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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 431 KB, 2048x1536, FJ4tS7qXIAMfieJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17326104 No.17326104 [Reply] [Original]

ok this is epic

>> No.17326107
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>> No.17326138

how's the garlic sauce?

>> No.17326429

what the fuck there's a new batman movie???
thanks you based /caesars/ for letting me know. it would be wonderful to see Heath Ledger again

>> No.17326608

Enough with the capeshit

>> No.17326626

you couldn't name 5 superheroes off the top of your head who wear a cape, without looking it up.

>> No.17326638

Are you trying to insult anon or something? kek wtf

>> No.17326641

>just fold 4 slices inwards
>everything spills out and makes a greasy mess
>2.99 surcharge

>> No.17326650

Green lantern
Captain america
The flash

Am i far off?

>> No.17326659

If someone served this to me I would refuse to eat it and if I didn't get a proper substitute I would tip exactly one penny. I would go home and eat some THC gummies and spend a few hours creating Google and Yelp profiles to leave slanderous reviews. I would email corporate and expect them to make it right.

>> No.17326661

Does it come with a free NFT?

>> No.17326662

batman isnt capeshit

>> No.17326665

how would one go about making a garlic drizzle/spread like that. it looks like butter and garlic salt but is that it? maybe some sort of oil and emulsifier?

>> No.17326673

flash doesnt wear a cape, neither green lantern orcaptan america

>> No.17326677

You're so cringe bro. Take a pic of your Baby Yoda and Star Trek funko pop collection.

>> No.17326689

I can barely name 5 superheroes off the top of my head, I'm jealous of your encyclopedic knowledge of the MCU

>> No.17326692

well, he speaks english pretty well, and knows the common slang for such popular media. i'd wager he's american. and well, comics have been around for almost 100 years. it is something of an insult.
like when i get insulted for not knowing who the first hall of famers in american football are, or basketball stars that are white. etc.

>> No.17326711

>heh I bet you can't identify five superheroes that wear a certain article of clothing heh

Sorry, this isn't an insult. This is you being a hyperconsoomer and needing to touch grass. I bet you can't identify five local mushrooms.

>> No.17326723

That’s a big pizza

>> No.17326742

He can probably name 500 hot sauces tho

>> No.17326782

Not to mention 2 dozen BBC actors.

>> No.17326789

I'm not a fan, I just know they don't.

>> No.17326806

Yeah, they only come in large I think.

>> No.17326812

For you.

>> No.17326873

incorrect, but i understand where your superiority is coming from. do you mind specifying the 'locale'. do you mean north american, or territory of united states?
i watched fantastic fungi and learned there's quite a fuck ton of mushrooms out there.

>> No.17326883

I am tired of living in this world

>> No.17326888

Jackie Chan

>> No.17326897
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I've seen better looking frog puke

>> No.17326951
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I sometimes worry there are too many people like me when I read these kinds of posts. Honestly the slim chance this post was by me and I just forgot is also somewhat concerning. I've certainly spent more time on pettier shit.

>> No.17326999
File: 111 KB, 876x912, the_incredibles___no_capes_by_dlee1293847_dde08k3-pre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meta Man

>> No.17327006

Can't always just walk up and go away because you're in company so have to act proper and shit.
There are movies and restaurants that I've been to were I'd like to just get up and walk away from, but it would look bad because I was with other people or a girlfriend.

>> No.17327010


>> No.17327017

I tipped a penny before, it was some french restaurant and the waitress was rude to my girlfriend. It was better tipping one penny than nothing, that way the penny is noticed.

>> No.17327025


>> No.17327030
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>> No.17327038
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Also the reason Knights Hospitaller stopped wearing capes in real life.

>> No.17327040


I know what you mean. I've read some copypastas and honestly wasn't sure if I forgot I wrote them originally or not. The vocabulary and style is exactly mine, even some of the phrases used, but I can't be sure if it was me or someone else. It is a strange feeling like being unsure of your own identity.

>> No.17327042

I obviously meant local as in your own locality.

>> No.17327044
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Gal Gadot as superwoman, she's a hottie.

>> No.17327069

I tipped a penny a couple times. One time I remember with clarity: a slight upper scale diner opened near my house so my girlfriend and I went there on opening day. I brought a coffee in a paper cup with me and sat down. The waitress came by to give us menus and ask what we wanted to drink and glared at my cup and said I couldn't have that here. I was perplexed and asked what she meant and she said I couldn't have an outside coffee cup. So I started getting up to leave and in a really pissy manner she got one of their mugs and made me dump my coffee into it.

At some point during the service a new waitress took over and she was freaking the fuck out. She said another waitress walked out and it sounded like they were having opening day troubles. Then the cunty first waitress was back and it took a while to get our food and she was just cold and passively rude. She was quite attractive and had a Greek look to her, thick dark hair and Greek facial features, voluptuous with a thin waist but nice hips and ass and C-cups.

So I left a penny. Looking back I'm not sure why I was surprised and took an affront to being told not to bring an outside drink into the restaurant. But I certainly was at the time.

>> No.17327101

>do something stupid
>get told not to do something stupid
>act like a jerk
I can see why it was memorable. I doubt you're that much of an annoyance normally.

>> No.17327154

hometown, state, timezone, climate zone, vegetative region? you gotta meet me halfway here buddy.

>> No.17327167

Again, I mean where YOU live. Not where I or anyone else lives.

>> No.17327204


>> No.17327215

Thanks for the information. I always try Little Caesars promos.

>> No.17327312

good goyim

>> No.17327320

If you ordered something that retarded you have nobody to blame but yourself, Karen.

>> No.17327327

>triggered over za’

>> No.17327328

Did you pay for this?

>> No.17327431

you sound like a little faggot zoomer also anyone who posts that gay fucking image is a faggot. I can beat the shit out of you, you degenerate potheaded faggot.

>> No.17327437
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>> No.17327442
File: 59 KB, 600x637, batman pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did they shape the pizza?

>> No.17327456

Lay off the THC.

>> No.17327459
File: 50 KB, 474x266, 1628343339398.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the cut-off for zoomer? Also a 10 year old could probably kick my ass, i'm a drunk. Probably why I have a hard time remembering things.
But hey if you want to meet up and harm me by all means man, you do you.
Only smoked that stuff once, not my thing.

>> No.17327469

Some morons get paranoid and stupid by smoking a joint, others we just get PhDs.

>> No.17327471

like 1996/97-2012 is an estimate of the zoomer.

>> No.17327479

The estimate of some idiot that uses the term zoomer is that they're minimum wage morons.

>> No.17327486
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I don't remember it well, was already drunk on white whiskey.
I've seen that 1996/97 thing before, why are those two years associated with each other like that?
Also I make the cut I think. Good to know despite feeling 67 i'm actually a strapping young lad in the prime of my time.

>> No.17327492


>> No.17327493

I have to order some rye before the liquor store closes.

>> No.17327500

Zoomer, gen Z, it doesn't fucking matter what you call them faggot, it's a generation.

>> No.17327511
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Picked up my fresh handle this morning. Much better to get your stuff in the morning when you're half-way sober and not a wreck.
Old hating on the young, tale older than the old. Hated adults when I was a kid, hate em as an adult. Peter Pan was really on to something.

>> No.17327518

Hell yeah, there's no disagreement there.

>> No.17327561


>> No.17327966

Glad to see /co/ck/ at it again.

>> No.17328234

this is the least appetizing thing I've seen posted on /ck/ and I'm not usually snobbish about Little Ceaser in particular

>> No.17328287
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>> No.17328313

this isn't a bad thing lol

>> No.17328391

It's *almost* a clever idea.

>> No.17328400


>> No.17328431

if you go little caesars forums you will see employees whining about how much work it is to make these. naturally I'm buying one tomrrow

>> No.17328465
File: 187 KB, 748x620, SmartSelect_20211117-221228_Google.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we're just a couple years away from α posters

>> No.17328472

Someone was making the crazy calzony and half-way through noticed it kinda looked like the batman symbol. They must have been shopping hard for a tie-in since then.

>> No.17330229

anon, you gotta work with me here. what if there are no mushrooms that grow in my area? do i still have to play?

>> No.17330253
File: 20 KB, 360x450, BatCard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do they accept credit card?

>> No.17330553

why did they just use a generic bat clipart instead of the actual Batman symbol

>> No.17330755

alien jizz

>> No.17330765


>> No.17330846
File: 694 KB, 1280x720, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Flash and Cap dont have a cape though?

Im a fairly stupic comic virgin, but off the top of my head I got.

Dr Strange
Dr Doom

Stratogale was a teenager when she was fed into a plane turbine.

>> No.17330947

they did though?

>> No.17330954

Yes it is. Fuck your toddler fiction.

>> No.17330962


>> No.17331214

I think one of the actual Batman comic authors screamed “what the fuck?!” in the theater at this scene.

>> No.17332395

>Ayo sup lil nigga?

>> No.17332422
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>> No.17332437

this but unironically

>> No.17332448

I look like this

>> No.17332480

I read this in my voice

>> No.17332569

post your face lol

>> No.17332828
File: 65 KB, 474x632, 1624151481395.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>post your face lol

>> No.17334113

I read that in his voice, but I don't know what his voice sounds like.

>> No.17334125

what avengers is this?

>> No.17334129
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>good thru: Forever

>> No.17334819
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>She was quite attractive and had a Greek look to her, thick dark hair and Greek facial features, voluptuous with a thin waist but nice hips and ass and C-cups.

Why did you stop when the story was just getting hot and heavy?

>> No.17334834
File: 2 KB, 126x126, 1324502240391.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 1995
>too young to really relate to millennials or their problems yet too old to truly identify with core zoomer culture
>ultimately feel alien to both and lost generationally

where my 94-96 familia at...

>> No.17334842

>Neon Talking Super Street Bat-Luge is acceptable, but a Bat Credit Card is taking things too far

>> No.17334843


>> No.17336428

Yeah, that's cool. I've also shouted in movie theaters as an attempt to disrupt the film-viewing experience for my fellow cinema patrons. WHEN I WAS A CHILD.

>> No.17336940

Looks like the bat has a prolapse anus

>> No.17337135

Biblically accurate pizza

>> No.17337625
File: 68 KB, 640x479, 1626721899598.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm still here...

>> No.17337708

It's not even hard. The quality of employees is just really low.

>> No.17337902

More like hot and ready, amirite?

>> No.17338661


>> No.17338698
File: 354 KB, 200x167, 5yugt65f4derxdfvtyhu.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17338707

I'm sure you can google 'superheros who wear capes' and some based fat autist has a post on some obscure forum archiving every hero, however esoteric, who has ever worn a cape
he also probably wrote a subsection for cloaks and other cape-like accessories

>> No.17338726

stolen valor

>> No.17339251

Dr Doom and Magneto are villains

>> No.17339304

hey I made this post last week

>> No.17339577
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