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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 281 KB, 1024x686, burger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17322230 No.17322230 [Reply] [Original]

This is a burger

>> No.17322240

Vegan containment thread

>> No.17322243

i would not have sex with that burger

>> No.17322250

thanks germany

>> No.17322264
File: 117 KB, 1200x900, hungry-story-of-the-sandwich-istock_000016810360large-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is also a burger

>> No.17323932


>> No.17323944

No, thats a patty you dumb fuck. Were you home schooled or something?

>> No.17324335

based and digitpilled.

>> No.17324336

You are a vegetable

>> No.17324859

How make burger

>> No.17324912
File: 855 KB, 1575x2470, 3E6ADBE3-F11C-45BF-A480-E593BE331DD4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a burger

>> No.17325239

No its a sandwich, do you have eyes on your head?

>> No.17325240

no that's a bug

>> No.17325241

Correction - this is a HAMBAGA SUTEIKU.

>> No.17325247
File: 127 KB, 425x282, pbj_crust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a sandwich.

>> No.17325299
File: 120 KB, 634x797, Devil's_Flower_Mantis-article-0-0BE620CD00000578-265_634x797.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17325325

No I will not eat the bugs

>> No.17325339
File: 340 KB, 1240x697, fat cunt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is a burger

>> No.17325348

a hamburger patty, or burger for short. a hamburger sandwich can also be called a burger. frequently hamburger sandwiches are on a bun, but not always.

>> No.17325627
File: 817 KB, 1264x2473, 7288FF53-818D-4665-996D-8C3724931D55.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, it’s a burger. With a ton of extra umami.

>> No.17325637
File: 424 KB, 600x721, 1641957729484.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. This

>> No.17325674
File: 743 KB, 1200x800, forty-thousand-dollar-mobility-scooter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Jokes aside, it's clownworld that so many supermarkets and box stores supply those mobility scooters now. If the people using them were actually handicapped, then they would already have their own wheelchairs. Plus the obvious observation that they're only making their condition worse by refusing to take any exercise, even if it's just pushing a cart around a store. So what's the deal? Are stores just trying to limit liability by reducing the chance that someone has a heart attack inside?

>> No.17325694
File: 68 KB, 720x909, 1615772821001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a burger.

>> No.17325852

It’s like the free booze they used to give you in vegas. These people know that they just have to somehow waddle into the store and then they can sit and ride and buy all of their drugs, aka food.

>> No.17325948
File: 14 KB, 222x304, 20200804_045831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a faggot

>> No.17325954
File: 39 KB, 400x400, 1576680488106.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha. Gottem

>> No.17325959

Never post on the internet again

>> No.17326011
File: 255 KB, 620x349, Kirk_v_Gorn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That thing looks like a flying saucer and needs lizard people.

>> No.17326031
File: 153 KB, 800x600, Godzilla_Party_Pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll see that and raise you a party pizza.

>> No.17326035

Okay, so serious answer as opposed to >>17325852 ‘s “because stupid peepee poopoo heads” explanation.

They’re *intended to be* provided as a courtesy for those those who could genuinely use the assistance, and there are more cases of that than most would immediately think.
Like someone who is old or somewhat infirm, who can get around well enough to not typically need a motorized device but pushing a cart of stuff up and down the aisles of a huge ass store would present much more difficulty; if they only need such a thing to help with an occasional shopping trip, it’s much better to just use a store-provided one than go through the expense/trouble of buying a mobility device and the shit to attach it to their car, and have to load/unload it when they go to the store.
Another case is people with a temporary mobility issue; such as having a leg cast, or who haven’t fully recovered from an injury/procedure to their foot/leg/knee/hip/etc. It’s hard to push a cart like that, but it isn’t a permanent handicap.
And of course you have disabled people in normal wheelchairs; even if they can get around just fine otherwise, it’s hard to push a shopping cart while also pushing the wheels on your chair.

The problem is the “intended to be” bit. Lazy obese fucks see these things as a free ticket to sit on their ass while shopping, and these same people are 99% white/ghetto trash, so of course they’re going to just use the free one instead of just buying their own fatfuck-cart so they never have to walk again.
Unfortunately, stores can’t dictate who can/can’t use these things. Especially since most of the stores which provide these are very deep-pocketed chains; they’d be paying a shit ton in settlements to fatfucks who sue for discrimination.

Those electric carts were originally offered with good intentions. But hamplanets gonna ham so they can conserve their precious calories.

>> No.17326059

"white/ghetto" trash so you have an agenda to push, go back to al sharpie sharp sharpton you fucking black cunt.

>> No.17326081

I don't have "good intentions" I don't care about your stupid black negro bullshit, get over yourselves.

>> No.17326101

>but hamplanets gonna ham
Yeah, that’s just what I said, moron. Never compare yourself to me.

>> No.17326111

Why would anyone just bite into a huge block of cheese... and in public nonetheless. Fucking disgusting.

>> No.17326113

maybe you need some jessie jackson with your negro bullshit

>> No.17326120

>samefagging this hard
Aren’t you supposed to be in school, Brayden?

>> No.17326124

Don’t worry; I’d never compare myself to someone too illiterate to understand a question being asked.

>> No.17326132

WTF is a brayden and why should I care, is that negro crap that no human cares about?

>> No.17326147

Says that guy forcing a semi colon. A comma would have been fine, you know.

>> No.17326156

Brayden is a general term for a zoomer whose single mom didn’t give a shit if he learned in school, and as a result thinks a term like “white/ghetto trash” is somehow an anti-white insult instead of obvious shorthand for “white trash and ghetto trash”.

>> No.17326171

That's meaningless, like some negro just made stuff up like from al sharpie sharpton or jackson, standard hollywood bullshit.

>> No.17326180

Whoa you look so literate forcing an unnecessary semicolon. Good job :^)

>> No.17326183
File: 98 KB, 960x650, 9FCA1EDA-9D1C-4375-987D-241812494F79.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>using a punctuation mark correctly is “forcing”
Srry m8 ill srsly try 2 comma moar 4evr

>> No.17326202

"general term" your just making shit up like a negro moron.

>> No.17326204

>And of course you have disabled people in normal wheelchairs; even if they can get around just fine otherwise, it’s hard to push a shopping cart while also pushing the wheels on your chair.

That makes sense, but someone alone in a wheelchair would have to (1) get from the parking lot to the front of the store in his own chair, (2) somehow himself from his chair to the scooter, (3) and leave his chair behind at the front of the store while shopping. I don't think I've every seen that. Is there a protocol to handle this, like paging staff to put the person's own chair somewhere safe?

>> No.17326206

If you were as literate as you are trying to autistically show off then you would realise that a comma would have been more effective. Peak dunning-kruger.

>> No.17326209

>(2) somehow himself
*somehow move himself

>> No.17326215

I think those fat fucks have remote controls for those scooters these days.

>> No.17326238

Semicolons look nicer when used in longer sentences. The semicolon deserves more than a measly two word clause. I'm not even sure if "Don't worry" counts as an independent clause since it's generally inappropriate to use it without some sort of explanation or support.

>> No.17326293

>(1) get from the parking lot to the front of the store in his own chair
For someone wheelchair-bound, that isn’t going to be an issue because they’re in a handicap-modified vehicle.
>(2) somehow himself from his chair to the scooter
Also not a problem; they call it “transferring” and it’s basically the first thing someone learns to do in therapy after landing in a wheelchair so they can go from the chair to their bed or a seat in a car or a toilet or whatever
>(3) and leave his chair behind at the front of the store while shopping
They can just ask, and usually leave their chair near the customer service area or similar.
At least that’s how my father went about it after a 3-story fall put him in a chair.

>> No.17326294

I got hollared at by an English major for overusing semicolons, I suggest don't doing it.

>> No.17326296

i think that's basically the idea, limiting liability, plus it can't be good for sales if your store has a constant procession of deathfats dropping dead in the cereal aisle or expiring on the butter pyramid

>> No.17326303

I had a few "Beyond" burgers in my freezer the other day.
I've cooked one up as a burger before and I thought it was kind of gross. So I wanted to use it as ground beef replacement instead.
I don't use a lot of gr.beef so I figured I'd brown it and use it in a curry that I would usually use small chunks of beef in

It was so gross. I ended up trying to pick out all the little pieces of ground pea protien and it still tainted the broth. It smells like shit and every bite of Beyond "meat" ruins the dish.

I figured it would have been relatively flavor neutral but I was fucking wrong.

>> No.17326309

Hopefully you threw them in a nearby trash can since they're only worth as much as garbage.

>> No.17326359

>tfw /ck/ has better grammar discussion than /lit/
Anyway, “don’t worry” is definitely an independent clause, as it can stand alone as an imperative sentence. Semicolon works. Same as how “Stop resisting; it will hurt less and be over with sooner.” technically works.

>> No.17326441


>> No.17326449

I didn’t expect to come back and see you double down on being a retard. That was too easy.

>> No.17326582

>don’t doing it