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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17320208 No.17320208[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I’m starting to believe that none of you can cook. 90% of the threads here are fast food/takeout threads, threads complaining about a certain type of food, or just plain shitposting. Of the remaining 10% of threads focused on cooking, 80% or more is just sloppa. Plus they’re always convinced that their sloppa is the same as a dish cooked by a michelin star chef.
The worst part is the lardass army that will rush to defend their choice to eat out every single meal, and make every single excuse possible to never try cooking for themselves.

Why can’t /ck/ cook? Why can’t /ck/ even try? What was the last thing you cooked? What can be done about this problem?

>> No.17320257

It's not just one board, anon. 2016 killed the entire website. It was on its last legs before that but 2016 was the final nail in the coffin.

>> No.17320290

microwave OVEN
what do you do in an oven?
you cook
- t. unprofessional chef

>> No.17320298

This is objectively wrong, /pol/ is not the entire board. The lack of inspiration and teaching threads began about 6 months ago here.

>> No.17320300

Imagine getting so bootyblasted over getting called out over your chef john delusions that you make a whole new thread about it instead of sticking to your containment thread

>> No.17320337

youre not far off. when i open the catalog the first thing i do is shift click anything having to do with junk food, fast food, poor food, pizza, energy drink, coffee, tea, alocohol, beer, tobacco, food celebs, and other equally dumb consoomer bullshit. what is left is not much, and mostly consists of rank my x, or what should i do with x, which also get hidden. try doing this to your catalog, see how much of the content on this board is complete trash that has nothing to do with preparing and enjoying good food

>> No.17320341
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The fuck are you talking about?

>> No.17320345

Last thing I actually cooked was peeled chips for a Spanish omelette and a boiled egg the day before.

>> No.17320347

I just bought a pork shoulder and made 2 batches of carnitas following kenjis video. They turned out lovely. My salsa verde never tastes as good as a mexican taco shop though.

>> No.17320353
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doesn't help when anons on here bitch and moan about your cooking and claim it's not REAL cooking because it's not some Michelin starred meal

I swear, an ACTUAL Michelin starred chef could come on here and post some of his meals and you'd STILL get people calling out his "shitty" skills.

>> No.17320357

whats a tire company doing ranking chefs?

>> No.17320358
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It started as a way to promote travel. I.e. get people to go drive to restaurants so they’d buy more tires.

>> No.17320360

A head on a spike wouldn’t be able to maintain a facial expression.

>> No.17320361

They've been doing it for ~120 years, originally started to encourage french people to buy cars to go drive around france trying out new restaurants.

Obviously it's no longer particularly relevant for car sales (and thus tire sales), but they have continued the tradition of rating and reviewing restaurants around the world.

>> No.17320362

what about all the dumb frog newthreads (that got ~10 posts and then 404ed by mods) from the past 3 days that pushed the real threads off the board. HMMMM?

>> No.17320363

The frog in the image doesnt have much of a facial expression, and the jaw would stay shut asuming the pike goes through part of the mouth.

>> No.17320366

thats funny. literally handing out awards that chefs covet merely for old times sake at this point.

>> No.17320368

>ha ha it's a tyre company get it
I see this too much for it to be a real question, is this some kind of zoomer antihumor?

>> No.17320369

I work in a restaurant and also cook at home.
Nothing fancy about the homecooking, though, and nobody wants to talk about cooking here anyway, so I almost never bother posting it here anymore.
Just roasting some root veggies and brussels sprouts to have with a Danish medister sausage today. And I suppose some sort of gravy from the drippings. I have the sausage on a rack over the veggies in the toaster oven because the electric prices have been going up and I'm trying to not have a bunch of burners running so much.

>> No.17320370


>> No.17320383

There's absolutely nothing wrong with sloppa.

>> No.17320387

be the change you want to see anon. id rather see someone posting an at home cooked meal than a thread about granola bars.

>> No.17320388
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cream puffs

>> No.17320396

There’s a difference between good sloppa and bad sloppa.

>> No.17320400

Am I the only person that gets banned for posting oc threads?

>> No.17320414

No. It’s terrible what jannies leave up these days. Oc threads get banned but taco bell thread #472829 stays up.

>> No.17320425
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It was never all that good, but the downfall definitely started before the electiontards showed up.

That homosexual from Illinois who does tech videos on Youtube had one about microwave cooking and it kinda made me want to fuck around with the one I have sitting in the corner collecting dust. They apparently can be used for "real" cooking to some extent if you don't just nuke everything on high.
Maybe I'll make a thread about it. Maybe it will get zero replies because it's not about fast food or a Youtube chef.

>one Michelin star only means you're "worth a stop"

>> No.17320450

not an answer

>> No.17320454

>inspiration and teaching threads began about 6 months ago here.
I am a professional chef and I have been posting on /ck/ since almost the inception of the board and I can categorically tell you that I have never felt more inspired or educated by this board than how it has been in it's current state.

>> No.17320459

so is it better than before or has it always been shit

>> No.17320477
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Hey faggot, post some cooking then. Dumb piece of shit.

>> No.17320481

Most things like awards and ratings are continued as tradition and aren't particularly relevant otherwise
It's nothing exclusive to Michelin.

>> No.17320485

Then you should reply to cooking threads instead of all the other shit.
I'm not wasting my time taking pictures and writing posts for a cookalong when I know it'll just be pushed off page ten by trash. That's why I stopped.

>> No.17320495

I can add heat to food alright. Breakfast this morning was bacon latkes with poached egg, with a little scallion, cucumber, horseradish, caper, sour-cream sloppa-toppa.
When I make threads, I get shit on because my stove and counter are covered in things from prep and cooking, because someone disagrees with my recipe or method, because something slipped a quarter inch between plating and photography, because I have a small kitchen in a small apartment... Why bother? I usually pop into other people's threads and offer advice.

>> No.17320498
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Here’s an apple pie I made some time ago

>> No.17320501

The jannies killed the Nikocado bread thread. They're retarded.

>> No.17320509

I mean... it is the tire company. There seems to be a cognitive divide when people first discover that a tire company is out judging restaurants, but it's become the de jure method of doing so.

>> No.17320513

Nobody suggested otherwise. The question is why is it obligatory to go "ha ha tire company" any time the topic comes up. It isn't that funny. So why?

>> No.17320515

ffs ignore the trolls. if the post isn't trying to give you props or ask relevant questions than ignore it. 4chan is full of social outcast retards whos only joy in life is shitposting on here. do not feed them (You)'s and they will KTS faster.

>> No.17320521

It's been filled with causefags since 2008. 4chan died like punk rock died: pretending it didn't give a shit all the way to the point where it started to give way too much of a fucking shit.

>> No.17320522

Yeah, and don't even get me started on that playing card company making video game consoles and games for them. Ridiculous!
Stick to what you know, that's what I always say.

>> No.17320534

the only person who posted that retarded drivel was you.
twice now.

fucking idiot. shut the fuck up.

>> No.17320538
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i cook every day and make oc threads several times a week

>> No.17320543
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I came here because it has a reputation for being a “bad neighbourhood,” but I have been inspired to cook and I’ve developed a taste for whiskey. For Sunday dinner I’m slow cooking a shoulder of lamb it’s not finished but here’s a pic

>> No.17320559

No U, also kill yourself now

>> No.17320577

always been shit, people saying "hurr durr /ck/ got bad x months ago" have probably watched two chef john videos and now feel qualified to make that assessment compared to where they were when they got hungry that one time and left their home board

>> No.17320601

Man I can't even boil an egg

>> No.17320641

/ck/ is what you make of it
either post good content or shit content and that's what it will be
this thread is a great example of shit content
congratulations, you're the problem

>> No.17320675

You are browsing 4chan. There are other more productive cooking forums out there. The last recipe thread I made here got 7 replies before it died of neglect

>> No.17320748
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Making some dumplings

>> No.17320856

a meta thread every once in a while can be useful.

>> No.17320873

I cook daily. I don't post what I cook because it gets ignored in favour of the latest corporate offering such as the current Arby's spicy sandwich.

>> No.17320879

Cooked some chicken stock yesterday (as a bonus got like 150 g of chicken fat to use with soup, etc) and made some borscht. Did some sort of noodle soup with that stock.