I completely lost my appetite and would barely eat anything every other day. So yes that's it, a liter of vodka equals your recommended daily calorie intake but with zero nutritional value.

>> No.17330247

Fucking nice work microwave anon.

>> No.17330262
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GUYS. pls.

>> No.17330265

Keto , fasting ,calorie deficit . There are many ways of losing weight . Hopefully the op will find a way that works for him . I try to eat bulky foods that have low amounts of calories . High carb foods seem to make me feel hungrier .

>> No.17330280

Taking a pic of my meals and saving it makes me try to have meals that I will feel good about later .

>> No.17330298

If it's actually a bottle of vodka a day, then yes, that's the reason why you're not losing any weight.

>> No.17330312

the only recommendation i have is to not buy into the intermittent fasting meme. it works for some but every time i'm cutting it makes me feel miserable, try out volumetric eating instead, which is basically just a hipster way of saying more vegetables

>> No.17330320

Eat less, move more.

>skipping lunch
This diet isn't going to work unless you skip lunch for the rest of your life.

>> No.17330323


>> No.17330335

I had kind of a scary moment where my poop was paler than usual yesterday so I'm stopping drinking for a while. My bowel movements since then have been normal, but I'm still spooked.

Drink less.

>> No.17330337

Fasting is kinda annoying since you feel hunger and people generally get more easily annoyed when they're hungry.
Its certainly healthy to give your body a break but its not fun.
Calorie deficit is redundant.
Ketos magic is not feeling hunger which makes following it easier, and you dont need to count calories. Instead you just eat how much you feel like.

>> No.17330346
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Meet your new best friend .

>> No.17330380

>rest of your life.
That's the main reason why I focus on eating bulky foods .

>> No.17330396

Yeah I go through a handle (1750ml) every 2 days, it's been the same for like 5 years now

>> No.17330451

>dr (((berg)))

>> No.17330480

That's 2450 calories a day from the ethanol.

>> No.17330556


>> No.17330564

Exercise may help weight loss . All I've ever seen it result in is strong fat people , lol .

>> No.17330585

I try to do cardio but its a bit hard in winter when it can reach -40F here. (Northern Saskatchewan). Hopefully once spring comes I'll be walking for 1-2 hours a day again. But that's what I did for most of the previous seasons, and still I have belly fat...

>> No.17330617
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>I gotta lose 20kg or something close to it in the next 6 months
20*7700/(6*4*7)=916.66 kcals. That's a 900kcal/day deficit. Keep that in mind.
>Any recipes or foods you /ck/suckers can recommend to a fat fuck who wants to get lighter?
What determines your weightloss is caloric intake and TDEE. Basically, calories determine what amount of energy (fat) your body retains or uses up.
Hunger however is controlled by a bunch of stuff. The best methods to fight hunger are: High protein, low carb. No carbs that spike bloodsugars if you can help it. Another thing that helps with hunger is big portions/volume. And lastly some people enjoy fasting or intermittent fasting (OMAD/16:8).
Personally I lost 33 kgs and the stuff that worked for me was: high protein, high volume, low carb, with healthy fats, once a day.
Pic related is a chart for how to get some protein. Note that it does not include diary (like quark or cottage cheese) and is incomplete with other stuff too (like tempeh). It also does not talk about protein completeness, read up on PDCAAS for that.
The "base meal" I used to have was asian stir fry:
Choose a protein of choice, changing this up is essential in keeping things fresh: chicken, tofu, tempeh, shrimp, lean beef. Choose one of those. Don't eat tofu if you dislike it for whatever reason.
Note that you can change texture and taste of meat with stuff like marination, velveting (a dry baking soda brine makes it velvety for example), or even breading (beware of calories though).
Then aromatics: Garlic, ginger, onion or spring onion.
Then veggies: I love broccoli, but substitute or add other stuff like califlower, peppers, carrots (though they are somewhat starchy), tomato etc.
In a wok, cook meat, add aromatics, add veggies. Then add sauce of choice (see next post for sauce base recipes), or just soy sauce or a basic sugar/salt/starch mixture.
Add other spices you want, finish of with a bit of toasted sesame oil and cilantro (optional).

>> No.17330626
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Here's some basic sauces. The sweet & sour isn't that great though, but the black pepper is pretty nice. Orange ginger is tasty, but not that healthy.
Then vary stuff and cook other foods too to keep things fresh.
I love chinese cooking, and for that I recommend "chinese cooking demystified" on youtube, as well as "Chef wang (in chinese, but with english subtitles) or "Adam Liaw".

A great recipe that's easy, cheap, healthy, low effort and tastes great is "Egg and Tomato Stir fry". https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3gF44PXZXNc
It's hard to fuck up and a good change of pace. Shakushka is also great. Overall try to change things up, eating the same stuff every day gets boring.

>> No.17330627
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I like walking for exercise . This winter I was ready .

>> No.17330657
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>started keto 10 days ago
>plan to stop when 80-85kg
>tfw no idea what to eat

>> No.17330679


>> No.17330689

Remember that keto means watershedding in the first week making people have bad expectations. If progress slows down, don't get discouraged. Those losses in the first week are mostly water.
>tfw no idea what to eat
>>17330617 broccoli and protein stir frys are based.
Tomato and egg stir fry is easy and tasty. Shakushka is great. Cantonese fry roast chicken is great. Red braised chicken, general tso's, gong bao ji ding, chicken vindaloo, pad kee mao (with tofu sheet substitution for the noodles), curry (without rice), Coq au vin, beef stroganoff, there's a lot of options.

>> No.17330695

Chicky, green beans, and rice. Get a nice short grain rice, WASH, and cook in a rice cooker with an appropriate amount of water. Cut a chicken breast in half horizontally so that you are left with two slices that are equal in area to original but half as thick. Pound with a meat tenderizer, then dredge in flour and cook in a pan with some oil. Then add in your green beans (get the french ones) with some butter and a few cloves of garlic. I like to make a knockoff cane’s sauce to go with the chicken, but it’s probably not too healthy.
I managed to lose 65lbs by doing rolling 48 hour fasts for about 4 months, so I’d say the easiest way for me to lose weight is just to cut all snacks and only eat one meal a day or once every other day. Ymmv.

>> No.17330772

weight lifting burns way more calories than cardio

>> No.17330779

completely wrong

>> No.17330803

>wants to lose weight
>drinks milk

anyway get a bit into lifting muscle burn fat no need to be a insane gym bro just start some lifting every other day

>> No.17330965

>Remember that keto means watershedding in the first week making people have bad expectations. If progress slows down, don't get discouraged. Those losses in the first week are mostly water.
While that may happen progress is ridiculously fast on keto. Like 15kg in 3 months fast.

>> No.17330981

I regret doing keto. It worked, but it kinda killed my love for scrambled eggs and bacon.

>> No.17331042

>15kg in 3 months fast.
That's 5kg/month, which is 1.25 kg/week. Seems reasonable. I used to be at -2kgs/week for a few months when I got started. Not due to keto though, but due to caloric deficit. Keto helps with hunger management, so I do recommend it, but ultimately it's no magic. Keto can't break thermodynamics, just make things easier.

>> No.17331051

High fat high protein diet= harder to feel less satisfied. Danger is it's easy to overeat. High veg high fat hi protein is also good.

But the number one thing to do is read books on addiction and reduce dopamine from eating.
Recommended books: don't shoot the dog, upward spiral, books on eating disorders ( look for neuroscience related stuff)

Probably the quickest hack you can do is intermittent fasting combined with reversing the cues of overeating with new behaviors that produce dopamine: ice cold showers or baths, video games, writing, reading, excessive,

Fatlards like you are not neurologically different than chain smokers, the high is gone and you only feel the compulsion. Do not resist, change.

>> No.17331054


>> No.17331064

Intermittent fasting for this is not about fun or health, it's about changing cues and interrupting the addiction cycles.

>> No.17331070

Do some swimming in the Atlantic and learn to avoid rip tides.

>> No.17331073

Calories in vs calories out. I bought a kitchen scale and meticulously started counting calories on Jan 1. I went from 175 to 160 (weighed in this morning). I'm averaging ~1300 cal/day and exercising only when I can, which is about 2 times/week. It's not hard to lose weight if you have even the remotest amount of self control.

>> No.17331079

manlet detected

>> No.17331081

Have you tried leaning keto?

>> No.17331086

It's called go do cardio and calisthenics, you dumb faggot.

>> No.17331088

and to add to this: I prefer this over keto which I'd done before
this way I can still eat bread, cookies, popcorn, and even ice cream
I just need to monitor amounts

>> No.17331092

I tend to think swimming is much better and learning to deal with rip tides.

>> No.17331113

>Eat 2 meals a day
>Make sure everything is protein dense, avoid empty calories
>Able to eat whatever the fuck I want and remain at-weight
Wow this is really easy. Now I'm just going to incorporate some exercise and I'll start shedding the small gut I've gained from working at home.
First step is to just stand while working all day.
Sometimes the little changes have huge effects.

>> No.17331114

Sure I get tossed around in some waves but I'm still alive. Its even fun to get thrown around in some waves.

>> No.17331125

Go swimming around with some manta rays or sting rays for extra fun. They wont hurt you if you don't fuck with them.

>> No.17331150

Been there done that, there's nothing appealing about standing all day doing retail bullshit.

>> No.17331188

it's winter time
pick up xc skiing

>> No.17331191
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>> No.17331218

Same here, I was 63kg at one point and I'm 6'0", so it was almost underweight territory, and I still had a bit of a gut. For me it seems to just be bloating though, after three days of fasting it's not there when I wake up in the morning, but if I drink a bit of water it's there again. It shouldn't be bloating in your case though since you tried no carb at one point, which I assume means you ate no fiber at that time either. Only thing I can think of at this point is to try an elimination diet, maybe you have an intolerance to some food that you haven't tried cutting out yet. That, and maybe make sure that your posture is correct? Though I assume you have that down since you've tried exercises and whatnot.

>> No.17331244
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That pretty much puts you in the heavy alcoholic category. Not many come back from this. Also, ethanol gets metabolized to glucose, also known as one of the sugars.

Not gonna lie, you need professional help.

Bought a kajak (Nautik Argo, foldable, 2500€, i go by train to a new river almost every weekend. Got me from 120kg to 100kg without eating different. Also relaxing as fuck.

>> No.17331260 [DELETED] 

run an eca stack, 1 glass milk for breakfast, 2 eggs lunch, less than 0.5 lbs of meat + non starchy vegetables for dinner. Do this +60 minutes of mild aerobic exercise (like stationary bike) and you'll lose around 5-7 pounds a week.

>> No.17331263 [DELETED] 

obviously you will be hungry, but you'll be lucid enough to do intellectual labor. You'll get some insomnia from the ephedrine though.

>> No.17331271

counting calories is super obnoxious when you cook some more complex meals

>> No.17331328

sodium increases water retention, lower your salt intake and up your potassium

>> No.17331366

What worked for me is eating 3 small meals throughout the day, 500 calories per meal. Dinner is usually just meat and some veggies like spinach or beans, so no rice or pasta or potatoes.

>> No.17331374

>harder to feel less satisfied
I'm incredibly annoyed at the way you phrased this. "Easier to feel satisfied" or "more likely to be satiated" would have been clearer here.

>> No.17331381

Best way I've found to lose weight is very simple: one meal a day, absolutely no eating outside of that one meal, and make a conscious effort to eat a small portion during that meal.
The more you can move around and exercise the better, but the top priority is just eating exclusively once a day, not a single little snack here or there, nothing but water or coffee, and then one small meal a day.
Easy, straightforward, guaranteed to lose weight fast. At 100kg you can expect something like 10-12lbs per month with this strategy.

>> No.17331392

Eh, I used to go through a handle every 2 days for a while as well. Not 5 years, but a solid couple of months. If you only drink at night and allow yourself to sober up in between you never become physically dependent, and it's actually quite easy to stop. I haven't had a drink in a year or so and have no desire to drink, didn't do anything special other than quit my hellish nightmare job for a normal 9-5 life.

>> No.17331402

Like what? I can see it being kinda a pain in the ass the first time, but then you can just note it down.

>> No.17331406

Do a food budget and don't go out to eat.

Good luck getting fat on a budget $100 of whole foods per month.

Beans, oats, potatoes, eggs, frozen vegetables, bananas, chicken, and rice will be your friend.

>> No.17331408

Do alcohol calories "count" differently? Why are most of the raging alcoholics (the real ones, downing bottles of spirits) I know so skinny?

>> No.17331419
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Are canned foods bad for you?
I just want something quick and easy that will keep me from eating fast food.

>> No.17331420

I know it's far from ideal but I'm a lazy fuck and I bitch out of rigorous exercise, so I'm picking an easy out to simply stand while working and pace around when on the phone.

>> No.17331428

alcoholism reduces appetite, that's why they're also usually very malnourished

>> No.17331440

Nope. Count the same. Food strongly lowers blood alcohol content meaning you have to drink a lot more to get back to where you were, so a lot of alcoholics don't eat so they can stay as drunk as possible.
"Normal" alcoholics who just like to drink tons of beers all the time are usually fat as fuck because they're also eating normally on top of constantly drinking beer like water.

>> No.17331444

>alcohol calories

incidentally the pdf disagrees with >>17331428 and >>17331440

>> No.17331481

That's talking about having a couple of drinks with dinner.

>> No.17331510

stop getting your science from retard exercise scientists who write a shitty pdf and throw it online
ethanol is metabolized to acetaldehyde and then acetate, creating NADH in the process, which is converted to NAD in the production of ATP, i.e. energy, which is either used or stored by the body.
No there's no magical "different pathway", ethanol is food like everything else, the body gets energy out of it and then uses it or stores it, with waste products eventually being expelled from the body.
Alcohol has a thermogenic effect in the sense that it elevates heart rate and, during very heavy drinking, will increase basal metabolic rate. If you're drinking heavily enough for that to matter, you're ingesting far, far more calories than you're offsetting with this.

>> No.17331529
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>> No.17331560

what part of this confuses you
adh is alcohol dehydrogenase
aldh is aldehyde dehydrogenase
these are the enzymes that catalyze the reactions
NADH is a byproduct of the reaction ALDH catalyzes

>> No.17331583

I was a handle of vodka every two days drinker like the other anon ITT and in the months until I stopped drinking I had zero appetite and had to start drinking earlier and earlier in the day just to stop the nausea and vomiting. It took me about a week of no drinking before my appetite started to come back. I did lose about 25 pounds even though it was in the unhealthiest way possible.

>> No.17331590

The pdf mentioned an experiment where 3% of alcohol calories are converted into fat and graphs of fat oxidation after alcohol consumption.
I think those are neat.

>> No.17331593

>throw out everything that's edible without cooking, this will thwart binging
>eat the same stuff, variety leads to eating more
>eat once a day if you can, mostly protein and fat, and some veggies so you can poop
>exercise, walking already does plenty
>or just fast

>> No.17331627

fat oxidation drops off a cliff anytime you eat anything, the body changes its metabolism drastically in response to food. Lipid oxidation, i.e., burning stored lipids for energy, basically stops. This is the post-prandial (after-eating) state. This is the same effect you'd see with anything, it's what happens when we eat, not some magical effect from alcohol.

>> No.17331632

I keep a notebook, and on the front page I keep a key for my most regularly used ingredients and their calories per gram. Before tossing my mirepoix into the pan, I weigh each component first, write down the weight, and then toss it into the pan. When I'm done with the whole meal, I have a calories per meal component (let's say you're doing a soup, salad, and sandwich). The soup calories per gram is easily calculated, sandwich total calories is easily calculated, and salad calories is probably best calculated by building the salad directly on your plate rather than tossing it in a bowl, though it's not hard to come up with a cal/g of a tossed salad either. Yes it takes an extra couple of minutes to calculate, and an extra few seconds per ingredient to record its weight first, but if you're serious about losing weight, there really isn't a better option. Like I mentioned: I've lost 15lbs (over 8% of my body weight) since Jan 1 with this method. In that span, I've eaten steak and potatoes, cookies, fried fish, eggs benedict, and I've had every kind of alcoholic beverage I enjoy.
I also work with numbers for work, and writing formulae is pretty second nature to me. I suppose if you have a hard time with math, this would be a difficult prospect for you, but it's pretty second nature to me.

>> No.17331637

idk about that, buddy
my brother used to drink a handle of liquor every day, and he was still a fat fuck until he kicked it

>> No.17331669

drinking >2k calories per day will generally do that, yea. If he was drinking a handle a day he must have been eating a lot too or he'd be dead by now.

>> No.17331711

Thanks Anon, I don't think I consume that much sodium but I'll try cut it back for a few days and increase potassium and see if it makes a difference.

>> No.17331816

interesting but I have high blood pressure so I do limit my sodium
I even use half salt which is half potassium
but thank you

>> No.17331827
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Don't forget cauliflower

>> No.17331855

>100kg (220lbs)
>fat fuck
How fucking short and weedy are you? I got a body composition analysis and found that my non-fat, non-water body weight is 260lbs.

>> No.17331885

not him but im 6ft4 and 160lbs and am still a little bit fat

>> No.17331887

If you're over 6' and not at least 260lbs you're confirmed skeleton

>> No.17331894
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Just tagging in, you absolutely could have a food intolerance that's causing weird water retention or tissue inflammation. PUFAs are a serious issue. I can't explain every part of it, but cutting refined seed oils and processed foods will help you more than most other things you could try. It sounds like you have poor genetics too, as far as your cheeks go. Do you have acne? What do you typically eat for your meals?

Also, if you're 5'8" and 72kg, I'd consider you overweight. I'm 6'1" and weigh the same as you. I am mostly lean muscle, though you'd probably call me skinny. This is 100% achievable with minimal effort btw. Focus on high intensity exercise. Train grappling or similar fighting if you can't bring yourself to work out that hard in a normal gym. You can do this. Just put in the work. Eat unprocessed foods, potatoes cooked in healthy ways, simple vegetables, and mostly red meat prepared simply. It's not impossible. You really need to work out more than anything.

>> No.17331905

most of them are too processed to be 'good' for you. If you're wanting quick and easy, get a good but inexpensive rice cooker, prep several cups at the start of the week, and then make a big pot of slow cooker beef stew like on the can you posted. Then portion it out. It's not as hard as it seems, you just have to put in concerted effort - which is hard.

>> No.17331906

your food actually looks really good too, unlike most people who do stuff like this. i went from 126kg to 89 doing OMAD. i should be between 75 and 85 though, for my height.
i stopped for a while for a few reasons, gained some weight back, but started again this week and am seeing results quickly. i bonk/hit the wall/whatever you call it at work though sometimes, so i keep some good quality canned fish around.
i made sure to eat lots of olive and animal oils when i did eat, and my hair stayed really nice, which is a problem some people have with heavily restricted eating

>> No.17331912

There is good variety of food here, though I'd say you could add more protein and add more animal fats and you'd be set. Don't fear unrefined animal products. Your body is designed to use them beautifully.

>> No.17331967

please don't take nutritional advice from hungry skeletons

>> No.17331984

Sorry, I don't do high intensity exercise since I was born with a fucked heart and I have to avoid anything strenuous. I've had one open heart surgery already and I don't need another, but your other advice is solid. I already eat pretty well though, I am on /ck/ after all, I mostly cook myself.
I do light exercise and I keep at it, plenty of walking, but I can't do anything harder than that unfortunately. Unless I want to risk another collapse. I also consider myself overweight.

>> No.17331990
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>> No.17332012

There's probably some genetics that play into it as well. I've seen guys at the gyms with flat bellies, and then others with bigger bellies but they both seem to be fine. The male body typically stores fat in that area. Depending how overweight you are, and your muscle to fat ratio, it might take some time before it goes away because that's where all your weight would be.
Some fat is good though. If you get to a healthy weight and still have a bit of a gut, I wouldn't worry about it. Helps keep your body warm, and helps if you get sick and your body needs to start getting fuel from somewhere.

>> No.17332035

Alright. My goal is about 65kg anyways, so I got a bit of a ways to go. At least its not as obvious if I have a loose shirt on.

>> No.17332086

Could also be all visceral fat too. Which actually isn't good. Talk to your doctor next time about it to make sure. Unless you hate your doctor. Find a new one in that case. But if it's going to throw you into underweight category just to lose the belly, assuming it's not visceral fat in which case you would want to lose that, then it's not really worth it.

>> No.17332098

>calorie deficit
Caloric deficit working requires a relatively normal insulin response. If you're already insulin resistant all a caloric deficit will do is cause your body to either lower your TDEE without you realising it, or eat muscle for calories.

Insulin prevents fat mobilisation. You must understand this.

>> No.17332157

where did diabetes get involved. who are you talking about?

>> No.17332176

I'm unvaccinated and can't see a doctor here (Canada) without what is essentially a medical emergency unfortunately, but maybe it is. I looked that up and it sounds pretty nasty. I really wanna lose this belly though, but, thanks for the concern. I'll try to see when I can see a doctor.

>> No.17332190

you can get a bioimpedence scale for 30 bucks that's pretty damn accurate. Obviously getting a dex scan from a doctor would be better, but a scale like that can tell you if anything is way off.
For heavy drinkers, for example, visceral fat will be off the charts. A bioimpedence scale can tell you if you have any abnormal readings like that. Unless you've got a disease or drink a lot your visceral fat should be within normal ranges.
most likely you just need to lose more weight man. simple as.

>> No.17332197

Hm, I don't drink at all. And yeah losing weight seems to just be the thing. Fat belly, fat cheeks, normal everywhere else. Thin at the wrists and knobbly at the shoulders, its just weird and like my fat distributes unevenly.
Guess upping my exercise quota is the main thing since I already cut out carbs and sugar (As much as one man can. Potato chips are really good.)

>> No.17332223

>You must understand this.
Yes , I just meant that people have different ways of achieving outcomes and that I hoped that the op found one .

>> No.17332227

>can't see a doctor just because you didn't get a shot
Fucking hell, and here I thought all the crap about Canada was blown out of proportion. They say you can't really find out yourself since that fat is around your organs. But a health professor told me you kind of can by trying to grab the stomach or hitting it. If you can grab a hold of something, or there's a softness to your stomach then that should all be normal fat. If you can't or it feels hard, it's visceral fat because it's underneath all your muscle. Maybe a bit uncouth, but it can give you an idea. And like the other anon said there are normal ranges of it, so having a bit of that too is fine.

>> No.17332231

>only drink water
>avoid frozen processed foods
>count your calories, and always OVERESTIMATE how much you think your eating + figure out what deficit you need
>Intense cardio often

It's normal to fuck up, but you must go back to this lifestyle each time you binge eat or cram garbage into you.

>> No.17332253

Hm. It just feels like its a blob that flops out, sort of like a beef gut. I can't pinch it together though so its solid enough, maybe it is some bunched up visceral fat. I didn't think to even consider that.

>> No.17332266

...beer gut, not beef gut.
Lord I'm tired.

>> No.17332447

Lift weights. Cardio and situps will make you look anywhere from skinnyfat to an Auschwitz prisoner. You need to build muscle to make your body look better.

>> No.17332481

I really don't find that sort of exercise pleasant. Actually, I'd probably rather die than doing it, unfortunately. I have zero motivation for it and I hate the feeling. I like cardio but only light stuff. Thanks though.

>> No.17332526

Do people really look that fat at 100kg? I’m 100kg and at most I have a bit of a muffin top.

>> No.17332532

depends on height, wegiht, muscles. OP pic looks like a short old man. 100kg for a short old man that doesn't weight lift, that looks about right.

>> No.17332695

In 2 months drink this how much you want and i guatantee you to lose 20 kgs. You can eat salad or other vegetables. No bread pasta rice etc. Also no oil.

>> No.17332718

Eat more fat. It'll keep you satiated longer

>> No.17332745

Stop drinking the liquid jew dude. It's really calorie dense with zero nutritional value. Drinking that much I wouldn't be surprised if the inflammation is slowing your appetite too.

>> No.17332747

>ravenous and angry during the day.
Being hungry voluntarily should not make you angry. Take control over your emotions.

>> No.17332760

you're not wrong, but you have a very simple understanding. the issue is that alcohol gets metabolized much lower in the glycolysis chain, and thus slows or stops sugar metabolism. blood sugar then goes to the liver and gets turned into glycogen instead. if all you do is drink alcohol, then you might be fine calorie-wise. but any other food you eat with it will go to glycogen stores.

>> No.17332914

wrong and nonsensical

>> No.17333486

Do you guys use an app to track your eating? If so which is a good one?

>> No.17333755

I use to use myfitnesspal. It was all right. It's great to basically get an idea how much calories will be in a good. Especially from a fast food place. It's easy with stuff like fast food and prepackaged food. But it's all homemade, trying to add it in yourself can be pretty annoying. That was years ago so maybe it's easier now.

>> No.17333773

Drink more water and eat a handful of nuts or some fruit as a snack. A great deal of your hunger pangs are probably actually thirst signals and water is a great filler so drink up.

>> No.17334336
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No part of weight loss is complicated or even particularly hard
>download myfitnesspal and start logging the food you're going to have ahead of time - start doing your grocery shopping for the week and planning what you're going to eat ahead of time rather than going to the store everyday and making poor choices
>get premium if you're not a poorfag for macro breakdown
>aim for 1200 calories a day eating a lot of protein, some fat and go easy on the carbs
>get rid of any sugary soda or alcohol from your home and stop buying that shit - start buying sugar free sodas if you like that stuff, only drink alcohol occassionally in a social setting like a bar as opposed to at home if you're that way inclined
>stop skipping meals altogether like a retard unless you like being an angry, hungry, constipated, fucked metabolism faggot who is going to learn nothing, give up and put back on all the weight and then some - if all you're going to have is protein milk for breakfast; have some spinach leaves, spring onion, kimchi and a can of tuna (in brine or water, not oil) for lunch - good for you and low in calories and will stop your body from feeling like it's starving to death
>use spray oil where you can, and a teaspoon of coconut oil where you cant
>get good at seasoning food - that's how you make leaner food still taste good
t. a fello former fat fuck

>> No.17334365
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Don't listen to any of the dipshits in this thread telling you to fast. That's a sure fire way to ensure that you'll binge and rebound in the future and be back at square one. The best way to lose weight is slow. Diet isn't a temporary thing it's a life style change. Count your calories. Set a goal for 2000 calories a day and see how your body reacts. Weigh yourself everyday in the morning and take note of your weekly average. If you wanna lose weight faster, lower your calorie intake. No foods off limits but try to find food that's high in protein, low calorie and filling. There's subreddits out there for low calorie recipes; /ck/ won't be much help in that regard. Losing weight is simple, so don't overcomplicate it with fasting, keto or some other faggtoni fad diets.

t. Lost 40 lbs during the pandemic

>> No.17334394

Youre autistic.

>> No.17334400

Omad. Don't fucking touch a calorie until your dinner or you'll be hungry all day. Be strong and kill the fat. Hunger is fat dying

>> No.17334504

Eggs, lentils, turkey, broccoli, spinach, tuna, spring onions, fermented stuff like sourkraut and kimchi (if you don't know how to make them then learn - it's easy and there's loads of guides online), MSG and assorted seasonings, and almond milk for coffee are your friends. Start to see food as primarily fuel. Not everything has to taste absolutely amazing (although hunger, some basic skill in the kitchen and seasonings can make most things taste pretty OK) or be a gourmet extraveganza - save that shit until your very occasional trip to a restaurant. Also stop drinking beer and sugary drinks you diabetic faggot. Also avoid white bread like the plague.
Also try to get some basic lifts in a few times a week.
See, wasn't that easy?

>> No.17334584

Low/Zero carb you fat fuck.

>> No.17334668


>> No.17334721

>zero carb
Enjoy being miserable and seething every time you smell freshly baked bread. Also keto breath fucking stinks.
Weight loss is as simple as calories in/calories out. Log what you eat, measure you portion sizes, keep your carbs to one meal a day, aim for about 1200 calories a day and you will lose weight - a fucking retard could do it.

>> No.17334729

People are always recommending caloric restriction/CICO to fatties who are mostly undiagnosed with diabetes/insulin resistance. For the reason I mentioned, it isn't a very good idea.

>> No.17334732

You're uncreative if you get bored of eggs.

>> No.17334754
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>Weight loss is as simple as calories in/calories out
What if someone's insulin response is so bad that they're the red area on this graph (see: Dr Kraft's insulin assay/test)? Insulin inhibits fat mobilisation, so a fatty who's #4 or even just #3 on this graph will likely be unable to effectively mobilise their fat stores even if you put them on a caloric restriction. And if they can't get their calories from fat, they're going to either drop their TDEE without realising it (lowered physical/brain activity), or pull those calories out of their muscle tissue.

So now you've got someone who's technically losing weight, but it's all coming from muscle. Eventually their body refuses to let go of what little muscle they have left and releases so much ghrelin that they're practically forced to go eat something, ruining their diet.

Stop blindly recommending CICO to fatties, and start recommending that they fill themselves up with meat, eggs, dairy, and veggies. Avoid all carbs at all costs.

Instead of focusing on losing weight, fatties should be focusing on fixing their insulin response. Once that's fixed the weight will go away on its own.

>But anon if insulin was such a big deal Dr Shekelstein would've told me all about it instead of putting me on drugs and giving me insulin injections

Okay retard.

>> No.17334759

How many of those meals do you eat a day?

>> No.17334766

>I only eat like once a day, and it's fairly light
>1500kcal... 315lbs
masterfully crafted, anon

>> No.17334772

Stop frying in seed oil, cut out the rice, add more veggies.

>> No.17334779

Do people actually go for literally zero carb? What's the problem with cooking up some frozen mixed vegetables?

>> No.17334791

>Any recipes or foods you /ck/suckers can recommend to a fat fuck who wants to get lighter?
Fasting = water (if you want put in a tiny amount of salt). Super quick and easy to make.

>> No.17334798

Potentially based. What time of day do you drink the vodka (just before bed would be super cringe, throughout the day really cool)

>> No.17334806

Been doing OMAD for a couple weeks, hope this meme works

Im too lazy and busy to work out and I would rather die than eat healthy/low cal shit 3 times a day. 1 normal large meal a day seems like the best compromise.

>> No.17334818

Just fill yourself up on broccoli and meat my dude.

>> No.17334829

For breakfast i have coffee and 7oz of Greek yogurt . If I have lunch it's usually light , maybe a salad or a handful of walnuts . Most of those pics are what i had for dinner .

>> No.17334840

>no part of weight loss is complicated or even particularly hard
Learning this was incredibly hard for me .

>> No.17334853

stop posting these disgusting

>> No.17334870

What is disgusting about them ?

>> No.17334890

I know - there's a whole fucking food and diet industry set up around spreading the idea that that eating well is hard and expensive (it isn't, it just requires minimal investment in basic ingredients and a foundation in cooking skills you can learn for free online), mild hunger when trying to shed some lbs is intolerable (it isn't, people need to stop being pussies) and losing weight is this big, complicated, convoluted process (for 90% of people it's as simple as calories in vs calories out. If that doesn't work, get your blood checked for diabetes and consider low carb).
Its the same fucking shit people are told over and over again about giving up smoking ("its the hardest thing youll ever do bro, the nicotine withdrawals are savage bro, trust me bro") - once I realized that nicotine withdrawals amounted to a vague feeling of anxiety that lasts about 30 seconds and goes away in about a month, and that all that was required was not to be a weak fucking pussy about it, I kicked that 20 a day habit I had for 16 years immediately and cold turkey.

>> No.17334905

Canned are terrible.
The canning process involves heavily salting the food so that even plain vegetables are miles worse than their unprocessed counterparts.
Sodium induced water retention is a killer

>> No.17334938

portion control is important.
Most people have been working from behind a desk for years now and simply don't have the same energy expenditure that warrants eating the amount of food they do.

>> No.17334997

Drink slim tea or 3 ballerina tea, lost 10 lb in the past week and it’s still coming off

>> No.17335021

>or he'd be dead by now.
nah, he just has a rotting liver and looks 30 years older than he is

>> No.17335024

I fucking wish

>> No.17335026

Are you suggesting that tea somehow causes you to either burn ridiculous amounts of fat, or excrete masses of free fatty acids?

>> No.17335244

Anyone have any recommendations for ultra low calorie accompaniments that actually taste good?

Most recipes I find just tell you to have boiled/steamed veg which I find bland as fuck. I've recently tried doing zero added fat stir fries (veg cooked in an air fryer then just heat up and stir in chicken and sauce) which is nice but most fresh stir fry veg mixes go off within 2 days which makes it a pain for mid week lunches when working from home.

>> No.17335308

>I'm 72kg yet I have a gut like that.
Are you 1m40 or are you filled with helium ?

>> No.17335332

Well I'm 5'8" as I said. Very manlet.

>> No.17335377

Best of luck to everyone who trying to get healthy
I love you

>> No.17335389

Za'atar, furikake, dried or roasted garlic, chilli flakes, those ready mixed "chicken seasoning" powders. Or try roasting the vegetables if you can afford a tiny bit of oil.

>> No.17335394
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I outlift and outcook you bro.
Blaming "carbs" for insulin issues is like blaming petroleum for Molotov Cocktails. It's a volume issue. 'Avoid carbs at all costs' will inargubly make people feel like complete shit, especially if they had a previously huge refined sugar habit before. You're going to have a failure to change behavior before you have a success in healthy weight loss. It's a matter of rebalancing the diet, minimally processed carbs (simply cooked potatoes, rice without added sugars or that's been cooked in rotten oils) and other whole foods. Completely avoiding carbs is rarted and does more harm than good.

>> No.17335402

To lose weight you have to starve yourself. You have to go hungry and not eat, fasting is the answer. If you're not hungry, then you won't lose weight.

>> No.17335403

>If you're not hungry, then you won't lose weight.
Excluding keto

>> No.17335406

>t. anorexic
eat a burger

>> No.17335423

But I've lost a lot of weight , never feel hungry and the keto people insist that I'm not doing keto .

>> No.17335426

it's a laxative tea, it makes you shit like crazy especially if you eat nothing but veges and fruit

>> No.17335781

>totally missing the bottle of vodka in the equation
>gives generic advice

>> No.17335960

I lost that amount by basically starving myself and not having a meal bigger than a handful of nuts or a carrot, celery stalks, etc. I gained it all back after about a year, though

>> No.17335993

Emptying your bowels is not weight loss, retard.

>> No.17336029

The keto diet isn't about what you eat; it's about getting your body into a state of ketosis, where your ketone body production is over a certain threshold. A good sign of ketosis is that your breath starting smelling like you've been drinking as the acetone you're now producing finds its way into your lungs and is breathed out. You also don't look like you're eating anywhere near enough fat, as the typical keto diet is around 75-80% fat.

It's okay to just be low carb, my dude. If it's working then it's working.

>> No.17336049

That sucks Anon, I had a similar experience, went too aggressive on the diet and developed a binging habit as a result once I got close to my goal weight. Gotta do it sustainably, I suppose.

>> No.17336407

>If it's working then it's working
this is the best advice of the thread
if something isn't working, change it
if it is working, keep doing it

>> No.17336494

Then tell me why I’m losing weight

>> No.17336556

Why does my vice have to be alcohol, it ages you and makes you a fat fuck I hate it

>> No.17336610

Keto worked so well for me in losing weight I added carbs to my diet to decrease my weight loss . I thought five or six pounds a week was too fast .

>> No.17336619

Because you emptied your guts with a laxative, retard. In the short term it looks like you're losing weight but your bodyfat hasn't gone anywhere. You're bragging about losing water weight lmao

>> No.17336630
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>> No.17336636
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>> No.17336680

Get rid of all trash. That means soda, fast food, sweets, beer, takeout, whatever.
Skip breakfast all together. The longer continious periods of not eating the better.
Do extended fasts ever so often. That means at least 36 hours of not eating at all. Yes you will survive. You will have periods of hunger, but they subside fairly quickly.
Get rid of shitty cooking oils. Stick to butter, olive oil, lard or tallow.
Try to get enough sleep and reduce stress if possible.
Try keto, or any variant of LCHF. At the very least try getting rid of bread.

>> No.17336749

>Weight loss is as simple as calories in/calories out
Problem is the calories out part of the equation. It has relatively little to do with exercise and a lot to do with the metabolic rate. Now, eating carbs once per day might be good enough for most people, but if you are a proper fatso with severe metabolic issues that might be enough to spike insulin to the point where you never can access your body fat. If the body can't get its energy from food and can't get it from stored body fat it will reduce the metabolic rate. You'll be cold, tired, miserable and will eventually gain back the weight you lost, even if you stick to your diet and exercise regularly.