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File: 26 KB, 400x333, giant-reeses-peanut-butter-cup_400x333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17315296 No.17315296 [Reply] [Original]

A guy with more money than sense offers you a deal. You have to eat a big Reese's peanut butter cup, and he will pay you $10,000,000 divided by 2 for every second that passes before you finish it.

1 second: $10,000,000
2 seconds: $5,000,000
3 seconds: $2,500,000
10 seconds: $19,531.25
30 seconds: $0.19

How fast would you finish?

>> No.17315308

10 seconds probably

>> No.17315310

Does it still count as eating if i cram it

>> No.17315311

If i cram it real fast i might finish in 5 seconds.

>> No.17315313

That much time? Does that mean I have to eat both, or just the one?
If it's just the one, I could force it down my throat in 5 seconds.

>> No.17315315

Timer starts when it touches the inside of your mouth and it ends when >99% of it is down your throat.

>> No.17315317

I bought one of those half-pound cups back when they came out and I basically settled for cutting it up like a pie and eating it over a couple days. If you don't count the prep-time of breaking it apart, probably an unenjoyable 5 seconds.

>> No.17315318

Just one.

>> No.17315328

Yeah yeah I get that but what If I cram it

>> No.17315329

Is unwrapping it part of the time to eat it?

>> No.17315332

No. Timer starts when it touches the inside of your mouth. You may even divide it into smaller pieces beforehand.

>> No.17315333

nvm you answered my question

>> No.17315340

What if i break it up into lots of tiny bits before it ever touches my mouth

>> No.17315343

I'm sorry, I don't really understand. Can you retype it but be more clear please? I just don't get it.

>> No.17315348

3 sec max, i wouldmash it into aphallic form and use my incredible deepthroat skills to get it throught my esophagus

>> No.17315361

I'm gonna choke on it and die.

>> No.17315946

That's a fairly small amount of Reese's for an average-sized person, I'd say? The main reason Reese's unwrap so fast and "last" so short is that there isn't much density to it. I wouldn't WANT to eat a double helping of peanut butter in that timeframe, but I could easily.

>> No.17315957
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>> No.17315965

>time only starts when it hits my mouth
>put it in a blender with water and blitz it into a drink
>insert a funnel into my mouth that bypasses my mouth
>lean back, pour liquidised reeses into the funnel
>the reeses bypasses my mouth and hits my throat before going down
>zero time elapsed, 10 million earned

>> No.17315976

Realistically your throat width would be your bottleneck, though I bet you could get it down to 3-5 seconds using that method, especially if you can do some forced induction to blast it down as quickly as possible.

>> No.17315987

well, digestion starts at chewing
so i feel confident i can cram this entire thing in my mouth at once
therefore, i will have eaten it in 1 second
send me 10 mil pls :)

>> No.17316006

15 seconds maybe?
then i would probably definatley puke
could i melt it and chug it?

>> No.17316042
File: 22 KB, 796x695, 1616397805326.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it looks possible

>> No.17316043

I would melt it down and put it inside of a pill capsule so i can insta-eat it

>> No.17316069

Would be even better if you can get the tube directly down into the stomach to bypass any potential gag reflex.

>> No.17316074

couldnt this explode your organs

>> No.17316077

That's the idea

>> No.17316107

It will explode your stomach, or you will blow liquid reese out your anus so fast it has a sonic boom

>> No.17316116

can I get a feeding tube surgically installed, blend it into a liquid, then plunge it all into my stomach in one second

>> No.17316124

OP said it has to go through your throat, so no.

>> No.17316298

I would actually just fuck it.

>> No.17316416

I'd say that's a fairly normal Reese's cup for your average trick or treater

>> No.17316425

This man watched American Gokkun 3

>> No.17316450

>Man who sticks dick in peanut butter is fucking nuts

>> No.17316478

I'd promise some scientist 1 million to compress it into a normal sized pill, and then swallow it instantly. Boom, easy $9 million

>> No.17316546

You have to eat it though, liquidizing it wouldn't count.

>> No.17316565

am i allowed to have milk or water?

>> No.17316720
File: 66 KB, 805x503, What-is-a-nasogastric-tube-805x503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ideally put it through your nose.

>> No.17316730

Issue there is volume through such a narrow tube

It would need a lot of force to push through the entire reeses cup quickly

Mouth/throat just seems the more sensible choice, you'd just have to deal with a thicc tube in your throat which is a minor thing to deal with for a few million dollars.

>> No.17316739

>cram it
up your ass?

>> No.17316744

Define throat

>> No.17316746

Im gonna make a reeses smoothie then

>> No.17316753

wtf, I'll probably finish it within 10 seconds but money is money I guess, that could be helpful in helping me pay off some debt

>> No.17316801

I'd roll it into a tube shape and deep throat it

>> No.17316807

I've always wanted to eat one of these, but I've been too intimidated

>> No.17316890

I bought a pack in Malta this summer to try it, it's puke inducing.

>> No.17316898

I'll just wait 30 seconds before beginning to eat it so I can get the maximum payout (still miss some cents gained if waited longer but I'm not gonna worry about cents when I just got $19,960,938)

>> No.17316939

American chocolate tastes like puke.

I'd put it in a small plastic bag and swallow it. That way it wouldn't touch my throat, and I'd earth the $10 mil without having to taste vomit.

>> No.17316952

Probably in 5 seconds.

>> No.17316997
File: 76 KB, 600x600, charisma level 1 speech level 100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eating peanut butter fast
yeah right bro. but like hell if i don't give it my all.

>> No.17317018
File: 730 KB, 640x480, NotDeadEnough.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you bypass your mouth the clock never starts because there's no contact and now you have to get a new big reeses
what are you retarded?

>> No.17317031

If i tried this I would just end up with a penny and a puddle of vomit.

>> No.17317042

i will just enjoy the delicious reeses peanut butter cup :)

>> No.17317068
File: 26 KB, 796x695, hmmm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how much of an improvement would this be

>> No.17317081

>today we will professional test your blade
>it will not "keel"

>> No.17317104

Based but I think you'll need some of that payoff to get the surgery afterwards.

>> No.17317130

Lawyer here, "eat" implies chewing.
You've violated the rules and they're not going to tell you until you're done drinking the snack.

>> No.17317137

Are you the same lawyer from all the Saw threads on /tv/? Sounds like it. I wouldn't trust this guy

>> No.17317146

that doesn't qualify as eating

>> No.17317152

That itself is the reward

>> No.17317153

Lol no, I remember those threads when the last movie came out.

>> No.17317158

I'm gonna guess like 10-15 seconds?

>> No.17317200

Kek never heard this before

Based dad joke

>> No.17317208

Good to see a fellow distinguished man of taste here.

>> No.17317300

Before he ever said a word I would have snatched the cup from his hand and engulfed it (I'm quite fond of Reese's peanut butter cups).
Therefore, my time would be approx. negative 2 seconds; as such, he will pay me:
$10m (+1sec) + $20m (0 sec) +$40m (-1 sec) +$80m (-2 sec) = $150,000,000
Can I have the other big Reese's peanut butter cup in the package, too?

>> No.17317314

is it considered taboo to eat a peanut butter cup whole? i did this once and my friends gave me shit about it for days.

>> No.17317348

*Upon further reflection, I should be paid not $150 but $160 million [$10m*(2^4)].

>> No.17317373

>Man with hands in his pockets feel cocky

>> No.17317665
File: 577 KB, 2134x2223, 1617904391233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Infinite food glitch