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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.22 MB, 1800x945, SCENARIO-4_DRIVEWAY_COURIER-CAR_0350-1_1619625883.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17323389 No.17323389 [Reply] [Original]

>eats your fries

>> No.17323395

The bags come sealed.

>> No.17323429

i had a fucking driver straight up drive off with my pizza. I was standing on the fucking driveway, the fucker stopped on the other side of the street, claimed he left the food, and drove off. Motherfucker saw me standing there and drove off with my pizza. Hope it was a good fucking pizza because i'm 95% sure I got that bitch fired, and got another pizza right after.

>> No.17323433

We staple the bags shut at my cafe

>> No.17323437

Do they already receive your money before actually giving you your food? I'm not familiar with this.

>> No.17323438

Stapled, still can slide a hand in and grab shit had an asshole eat some of my food and call my number to complain I reported it, they're all mental

>> No.17323466

Yes, you pay when you place the order. If something goes wrong you can be refunded, or they can suck ass and refuse to refund you.

>> No.17323592

>uber eats
do chinese / east euro / etc restaurants use them as well?
just order from a place that has it's own delivery personal

>> No.17323631

>uber eats
Not even once.

>> No.17323635

the drivers dont decide on refunds, and also ive never not been refunded

90% its the restauants fuck up

>> No.17323647

She will need to be punished... ...sexually

>> No.17323666
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>free sausage topping

>> No.17323695

no shit the drivers don't decide on refunds

>> No.17323704

The fat fucks at my work order Uber every day. This one chicken has a 12 foot diameter ass. I fucking hate them. God darn fat people are disgusting.

>> No.17323726

yeah basically the same happened to me the first time i used uber eats. pretty easy to get a refund at least. deleted the app after that.

>> No.17323727
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I carry a stapler so I can eat your fries and conceal the evidence. They aren't hard to find lmao
Even if they use sticker seals, I remove them and fold/staple the bag
Thanks for the food cu/ck/s

>> No.17323739

That's so unnecessarily expensive, how does he afford it?

>> No.17323754

oh yeah well i shit and piss in your mouth

>> No.17323759
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Mmmm! Yummy yummy!

>> No.17323760
File: 430 KB, 438x653, wagecuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi, yes, I'd like to order a um... aha, a girlfriend, actually. You got any of those back there? Oh, no cheese, though. Oh I'm just kidding. Just pullin' your leg, champ. Man, I remember working in a little fast food joint back when I was your age. Really sucked! But I'm sure you didn't need me to tell you that. Haha, time flies. Time flies. Time flies... You know what, kid? I think I know what I'd like. Yeah, a choc-o-lat-tay shake! I haven't had one since I was a kid! And here I was all gung-ho about trying the McRib again but you know what? Life's movin' too fast for the both of us, so why not live a little? Ahaha, so yes, that'll be a medium chocolate shake, champ. Huh? What's that? Ice cream machine's down? So you're not gonna make me a shake, is that what you're sayin? Haha, well, that is. Huh. Yeah, that definitely puts a sting in my afternoon, lemme tell you. You know what? That's bullshit. That's just some prime fucking bullshit. Why don't you sit tight over by the window, alright? I'm gonna come and pull up and blow your goddamn brains out, kid. Are you fucking with me? No chocolate shake? You stupid cunt, you fucking wretched animals. I should burn this shit down to the ground and string you up like a pinata so I can beat the absolute fuck out of you. Fucking idiot. Fuck McDonalds. I'll take a large water, thanks.

>> No.17323795

You’re already paying someone you don’t know to handle & prepare food you haven’t seen, now you’re adding a contractor into the mix. You’re getting what you deserve.

>> No.17323855


>> No.17323867

>filled with seed oils
>cooked and handled by minorities
>potentially stolen or otherwise molested by handler
>tip required

Learn to cook and WFH, your health and wealth with improve

>> No.17323882

The fry fingerer strikes again.

>> No.17323909

i take a bite :)

>> No.17323918

that app was barely usable in 2018 and i had a restaurant call me and tell me to stop using it, i cant even imagine someone relying on it nowadays.

>> No.17323923

that's cause you're a faggot. I don't serve faggots either.

>> No.17323938
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i-indirect kissu......

>> No.17323941 [DELETED] 

i even suspected you eating my shit nigger i would rate you 1 so fast it would make your head spin

>> No.17323962

Someone should kill you

>> No.17323965

based and fuck you, cunt

>> No.17323993

Calm down, I didn't actually take a bite, it's just a post on the internet

>> No.17324009

No, you probably did eat out of someone's food. Even if you didn't, there's probably some other reason you should be killed, so if you end up dead pretty soon, I won't shed any tears.

>> No.17324042
File: 282 KB, 1200x715, D4AD4707-8507-4854-A287-6346B6BF80FB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ordering fucking fries with delivery
Serves you right.
There are some foods which are fine after the time required to deliver them.
Fried potatoes are not one of them.

Also, captcha made me lol.

>> No.17324113

Not as good as the shamrock shake pasta

>> No.17324371
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Sometimes I'll take a whole arancini ball, or a wing, or a few popcorn chicken bits if I'm feeling a lil' peckish. You'll just headcanon it to be "Fucking restaurant shorted me" anyway. Hehehehe

>> No.17324446

I don't think I've ever seen a white person working Uber Eats

>> No.17324462

Based. However my friend used uber not too long ago to get KFC and we actually got more food than we ordered.

>> No.17324463

I do doordash since im in between jobs and always snag a few fries or some chicken if it isn't a set amount. Drank some soup and lemonade the other night too kek. Its what you get for using these shitty apps. I like the walmart orders too, I end up with some mixed veggies to cook with later.

>> No.17324620

>the mysterious Black woman who will eat my fries if I misbehave of European legends was real all along
Oh no!

>> No.17324654

it all white people here.. dont know wtf youre talking about

>> No.17324660
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>"That'll be $9.80. Cash or card?"

>> No.17324696

>Grabs his beard and yank it down causing his reflexes to go down as I pull and fucking his neck and spine up at the same time

>> No.17324703


>> No.17324745
File: 68 KB, 768x960, 1617581954590.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Porn is evil.

>> No.17324852

Agreed. It's actually the most common addiction in the world now and quitting porn is actually harder than quitting drugs and alcohol.
I think it's natural for humans to have a vice for pleasure but the porn industry is insanely evil and immoral in general and should be banned for the sake of humanity.
Back in 2015 I read some chart of the "slippery slope" of porn where someone starts with softcore then moves to hardcore then to BDSM and to all the other degenerate fetishes that exist as their dopamine receptors need more harder, more kinky, more taboo stuff to actually get off too.

>> No.17324865

Fuck YOU and YOUR mini documentaries!

>> No.17324899

You have to be 18 years or older to post here, coom brain.

>> No.17324943

I found the solution was to just get a gf. After that the porn I watched revolved mainly around impregmation and other vanilla themes like missionary in a white linen bed so addicted guys should just get a gf!

>> No.17325002

how to get a gf if no woman has show even the slightest amount of romantical interest in 25 years of my life

>> No.17325028

Do you mean, "I have tried to find a GF and no one seems interested", or "I have been sitting on my ass and no women have landed on my lap"?

>> No.17325036

I sat next to hot girls in the subway many a times and not even once did one of them approach me. I am running out of ideas here

>> No.17325037

idk i tried dating apps (only few matches) and interact with females on my workplace but it never leads anywhere; just boring small talk without any romantical interest

i also did 150 days of nofap and red easypeasy but nothing seems to help and my porn addiction is back

>> No.17325039

is this an american thing?

>> No.17325072

*never eats fast food like a manchild*
heh nothing personell

>> No.17325074

Singles and this anon gets a solid 6/10 within 3 months time

>> No.17325076

>I switched from heroin to crack!
That's what you sound like. You still watch porn

>> No.17325082

Having a gf doesn't mean you quit porn you retard

>> No.17325090


Fix your profile, find some way or something to be confident in or about and project that. The only time in my life when I had women obviously coming on to me was when I was at the top in something and that gave me a particular confidence. Otherwise when I was actually dating it was due to starting my first real job and just sort of throwing myself headfirst into a new experience.

Confidence is key and you feel like complete asshole looking back on your life and seeing how you were in regards to that. It's not even confidence with women, just being confident. Having zero luck with women can completely tank that too but find something or fake it until you make it

>> No.17325092

Women do not approach men.
This is one of the unwritten customs of courtship, numb nuts.
Though, women are normally the ones who do the cooking in a relationship, so if you're the one who does the cooking, you might as well find yourself a Dong Corleone and assume the position of retention.

>> No.17325093

Then women are evil, because those bitches are too damn sexy. I MADE THE CAKE, I WANT THE CAKE, AND I'M GONNA EAT AS MUCH OF THE FUCKING CAKE AS I FUCKING CAN

>> No.17325101

Lol same but i carry a polytetrafluorethylene knyfe to unstick the sticker, you can just stick it back on after your snack.

>> No.17325102

You shouldn't watch porn to begin with you knuckle dragging piece of human filth

>> No.17325104

Ok nazi chud

>> No.17325106

I also sat next to hot girls in the bus but still no gf please help?

>> No.17325111

i kind of had a phase like that....i still believe in nofap and benefits...im telling u m8 those 150 days were crazy - i was waking up at 4 am, cold showers, meditation, journaling, gratitude, prayer, gym 5 days a week, diet, i was in top 3 students in my uni and much more other benefits...but unfortunatly when it comes to romantical inerest - it was zero, literally zero and this is where my confidience went zero...after those 5 months i thought to myself 'if all this work didn't result in single women showing romantical ineterst then nothing ever will' and i do admit that my confidence is very low now...i will try to fake it but idk if it will work

but still i would recommend anyone to try nofap/noporn for atleast 3 months cuz the benefits are crazy

>> No.17325116

>girls go for the bus boys

>> No.17325120

i like when they take a few, i can pretend i shared a meal with someone. its like i dont have to eat alone

>> No.17325123

a girl willingly sat down beside me on a bus
that's basically as good as losing my virginity

>> No.17325130

If you masturbate to porn there is a huge chance you have ejaculated viewing a trafficked woman or an underage girl, probably both

>> No.17325146

its not a huge chance it's a certainty. it's disgusting that it's considered normal and healthy for a man to sit down every day and masturbate to another man having sex with an abuse victim.

>> No.17325151

>trafficked woman or an underage girl
yeah hopefully

>> No.17325194

Yeah those mainstream brazzers girls I fap to sure seem forced and trafficked lmao

>> No.17325235


Not masturbating for 5 months isn't something to be confident about. I'm talking about actually being confident and expressing that in your everyday behavior. It's about outward projection of confidence and competency.

You aren't going to attract people so much as put yourself in circumstances where you act on your wants. If you want to talk to her, you just do it because you are secure in yourself. Nofap is cope and is just as unreal as porn. It might help a bit, but it still centers your mind on sex and that's what is causing issues for you most likely. Sexual interest is good and important but focusing on it creates issues for genuine connection early on unless the sexual tension is present or you can actually create it.

>> No.17325274

i could take him i could beat him up

>> No.17325346

>Not masturbating for 5 months isn't something to be confident about.
>i was in top 3 students in my uni

did u miss this part?

I'm talking about actually being confident and expressing that in your everyday behavior. It's about outward projection of confidence and competency.

dont get me wrong...but this is just pointless word salad....how would this kind of behaviour even look like? can you give one example?

>. If you want to talk to her, you just do it because you are secure in yourself.

i did 'talk to her' but there was no romantic ineterst...as i said just its always boring small talk

>unless the sexual tension is present or you can actually create it.

there was never sexual tension present...not once in 25 years of my life...i can't even imagine what would that look like

desu i don't even think I'm ugly...but idk...or maybe I'm...not sure anymore

>> No.17325349

Nothing wrong with busting to some prime cunny my dude

>> No.17325371

based truth-teller

>> No.17325388

What kind of dark web porn do you fap to you retard?

>> No.17325397

No mister fbi I would never willingly engage in such behavior, never.

>> No.17325454

People that do this stuff don't have families and don't save for the future. They are usually living paycheck to paycheck using their money on streaming subscriptions, uber eats, rent, and medical bills/meds from their horrible lifestyle. These people are the perfect cash cows of consumerism. Fry thieves are based giving these cows what they deserve.

>> No.17325464

That's really bleak

>> No.17325512


>> No.17325517

I order food from delivery services, maybe, twice a year and whenever I do I regret having done so. Quality is usually trash and it takes longer than advertised. I tend to order food when I'm hungover or for whatever reason not capable/ashamed to leave the house.

>> No.17325524
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>takes one of your nuggets

>> No.17325533


>> No.17325536

I did two months and some change and it was really fun
I actually went on a work lunch and all I could do was concentrate on a waitress ass as she bent over every table to clean them
And by the end I masturbated for a week straight, all over my house. It was like fasting for a week then getting all your favorite meals, desserts and snacks

>> No.17325545
File: 8 KB, 168x133, 1614487383929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine paying like $30 for FAST FOOD HAHAHAHA


>> No.17325565

Sometimes when I'm drunk I consider ordering some fried chicken to my door (something I love to eat but its both unhealthy and a pain to make) but I have never been drunk enough to actually follow through with it after seeing the price it would be. Getting some fast food on a road trip or something isnt quite so bad because you aren't paying like $30 for your $8 shitty convenience meal. I don't care if someone can "afford" it, the idea of paying that much money for a low quality product is just plain gross.

>> No.17325642
File: 2.25 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_0944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>order 3 fried tacos
>get delivery
>open box
>no tacos

delivery dude ate my tacos.. pic related

>> No.17325669

>pain to make
What? Just season, shallow fry it for 8 mins skin side down, flip them and then stick your cast iron the oven at 400 or 450 until they’re cooked thru.

>> No.17325683

>drive through dozens of cheapish fast food places through the day
>should i buy a sandwich for myself while i'm here?
>nah, i'll blatantly steal the customer's fries and still deliver the order like nothing's wrong
the thought process escapes my comprehension

>> No.17325688

It’s mostly immigrants/visa scammers who staff these delivery services. The last time I ordered food delivery I had to chase the Nigerian driver off my property because he was upset I didn’t tip him enough and was trying to take photos of my house to post online.

>> No.17325718

>driver is guaranteed to steal your fries
>don't leave a 20% tip
>driver just steals the fries AND spits in your food
I mean at this point, why even bother ordering UberEats?

>> No.17325742

>I mean at this point, why even bother ordering UberEats
That's like saying "oh but we have bidet, why even use toilet paper??"
Kindly fuck off, smoothbrain.

>> No.17325745

>angry shill noises

>> No.17325750

I'm not shilling, wtf? Can't you fucking understand that people might have different priorities than you faggot?

>> No.17325754

A normal person wouldn’t get so outrageously hostile and defensive, theyd just ignore the post lmao

>> No.17325755

Fuck off shill

>> No.17325763

dating apps require zero effort and you have to see your coworkers anyways. you're not trying. talk to a girl at at a bookstore or cafe (not the barista)

>> No.17325771


>> No.17325772

Thanks I will try it. I will stand nex to a girl in a bookstore cafe and hopefully she will approach me.

>> No.17325778

This post was brought to you by uber eats

>> No.17325790


>> No.17325792

don't do this it makes mustard gas
i'm a borderline shut in and i still know normalfags meet each other through common friends at parties/gatherings

>> No.17325844
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Oh man, I wish I was at the level where I would just eat your whole fucking side. That's turbo-based. Normally we only do that when we don't care about keeping the job anymore

>> No.17325907

>Making fried chicken is too hard
Get really drunk then make your fucking fried chicken. And die in a grease fire you stupid faggot

>> No.17325912

yeah, those are the better connections, because you have matchmakers involved in the process, people who look at the both of you and decide if it'll probably work, but it's still good to talk to people. mutual attractiveness is a good conversation starter (and ender)

>> No.17325917

How the fuck isn't chasing people recording them/taking pictures of them or their property not fucking illegal? It's obviously harassment, people do get hurt

>> No.17325934

Nigger what

>> No.17326008

Why are people allowed to scream in your face while taking pictures? How the fuck is that ok?

>> No.17326015
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>> No.17326039

Do you smell toast anon? Have you suffered a recent head injury?

>> No.17326052

huh. how much does delivery cost around usa if it makes poorfags seethe? I've only ever paid like 2 bux for it.

>> No.17326112

When I worked as a delivery driver, it was fucking disgusting, I was slinging philly cheesesteak sandwiches and giant sacks of fries all day to huge whale lords, many of whom had rendered themselves immobile through obesity, combined with the stale fry stank in my car the experience made me stop eating fried shit altogether while I had the job.
I can't see why these ubereats fucks would want the fries.

>> No.17326561

Tell women you hate porn and they'll want to be your gf

>> No.17326753

>Agreed. It's actually the most common male-problem in the world now and finding someone who you can get along with and trust is actually harder than quitting drugs and alcohol.
>I think it's natural for humans to have a vice for pleasure but the educational sector and their indoctrination practices are insanely evil and immoral in general and should be banned for the sake of humanity.
>Back in 2015 I read some chart of the "slippery slope" of TNSTAFL and the risk of pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases where someone starts with their first partner then moves to just one other, then to younger girls when they're in higher grades and to all the other degenerate practices in college and straight out of highschool life that exist as their dopamine receptors need more focus drugs, more sex, more alcohol, just to actually feel satisfied and fit in.

>> No.17326787

>base food cost is higher than restaurant
>delivery fee
>bullshit fee
>other bullshit fee
> 20% tip or no one will take order
>good chance of restaurant getting order wrong
>food is colder/mushier by time it gets to you
>delivery nigger might randomly decide to eat or steal your food
Why the absolute fuck do people use these kike apps? Get off the couch and go pickup your food you lazy faggots.

>> No.17326797
File: 179 KB, 498x498, 1642671743525.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nooooo hahahaha, dont fuck up my freebies

>> No.17326803

Enjoy the freebie of something you didn't even want or that was touched by nigger fingers I guess?

>> No.17326810
File: 422 KB, 473x464, ww.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am the nigger that fingers, ya faghoote

>> No.17327056

why the pizza on the ground

>> No.17327097

The fuck where do you live? Even in the most small town america its at least an extra $10 plus tip.

>> No.17327108

Around 2 to 4€ here in France

>> No.17327117

poste it

>> No.17327168

Anyone lazy enough to use this deserves to get ripped off

>> No.17327183

I blame the fast food restaurants that refuse to adapt to having these delivery services. Assholes pump up their orders but wont pay staff to be able to handle it.

>> No.17327212

I mean if you got the facts right you'd maybe understand
>Most nearby places are 0 delivery fee in any major urban area
>Promos constantly running that make the base cost cheaper than anything you get in restaurant
>Tip is optional but a minor cost, no more than tipping pizza driver
>Drivers don't see the tips beforehand
>Just learn which restaurants don't fuck up your orders. McD's never fucked mine up in dozens of orders
>Food is usually still hot, can be popped in a microwave if you really care
>drivers eating food is really rare but inevitably happens if you use the app enough
it's extremely convenient and really cheap in any urban area. New York and Bay Area it was literally cheaper than going out. Most restaurants are also starting to learn and are sealing their food in such a way that drivers can't sneak bits out of the order.

>> No.17327242
File: 39 KB, 162x93, 908213904.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're right of course - everyone should use these apps as much as possible. Who cares, it's just a few fries
Thank you for your business

>> No.17327263
File: 145 KB, 670x960, 1498505428035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The funny part is that there's a good chance kitchen staff are taking a few fries off your order anyway while we're preparing it.

BOH supports app driver customer abuse.

>> No.17328165

in non american countries a lot of places have their own drivers. I lived in South Korea for a while and it was super cheap to get it all delivered. Helps when everyone's metropolitan.

>> No.17328176

I only fap to hentai

>> No.17328183

Frankly every lazy faggot that makes use of these "services" deserves exactly what they get.

That being said, string up these thieving faggots and leave them for the vultures.

>> No.17328194

Good thing I go to the store I order from, deliberately poison my food, and drive back to my house and wait for my food to be delivered.

And before you mention it. Of course I've slowly worked up an immunity to the poison I use. Moron.

>> No.17328299

>have to pay a premium for disgusting microwave reheated food
The fuck is wrong with zoomers. Also promos are a scam. I've had 50% off ones where it still costs more than the restaurant itself because it doesn't cover fees + delivery + tip. Also,
>"Drivers don't see the tips beforehand"
>he doesn't know

>> No.17328309

This poster is extremely based and cute

>> No.17328324

I would steal the human meat from the vultures

>> No.17328368
File: 256 KB, 220x190, maneatingchips.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eats the ubereats driver

>> No.17328384
File: 507 KB, 521x828, 1628876839236.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, I'm gonna tell you a sad truth I realized about porn addiction. It gives you a false sense of companionship with the woman you're viewing so it makes you feel less lonely and depressed at the lack of female intimacy. This is why people say that porn subconsciousnessly turns you into an actual cuck. The woman that you have interest in is getting boned by someone that isn't you, and you are willingly watching and enjoying it.

>> No.17328516

>he thought nofap is something more than a /pol/ christlarper meme
Not jerking off won't fix you being ugly

>> No.17328526
File: 518 KB, 528x703, WHEAT that we shall EAT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Year of our Lord Two Thousand and Twenty Two
>Using third-party delivery

>> No.17328535

I wanna kiss him so bad

>> No.17328541

Based BOH poster

>> No.17329673

>McD's never fucked mine up in dozens of orders
Anon if this isn't bait I sincerely hope you get your lard ass off your gaming chair today and learn how to feed yourself like the grown fucking adult you need to be in order to post here. Normal people don't have a double digit body count for ordering McDonalds delivery, let alone a number that can be described as "dozens"

>> No.17329697

I've had nothing but good uber eats experiences. Once a side was missing, they refunded the whole thing. Another time my burger was raw in the middle, another refund. Maybe it's because all the delivery drivers are Indian or Asian.

>> No.17329707

Is it possible for an adult to both cook and order takeaway?

>> No.17330085
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>> No.17330179
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>Ordering from an app
>Ordering fast food
>Trusting IRL Beavis and Butthead types with your food

>> No.17330504

That never happens

>> No.17330523

For real. I don't order from anywhere that doesn't seal the bag with a sticker.

>> No.17330527


>> No.17330530

Man imagine being so white that you get someone fired because of a pizza…

>> No.17330536

>consider getting doordash
>look up favorite restaurant
>go through an order
>see $8 delivery fee
>close the website

>> No.17330549

Nigger it is their job to bring you the pizza are you really this retarded or just pretending

>> No.17330570

Aww man, my captcha are never this based

>> No.17330572


>> No.17330721

Can you people please move all this off-topic porn discussion to /pol/? I'm here to read delivery stories, not a bunch of platitudes from holier-than-thou incels LARPing as chads.

>> No.17330769

where are the fag nails

>> No.17330770

imagine ordering fries

>> No.17330774

Doordash here. Depends on the restuarant. Wendy's is REALLY bad about that.

>> No.17330784

it's for upper middle class remote workers who make too much money to waste 30-60 minutes picking it up themselves like the peasant class

>> No.17330918

So you think a pizza is more important than a human life?

>> No.17331040

>carbon copy t*itter sjw baiter
i see you, nigger.