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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17301371 No.17301371[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What have you been substituting meat with when stores are out ?

>> No.17301376

a dildo

>> No.17301378

I'm not poor so I just drive to a more expensive store. it's not my problem if walmart is out of meat

>> No.17301384

i go get my own meat

>> No.17301386

Usually beans or lentils. Eggs have gone into pretty heavy use as a replacement as well

>> No.17301390

I buy meat in bulk at Costco so I'm set for another few months.

>> No.17301434

>What have you been substituting meat with when stores are out ?

In 2 years of this pandemic, I have yet to see a grocery store that was out of meat. If you don't shop at Wal~Mart, you might realize that Fox News is lying about shortages.

Maybe try buying your groceries from an actual grocer, idiot. kys.

>> No.17301446

The supply chains are fucked. Livestock can't be maintained so its being killed of and destroyed. There aren't enough workers to drive trucks so it doesn't get shipped. It goes bad and is destroyed. Whatever is currently on shelves is the last meat grocery stores will get. After its gone, no more meat.

>> No.17301447

I’m three weeks away from purchasing an entire cow from a farmer. I won’t need to worry about shelf availability of meat. I wouldn’t assume you’ll be able to buy meat at the supermarket for very long.

>> No.17301454

kangaroo steaks are never out where im at so roo is the obvious choice

>> No.17301455

>Whatever is currently on shelves is the last meat grocery stores will get. After its gone, no more meat.

ok boomer.

>> No.17301458

Meat from the butcher next to the supermarket

>> No.17301461

samefag is the same, fag!

>> No.17301468

>shelves are 89% stocked

>> No.17301491

I grab the ¡Rumba! Tripe

>> No.17301512

Imagine being so schizophrenic you think people noticing trends must be some troon samefagging gayops or whatever goes on in your melted brain

>> No.17301518

Just buy a different type of meat. God damn.

Also eggs. Amazing brotein source. The best.

>> No.17301523


>> No.17301526

Those tubes of ground beef.

>> No.17301560

None of my stores don't have meat

>> No.17301572

No meat shortage in leafland

>> No.17301581

>Livestock can't be maintained
What do you mean by this

>> No.17301612

What do you think it means? It costs money to keep livestock. If no one is buying it then they aren't going to keep them alive just for the fucking fun of it. Retard.

>> No.17301624

>There aren't enough workers to drive trucks
damn, auto driving really coulda saved us here

ive thought about being a truck driver for like a year to make some cash and quit, but its literally throwing atleast 1 year of your life away to sit and be alone and stressed about being on time, its also very unhealthy so could also subtract years later down the road

>> No.17301634

Except that you can sell them later. Your doomsaying just seems a little extreme

>> No.17301657

beans with lard
meat from the foodbank
meat from my moms freezer.

>> No.17301692

>seems a little extreme
Except the fact it's already being done.


>> No.17301714

Stores are out?

>> No.17301717

Look at the picture.

>> No.17301722

psyop thread

>> No.17301727

Get off the internet and stop believing MSM. No one I know has dealt with a shortage. I certainly haven’t

>> No.17301728
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>nearly 2 year old article
>2 million unspecified livestock culled
Oh its nothing
>94.4 million head of cattle in USA
>121.3 million hogs slaughtered a year
kys faggot. Its a minor problem

>> No.17301732


>> No.17301743

>nearly 2 year old article
Yeah because the supply chain problems have definitely gotten better not worse since then... (looks at the OP's picture) oh shit...

>> No.17301755
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Nice anecdata, come back with an argument next time nigger

>> No.17301758

I have a chest freezer full of venison and routinely hunt squirrels and rabbits. If I want poultry I just run a turkey over with my truck. Also the mexican grocery store I go to is never out of beef.

>> No.17301761
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Definitely no supply chain issues, nope. This won't cause any problems at all.

>> No.17301765

hunting and fishing

>> No.17301767

America 3rd world country with famine and slums

>> No.17301781

Those articles show a market response to a shortage. There is a minor problem that could develop further, but as you have shown this has resulted in increased recruitment and training. Various industries have labor shortages, its not world ending.

>> No.17301808


Yeah you're right this is completely normal. The shelves are just half empty because uh... well... don't worry about it.

>> No.17301827

GO FUCK YOURSELF SHILL. Two of my brother in laws said they’ve been laid off and their coworkers, all truckers. They cut all the high paid vets and now can’t find immigrants and scabs for $17/hr

>> No.17301832


>> No.17301835

Markets are dynamic, a slight decrease in meat production is again not world ending. Extreme factors(hysterical covid19 response) has resulted in odd market forces coming into play. Expect things to smooth over in the long term
>half empty
I don't believe you. Care to provide proofs?

>> No.17301843

>no one is buying
If no one was buying we wouldn't have a meat shortage

>> No.17301851

The shortage is because it can't get packed and shipped, einstein.

>> No.17301857

offals as long as people realize they actually taste good. Then legumes+pasta, eggs and cheeses.

>> No.17301858

I hate this term but the problem is "corporate greed".
And idk about everywhere else but the state I'm in now requires you to take a long expensive tech college course to get a cdl.

>> No.17301864

>No one is buying
>Packing and shipping is the problem
Which is it??? Kys u fucking dipshit

>> No.17301875

I gave up red meat anyway to do a low-cholesterol diet, so lots of vegetables, non-farm raised salmon, tilapia, chicken breast, occasional fake meat stuff if it's on sale (cuz they're very expensive and I'm not moneybags).

>> No.17301879

I've been trapping rabbits and squirrels

>> No.17301883

What? The "no one" refers to meat distributors. Farmers normally sell to distributors which get it packed and shipped to grocery stores. If the distributors don't buy from farmers then they have no reason to raise livestock and will kill it off. Go be stupid someplace else.

>> No.17301890

Farmers don't send their cattle to auction anymore?

>> No.17301905

I have literally never seen a store be out of meat. Is this some strange European thing

>> No.17301911

You been taking retard pills again?

>> No.17301927

Your point europoor?

>> No.17301971

Combination of widespread covid infections + inclement weather in a lot of states that supply stuff. My local (NJ) ran out of chicken for a day after that big storm hit the southeast a couple weeks ago.

>> No.17301993
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This is correct.

>> No.17302081


>> No.17302093

how feasible/wasteful is it without a dedicated freezer i want to save money not drop a couple grand

>> No.17302110

>Yeah because the supply chain problems have definitely gotten better not worse since then

yes? I mean back in 2020 I would see stores out of meat, water, toilet paper. I havent seen anything like that for over a year

>> No.17302143

No stop. It's bad ok? Tucker Carlson said so and told me that anyone who said otherwise was a socialist illegal immigrant who personally stole my job from the walmart.

>> No.17302163


>> No.17302170
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there's other types of meat available

>> No.17302309

A freezer doesn’t cost a couple grand. What will cost you money is buying a gun and all of the gear, driving to the hunting locations, and getting nothing every time because you suck.

>> No.17302318

you actually can't. It's considered a loss by american beef standards. On top of that western drought conditions have lowered the amount of beef as ranchers couldn't get water let alone alfalfa for their beef

>> No.17302449

Should have stocked up months ago.

>> No.17302454

Where was this exactly? In the past two weeks there were just as many major winter storms across the country, each affecting up to 100 million.
There was obviously going to be a rush.

>> No.17302465

>Giving up red meat to eat talapia
Fucking retard

>> No.17302625

I have a CDL and haven't worked since corona hit, why would anyone drive trucks for $17/hr when you can get paid $15 for a significantly less stressful job anywhere else.

>> No.17302633


>> No.17302638

None of the grocery stores in my area have been running out of things..

YOu live in a shithole.

one of the fastest growing cities in the US and you fuckers need to stop moving here.

>> No.17302640

Well something sure is making people hate democrats at the fastest pace in Gallup polling history so either you're full of shit shills or you are in an extreme minority

>> No.17302642

it's the aliens

>> No.17302644

Wow, I thought truck drivers got paid at least $20. Hell, I personally wouldn't drive a truck for less than $25.

>> No.17302648

He's some retarded Mexican/burnout. A simple milk delivery truck with a predefined local route in my town in the Midwest starts at $28 an hour and they'll even take you without a CDL and lay you to get it.

>> No.17302650

Wow that sounds really nice and totally not made up at all.