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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 388 KB, 722x606, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17325192 No.17325192 [Reply] [Original]

Sorry, this is just unacceptable. There is no scenario where plastic american cheese works better than any other cheese.

>But bro dude its todally the best for burgers. Its so melty.

I understand this point, but have you considered the alternative option of using literally any other cheese in the world on a burger? It's better. Even a simple mild cheddar is better than plastic poo. Stop coping.

>> No.17325197
File: 127 KB, 1100x1000, 1620977405197.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>op getting worked over a lil yello slice o cheez

>> No.17325198

a thread died (and you didn't) for this

>> No.17325200

kraft singles are the best cheeses for burgers and for grilled cheese and you can't change my mind

>> No.17325220

This, but only this.

>> No.17325228

>but have you considered the alternative option of using literally any other cheese in the world on a burger?
yes and the best cheese for burgers is American.

I don't put cheese on a bruger because a good burger doesn't need it.

>> No.17325273
File: 2.06 MB, 1102x1200, cheese_PNG8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have trouble slicing cheese super thin. It's very convenient to have it come pre-sliced.

>> No.17325289

I have no access to Americans cheese and every cheese I tried on a burger has been disappointing, any recommendations?

>> No.17325293


No cheese

>> No.17325296

Disagree with you on the grilled cheese front but otherwise spot on. The optimal grilled cheese cheese is actually a mix of havarti, jack, and sharp cheddar.

>> No.17325305
File: 37 KB, 640x427, 20130317-cheese-violife-slices-3-open.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This cheese isn't vegan (even though it's really close)
Please use a real vegan cheese alternative.

>> No.17325310

you can get other cheeses pre sliced

>> No.17325314

>There is no scenario
>I understand this point
So you recognize there is a scenario, you idiot.
Give a cheese that melts better on burgers than processed american.

>> No.17325320

you're supposed to peel the plastic off of it buddy

>> No.17325359

Actually yes there is. Make yourself a fried whitefish sandwhich and put one of these babies on top with some nice hamburger buns and hot spicy mayo. Man is that one good filet o fish sammie

>> No.17325361

I like it because it's yummy OP :D

>> No.17325368

there are various tools to help you with that.

>> No.17325383

Vegan alternative products probably give heart attacks.

As healthy I think veganism in general is, the processed vegan foods are like PUFA chemical weapons

>> No.17325443

>be notswiss but with swiss family in switzerland
>"let's get anon to make that really good fondue he makes"
>Okay, guys, but only if you stay out of the dining room while I put it together!
My secret ingredient is a little bit of that Americheese. It has sodium citrate, which helps the other cheeses I add to melt even more smoothly than normal. That's pretty much the only thing it's good for, IMO: helping other cheeses melt more smoothly.

Try adding a little bit of Americheese to it. Just a little will do ya. Seriously, it really ups the sandwich.

>> No.17325449

How? They don't even melt properly. They turn to goo.

>> No.17325456

Ok man I'll give it a shot, thanks

>> No.17325462

>They don't even melt properly. They turn to goo.
Buddy, correct me if I'm wrong obviously, but isn't that literally what melting is?

>> No.17325467

Fondu is gay
>t. lebt in der schweiz

>> No.17325472

Welcome. Let us know what you think.

>> No.17325479

No. Is water goo? That's what ice melts to. Kraft Singles don't melt to melted cheese. Thet melt to goo.

>> No.17325488
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Based debateclubfag

>> No.17325489

Why does op keep calling it plastic? He sounds so stupid to actually believe that.

>> No.17325494

>europoors are too stupid to take the plastic off the cheese before eating it

>> No.17325504

If anything melted kraft singles are LESS viscous than other melted cheeses at the same temperature. At high temperatures kraft is the least gooey among its fellow hard cheeses

>> No.17325526

In biological terms, all cheese is, in fact, plastic. Did you not do that experiment way back in year 2 making plastic with milk and vinegar?

>> No.17325527

So you agree that it doesn't melt to melted cheese. Thanks for playing. Consider just using a jar of cheese sauce in the future.

>> No.17325596

A slice of american on a fried egg sandwich is goat, sorry but you're wrong

>> No.17325612

So don't use plastic single slices, get american cheese from the deli.

>> No.17325697

americans are used to fake cheese taste being part of their classic hamburger flavor, I had never tasted american "cheese" until a couple years ago and its disgusting, truly an acquired taste

>> No.17325703

why not use high quality cheeses only and adding sodium citrate?

>> No.17325724

>american cheese
*american processed dairy slices

>> No.17325728


>Why not Americanize other cheeses?

It all becomes American cheese in the end. American refers to the method to make it

>> No.17325734

Not easy to come by quickly. When my cousins ask me to make fondue, I've got a few minutes to go to Coop or Migros and get stuff for it and neither stock sodium citrate, afaik. Furthermore, I wouldn't know how much of it to add.

>> No.17325738

Like Kraft singles? gotcha.

>> No.17325751

You sound like a weird fondue slave

>> No.17325784

PLEASE please tell me you didn't fall for the meme

>> No.17325791

make american cheese from scratch.


>> No.17325797
File: 10 KB, 250x250, big soy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You're supposed to take the heckin plastic off!

>> No.17325798

So, you like cheese? Name every cheese then...

>> No.17325804

1. Jackie Chan

>> No.17325809

I like it in balognut sandwich

>> No.17325964


That's what American cheese is

>> No.17325977

cheddar isn't good on a burger

>> No.17325980

seems to me the people making constant threads about how something must be so bad are the ones coping

>> No.17325987

>I have trouble slicing cheese super thin

>> No.17325992

The "deli" at any grocery store in america will slice any cheese you want as thin as you want. They'll slice it paper thin if that's what you ask for.

>> No.17325997

"thanks" ill have "to" try this out

>> No.17325998

Nice, I have a deli right next door! I'll ask if they can slice my Kraft singles slices paper thin.

>> No.17326003

>expecting me to figure out how the fuck to spell delicatessen
I did just for you, I hope you're happy.

>> No.17326009

"sorry" I am still not "happy"

>> No.17326010

Because my big fat fingers keep getting in the way

>> No.17326013
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>It's very convenient to have it come pre-sliced.
>he thinks it was sliced
>he thinks it comes from a cheese

>> No.17326020

Just take a moment to adjust the knife in your hands and get comfortable before initiating the slice. Go slow and slow down more when you sense yourself losing control.

>> No.17326024

go back newfag

>> No.17326034
File: 104 KB, 773x580, 1633518105612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was sliced though... along the edges from a big sheet

>> No.17326088

Bad news... they didn't want to, the sandwich guy looked at me like i was joking. I said to him that I was serious so he went and got the owner to see me. The owner promptly took the cheese out of my hand and slapped me silly with it and told me to get the fuck out, (his words) :(

>> No.17326096

Do it yourself !

>> No.17326160

>cheese sauce on a burger
Holy shit why are euros so fucking bad at making a burger it's literally just a sandwich and you can't even get it right

>> No.17326166

Thank you OP now I will buy another pack of kraft singles at the store just because of seethers.

>> No.17326533

I fucking hate American "cheese" so much. Bane of my existence. It's literally just plastic

>> No.17326643

Grocery store delis will actually slice american cheese for you (just not the packages of it that are already sliced.)

>> No.17326649

>"Consider just using a jar of cheese sauce in the future."
>on a burger
What the actual fuck

>> No.17326653

>It's literally just plastic
It literally is not plastic.

>> No.17326804

There's nothing wrong with it, it isn't plastic, it contains real cheese it's just melted and mixed with milk and emulsifiers. The fact it's called 'processed cheese' may scare your simple mind, but the fact is all cheese is processed. Cheese itself is a man-made product and doesn't occur naturally. The moon is not made of cheese despite what you may be taught in your third world schools (if you even go to school). Why would melting cheese with emulsifiers scare you, when the process of making cheese itself involves curdling milk and feeding it live bacteria. Cheese is basically a fermented dairy product. And if emulsions scare you, then does mayonnaise scare you too? is mayonnaise somehow 'plastic'? American cheese also has many benefits because of the emulsifiers it contains. It's able to stay stable while under high heat, unlike real cheese which splits, due to the protein and water in the cheese separating at excessive temperatures. It also has a much longer shelf life and is a unique taste and flavor since it can be made of a mixture of cheeses blended together. So yes, American cheese is great and is definitely the best cheese to use on a burger.

>> No.17326839

it sucks and you're gay.

>> No.17326850

I work at a grocery store deli, we get blocks of American cheese to cut, it’s pretty great not to have to deal with the individually wrapped slices.

>> No.17326943

cheese is bad for you anyways

>> No.17326982

But it's free calories and it feels more filling

>> No.17327155

See >>17325526

>> No.17327160
File: 8 KB, 193x182, 1545141543945.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me it's the free microplastiacs 2bh pham.

>> No.17327272

dubs speak the truth

>> No.17327280

American cheese is just normal cheese with melting salts like sodium citrate.

>> No.17327298

I heard you can get pretty high if you smoke melting salts, turns people into fucking zombies

>> No.17327308

>The Virgin Yuropoor vs. The Based Chadeese

>> No.17327311

This backpedal is almost a pathetic as when yuros claim that when they say "Americans" they ACKSHULLY meant everyone in North, Central or South America when they get called out for saying Americans eat poutine enchiladas or some other asisine obsession shit.

>> No.17327379

Some processed cheeses absolutely fuck my stomach up but others are fine to me. Any idea of what the specific chemicals are that could be doing this?

>> No.17327408

What in the fuck are you on about?

>> No.17327435

didn't read. amerifat "cheese" is still barely a step above petroleum products, cope

>> No.17327438

>How? They don't even melt properly. They turn to goo.
So you're telling me they have a superior melting ability over regular cheeses? Cool!

>> No.17327494
File: 2.37 MB, 640x640, 1636842490657.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a unique taste and flavor
This is one of the biggest reasons people hate it. The awful taste.

>unlike real cheese which splits, due to the protein and water in the cheese separating at excessive temperatures.
People like it when cheese does that. The sort of people who are grossed out by the way real cheese melts are the sort of people who are grossed out by the texture of a real chicken breast and only eat chicken nuggets instead: dumb kids and manchild autistics.

>> No.17327497

>Stop coping.
And have a (you)

>> No.17328463

It's convenient and good

>> No.17328473

This. I made a grilled cheese with the fake shit for the first time a week ago and it was gooey plastic garbage. no idea what the fuck people are talking about. Using sharp cheddar or something is way better

>> No.17328477
File: 123 KB, 433x577, SlicedWhiteAmerican_433x.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

White American is probably the best cheese ever. Seethe more

>> No.17329068

are you suggesting that "real" cheese is supposed to have a watery consistency when melted

>> No.17329118

But they don't taste like cheese.

>> No.17329503

agreed until you lied about the moon.

>> No.17329505

That’s Raclette cheese retard. It’s specifically made for melting in that way. Regular cheeses like cheddar split and become grainy/greasy, and no, people do not like that.

>> No.17329507

ask me why I got the white American cheese, anon.

>> No.17329510

They do because they contain cheese. It’s literally cheese, milk and emulsifiers.

>> No.17329549

Why did you get the white american, anon?

>> No.17329555


>> No.17329893

The only advantage before was that it was cheaper. But now Kraft singles cost just as much as store brand real cheese slices. I’ve worked at places that use the cheapest of these and they are disgusting, this and “Swiss style” not even allowed to call it Swiss.

>> No.17330034

>another obsession thread
Underage yuros are the worst

>> No.17330186

You dont even know how much of a spaz you should like right noe

>> No.17330293

Sorry but this might be hard to tell to someone with such a low IQ but...actually you know what I won’t waste my time someone with my IQ shouldn’t even be talking to someone like you.

>> No.17330318

and yet...

>> No.17330326

>white is bad you said you're white so you're stupid
Fuck off, Tyrone

>> No.17330333

imagine getting riled up over a 3 years old copypasta

>> No.17330421

plastic means a thing thats can be molded into a shape anon. please stop sperging

>> No.17330911

why does american so is the retarded stupid to eating a literally plastic????

>> No.17331063

That shit is more plastic than cheese I used to eat it by the slice now I dont touch it/

>> No.17331080

Yes, people absolutely do like melted cheddar. You manchild retard.

>> No.17331446

Same, literally just turns to dripping slop. Tastes vile too

>> No.17331458

are you autistic

>> No.17331465

Your English teacher should be ashamed.

>> No.17331484

If you're buying American cheese in plastic and not fresh sliced from a deli, you are paying for an inferior product and should be ashamed of yourself. The only way American cheese is even good is if it's sliced fresh and not full of crappy emulsifiers like Kraft brand shit

>> No.17331904

>ice is plastic

>> No.17331918

>Stop coping.
Take your own advice OP. You having an argument with yourself in your own head isn't worthy of a thread.

>> No.17331941 [DELETED] 

you're a disgusting faggot that enjoys the taste of other men's anuses, your opinion is invalid.

>> No.17331948

No, ice is brittle.

>> No.17331956

You dumb nigger, the emulsifiers are the entire point. That’s why it melts smoothly.

>> No.17331957

Mmm I had three pieces of Kraft singles on my 1.5 grilled cheeses for dinner last night. For my last sandwich I like to leave a little of the plastic on the cheese. It makes it a little more gooey. Yum!

>> No.17331959

Yeah you'd like that huh? That imagery really get you worked up?

>> No.17332046

I don't believe you.

>> No.17332051

pajeet, this not designated shitting thread

>> No.17332053

I did not eat the plastic.

I had vegetable soup with butt roast in it and grilled cheese sandwiches on homemade bread. Bought and used kraft singles tho only because it makes ceekay seethe.

Kraft singles might even be better than a good sharp cheddar or a light cheddar.

>> No.17332058

All American cheese has the emulsifiers. The reason the stuff that comes in plastic is called "pasteurized process cheese PRODUCT" is because it's mixed with milk and whey. That's also why it's so cheap. "Real" American cheese is hella expensive and doesn't even taste that much different from the singles. At that point why not get some actual cheese?

>> No.17332084

>For my last sandwich I like to leave a little of the plastic on the cheese. It makes it a little more gooey. Yum!
>I did not eat the plastic.
You're just making nonsensical shit up then trying to walk it back without explanation. You're full of shit.

>> No.17332088

Its fake cheese. Asqueroso.

>> No.17332114

What do we want, White Cheese.

>> No.17332244

one time as a kid i ate like 20 of these and threw up
hated them ever since

>> No.17332302

Wowee zowee you are sooo smart huh

>> No.17332444

You're just a bad liar.

>> No.17332466

I used to believe this before I stopped being a snobby ass faggot

>> No.17332467

fourme d'ambert

>> No.17332473

vegan imitation foods are awful to eat and awful for the environment. somehow killing tons of animals destroying rainforests for palm oil is fine but using animals directly is bad

>> No.17332485

I swear to fucking god this thread gets posted all the time with the exact same replies.

>> No.17332586

All you need to make sodium citrate is to combine sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) and citric acid in a stoichiometric ratio (5:4 by weight) in aqueous solution, then evaporate off the water. If you want to be very precise you can test the ph to make sure it's neutral before evaporating.

>> No.17332628
File: 769 KB, 2400x2400, 83d1ee67-fcd6-4121-b20a-3d6dd5263108.89a1bc7e6b287e3e639f5e0c2ce4451b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for me it's the deli deluxe american cheese

>> No.17332730

>kraft deli deluxe american, 16 slices
it doesn't say 'cheese'..

>> No.17332735
File: 3.20 MB, 540x224, 31F333C1-A06B-4AAE-9FE0-03EECCE9688C.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit, he’s onto us.

>> No.17332736
File: 91 KB, 800x800, 000081193[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here you go autismo

>> No.17332739

I'm going to buy 2 packs of kraft singles next time I go to the store. Good!

>> No.17332740

oh no no no no

>> No.17332861
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>> No.17332874

>Normal cheese turns into water when you melt it
You have a hole in your brain.

>> No.17332908

>melted ice = water
>water ≠ goo
>melted Kraft = goo
Therefore melted Kraft = water?
Check your work.

>> No.17332935

regular cheese melts to goo though

>> No.17333075

You don't know what an emulsifier is nor what it does, do you, friend?

>> No.17334268

I keep a bag of sodium citrate in my pantry that I order from Amazon. I've only bought one bag, but it's a 1KG bag and you only need a teaspoon or two each time you use it.

>> No.17334660

>it's ok if I add all the processing chemicals separately in poorly measured amounts and give myself more cancer
Euros everybody

>> No.17334893
File: 73 KB, 960x720, american cheese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17336091

Americans don't know real food. They are raised on heavily processed products that they stick in the microwave. An essential ingredient for American baking is Red 40. They are disgusted by real cheese like bleu as well as chunky sausage. If a food isn't perfectly homogeneous they will not eat it. They are incapable of cooking. Even frying an egg is too much to expect of most Americans, let alone melting some cheese without letting it separate. That's why some of their staple "dishes" are "processed 'cheese' on processed 'bread'", and "processed 'cheese' in processed 'noodles'". Basically, every time you talk to an American on this board, keep in mind that they have the mentality of a 5-year-old at best when it comes to food and cookery.

>> No.17336094

The only use I find for plastic American cheese is melting it over nachos. It's the quickest way of getting a that texture. Ideally I would make an actual cheese sauce but if i'm short for time this works okay. There is no other reason to use this kind of cheese IMO. Definitely not for grilled cheese.

>> No.17336125

stop being so obsessed

>> No.17336129
File: 116 KB, 736x736, leerdammer-08ea9fd67a71a917.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>*blocks your path*
nothing personal

>> No.17336133

Having eyes and seeing Americans flaunting their disgusting "food" isn't "being obsessed". Every time I see an American talk about what they eat it's some abhorrent slop with nary a vegetable in sight, where half the ingredients contain HFCS and artificial flavours. Definitely giving Brits a run for their money.

>> No.17336151

>He's never had sushi
Oh dear

>> No.17336171

Anon doesn't live in Switzerland so why would he buy 1kg of sodium citrate to keep (at his cousin's house in Switzerland) if the current system works just fine for him?