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17305766 No.17305766 [Reply] [Original]

Hey all,

What are some simple pasta sauces I can make or easily buy from the store? I already know Tomato and Fettucini.

>> No.17305788

bulldog shart sauce

>> No.17305856

cleanest, best pasta sauce recipe:
>make pan medium-hot
>put in 50/50 butter and olive oil
>throw in minced garlic and let it sizzle for 60 seconds
>throw in minced anchovies and let it sizzle for another 60 seconds
>put in your pasta and mix it up, let it sizzle for another 60 seconds

you need enough butter and olive oil for it to coat the pasta and carry the garlic/anchovies throughout, but not so much that it pools in the plate.

wah-lah, bonne apperti

>> No.17305866

Any good links/directions?

>> No.17305882

Looks good. I am out of olive oil till March or April when the snow is gone so I am going to have to 100% butter it. Thanks!

>> No.17305886

it'll be even better

>> No.17306034

Cant you just melt a block of cheddar over it?

>> No.17306044

velveeta is supreme

>> No.17306083

Learn to master:
1. Cacio e Pepe (cheese and pepper)
2. Aglio e Olio (garlic and olive oil)
3. Ragu (basic ground meat sauce, +/- tomatoes)
4. Alfredo

Learn to make them well, season them well, get your pasta cooked and seasoned right, and you can bascially always have a great meal in no time. Do not fucking buy the premade ragu or alfredo sauces in store, they suck donkey dick and they take no time to make fresh.

>> No.17306101

What about those Parma Rosa packets?

>> No.17306103

. cream
. bacon bits
. whole onion
. parmigiano cheese

>> No.17306113

Is nobody going to mention the mouse in his pasta?

>> No.17306124

Need a protein/meat. Can't eat pasta without meat.

Can you? I sure hope not.

>> No.17306447

you wouldn't understand

>> No.17306470

you can eat pasta + red pesto just fine, no meat in there, but I get your point, gimme a nice bolognese

>> No.17306485

Have Americans never heard of spaghettini al topo?

>> No.17306505

No. I even just looked in my cookbook from the 30s and no mention.

>> No.17306519

>they take no time to make fresh.
ragu should simmer for an hour tf you talking about?

>> No.17306531

Why simmer? Just raise to temperature and use. Why waste energy and smell up the fucking house? It's winter time and the kitchen is inside so that would be terrible.

>> No.17306534

Americans are basically children

>> No.17306558


>> No.17306567

Whatever comes in the jar for $3

>> No.17306576

More concerned about the filename honestly

>> No.17306577

There's really no need for the long simmer. Brown the meat, add everything, bring it to a boil, simmer 10 minutes, that's more than enough. If you're making big batches you can leave it to simmer for a few hours, or just make the whole thing in a crock pot and freeze it, but if you're making single portions don't bother simmering.

>> No.17306579

No variety

Your welcome Europoor.

>> No.17306585

What the fuck is the point of simmering ever? Reduce liquid?

>> No.17306598

mixing the flavors for once, and reducing the liquids as well. Take for example stir frying onions, the longer you do it the more sugar the release. Things like that, good reactions, ingredients mixing, etc develop more flavor and take more time.
t. amateur

>> No.17306607

I think it tastes better but whatever man

>> No.17306611

reduce liquid and allow flavor to develop

>> No.17306621

Arrabiatta. It's just a tomato sauce with garlic and red chilies.

>> No.17306622

Uh... making caramelized onions isn't simmering.

You silly.

>> No.17306631

it's a relatively similar process, whenever I make tomato sauce for the pasta I simmer the tomato with the onions, the longer I do this for the better it'll taste

>> No.17306632

gives time for the flavor to develop yes, which is why you taste it periodically

>> No.17306633
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>flavor develop

So just pull that shit right out of the thin air.

>> No.17306799

It does, but for a beginner making pasta sauces they probably won't know the difference.

>> No.17306808
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>that filename

>> No.17306820

Would be better with some parsley thrown in as well.

>> No.17306845

Parsley doesn't do anything tho.

>> No.17306859

garlic cooked in butter until crispy tossed with noodles and some salt and pepper

>> No.17306862

this is just aglio e olio with disgusting anchovies thrown in for no reason

>> No.17306881

this is true
it exponentially deepens pretty much every flavour present in the dish
yes there is, otherwise you dont cook the acidity out of the tomatoes, allow the seasoning to fully release the flavour compounds etc

>> No.17306893

Whatever man, fine, every amateur home cook listen up, Ragu is officially off the menu, this retard says it's unacceptable unless you simmer it for 2.5 hours.
Sorry boys I don't make the rules, ragu is off the menu, don't even try it.

>> No.17306905

Not him, but damn son, habe you ever eaten food cooked by and old lady that just knows how to cook well? Their secret ingrefient is mostly to let simmer for hours and it makes all the fuckiing difference. Try to do the same in 20 minutes. Pro-tip: you can't

>> No.17306919

if you cant be bothered to wait more than 10 minutes for a ragu then frankly you dont fucking deserve a good ragu, a 10 minute ragu is going to objectively taste bad because the tomatoes will be far too acidic and the dried herbs (assuming someone is usually dried seasoning as a home cook) will not have had anywhere near enough time to fully develop. so yes, if you're too impatient to wait at least an hour whilst stirring every 5-10 minutes then frankly you either need to re-evaluate your atrocious attention span or dont deserve to eat a ragu that doesnt taste like downing a vial of hydrochloric acid

>> No.17306924

So just butter and garlic? Seems simple.

>> No.17306932

Prego is better than Ragu and Wegmans better than that.

>> No.17306959

the thread is about quick and easy sauces, i'm assuming the OP doesn't have the desire to simmer a sauce for 2 hours.
I assumed you made a mistake the first time around, now you've just confirmed you're an idiot. Cooking tomatoes makes them acidic, raw tomatoes are barely acidic, you never "cook out" acidity, it's not alcohol. Cooking longer is just going to reduce the sauce and concentrate the acid, i.e. make it more acidic.
Any herbs will release 90% of their flavor and aroma in a few minutes of simmering.

>> No.17306964
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Sometimes, you gotta go the quick and easy route. Behold, the kino lazy gravy for a busy weeknight.

>> No.17306967

Also you don't need to add tomatoes to ragu, I prefer not using tomatoes at all.

>> No.17307012

Chili and pasta? Nah. Not sure about poverty food.

>> No.17307025

>wolf brand
>looks like dog food
woof woof anon

>> No.17307027

All the best food started as poverty food. Chili and pasta is delicioso.

>> No.17307042

Bucatini Amatriciana
>Render bacon
>Cook Onions in bacon fat
>Add garlic, red pepper flakes 30 secs-1 min
>Add 28 oz tomatoe can
>re add bacon
>top with pecorino cheese
You've just made the best pasta sauce out of Italy, white wine is optional to deglaze

>> No.17307133

*cook bacon

>> No.17307154

Acids react with water, you dumb son of a bitch, and heating the mixture causes the reaction to happen faster. So yes, simmering the sauce will reduce the acidity.

stupid cunt talking like he knows anything.

>> No.17307179

What is with you guys and garlic?

>> No.17307180

true, maybe he should eat some tradicional sketti

>> No.17307440

buddy, it's ok to just acknowledge when you're wrong. I have a phd in biochemistry, you're not gonna win this one.
You're probably thinking of wine reductions where it's really important to cook off the alcohol or the food tastes awful. Cooking down acids will just concentrate the acid. If your food is too acidic you either have to mask it with more fat or straight up neutralize it by adding baking soda or some other base.

>> No.17307702

It's aya oya you dumb italiboos

>> No.17307762

I really like to use the wine, and if you can get it guanciale is the traditional cut used instead of bacon, but pancetta or bacon will work fine

>> No.17307767

baka disney and their hard on for live action remakes

>> No.17307771


>> No.17307793

yes, if you are able to definitely get the guanciale/pancetta. Constrained by American groceries/price of guanciale I really don't mind the bacon as a poor man's substitute. Will always be one of my favorite pasta sauces. Similar to bacon and pea farfalle when i was bambino

>> No.17307795
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>Fettuccini sauce
Mama mia....

>> No.17307803

Heat olive oil in a skillet. Throw cooked noodles and some noodles water into skillet, toss it around, add some beaten egg while tossing around, add a pattern of butter and a small handful of cheese and toss it around until evenly melted and smooth. Wala

>> No.17307811

My favorite: fry chopped tomato and onion in olive oil until the tomato wilts. Add garlic. Add pasta and a little water and stir around quickly, add a pat of butter, whip it around around for a minute.

>> No.17307833

Yep. I really like it.

>> No.17307857

so carbonara without the pork?

>> No.17307865

What does it taste like? Looking at your list of ingredients it just seems like the sauce is discombobulated

>> No.17307894

Sort of I guess, but is it really carbonate if you don't add pork, add butter and use mozzarella?

>> No.17307914
File: 63 KB, 300x335, El_Pato-Green.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go OP, you really cant go wrong with El Pato.

>> No.17308035

>garlic and olive oil
>shredded carrots, bell pepper, onions, cream
>crushed tomatoes, olive oil
>pesto(basil, garlic, nuts, olive oil, parmesan)
I usually make this sauces when I want something fast. using a frying pan and then adding the noodles.
The pesto, is basically alioli with nuts. after cooking the garlic turn off the fire, add the noodles, parmesan and basil leaves.

Different sauces lad.

>> No.17308065

Brit detected, ignore all food advice from this person

>> No.17308195

ground some poppy seeds into paste
add some powder sugar
throw onto pasta

>> No.17308200

>Acids react with water, you dumb son of a bitch, and heating the mixture causes the reaction to happen faster. So yes, simmering the sauce will reduce the acidity.
Ok bruh, I just add a pinch of baking soda
Boom. I'm eating pasta while you're still waiting 5 hours until the acid is "simmered out".

>> No.17308311

well if you simmer so long that you evaporate all the water I'm sure you start getting some complicated reactions between the acetic acid, sugars, proteins, and fats. I don't know many people that...cook like that, though.

>> No.17308473

retard confirmed. have you never eaten minestrone soup the next day vs the day it was made?
why even use heat in the first place? just mix all your ingredients together without cooking with your logic.

>> No.17308480

>have you never eaten minestrone soup the next day vs the day it was made?
How is that related to simmering it for 8 hours?

>> No.17308484

for the same reason you simmer. it allows the flavor to develop. man, some of you really don't cook do you?

>> No.17308489

the common denominator is time.

>> No.17308492

You just compared simmering for 8 hours to eating a soup the next day. I don't think you've ever been in a kitchen without supervision.
Taking longer doesn't mean better. People used to take hours to grind wheat into flour on stone - is that flour somehow better? Of course not. We live in a modern world, anon.

>> No.17308502

What's wrong with the file name?

>> No.17308509

look up the marcella hazan sauce recipe. it uses butter and only has like 4 ingredients, from memory
>can of tomatoes
>whole onion

common things I add to it
>red pepper
>heavy cream

>> No.17308513

just add tomato paste instead of cooking it down

>> No.17308518

So you...mix alfredo sauce with tomato basil sauce and call it a day

>> No.17308923
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no you don't add much cream. alfredo sauce is just butter and parm. I just sometimes put a bit of cream in at the end. it's good for ravioli and penne. basically vodka sauce minus the vodka.

>> No.17309208

You guys say whole onion but you really gotta cut it up small right? The crunch of a big onion doesn't really fit with the smooth child vaginally soft mouthfeel of pasta.

>> No.17309285


Or as we polish people would call it.

>> No.17309334
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the marcella hazan recipe has you put the onion in while it simmers and you fish the onion out and throw it away. I usually eat some of the onion because it has gone soft and is very sweet at that point.

you can use the same technique when making bechemel.

>> No.17309336
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I have a classic polish klasta sauce.
1/2 Tube toothpaste (i know it sounds weird)
1/5 Bottle of vodka (preferebly bocian. I know its a lot)
2 Cans regular tomato sauce
And of course your pasta

>> No.17309343

hey mouse
get out of the pasta

>> No.17309424


>> No.17309506

You identify yourself as neurodivergent, don't you?

>> No.17309523
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>> No.17310178 [DELETED] 


>> No.17310606

>garlic cooked in butter until crispy tossed with noodles and some salt and pepper
I do this but with chinese egg noodles that have been cooked in chicken stock.

>> No.17310655

i prefer slicing pork cheek very thin and quickly frying it in lard instead of bacon

>> No.17310663

>Taking longer doesn't mean better

In many instances it means exactly that. I dare you to eat short ribs cooked hot and fast on the grill versus some cooked low and slow (grill or oven).

>> No.17310665

mornay is the best sauce

>> No.17310685

Demornay is old as fuck now. No thanks.

>> No.17310705

sounds delicious

>> No.17310715

dump ragu or prego in the pot with the pasta and stir
meal ready

>> No.17311067

aglio e olio
salmon and cream
tomato, black olives and capers

You can use pretty much anything, except for chicken, and make condiment for pasta

>> No.17312127

Unironically, bacon and pea pasta with a splash of heavy cream and black pepper is goat tier comfort food.

>> No.17312308
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This right here is all I need

>> No.17313079

When you guys make pasta and you have extra, do you store the pasta and sauce separately?

>> No.17313084


>> No.17314120

Surprised there aren't any fake Italians complaining this is fake and onion and garlic are not allowed. Personally I like both in mine too.

>> No.17314379

i would probably give the pasta to the dog and make new pasta next time. pasta isn't that expensive and you should only make what you eat.

>> No.17314389

I liked wolf chili until I found out they supported nigerian islamic terrorists